the chaos within me

By normal_writer1812

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in the city of Scetas. many people just live their lives in peace. playing duel monster and minding their own... More

scetas city (rewritten again)
the mystery duelist (rewritten)
hanging out with friends, interuptioned
meeting with the enemy
night watchers
a date gone wrong (rewrite again)
the calm before the storm (rewrite)
the man(s) behind the mask
the hunter of nightmares
growing hate
Bird hate

it has only just begun

252 7 0
By normal_writer1812

It was another day for Selen but different, this time she got proper sleep which she thought was never going to happen. But in all seriousness, she felt like today was going to be different than usual, she didn't know but she just knew it would be but she was going to try to not notice it as today was the day she finally got the sleep she wanted so badly. So once she was up, she got out of her bed and changed her pajamas into normal clothes and once she did, she went down

stairs as she was ready for breakfast like usual. As she went downstairs, she saw as her family were in the living room watching the Tv with worried looks. This in turn also made worry as well as she feared the worst already. Maybe this is why she felt different than usual but that's what happens when you're a part of the mafia. That's just how the mafia works.

Selen: hey, why is everyone looking like someone died, what happened?

Elira: look for yourself.

Elira said as she pointed at the Tv. So Selen looked at the Tv to see them watching the news but on the news, there were photos of VFS officers with the word "dead" underneath their photos which frightened Selen.

News reporter: In today's top story, five dedicated VFS officers are feared to have met a tragic fate while in pursuit of a mysterious assailant who had attacked Millie Parfait. Following the unsettling incident, a significant number of VFS officers took to the streets at night, determined to locate the enigmatic individual responsible. However, since that fateful night when they embarked on their mission, these valiant VFS officers have vanished without a trace, leaving their colleagues and the public in a state of uncertainty. It is with heavy hearts that we report that the prevailing belief among their fellow VFS members is that these officers may have fallen victim to the very mystery they sought to unravel.

Selen: oh shit.

Mom: don't curse.

Selen: I'm an adult.

Mom: still though.

Selen just sighs in annoyance though this wasn't something she should be worried about right now. What she should be worried about is the fact that five VFS officers are most likely dead and it's probably because of the hunter which alone should scream killer. Which he was because she had seen him kill people especially when he almost killed her and her friends. Though what bothered her was the fact that the hunter spared Millie which didn't make sense to her for some reason. If he wanted them dead and had the chance to, why didn't he? Luca said it probably because the hunter wanted to leave a message but if he wanted to, why not kill Millie? That would be a more effective message, something was telling her that there was something higher in play here. But before she could think more about it, the news kept on going.

News reporter: In light of the recent developments surrounding the individual believed to be responsible for the disappearance of the VFS officers, who had previously assaulted Millie Parfait, the city of Scetas has taken unprecedented measures to ensure the safety of its residents. In a joint effort between the VFS and the city's administration, a curfew has been implemented, effective immediately. From 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM, citizens are advised to remain indoors, as authorities work tirelessly to apprehend the elusive assailant. This curfew is a proactive measure aimed at safeguarding the community until this mysterious figure is brought to justice. Furthermore, a massive nocturnal patrol operation has been initiated to root out any potential threats lurking in the shadows. The city remains on high alert as it bands together in the pursuit of safety and security for all."

Selen's thought: 'double shit'

Well this was bad for Selen for a lot of reasons. The obvious reason is that being now it was going to be harder to sneak out at night for Selen. Last thing she wanted to be caught by VFS offers especially sneaking out at night, she doesn't want her family figuring out that she might be a part of something bad and by that she means the mafia, the last thing any parents want to find out about their kid is that their a part of the mafia. Though that doesn't mean she wasn't going to try like always. Though she knows she had to be more careful now if she didn't want to be caught. As she thought to herself, her mom turned off the TV and got off of the couch she was sitting on.

Mom: well if the whole city is going on curfew then you two are as well. Both of you aren't allowed to leave after 7 pm to 7 am.

Elira: Really mom!

Mom: Yes really! You saw what the man did to Millie and now he's going around killing people! What happened to Millie was bad enough! I don't want the same thing happening to you or Selen.

Elira: I understand that but are you sure, I had plans to meet up with Pomu.

Mom: Who said you have to cancel with them? You can still meet her, you may just have to change your schedule with each other. I just don't want either of you out at night for too long because you two are the most important thing to ever happen to me so god forbid something happens to you two.

She said as she was indeed very worried for the both of them. She was heartbroken to have heard what had happened to Millie and Enna so she couldn't imagine how her friends felt about it so she didn't want the same thing happening to her daughters.

Selen: okay mom that's fine. We both know that you're just looking at us and we respect that, right Elira.

She said as she walked up to Elira and bumped her on the shoulder which weirder out Elira as usually Selen would be the one rebelling against their mom so seeing her okay with having a stricter curfew was weird to her.

Mom: so, Selen got it and she is supposed to be the chaotic one.

Elira: fine! Whatever, I'll change my schedule with Pomu. I just hope Pomu just doesn't have a stricter curfew than me.

She said as she walked up to her room to call Pomu in private. As she left, Selen just looked at her as she wanted to ask a question.

Selen: Hey mom.

Mom: Yes, Selen.

Selen: If it's okay with you, is it okay that I go to Enna's house so I can meet her in person.

Mom: why can't you go call her?

Selen: Well I just want to see how she's doing and her family because after what happened with Millie, she hasn't been responding to my calls. So because of that, I want to go meet her in person to see if she's doing fine. Is that okay?

Her mom was thinking about as Nina also hasn't been answering her call as well but she just thought she just needed some space but then again it wouldn't hurt to check, plus. Enna and Selen are really good friends with each other so it would make sense that Selen checks on her best friend.

Mom: fine, but be back in 2 hours.

Selen: okay mom.

She said as she went to her room to grab her stuff so she could leave to go meet Enna. The reason she wanted to meet her is because she wanted to make sure that Enna and her family were doing okay but there was another reason. She wanted to ask what kind of cards this hunter was playing as she remembered that Pomu said that not only he had a number card over 100 but also had the name, "Galaxy eyes" in it name. She knows only one person who has "galaxy eyes" so something was telling her that she might know the hunter more personally then she thinks she does, but she needs to make sure if she's going in the right direction so she needs more advice to find out who this hunter is. So she grabbed her stuff and left her home to go meet Enna.

Time skip

Selen had finally reached Enna's house which wasn't too far away from her house so it didn't take her long to get there but despite that, she saw many VFS officers roaming the street so they weren't joking about the fact that they were going to hunt this guy down. Though it also showed her how many VFS officers she needed to sneak by so she doesn't get caught but wasn't something she needed to worry about right now, what she needed to worry about right is Enna and how she's doing, including her family. So once she was at Enna's front door, she knocked on the door hoping to get an answer but she didn't. So she tried again but she knocked even louder to get someone's attention which she did as she heard yelling coming from the house.

Reimu: Get the damn door!

Enna: alright you fucking bitch! I'm going!

selen heard Enna and Reimu arguing with each other like always, this wasn't new to her as in fact, Enna and Reimu argue to each other more than she and Elira arguing which she didn't think was possible. She heard Enna stomping to the door and opening with a saddened face as she looked at the floor, obviously still saddened by what had happened to Millie.

Enna: What do you want?

She said with a sadden voice.

Selen: I want to see how you and your family are doing.

Enna: Well, we're doing fine.

Selen: Well your voice is telling me otherwise.

Enna: Look, can you just leave me alone? I don't want to deal with anyone right now.

Selen: Enna, i'm your friend and as a friend i need to be there for you in your toughest time. I'm just as hurt as you about what had happened to Millie. So can we just talk to each other so we can get through this together.

She said with a worried voice as she wanted to be there for Enna like how everyone had for her. Enna still looked hesitant but she didn't want to deal with Reimu all by herself so she decided to let Selen in.

Enna: fine, but don't yell too much. I'm already dealing with Reimu's screaming so i don't want to deal with yours screaming as well.

Selen: okay.

She said as she entered Enna's house. As she entered her house, Enna and Enna went to the dinner's table to see that Reimu was playing with her food and to see Nina who looked half awake. Right beside Nina was a whole bottle of wine, this wasn't new to Nina as she had to deal with both Enna and reimu at the same time, hell. She remembers when her mom told her stories about Nina when they were younger, her mom told her that she once saw Nina drink 10 whole bottles of wine without passing out or being drunk. But that when she was drinking for fun, now she was drinking to numb the pain that Millie was at the hospital because someone attacked her and assaulted one of her adoptive daughters. So right now she was going through a hard time as this was basically the last thing she wanted to happen especially to her daughters and to Millie who she sometimes considered another daughter to her. Reimu on the other hand also was affected by this, seeing her adoptive sister and her adoptive mother like this was definitely hard to watch especially since they were usually talking to each other. Though it was screaming, it was better than the silence that was going on right now, she loved Enna, Nina, and Millie so hearing what had happened to Millie was hard hitting to her but it was harder seeing her family which was usually hyper genetic now being depressed was harder to watch. Even though she hated getting into arguments with them, she would much prefer them arguing then being silent all day. Though she was there to at least try to cheer them up the best she could do, she knew that couldn't instantly make them better but she was going to do her absolute best to comfort them during these hard times.

Selen: Hey, how are you guys doing right now.

Reimu: how do you think we're feeling right now?

She said, raising her voice showing aggression towards Selen.

Nina: Honey please, she's just here to make sure we're fine.

She said with a pleading voice to Reimu which she understood.

Reimu: Okay mom. Sorry Selen, I'm just not feeling it right now.

Selen: yeah i can tell, i ain't either.

Nina: So why are you here honey, did your mom send you here?

Selen: no, I came here willingly by myself to see how you guys are doing right now and so far, i can tell you guys aren't feeling the greatest.

Enna: no shit sherlock. I feel like shit.

Reimu: We all feel like shit Enna, it's not just you.

Enna: yeah i know whatever.

She said as she went to sit down at the dinner table. Usually she would argue with Reimu but today wasn't the day to do so. As Enna sat down, so did Selen as she wanted to be there with them.

Selen: I know how you feel, Millie was my friend too so hearing her getting hurt really hurt me as well.

Enna: oh yeah, does it. Of course it does, why wouldn't it hurt.

She said with an annoyed voice.

Reimu: jes, she just wants to make sure that you're feeling alone on this, you don't have to be a bitch about it.

Enna: oh i know, it's just that it's not helping me right now.

Reimu: jes bitch! We get it! You're hurt about it but we all are! You're not the only one who knows and cares about Millie! We all do! We all are in pain because of what happened to Millie!

Enna: But I was there! I was there when Millie was hurt! Unlike you I could have done something to protect her but I failed to do so! What kind of friend am I if I can't protect my friend from some random asshole!

She yelled back at Reimu not wanting to deal with her shit today.

Selen: you're still a good friend Enna, the fact that you're willing to risk your life for Millie should tell you that you cared for her.

Enna: But I still failed her! If i was a really good friend i wouldn't have let this happen to her at all! If i was her friend and soon to be girlfriend i would have protected her from that mysterious asshole and dueled him, not Millie!

Selen: do you really think you could have stopped this from happening, i've seen Millie duel and so do you. So by now you should know that Millie is a stronger duelist than you so if she couldn't win against this guy, what makes you wonder that you could have defeated him in any way!

Enna: it's not about winning it's about taking the fall for Millie!

She said screaming as she got up from her seat to yell.

Selen: Then Millie would be the one suffering just like you are right now so do you want her to feel the same way you are right now!

She said screaming back Enna which seemed to snapped her out of it for a bit. Enna would never want Millie to feel any sort of pain because of her actions, she would never want to be the reason she felt any type of pain at all.

Enna: no, no i don't.

She said as she started to calm down.

Selen: I know you feel like you failed to be there for Millie, trust me. I failed to be there for someone else in my life, but you can't just stay here wallowing in pain being a bitch all day. What happened has happened and all we can do now is hope for the best for Millie. I promise you, Millie is a strong girl so I know she can get through this, just like you can. Remember what you two are, you're the two gremlins and as two gremlins, if the other can get through something then the other one can as well. So I know both you and Millie can get through this together. We all can.

She said trying her absolute best to comfort Enna down. She knew deep down that nothing could fully make her comfortable in the situation she was in right now but she knew she could soften up the situation the best she could for Enna. It was the least thing she could do for Enna and her family. After talking for a bit, Enna seemed to calm down a bit as she sat down and took her seat.

Selen: Are you feeling better now?

Enna: a little.

She said in a soft voice.

Selen: good, that good. I like to hear that.

She said to Enna, once Enna had calmed down, she then walked over Nina who still looked a little bit tired after drinking a bit too much.

Selen: Nina, we both know drinking isn't helping the situation.

Nina: It helps me.

Selen: But is it helping Reimu or Enna?

She said to her as Nina then started to look at her daughters.

Selen: I know Millie was like another daughter to you, but drinking to numb the pain is not going to change the fact that Millie is in the hospital and that both of your daughters need you right now. So for god sakes, lower down on the wine just for this one moment.

She said Nina didn't respond or move but Selen knew that Nina was listening even if she didn't seem to be. After she was done with her, Selen then walked back to Enna to ask the question she was there to ask.

Selen: Enna, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of cards was this guy playing?

Enna: why do you want to know?

Selen: I don't, just in case he comes for me.

She lied to Enna.

Enna: Okay, from what I saw, he played number cards. Cards that helped him XYZ summon faster and to summon his stronger monsters.

Selen: But what monster cards did he use to XYZ summon.

Enna: If I can remember correctly, I think his monster cards were called "photon" and "galaxy" cards.

Selen knows those cards, those cards in her past. Those cards belong to someone that had faith in her, only for her to destroy it.

Selen: thanks for telling me this. I wish I could stay here much longer but my mom wants me to come back in 2 hours so I should probling get going before I make her pissed, and trust me. Making her piss is the last thing I want to do.

Nina: I understand that, trust me honey. I remember the last time I made her piss.

She was obviously joking.

Selen: Yeah, that's why I got to go. See you guys later, just hang in there.

She said as she then walked out of their house leaving them behind. Once she was gone, Reimu got up from her seat and walked up to Enna and hugged her.

Reimu: I know how it feels, trust me. It hurted me a lot to even hear her getting hurt by someone.

Enna: no shit, you didn't get any sleep at all when you found out Millie was hurt.

Reimu: because I care for her, and for you. I just want to make sure that you're doing fine as well.

Enna: I know, and I hate you, but I guess I somewhat maybe a little bit not sure not 100 percent sort of love you more then I hate you.

She said as she started to hug Reimu back. They both started to embrace each other and as they embraced each other, Nina got up from her seat and walked up to them and embraced the both of them to show them that she loved them all no matter what and the fact they'll get through this together.

Time skip

It was night time, there were a bunch of VFS officers patrolling at night trying to look for the hunter who was still out there , probably hurting people. Waiting for his next victim. Despite this, this didn't stop Selen going outside sneaking out her parent's house as always, she was going to Luca's base like always. Though she had to be more sneaker than usual as she didn't want to be caught by the VFS officer, in worse case scenarios, she got caught and they her parents where she'll never hear the end of it. Even worse case scenarios, they find that she's a part of the mafia which is something she never wanted to ever happen. So she needed to be very careful to not be caught by the VFS officers at all but also be careful that she doesn't run into the hunter as she wasn't sure if she was ready to take him on yet, that would have to wait until she believed she was ready to fight him. So to stay out of sight, she was running from building to building, out of sight of the VFS officers who were on ground. There were helicopters but they weren't too close to her so she didn't need to worry too much about them. As she was running on building, she was also on the phone with Pomu who was also sneaking out of her parents as well.

Selen: So how are you doing right now?

She said talking to Pomu who was on the phone.

Pomu: fine, so far. How are you?

Selen: good as well, all i need to worry about is encountering the hunter.

Pomu: Well I should be more worried about it because he kicked my ass last time we dueled.

Selen: yeah i know.

Pomu: So how are your parents reacting to the curfew?

Selen: well they understood it, they understood it too much as she now gave me a curfew from 7 pm to 7 am.

Pomu: shit, you got it easy, my parents give me a curfew from 6 pm to 7 am.

Selen: shit, your parents must be paranoid.

Pomu: yeah they are! They worried so much about me which is good because that is what parents should be doing. But I think they are a bit too paranoid, apparently they had a dream where i was attacked just like Millie.

Selen: Well let's hope that stays as a dream because with the hunter at there killing people, that dream could be true.

Pomu: Yeah, I hope so too. But I hope with this new deck that elira helped me build, I think I can take this guy on. Because with me and Elira, we are an unstoppable force of nature. We are like romeo and juliet, the bonnie and clyde—

Selen: yeah i get it, you want to bang my sister so badly. You don't have to be so horny about it every time you mention each other.

Pomu: I'm sorry but it's hard not to boast about a perfect relationship, besides at least I'm bold enough to admit there is a relationship between me and Elira unlike you and Finana.

Selen: shut up.

She said on her phone, but then she heard something. It sounded like a large slash of some kind and it sounded like it was nearby her. So she turned her head toward the direction where she heard the slash and when she did, she saw a glowing red light coming from an alleyway which wasn't a good sign.

Selen: hold, i think i found something.

Pomu: really? What did you find?

Selen: I don't know but i'm going to send my location to you just in case for backup, i'm going to go and check it out.

She said as she hung up the phone and sent Pomu her location. Once she then started to run towards the locations where she saw the red glowing light coming from. Once she reached the roof above the alleway where the right came from. She looked underneath to see a VFS officer on the ground seemingly losing a duel against someone. The VFS officer looked really hurt from the duel which worried Selen a lot, so when she went to look at the person who dueled the VFS officer, she was surprised to see that it was someone in a brown suit with a mask on his face, this person was definitely not the hunter but still seemed to be dangerous. Especially since this person was starting to walk up to the VFS who didn't look like was still conscious at all. So not wanting anything bad to happen to the VFS officer at all, she decided to jump down from the building and get between the VFS officer and the masked man to stop him from harming the VFS officer.

Selen: stop right there! If you want to hurt him, then you go to get through me first.

She said to the masked man who didn't respond at all to her.

Selen: not much of a talk aren't you. Doesn't matter, I'll make you talk once I beat you in a duel!

She said as she took out her duel disk as she was ready to duel the masked man and it seemed that the masked duelist was ready to duel as well once he took out his duel disk.

Selen: hm, that's what i thought.

She said as she was ready to duel.

Masked man/Selen: duel!

Masked man: First I summon rescue bunny to the field.

rescue bunny Lv 3 Atk/300 Def/100

Masked man: then i'm activating its effect, by banishing it. I can special summon two normal monsters of the same name from my deck so I'm special summoning two queen's knight to my field.

Queen's knight 1 Lv 4 Atk/1500 Def/1600

Queen's knight 2 Lv 4 Atk/1500 Def/1600

Masked man: Next up, I'm going to set the overlay network with these two cards to XYZ summon, comic hero king arthur!

comic hero king arthur Rank 4 Atk/2400 Def/1200 OLU: 2

Masked man: then I set three cards face down and end my turn.

Masked man's hand size: 1

Selen: Well this doesn't look too hard, I can denfelty handle you. I draw!

Selen's hand size: 6

Selen: First of all, I activate the spell card dragon shrine! What this card lets me do is that i can send one dragon monster from my deck to my graveyard so that card i'm sending is blue eyes white dragon!

She said as she sent blue-eyed white dragon to the graveyard yard.

Selen: That's not all because if the card I send was a normal monster then i can send another dragon monster from my deck to the graveyard so this time i'm sending the white stone of legend from my deck to the graveyard!

She said as she sent the white stone of legend to her graveyard.

Selen: Now I activate "the white stone of legend" in my graveyard! If "the white stone of legend" is sent to my graveyard, I can add one "blue eyes white dragon" from my deck to my hand!

She said as she added Blue eyes white dragon to her hand.

Selen's hand size: 6

Selen: next i'm activating blue eyes alternative white dragon ability in my hand! By revealing a blue-eyed white dragon in my hand, I can summon him to the field!

blue eyes alternative white dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000 Def/2500

Selen: while on the field or in the graveyard his name becomes "blue eyes white dragon" but that is not all. Once per turn, I can target one monster you control and destroy so I'm destroying comic hero King arthur!

Masked man: i activate my trap card, XYZ reflect! When a spell, trap, or monster effect is activated that targets a face up XYZ monster on the field, I negate the activation and if I do. I can destroy it then I can inflict 800 damage to you.

The masked man as Selen's monster was destroyed.

Selen's Lp: 4,000 - 3,200

Selen: Whatever, I activate the spell card silver's cry which lets me special summon any normal dragon from my graveyard so I'm bringing back blue eyes white dragon back from the grave! Witness one of my strongest monsters!

Blue eyes white dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000 Def/2500

Selen: Now I'm going to activate the spell card, ancient rules! This card lets me special summon one level 5 or higher normal monster from my hand so I'm special summoning another Blue eyes white dragon from my hand!

Blue eyes white dragon 2 Lv 8 Atk/3000 Def/2500

Selen: Next up, I'm going to normal summon "the white stone of ancients" to my field!

the white stone of ancients Lv 1 tuner Atk/600 Def/500

Selen: now i'm going to tune level one "the white stone of ancients" with level 8 Blue eyes white dragon to synchro summon! I synchro summon Vermillion dragon mech!

Vermillion dragon mech Lv 9 Atk/2700 Def/1800

Selen: Now I'm activating his effect! By banishing one tuner monster from hand, field, or graveyard then I can target one card on the field and destroy it! So I'm banishing "the white stone of legend" from my graveyard to destroy your monster!

Masked man: I activated my other trap card! XYZ block! When my opponent activates a monster effect! I can detach one overlay unit from an XYZ monster i control to negate the activation then if i do, it is destroyed!

comics hero king arthur Rank 4 Atk/2400 Def/1200 OLU: 2 - 1

Then Selen's synchro monster was destroyed

Selen: Whatever, I'm still going to win! Let's battle now! Go blue-eyes white dragon! White lighting!

She commanded her monster which shot lightning out of its mouth ready to destroy the masked man's monster.

Masked man: I activate comics hero king Arthur's ability! If he would be destroyed by battle! I can detach one overlay unit to give it 500 attack points and then deal 500 damage to you!

comics hero king arthur Rank 4 Atk/2400-2900 Def/1200 OLU: 1-0

Selen's Lp: 3,200 - 2,700

Selen: doesn't matter! Your monster is still destroyed!

She said as her monster destroyed his monster.

Masked man's Lp: 4,000 - 3,900

Masked man: I activated my other trap card! XYZ reborn! I can target one XYZ monster in my graveyard and special summon it and if I do, I can attach XYZ Reborn to it as material!

Selen: You gotta be kidding me.

She said as comics hero king Arthur was brought back from the graveyard.

comics hero king arthur Rank 4 Atk/2400 Def/1200 OLU: 0 - 1

Selen: fine, i set one card and end my turn.

Selen's hand size: 0

Selen: but because of that i ended my turn, "the white stone of ancients" effect activate in the graveyard, during the end phase, the turn this card was sent to the graveyard, i can special summon one blue eyes monster from my deck so i'm bring out another blue eyes white dragon to the field!

Blue eyes white dragon Lv 8 Atk/3000 Def/2500

Selen: Now it's your turn.

Masked man: I draw.

Masked man's hand size: 2

As the masked man drew a card, the man then started to glow red which in turn started to creep Selen out as this was something she didn't expect to happen.

Selen: What the hell?

Masked man: now it's time to destroy you! I'm activating rank up magic bahrain's force!

Selen: rank up magic.

She said in shock as he had a rank up magic.

Masked man: i use it to rank up comics hero king arthur into it most powerful form! It chaos form! I rebuilt the Overlay network! Rank up evolution! I summon CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur!

The masked man screamed as his monster started to glow bright red and so did he. This was scaring Selen a bit as this wasn't something she expected from just a random guy at all. She watched as his monster was consumed by bright red and transformed into something more powerful.

CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur Rank 5 Atk/3000 Def/2400 OLU: 2

Selen was shocked to see the monster in front of her, it definitely looked more powerful than it originally did but she wondered what kind of card was this, she had never seen a card like this before.

Masked man: next I'm equipping it with XYZ unit, the equip XYZ card gains 200 attack point time to it rank.

CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur Rank 5 Atk/3000 - 4,000 Def/2400

Masked man: now attack! Destroy her monster!

The masked man commenced his monster which it did, CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur destroyed one of Selen's blue eyes.

Selen's Lp: 2,700 - 1,700

Masked man: now it's over! I activated CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur's ability! By detaching one overlay unit, the destroyed monster that CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur destroys is banished instead and you take damage equal to its attack point!

Selen: no you won't! I'm activating my trap card! Infinite impermanence! I can target one face up monster card you control and negate its effect!

She said as CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur was negated.

Masked man: you only delay the inevitable, i end my turn.

Masked man's hand size: 0

Selen: Then it's my turn! I draw!

Selen's hand size: 1

Selen the card: I drew is monster reborn! I'm using it to bring the Vermillion dragon back from the grave!

Vermillion dragon mech Lv 9 Atk/2700 Def/1800

Selen: you remember what it does! I'm banishing "the white stone of ancient" from my graveyard to destroy one of your monsters! So say goodbye to CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur!

She said as her monster destroyed CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur

Selen: Now let's battle! Go Vermillion dragon mech! Attack him directly!

Masked man's Lp: 3,900 - 1,200

Selen: Now go! Blue eyes white dragon! White lighting!

She commanded her monster to do the finishing blow.

Masked man's Lp: 1,200 - 0

Selen's win

Once Selen won the duel, the masked man hit the ground from the attack which caused him to go unconscious. Once Selen realized this, she took the chance to capture the masked man and bring him back to Luca for integration. So she walked up to him ready to only see bright red and blue light coming from behind her following the sound of sirens.

Selen: shit!

She said realizing she could be caught. So she quickly grabbed the man and put him on her shoulder, she then looked around trying to find a way to escape so she wouldn't get caught by VFS officers. As she looked around, she saw a ladder to the roof but it could be hard since she had a man on her shoulder but it was her only escape. She quickly ran up to the ladder and started to climb it as fast as she could as the sirens got closer. As climbed up the ladder, she felt the man lifted away from her so she looked up to see it was Pomu who was taking him away from her to help her out.

Pomu: grab my hand! Hurry!

She said as she had the man on her shoulder now. Selen heard the sirens coming closer so she quickly grabbed Pomu's hand who lifted her up to the rooftop of the building safely away from the VFS officer's sight.

Pomu: you good?

Selen: yeah, thanks to you.

Pomu: That's great to hear, so who is this guy?

Selen: I don't know, but I feel like he's a ticket to answers of who we're up against.

Pomu: really? Then let go and bring him back to Luca.

Selen: That's what I'm hoping to do.

Pomu: Then let's go.

Pomu said as they both started to run on the roof and go to where luca was so they could question the masked man to hopefully find some answers.

And for Selen, to hopefully find who she was looking for. 

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