
By Wildfire31

149K 7.1K 213

Riki is their Queen without a King and that makes her weak. Then she discovers her mate, Gabriel, is a werew... More

Standing: Warning Adult Menege Chapter 1: Twenty Lashes
Chapter 1.5: This is a naughty part
Chapter 2: News
Chapter 3: Lucas White Leopard Meets His Match
Chapter 4: Ash Discovers a Secret
Naughty!!!! Chapter 4.5: Naughty!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Dream Sharing: Warning Adult Situation in this Chapter
Chapter 6: Gifts
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 6.5:Naughty!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Fights
Chapter 8: Torn
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 8.5 Torn: Naughty!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Getting to know each other
Chapter 10: A little bit of courage
Naughty!!!!Chapter 10.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 11: Blood is thicker than water
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 1
Naughty!!!Chapter 12 Didn't See That Coming Part 2 Naughty!!!
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 3
Chapter 13: How do you know what to fight for?
Chapter 14: A voice in the Dark
Naughty!!!! Chapter 14.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 15: The G.A stands for WHAT!!!!!
Chapter 16: Testosterone
Chapter 17: Alone Time
Chapter 18: Genie in a Bottle
Naughty!!!!Chapter 18.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 19: Freaky Friday For The Leopards And The Wolves
Chapter 21: Stand
Chapter 22: All or Nothing

Chapter 20: Ooohhh Suki Suki!!!!!

2.5K 172 7
By Wildfire31

A/N: I've decided I'm going to connect my stories together and there will be some cross overs in the next couple of chapters.




I stand with my arms crossed, glaring at my bedroom door. Logically I knew why I couldn't be in there but dammit I should be there. I just wish I was normal. I wish....sighing I stop my inner monologue and turn from the door to stride across the room. Dropping to my knees I dig through my closet until I find it.

Smiling I pull out the photo album with pictures in it. Leaning back I open it to a picture of Liam with that infamous grin on his face, his red hair blowing behind him as he threw his arms wide. He looked carefree, he looked happy, unlike now. I hadn't seen him smile since he had told me he was my mate and then told Gabe and Luke that they might have to kill him. I sigh and wipe away a stray tear as I turn the page to Riki. She's sitting in the grass. Her eyes are filled with mirth as she stares into the camera. Gabe is behind her watching, always watching. I turn the page again to mom.

She's sitting on the couch, her eyes serene, with dad's arm wrapped around her. He had love in his eyes but that was before he became Jack. I sigh and turn back to Liam using my finger to trace the outline of his features. I had six albums filled with pictures of all of them, my family. Hearing a noise I stand and whirl to see Liam in the doorway. I hadn't heard him open it. As he steps in my room I quickly hide the album behind my back but my hands are shaking and I drop it.

I look down to see it has fallen open to the first picture of Liam. I gasp as he goes to pick it up for me and I quickly push his hands away and grab it myself. Standing, I clutch the album to my chest, my face on fire as I avoid his eyes. For a moment the only sound is our breathing then he reaches out and puts his hand underneath my chin, forcing me to look at him. His emerald eyes meet mine as I look at his features.

"Why are you hiding that?" I'm so entranced by his eyes that I answer without thinking.

"Jack doesn't like it when I have personal things. If he finds them he'll....." Liam's eyes burn with fury as I bite down on my lip to stop the words. I can almost taste his anger when he speaks.

"Where is HE?" Shaking I shrug and look towards the doorway, wondering if I can make it before he loses his temper. I trust him but....He must have seen the look in my eyes because when he speaks his tone has softened.

"Ash..." I shake my head and interrupt him.

"How is she?" Liam grins as if suddenly remembering something.

"I was praying and the Goddess said she had a gift for you but there is only one way I can deliver it." I look at him, puzzled.

"What?" And then his mouth came down on mine. I stiffened until his tongue swept over my lips and my mouth parted to give him access as I moan. Dropping the album I wrap my arms around his shoulders and press into him. I feel something hot, low in my belly and then I feel the Goddess's gift flow through me and I collapse into Liam. I tuck my face in his neck, breathing in his scent, as I gasp for breath, my body trembling, until finally I speak.

"What...was...that?" I can feel his breath, hot against my neck.

"Which part? The kiss or the gift?" I pause and smile against his neck before I speak.

"Both." He chuckles, his voice low as his chest rumbles, letting me know he's pleased by my answer.

"The kiss is what kissing your MATE feels like and the gift was to put your Bezerker powers on hold until one hour after Riki gives birth. The Goddess felt your plea and she has granted you this gift. She said there will be a price but that is for another time and is between you and her." Throwing my head back I howl my happiness. I go to rush out of the room but stop and whirl to give an amused Liam a kiss on the lips before I run from the room, giggling. 


If this didn't hurt so bad I'd probably be giggling at the two men by my sides not to mention Kade, who look liked he wanted to pass out. The only calm one is Phelan. I glance over at him then back to Luke and Gabe.

"Guys go get the doctor and my things. Phelan and Kade got this til you get back. We'll wait for you outside the Ascension room." They start to speak but I shake my head.

"I have to talk to Phelan and Gabe needs to find where Liam went off too but hurry." They both nod as Luke scoops me up and kisses me on the cheek then sets me in Phelan's arms. His eyes darken as he meets Phelan's eyes and he growls softly at Phelan while Gabe kisses me. Then both men turn and leave as I sigh in relief. Pushing my hair behind my ear I look up at Phelan.

"Can you put me down now? I'm leaking all over you." He stops and looks down at me then shrugs and sets me down. I glance over at Kade, who's white as a sheet.

"Once we get to the waiting chamber I need you to give Phelan and I, a second." He hesitates then nods. As soon as we make it to the waiting room I turn to Phelan as Kade leaves the room. I start to speak as a contraction starts and I bite my lip and lower my head as I wait for the roll of pain to end. I didn't even notice that Phelan had led me over to a bench off to the side until he sets me down. When the pain starts to ebb I look up at him as I grip his arms with my hands. My voice is low and calm as I speak but I knew my eyes give my true feelings away.

"If something happens you have to promise to keep them safe, no matter what." He tilts his head, his dark eyes meeting mine. Then he bows his head in agreement. "Whenever we go in the Ascension chamber you and Kade will stay out here with the other guards. Do not let anyone else by. Give them a warning to stay back but if anyone else comes close, use your powers and STOP them. Jarek has too much magic to risk him getting close. I can't guarantee that the Ascension doors will hold against him." I grip his arms tighter as he continues to look at me. I start to say something else but Phelan beats me to it.

"Your babies are important Riki. They must live despite the cost to my soul, I understand that." He pauses and when he speaks it's gravelly as if he's trying not to cry. "Your their mother, that's what you do. Protect them and love them, no matter what. I will protect your family Riki with all I am." I stand and kiss him on the cheek before I speak again.

"Our family, brother. OUR family." He smiles a genuine smile and I'm startled by how much it changes his appearance.

"As you say my Queen." I smack his arm and gasp as another contraction hits and I know their getting closer together as I lay a hand on my belly and rub it. There is a commotion in the hall as the doors burst open and Phelan turns from me to face it. I keep my hand on his arm as I continue to ride out the contraction. When I open my eyes the room is cold and dark as Phelan's powers start to flow from him. My hand convulses on his arm as I speak.

"Phelan, who is it?" His back is stiff as he pulls his power back and the lights come back on to reveal Luke, Gabe, Ash, Liam, and Daddy. My eyebrow raises in confusion as Phelan speaks to Luke.

"I'm sorry for the hold up. I wanted to check and make sure it is really you and not Jarek." They both nod as Phelan steps aside and both men hug me close. Luke begins rubbing my back as Gabe starts rubbing my belly. I start to ask Ash and Daddy why they're here as a contraction hits and I gasp. Daddy frowns and walks forward. It's then I notice he's carrying a black bag with him. I start to speak but instead groan as the contraction pulses through me. When it finally stops I'm panting as I speak.

"No way. You are not doing this. Your my DAD and I'" I look at him but he just smiles and shakes his head as he Luke....over my if I'm....not....there. Before I realize it I have him by the shirt and am lifting him off the ground as I growl at him.

"I am right..." I pause and shake him roughly. " I am the one doing this..." I shake him again and he winces. "I am the one who's doing the pushing...." I shake him once more then drop him to the floor. "...not Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dinkle so I would appreciate it if you didn't talk over my head like I'm not here." I brush out my dress as I look over at Ash, who's grinning widely.

"You are so awesome sis." I roll my eyes and shrug then lean back into Gabe and Luke as Daddy stands. His hairs askew and he's blushing bright red.

"You'd think I'd learn my lesson when it comes to pregnant Weres. Your mother did the exact same thing to me when she was pregnant with you...for the same reason. I'm sorry Riki but I'm the only one your mates trust to do this." I nod.

"You should have said that to begin with but you will NEVER speak of this again." I turn and face the ascension doors with my mates. I reach down and grasp their hands. "This is it. One way or another we won't leave this room until I have my cubs and bond with them." I take a deep breath and look around the room. "Phelan and Kade are going to stand guard outside the room. Ash I don't..." She smiles and rushes forward to hug all three of us without flinching as she touches my mates. I blink at the happy expression on her face.

"A gift from the Goddess. I can come. I have until an hour after your birth until my Bezerker powers come back." I smile and nod but don't say anything. Sooner or later she's going to realize why she's a Bezerker and it's going to eat her up inside. I look back to the door and speak the words.

"I, Queen Realtin of the Leopard clan, am having my cubs. Open for the birthing ceremony so that no harm may come to my cubs until they first bond with me." Slowing the doors open to reveal a room painted in soft blue and white. There are cots off to the side and chairs off to the left. At the back of the room is a huge bed where I'll be giving birth to my cubs. A shiver of fear goes through me because I know I have to push out at least one cub before the C-section.

There is no way I can give birth to six cubs. I fear for my cubs as we step forward and the doors shut behind us. My eyes stay connected to Phelan's until the door cuts us off. Ash grasps me and pulls me off to a room on the right where I can take off my dress and put on one of Luke's t-shirts. I only have to stop twice for contractions. When we are done Ash yells for Luke who scoops me up and carries me to the bed. I roll my eyes as he arranges me on the bed and Daddy walks over.

"Do you want anything for the pain? They'll go through your system fast but..." I shake my head, interrupting him.

"No, I'm good. Just get on with it." He nods and looks at Luke and Gabe. They are both frowning.

"Riki..." I growl at them and they stare at me.

"Shut up. My body, my pain, my choice. So stuff it." I point my finger at my chest as I speak and they just blink and look at Daddy, who clears his throat before he speaks.

"Yes, well, I need you to scoot to the end of the bed. I need to see how far you've dilated." I glare at him as Luke helps me to the end of the bed. Everything is silent as Daddy checks me and I continue to growl softly under my breath. Jeez I am going to have nightmares about this. When he's done he takes off the gloves and looks at me. He's grinning.

"You're ready to push Riki. Boys if you'll each hold up a leg." He waits for them to obey then speaks again. "Alright now Riki when your contraction comes I want you to push and boys don't get too..." His words are cut off as a contraction tears through and I lean forward to push. I reach out to grasp the edge of the bed and bear down as I push. It isn't until the contraction is over that I realize that I'm not holding onto the bed but Luke's thigh. His face is pale and I can see holes in his pants where my claws got him. I start to speak but another contraction hits and I bear down as I push again. I vaguely hear the yelp as I push. The contraction wanes and I blink at the pale expression on Gabe's face as I look down at his hand that I'm clutching. It appears I've broken it. He doesn't say anything as he swiftly pulls his hand away. I start to apologize as another contraction hits and I push again. After pushing to more times I can't stand it anymore. Luke and Gabe have been murmuring encouragements the whole time and they are seriously starting to piss me off. When I speak it's at a roar.

"Would you to shut up! This is all your fault! I want to take your dicks and shove them..." My roar reverberates through the room and abruptly cuts off as a contraction hits and Daddy says.

"Riki, I see a head." I forget everything else and soon enough I manage to push out a cub. I watch through the tears as Daddy washes the baby off. I reach out a hand and start to speak as another contraction hits me and I black out. My body falling limply onto the bed.


I watch in awe as Riki gives birth, the hours flying by. I barely realize when Liam grasps my hand, the only sign being the sparks that fly between our joined hands. When she pushes out the baby I squeal in happiness as Luke and Gabe watch Coner wipe the baby clean. I glance over to Riki just as she collapses on the bed.

"Gabe, Luke!" I rush to the bed as Gabe sweeps Riki into his arms and carries her over to a surgical table set up in the corner. I blanch as Coner sets out surgical implements and walks over to the sink to wash his hands. I notice both Gabe and Luke are trembling with the urge to shift and I quickly walk over to them and take the babe out of Luke's hands and hand it to Liam. Liam looks at me oddly but doesn't comment as I hand him the cub. I still haven't asked what sex the baby is. Then I reach out and grasp Luke and Gabe's hand, tugging at them.

"Brothers?" The quiver in my voice betrays my nervousness as both men turn and look down at me. I blush and stammer. "Maybe I should watch over Riki while you two keep an eye on the baby?" Both of them raise a brow but don't say anything. I start to pull my hands from theirs but they grip it tighter. I look up to see both of them watching me with warm expressions.

"Thank you sister. Our beasts are precariously close to the edge and it would comfort us to know you're watching her." I smile at Luke's words and nod as Gabe speaks.

"We'll sit over here and watch the cub." I nod and walk over to where Coner and Riki are. As Coner starts to work on Riki Liam helps by setting out a crib for the cubs. Ordinarily you would use a bassinet but with the Goddesses gift we were unsure of when the cubs would turn into their beasts. It all depended on how powerful they were. So for their safety they're using a crib.  

As Coner handed Liam the last of the cubs as I clutch at Riki's limp hands. My lip trembled as I realize that Riki shouldn't have stayed completely out of it for all that. After Coner has finished sewing her up her looks up and meets my eyes as the whole room seems to freeze.

"Body wise she's healthy but for some reason she isn't waking up and I think somehow Jarek is behind this." I gasp as something occurs to me.

"But...Coner the doors won't open until she wakes up and bonds with the babies." Coner nods and looks at me quizzically. Liam is the first to get it as he walks over and hugs me to him. I start to sob as he tells Coner what's wrong.

"In an hour her Bezerker powers will come back and with all of Riki's blood.....I don't know....she might..." I look over Liam's shoulder to Gabe and Luke.

"If Riki hasn't woken up in a hour then you may have to kill me or I might go crazy and kill EVERYONE in this room except Riki." Luke and Gabe stare into my eyes as Liam clutches me tighter and buries his face in my neck.

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