The Fairy Of Love And War

By Lazy_Sloth120

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She is the only daughter of Head Master Saladin of Red Foutain, and cousin of Helia. She is the Fairy of the... More

Character Profiles/Introductions
Character Introductions/Profiles PT.2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 + 10K Special Chapter

Chapter 11

681 25 13
By Lazy_Sloth120

"The Planet Hestia"

After her abrupt appearance, Headmistress Faragonda left as quickly as she came. Leaving behind a class full of girl hushing whispers to one another. Many were confused as to what just happened, many were surprised and others were jealous. I could feel all the confilted stares pierce through my back, and as unconformable as it felt. I forced my head to remain high, and my face stoic. Trying my best to act as though none of this bothered me, but it did.

All of this. The atmosphere. The whispers. Me standing alone at the front, feeling as though I'm bare. The memories of back then flashing through my mind. The pain, the endless feeling of loneliness all rushing back. Everyone in the class snickering at me as all I could do was lower my head in shame and embarrassment.

However Professor Palladium exclamation of class being over, snapped me out of it before my mind can wander far into the past. The elf grabbed his stuff, and strided out of the classroom, a couple of girls following on out of him. But not before throwing one last look at me. The girls wasted no time in getting out of their seats and rushing down the stairs towards me.

All of them formiga sort of semi-circle in front of me. My eyes still casted downwards but I still notice the worry on their face. "Athena" hesitantly calls Bloom. Hearing the concern in her voice causes a painful pang at my heart. I promised myself to never let other worry about me, so why am I acting like this? Forcing all the purging feeling and thoughts deep down within me, I look up with a small smile on my face. "It's fine. I should've expected that she'd have something up her sleeve" I huff a little.

"Are you sure that you're okay Athena?" asks Flora."You can talk to us, we're you friends" adds Musa. The other girls nodded in agreement to their statements. "I am absolutely fine you guys, just a little surprised. but thank you anyways" I reassure. "Alright if you say so" sighs Tecna. And I sigh a little of relief on the inside that they ha dropped it and not asked about the Headmistress might of menat. Faragonda seriously fucked me over in doing that, I did my absolute best in laying low and it was working absolutely fine. No one had realised. But now. Everyone know.

I mean yeah they don't know the full thing, and I am so glad that it wasn't mentioned or else I'd be in some deep shit. But the amount that she did reveal is already enough, it already means its not gonna be long before everyone learns the truth. Although I've seen how no one would view me differently like last time, the experience from the past is still bringing out the fear in me. Besides I've let this lie go on for too long to go back now.

"I should probably go to the Headmistress to get the detail of my exam." I sigh, slumping my shoulders. Already feeling tired and my exam/mission hadn't even started. "We'll walk you" smiled Bloom, and the other nodded in agreement. I chuckled a little before we all walked out of the class and ino the halls. Making our way through them to reach the office. I was at the front with Musa and Flora on either side of me. The three of us laughing at the scene behind of us. Where Tecna and Bloom had to practically drag a tired Stella down the halls.

It was then that I suggested they should all just head on back to the dorm, and I'll come back and tell them everything. They agreed, and they all helped carry the blonde princess back to the dorms to rest. I went one way they went another. It didn't take long before I stood in front of the large doors of her office.

I took in a deep breath before slowly exhaling it. Calming down my racing heart, and trying to suppress my frustration towards the grey haired lady. Lashing out at her now won't be doing me any good. As I raised my hand to the door handle too open iot, the door opens by itself. Revealing Ms Faragonda, standing in front of me with a smile on her face. "I was wondering when you would arrive" She comments. Walking away and towards her desk. Taking a seat in her large armchair , when I walk in and shut the door behind me.

"What you did then was unnecessary. I told you about how I wanted to keep everything a secret and you've just disrespected my wishes" I say sternly, turning my eyes into small slit. Stalking my way up to the other side of the desk. "I understand that you are upset with me dear, and I'm sorry that what I had done has offended you" she apologises with her hands clasped at her back. "But your not sorry for wast you've done" I point out, folding my arms over my chest. "I am not" ,she agrees shamelessly with a small nod, "Athena you are a child of greatness, and I have seen that since you were young. You have promising abilities, and it is a true waste in hiding it. The whole point of Alfea is for fairies to find their true potential but that can not happen when you are purposefully suppressing your magic."

Offended I drop my arms to the side and glare at the women in front of me, ?"I have no-" but before I got the chance to finish she cut me off. "Lying to yourself won't do any good my dear. " she sighs and it immediately shuts me up. Now thinking and releasing of all the times I've consciously and even subconsciously suppressed my powers. "Tell me. Whenever ever you us any sort of big spell do you experience any sort of recoil?" she asks. "I mean yeah, when I use it in there separate elements" I reply. "I don't' mean that. That is a mystery in itself. I am talking about your full power" Faragonda states.

I stay quiet for a moment, thinking of what she just said. Has there? Then I remember of the last time I had used my magic freely and to it's limits. It had been years, ever since I moved to earth I never practised my magic like I used too. Before I used to be able to cast multiple spells and attack powers in the span of 10 minutes, no problem. But recently I've been getting exhausted from a single spell. I've been so focused on training my physical that I completely neglected my magic.

At this realization my eyes widen and lips part. Noticing this Headmistress Faragonda sighed once again and shook her head. Hand now resting on her hips. "Whilst you still may be a little upset with what I have done. Do be aware I have done it with your best interest in mind, not only as your teacher but also as your aunt. I've witnessed first hand what your are truly capable are, and I wish to support in reaching your full potential. And I am aware that you may worry of people finding out about your father, but don't concern yourself with that much. Your powers are no similar to Saladin's, so no one will realise." she speech's.

I take a second to process what sh said before letting out a quiet sigh of my own. "Alright then." I nod, understanding what she meant. "What is this mission-exam thing I'm going to have to take?" I ask, now deciding to worry about that rather than other people. "I am going to be sending you to the planet Hestia. There you will be given three days to retrieve a list of items" she states. "Alright, seems easy enough" I hum. nodding.

"It's not going to be as easy as you think, especially not the final one. Each of the three items on the list will be either guarded or deeply hidden. And your aim is too retrieve all of the three items with minimal damage. You'll be assessed on your efficiency, problem solving skills, magical and non-magical abilities and your method in retrieving the items. If you fail to complete it in three days it'll be an immediate fail. You'll be allowed to take whatever you believe will be necessary. Your exam will begin tomorrow, arrive at the courtyard at 8 am sharp. I believe you'll be to reach my expectations in this" explains Faragonda. I nod with a serious expression on my face. Taking in every word she just said.

I say a thank  you before turning on my heel and walking out the door. Through the hallways and into the shared apartment. Closing the front door behind me, I turn my head and am surprised to see all the girls in the living room. Their head turned in my direction, "hey guys" I smile stepping towards them. Leaning my side agaisnt the armchair that Stella sat in. "Hey, how did it go with the Headmistress?" asks Bloom, arms hugging her knees as she sat on the floor. "What she say?" adds Musa, from beside the red head sitting legs crossed.

"Well, I'm gonna be leaving for this exam tomorrow at 8" I say, now sitting myself down on the arm rest.  "8 in the morning!" exclaims Stella in shock, looking up at me so fast for a second I though she might've given herself whiplash. All of us laugh a little at Stella's reaction, all of us being full aware of how the blonde princess could never wake up early. "You said you had to leave, does that mean...." trailed off Flora. "Yup." I nod popping the 'p'.

"For the exam, I'll have three days to retrieve a list of items. I don't complete it in the three days I fail" I explain with a small sigh at the end. "Oh, that seems fairly easy" says Bloom. "It does, but I don't think Faragonda would change the exam so it's easier" comments Tecna from, the sofa Bloom and Musa were leaning back agaisnt. "There isn't a single doubt in my mind that the lady has something up her sleeve for me" I scoff a little.

"Was anything else said?" asks Flora, sitting next to Tecna. "I'm able bring whatever I want, and I can't cause any sort of damage" I add, this earns a couple of odd looks. "Not to be rude or anything, but your magic is quite destructive - all magic is destructive in a way. So how do they expect you to complete this exam, with just your physical?" question Tecna with a raised brow. "She has a point" agrees Musa.

"Yeah your right about that" , I nod, "But I do have some non-destructive spells in my arsonal, It'll just drain out more from me" I reassure. "We know you'll do absolutely amazing on this exam., Athena" smiled Flora. "You'll knock it straight out of the park!" cheered Bloom, which earned a couple of confused stares from the others at her earth saying. It made me laugh a little.

"Well, since Your going to Hestia it'll be best you do your research on the planet. Blending in with the people might also be useful" advices Stella, and this makes us all snap our head in her direction. Staring at the blonde princess in shock, never expecting that she'll suggest something smart. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" cringes Stella, shrinking back into the arm chair. Musa gets up from her spot and presses the back of her hand agaisnt Stella's forehand, "Your not sick" states the pigtailed fairy. 

"Of course I'm not sick" snaps the blonde, swatting away the other girls hand. "Why are you guys acting like this? Did I say something wrong or what?" demands the princess, confused. "No, no you didn't say anything wrong" says Flora, shaking her head in disagreement. "If anything you actually said something right" continues Bloom. "Logical even" adds Tecna. "It's just surprising" I finish.

Stela blinks for a second before her face contorts in to one of pure offense. "Hey! Not everything I say is complete nonsense!" defensively argues the girl. "I mean.." I trial, bashfully looking to the other side of the room. "It kinda is" finishes Musa. "You guys are just jealous" huff stella, crossing her arms over her chest. Head turned in the other direction as she held her chin high, a pout visible on her lips.

"sure we are" I say, patting her shoulder whilst trying my best to not burst out laughing like the others. This obviously didn't make Stella any happier, and she ended up huffing and pouting even more whilst we all tried to calm down from our fits of laughter. And eventually we did.

After that, the girls decided to help me pack for my mission/exam tomorrow. Stella, Bloom and Musa made themselves comfy on my bed. Whilst Tecna sat down on the chair at my desk and Flora leaned against the desk beside the pixie cut girl. "So what do you plan on taking?" asks Musa. "Just a couple of things" I shrug.

The girls then look at me in confusion as I bend down at the foot of my bed. I grab onto the underside of the bed frame and pulled back with a small grunt. Pulling out a large draw, revealing a bunch of weapons all neatly placed on top of the velvety cushion. I stood back up right and placed a hand on my hip as I look down at the opened draw with a smile on my face. Admiring all of the large-sized weapons, I have more at the back of my closet but that's for the smaller ones.

"Athena, this is....." gaps Bloom. "Wow....just wow" awes Musa. Stela remains silent and just stared with her mouth wide open, the three of them having moved to the edge of the bed to get a better look. "I would've never thought you'd have this many" mutters Flora in equal shock. "Does this school even allow this?" Asks Tecna rhetorically.

"This isn't even all, I have more" I chuckle a little. "There's more!!" They all exclaim in unison. "Yeah, at the back of my closet" I inform. In a single beat, Stella jumps out of my bed and flings my closet open. Pushing all my clothes to either side from the middle, to gaps at all my other ones that hung from a board nailed at the back.

Stella grabs one of the daggers off from its hook and holds it up in the air. "Why do you have all of these?!" She exclaimed. "I just do" I shrug nonchalantly, grabbing the dagger from her hand. "And thanks I needed this one" I smile. Then placing the dagger on my desk, causing Flora and Tecna to scoot away in fear.

"So which ones you taking?" asks Musa with awe still in her eyes. Her reaction being the complete opposite of everyone else's. "Just a dagger or two, my bow and arrow, bow staff and gun" I reply. "Just!" Repeats Bloom. "How do you plan to carry all of that?" Asks Tecna. "You'll see tomorrow" I wink cheekily, before needn't back down to grab my bow and arrow and bow staff. Placing them on the desk alongside the dagger. Then going towards the closet to grab another dagger, handheld gun and a pack of extra bullets. Putting those on the desk as well.

The room become quite and I felt a slight tension hovering. I tried to act as normal as I could, trying to brush it off as me just thinking too much. But then I noticed the look all of the five girls shared with one another, as though silently egging one another to say something. I got a slight suspicion on what it was about, and it made my stomach sink a little. I had hoped they wouldn't have noticed or even forgotten about it. I seriously didn't want to be confronted about this now, ever actually. Though who could forget about the ruckus Faragonda made in the classroom.

I hoped for one of them to speak up and just rip the band-aid off already, but I was disappointed to see none of them stepping up to speak. So I decided too, not wanting this awkwardness to carry on any longer. "If you guys have something you want to ask, then go ahead" I sigh, turning around to face the five fin comet of me. Placing a hand on my hip, trying to play it all off cool and confident. Whilst on the inside I'm panicking

"Well we were just wondering..." said Bloom. "About what Ms Faragonda said..." continued Stella. "Is it true?" Bluntly finished Tecna. A long second of silence followed after that, with me staring at them blankly whilst they all held worried and nervous expression. "What part are you talking about? Cause she said a lot you know" I lightly joke, following it with a small awkward chuckle.  "The one of how your more advanced" replies Flora, softly. "Is it true?" repeats Musa.

I close my eyes and let out a one big sigh, in hopes of calming my thumping heart and nerves. But it did little in helping it, so I had to just deal with it and hope I don't slip up. "Yeah it is" I respond shortly. Not quite trusting myself with long replies. "B-but how comes we never noticed it?" stutters Bloom, eyes wide. "Yeah, I mean like this whole time I always thought you were -not be rude- average" agreed Stella with a nod at the red haired fairy.

"I made it seem that way. I suppressed my magic and only ever used simple, beginner level spells" I say. "But why?" asks Tecna. "Isn't it better to be stronger?" said Musa. The five looking at me confused. "I just didn't want everyone thinking I was a stuck up that thought they were better than everyone else. " I answer honestly, not quiet liking how vulnerable I'm feeling. How weak and powerless I am in this moment, it's reminding me too much of that time. But thankfully none of its showing on the surface, so I'll just have to be even stronger and than all these feelings might just let me go.

"But your the complete opposite of that, why would you ever think that?" softly spoke Flora. The nature fairy taking small steps towards me, until she stood in front with her hand on my shoulder. Giving it a small gentle squeeze of reassurance. One that I didn't realise I needed. "I dunno, guess I never quite had the best experiences with people" I dryly chuckle. "Well whatever the reason may be, its best you stop. Suppressing magic only causes harm, your magic will end up having a lot more recoils." lectures Tecna Lightly.

"Yeah, it's kind of the whole reason Faragonda is making me take this exam-mission thingy. She made me release that my magic hasn't been quite up to par as it used too" I explain. "That does make a bit more sense now" Hums Musa, a finger on her chin ,as she looked up in a thinking motion.

After that the rest of the night carried on as though nothing had happened and I couldn't be any more grateful. The girls eventually left my room to go to their owns for the night. I double checked I had everything ready for tomorrow before getting some much needed shut eye.

The morning rolled in a lot quicker than I would've liked. Walking up, I need up changing in to the outfit that Stella had personally picked out for me. She did some digging to Hestain fashion. It's very much resembles aristocratic society style. Like the old time London, where the women wear large flow dresses and men in the typical three piece suits. Obviously I can't quite carry out the mission in a dress, though I did want to try one as they looked absently phenomenal, Stella had found out such thing as Mercenary exists in Hestia. They are quite common as well, so she picked out an outfits that matched well to that.

After I was done getting ready, I headed down to the courtyard. Making it there at exactly 8 am on the dot. There waited, Ms Faragonda and Professors Palladium as well as the girls to send me off. "Morning" I smile. "Good morning Athena" says Faragonda and Palladium. "You ready girl?" Asks Musa swinging an arm over my shoulder.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I grin, wrapping an arm around her waist as we walk back to the rest. "Where are all the things you were gonna bring?" Question Tecna, pointing a finger at my empty handed self. "Oh there all in here" I smile, patting the pouch that rested on my right thigh. "There is no way it all fit in that" said Stella pointing at the pouch.

"You'd be surprised" I laugh. "So it is like one of those endless bags?" Asks a hopeful Bloom. "Sorry but no" I apologise, opening up the pouch and pulling out a miniaturised bow. "I just shrunk it all" I explain holding it in my plan out for the others to see. The girls all crowd around my hand and look at the small thing, impressed.

"It seems that your all ready, Athena" said the Headmistress, walking towards our group. "Yup" I nod putting the small bow back in the pouch. "Your Exam will begin the second you enter the portal." Stated the Headmistress. "Alright" I nod, my previously cheeriness switching to a much more serious one.

Musa released her arm from my shoulder and I realise my one from her. The girls then all come around me for a group hug. I smiled at the warm comfort it brought me. "Good Luck" wishes Flora, as the girls all began to pull away. "You'll absolutely smash it" encourages Bloom, giving me wink as she swings her fist for empathies. "Thanks you guys" I laugh a little, appreciating their words of encouragement. 

"Athena, it's time" Speaks Faragonda, interrupting the sweet moment. "Right?" I mutter with a nod. Walking myself away from the group and closer to the swirling white circle, between Faragonda and Palladium. In the middle of the white swirl was a blurred image of an alley that seemed to be pulled out straight from a history text book. 

I look at both the teachers and they give me a nod of encouragement, I then turn my head to look at the girls, and they were all bunched together. Each of them giving me a smile and thumbs up, I smiled back at them and turned my head back to face the portal. I let out one final breath before stepping inside. Closing my eyes and holding my breath as I brace myself. 

Taking the next step forwards I wait for a second, expecting for something to happen, but nothing did. Confused I open my eyes and find myself in the alleyway. The image in the portal was blurry so I didn't quite get a good look at it, but now that I'm here I'm amazed. Everything may be old style but it till spell-bounding. It's almost as if someone had just turned back time, it was very much chique and vintage. Though unlike the Victorian era, and all old-time london, Hestia was a lot more cleaner. Not a single speckle of dirt on the ground anywhere. 

Small steps, forwards, I placed hand on the walls of the alley as I peer my head out. Turning too look at the streets, only to find myself more at awe of the beauty of Hestia. Walking out of the alleyway, I spin in my spot. Looking around my surroundings, the buildings near me seemingly being for the common folk due to its simplistic but cozy design. Hanging from above were a line of fairly lights in a zig zag patterns. 

Walking down the streets, I took the admire everything at my own pace. There were a couple of aristocrats that walked past me in their luxury attire, and I couldn't help but gawk at the beauty of its design. The dresses were so elegant and so intricately designed, the suits were not any lesser. To my surprise, they hadn't glared nor shown any sort of ill feelings towards the common folk that walked past,. Instead they had smiled, greeted them, engaged in small talk. 

Hestia is famously known for being a planet that kept their traditions and old style of life, not quite being swayed by changes like the other nations. Though unlike in the previous centuries, Hestia had obviously modernised. Technology, machinery and the whole lot existed, the Hestians just preferred to sticking to their old ways. Although class system still some what exists, so does equality. Hestia had somehow found a way to mix socialism and capitalism into a perfect blend. Many hadn't expected for it to work but somehow Hestia had found a way for it too. 

The common folk were not under paid for the work they had done, ad the aristocrats' do not receive more luxury than they deserve. Those who are up higher do not look down on those below them. Though there are the occasional few, but they are rare to find and are every quickly reprimanded. Everything is accessible to the common folk, such as healthcare, education ad safe jobs. 

I recall all of the thing that I read about Hestia, as I continued to walk down the streets, Taking stops to admire the beauty, stare at the beautiful clothing displayed at the windows of boutiques, drool at the sweet smell of the bakeries smile at the sight of children running around and playing. Now understanding why Ezra spoke so fondly about his planet during our morning spent together. 

On topic of the blonde prince, I remember his words during that calls two nights ago. Oh Dear Athena, there's a reason as to why I'm one of the most feared heirs in the entire magic dimensions. My unpredictably is unmatched, you sure you wanna play this game? Those words ring my head, and I find myself blushing at them for some reason. But then my curiosity gets peaked, what he meant by 'most feared heir'. Now that I think about, when I was looking through the articles about Hestia, the royal family was mentioned as couple of times but it never specifically spoke about the crowned prince. 

Not knowing how to kill this growing curiosity of the blonde prince, I fish out my phone from my back pocket, and pull up the search bar. Typing in 'Prince Ezra of Hestia', it takes a few to load but we it was done only one article popped up. I grew confused as to why the media would talk so little about the heir of a powerful nations. I click on the article and skim through it.  Soaking in any sort of useful information of the prince in. 

Turn out Ezra's full name is : Ezra Rune Hendrix. But everyone calls him Rune - meaning secret. This is apparently due to the fact that everything about him being a secret to everyone, even to the close nobles ( as claimed by the media). Everything else is just basic things like his birthday, predicted future as King , achievements and all other things I have either picked up or  learnt during our morning training sessions.  Though I did find it interesting that Ezra had won all of the Swordsmanship competitions in Hestia and even wen to ahead to to the universal competition as a representative for his Planet and even won. So currently Ezra hold the title the 'Best swordsman in the entire universe' currently, until the next competition that'll be held later this year. Where he is said to be competing in again. 

The article also talks about Ezra's domineering and conniving attitude within politics. Apparently a really famous incident that happened recently, is when a politician from a neighbouring planet made a couple of snarky and rude comments towards Ezra. The politician particularly targeting Ezra's disabled younger brother, obviously the blonde prince didn't take this insult lightly. Cause the every next day the politician was found pleading for forgiveness in front of the Ezra and the younger prince. The politician was said to be on his hands on knees as he cried and pleaded, something that surprised everyone as this politician man had a reputation for being a  man of 'honour' or to nicely put it a narcissistic assshole. 

As my finger moves up to scroll down the article, I feel the air around me shift. A chill shivers down my spine, as I feel my heart being to thump harder and louder. A familiar and comforting warmth spreading through my bones, as I feel a certain presence behind me. The persons chest lightly pressing on to my back. As their chin drop on to my shoulder, their warm breath fanning the exposed part of my neck.  A bush creeping up my neck to my cheeks and ears. My breath gets caught at the base of my neck as a familiarly deep voice speaks, loud enough for only me hear. 

"Never took you as being a stalker, Firefly. If you wanted to know something all you had to do was ask. Wouldn't want your pretty little head getting tired from thinking about me"

Authors Note:

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! Schools been a real bitch and I've been strugglin in finding time to write up these chapters. But I promise to try and get more chapters out, I just ask for a little more patience. Thy will take a little longer than usual, but I'll try my best!!

Also reference pictures of Hestia - in case my description was too shitty:

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