David's Clover|Short Story

By Justhere2pen

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There are alot of different women in the world... And then there's Clover. Short Tale 8-12-2023 More



252 27 9
By Justhere2pen




"Um hm. I'ma be there...I'ma be there," David muttered, whilst placing another strip of turkey bacon into his mouth.

He was on the phone with his mother, as she talked about their upcoming trip to the Dominican Republic to visit her sister and brother.

It was a trip they took every two years, and Saraye always brought David and his siblings along.

He would be leaving tomorrow morning and staying for a week to visit, which meant leaving all his personal shit in New-York. That was the beauty of owning his own business. Having his own workers and vacationing when he wanted.

It also helped that he was a street pharmacist with money to spare.

So there was that too.

"Yep. I'm already packed too, so I'm good to go ma," he grabbed another slice of bacon.

"Yep. And I already told em if they ain't ready, they gettin' left, oh well," he said, referring to his siblings.

"Um hm," he grumbled, walking down the hall and towards the bathroom of his house.

'Jarvis' was in the bathroom and had been for quite some time.

David thought that maybe she was handling some number two business, but the water was running and he could her retching, as he placed his ear near the door.

Silently, he then stepped back, going into his room.

Two black Prada suitcases sat against his wall, as he heard the door open. He then turned and eyed 'Jarvis' who walked past him, as he leaned against the door frame.

"Um hm...aight. Yep, love you too. Aight see you soon."

"Sup witchu?" David questioned, placing his phone in the pocket of his jogging pants, as he watched her gathering up her clothes.

She'd been pretty much living with David since revealing her secret to him.

Well, most of them.

She'd go from her house to his before ultimately staying at his place for days on end.

She had two drawers of clothes and a toothbrush chilling in a toothbrush holder.

David had to get used to having a woman back in the house, but he couldn't lie, it felt good to have someone cook for him and peel his brain back and and dig in his mind.

It took a few days for things to go back to normal with her, but when they did, it was as if everything she told him, didn't exist, as she made sure not to ever bring it up again.

"What you mean?"

"You aight?"

"I'm fine," she placed a faint smile on her face once she turned around.

David wore a suspicious look upon his face as he eyed her.

Dressed in a plain black tee and some short jean shorts, her hair was now dyed a dark brown.

"You sure. Sound like ya insides was coming out in there."

She laughed.

"Naw, think its that bad ass spaghetti you made last night," she teased, to which David now looked at her stoically.

"Naw, seriously, I'm fine. Sometimes certain sauces do not agree with my stomach, but I'm good. I promise."

She pranced over to him, standing on her tippy toes.

"I brushed my teeth," she assured him before giving him a few pecks on the lips.

Other thoughts quickly ran through David's mind, but he didn't even want to think about that, so he pushed them farther back.

"Um...breath still foul."

She smacked her lips as he cracked a smile.

"Fuck you."

Pushing him away, he only grabbed her arm back, bringing her close. He then stared down at her.

"What?" She looked back at him.

"You took that Plan-B?" he asked, allowing his intrusive thoughts to win anyway.

"Yes. As soon as I got up. Can't get pregnant that damn fast."

"You right. What we doin today before I leave though. You only got a nigga for a couple mo hours." David said next, now opting to pick her up.

"I don't know...but you gotta let me go get more clothes. I feel like I've been wearing the same shit, minus your stuff."

"Aight. Well hurry up, I got some shit I got to handle too real quick," David placed her back down.

"Okay...I'm ready."

Placing all her days worth of clothes back into the suitcase she'd packed, the two then exited David's home and entered his car, where he drove her back home. Their ride was filled with low music and their usual shit talking. The second he pulled in the parking lot of her apartment building, she looked over at him, her heart slightly spilling.

"What nigga?" he joked.

"Nothing," she answered lowly.

"Okay, well lets go, I can't be late for my check in," David said, referring to one of his detailing shops.

Waiting for him to get out and open the door on her side, she stepped out of the truck, with David closing the door and walking her inside the building. Once at her door and inside the apartment, David closed the door behind him, as he watched her place her bags upon the floor.

He studied her hard, watching intently while she raided her fridge now.

She grabbed a bottle of water.

"Time you want me to come back and getchu?"

"Before midnight at least."

"Aight. I shoot you a text."


David the made his way over, grabbing a handful of her ass before placing a kiss on the side of her neck.

She smiled warmly, as she watched him make his way to her door, opening it.

"Aye, make sure you lock dis shit."

"I will."

The second he closed it, she locked it, dropping her water bottle down to the floor and going for her phone. Her fingers scrolled quickly, placing an immediate order on Door-Dash, in which she sat down on her couch, waiting patiently for its arrival.

Meanwhile back at home, David was in the process of doing his last minute checking. From clothes, extra phone chargers, weed and other miscellaneous objects he knew he would need to keep him company. After checking in with his workers two hours prior, he was confident they would be able to handle shit, as they always did. Him checking in for the third time was more so from his own, slight over thinking. Being away from his businesses made him anxious, and whenever these trips did come up, the feeling never did go away until about the third day. Flopping down on his couch now, David glanced at the T.V. 

It was on the HBO channel, but he wasn't really paying too much attention to the Sopranos. His mind was focused on alot of shit. It has been almost three months since the club shooting at his birthday function, and nothing weird had happened since. He'd wondered if it truly was indeed an isolated incident, but with the way Gerald kept bringing it up here and there, had him being extra cautious. He told David that it had to have been someone that didn't really fuck with Santiago, but that didn't really make sense to David, being everyone was getting along and good money was definitely being made since linking up.

Santiago was very honest and straightforward with David and he liked to believe that he could spot a lie. Santiago was ruthless his damn self, and he didn't play about his money either, so a dead worker, was of no good to him.

After checking his phone and texting back a few females, as well as Jarvis, he rose back up and went into the bathroom. David always saved the trash for last whenever he cleaned his place, which was almost on the brink of over flowing. This made him go into the kitchen, grabbing some gloves and sliding them unto his hands before heading back to the bathroom. Despite already having cleaned the sink, toilet and tub, David found himself going over everything again anyway.

Satisfied with his work and tossing the Mr. Clean eraser into the trash, he grabbed a trash bag and proceeded to dump the trash into it before halting. His eyes quickly landed on several CVS bags, all wrapped up into a large one. It looked weird to him, quite bulky and just plain suspicious given it looked to have been pushed underneath various wads of tissue. He knew Jarvis wasn't on her period, so he knew they weren't old feminine products. Carefully lifting it up and attempting to see through the bags, this proved unsuccessful. Squeezing whatever was inside, it felt like a box, or some type of cardboard.

This made his antennae's go up because this was the only trash she'd dumped since staying with him the last four days.

He then began to think back on the  last few days, as well as today. She wasn't eating as much and she was definitely vomiting earlier in the morning. Just those two instances alone, drove David to proceed to rip through the tightly wound bags, both his eyebrows furrowing deeply at what he'd discovered.

Dropping the ripped bags down, he then took the box, tilting it a bit before allowing the object to drop unto the bags. Positioning himself in a squat now, he picked the test up, eyeing the stick, his eyes landing on the small window.

There were no feelings.

He didn't really know how to feel at the moment. So many thoughts zipped through his mind at once, all crashing into one another. He couldn't believe what he was seeing but it was indeed there.

Did she leave this on purpose for me to find?

Why'd she wrap it up so tight and make it so obvious?

Why would she take it here?

Despite all the questions that banged and karate kicked at his head, the proof was in the pudding and it was staring right back at him.

Two blue lines.


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