You Are Mine: You Are My Ever...

Від JGranberg

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Colin Corrette has felt pain, sadness, terror, fear, happiness, excitement, lust, but never before has he fel... Більше

Note To Reader
Chapter 1: Emptiness
Chapter 2: Options
Chapter 3: Loyalty
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: News
Chapter 6: Mine
Chapter 8: Safeword
Chapter 9: Duty
Chapter 10: Slumber Party
Chapter 11: Privacy
Chapter 12: Possession
Chapter 13: Acquaintances
Chapter 14: Doubt
Chapter 15: Tailing
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Safety
Chapter 18: Plans
Chapter 19: Lunch
Chapter 20: Terrors
Chapter 21: Release
Chapter 22: Future
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Dreams
Chapter 25: Desperation
Chapter 26: Preparations
Chapter 27: Challenge
Chapter 28: Fear
Chapter 29: Remorse
Chapter 30: Forever
Chapter 31: Marriage
Chapter 32: Beach
Sneak Peak

Chapter 7: Happy

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Від JGranberg

~Colin's POV~

Today will be remembered as one of my favourite days. It's one of the first relaxing, lazy Saturdays I have ever treated myself to. Emery and I spend the day up in my library, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa reading. She is reading a pregnancy book and I am finishing the last few chapters of my current novel. It's interesting really, how content and at peace I can be just sitting across from a woman that I care about. Her leg is resting on my lap, and I gently massage her foot while I read.

"There is a lot to remember," Emery murmurs glancing at me after a moment.

I glance at her raising my brow.

"Things I'm supposed to do, and not do, things I'm allowed to eat and what I'm not," Emery says, she pushes her bookmark into the book and sets it on the table with a small sigh. "It's a lot."

I place my bookmark in my book and set it beside me. I gaze at her with a warm smile. I picked the right woman and by some dumb luck, she picked me back, if you think about it from a certain point of view that is. I had a vision of the woman I wanted to bear my children. A woman who would make them feel every bit wanted and loved. I never felt loved that way, never felt like the most important person in someone's life, but I knew our child would feel that from Emery. In a way, it makes me jealous. I want to be the most important person in her life, but I guess I can give that spot up for our child. Maybe we can be tied.

"We just have to take all of this one step at a time," I encourage, giving her thigh a soothing rub. "I'll have Dr. Falcone write up a list of foods to avoid and I'll give it to London. For the most part it's just being more conscious about what you are eating."

Emery nods slowly gazing at me with a warm smile.

I return the smile "how about this I'll do the whole pregnancy diet with you. No sushi for me for nine months."

"And scotch?" Emery asks with an amused smile. "And coffee."

I hesitate with a small sheepish smile.

Emery laughs and moves to snuggle into my lap. I breathe a peaceful sigh as she nuzzles my shoulder and kisses my cheek. God, I love having her here. I love how at peace we both seem. How happy we are. Yes, I know there are still complicated parts of our relationship, things we will probably have to work through and sort out, but what relationship didn't have things that needed to be worked on? For right now we were joined in happiness and excitement. Excitement thanks to the little miracle Emery is growing inside her and to me, that is enough to help us through any obstacle that comes our way.

"I wouldn't ask you to give up coffee or scotch," Emery says with a small laugh. "I started drinking coffee when I met you, and I don't particularly like drinking alcohol anyway. That's the easy stuff. But... I don't know I'm nervous I'm going to forget something, and it'll hurt the baby or something... I don't know."

I smile warmly kissing her neck. "You won't. I'm here to help you, Emery, you don't have to do this all alone. Let's go out to dinner tonight, to celebrate."

Emery smiles and nods in agreement at the idea "alright. Where should we go?"

"How about the steakhouse?" I ask wrapping my arms around her and pulling her back, tighter against me. "I'll take you to my favourite."

Emery smiles and nods "alright."

I smile kissing her forehead, grabbing my phone I send a text to Reese to reserve my usual table. As I set my phone down, I feel Emery shift on my lap nudging her cheeky ass against me and I breathe a slow breath in through my nose.

"Careful baby. Don't start something that you aren't prepared to finish," I murmur against her ear.

Emery laughs as she rests her head back against my shoulder. "I need to stop by my place to grab some clothes for dinner."

I kiss her neck "you should pack more than just clothes for dinner. We can pack it all up and move you in, officially."

Emery glances over her shoulder at me, she slowly nods "I don't know... that's fast."

I can't help but laugh a little "Emery you are going to be my wife in less than a month, and we are having a baby together. I think it's the perfect time for you to move in officially."

Emery laughs a little and nods slowly.

"You are still nervous, about us," I whisper against her skin.

Emery hesitates, looking off into the distance for a moment before she turns to me. "I don't know Colin. There are still things about what happened last time... we haven't talked about it really."

I sigh heavily and gently coax her to turn around so she can gaze into my eyes. "I am so sorry about what happened. It never should have happened. I never should have let it..."

"But you like it. You got off on the pain you inflicted," Emery breathes. "I saw it in you, I saw what you meant, that you needed it..."

"Emery, I don't need it. I need you more, this baby more. I will find a way to get rid of that part of me. I want to. The idea of setting that part of me loose again makes me sick. I want to heal, to not be broken and fucked up," I say earnestly, gazing up at her, I cup my hand against her cheek and brush my thumb down her skin. "I want love and dedication and loyalty and respect to be enough."

Emery gazes at me, searching my eyes for a moment before she slowly nods. "If we go now, I can pack a bag at least, have some clothes here."

I smile and nod. "Course we can go now. I'll just go get changed so I'm ready for dinner."

"Wear that black suit," Emery requests with a small smile. "It's my favourite."

I laugh kissing her forehead "yes, Miss Palmer."

Emery giggles before she slides off my lap and onto the couch.

I press a warm affectionate kiss to her lips and smile when I feel her hand come up to brush my cheek, giving my growing beard a gentle tug. When I pull away, she smiles at me.

"I like this by the way," she whispers playing with the hair on my cheek.

"The beard?" I ask with a small, amused smile.

"Yeah, it's spiky, I like it," Emery says.

I smile and laugh kissing her forehead. "Well, I guess it can stay." I get to my feet brushing my thumb down her cheek before I walk down the hall to my bedroom. I do wear a pair of black slacks and a suit jacket, but I change out the black collared shirt and tie for a light gray one. I don't want to be all darkness anymore. I want there to be a little light.

When I am finished getting ready, I find Emery back in the nursery. She is sitting in the rocking chair slowly swaying back and forth her hand resting on her stomach. I smile warmly leaning against the doorframe. Before my eyes I can see the family, we will have. I can picture Emery sitting in that chair, a baby in her arms, staring up at her with an adorable baby smile. A smile our daughter got from her mother. I can see us sharing the milestones of our little girl and picturing them all over this house. I can see this house finally turning from a house to a home. The home I had in mind when I designed it.

God, she is incredible. Thank God, I found her. Thank God she was the one I knocked up. Thank God she had the mother she did. I know that is one of the many reasons that Emery turned into the woman she is today. I like that I am the only one Emery has, but I also wish that I could have got a chance to meet her mother. To thank the woman who raised such an incredible woman.

"Baby?" I say as I walk over to her, crouching down in front of the chair.

Emery opens her eyes and turns her gaze to me. "Yeah?"

"What was your mother's name?" I ask gently.

Emery raises a brow a little "Alicia, Alicia Palmer why?"

I gaze at her with a small smile. "Kiara Alicia Corrette."

Emery gazes at me with a warm smile brushing her thumb down my cheek. "Kiara?"

I nod slowly with a smile "it means light. At least in the Italian form."

Emery smiles warmly she nods "I like that. What if it's a boy?"

I have to force myself to not frown at the idea. Doomed Corrette? It can't be a boy. I made a promise, a promise when I decided I would have a child. I made a promise that my father's darkness would stop with me and the best way I can think to guarantee that is to make sure I have all daughters. Daughters whom I guide to be like their mothers. If I can do that, my father's darkness will be gone, will die the day I do. I owe it to my children to promise them that. They deserve to go to paradise like their mother. I know I won't, I'm the son of a rapist, I am a murderer, a weapon to lure women to their doom. That's the worst part of all of this, knowing this lifetime is all I have. This lifetime is all I have with my wife and children. I won't see them in the afterlife. I know that.

No, we can't have a boy. It's going to be a girl. It has to be a girl.

"Let's cross that bridge if we come to it," I suggest as I straighten up and offer Emery my hand. "Come on."

Emery gazes at me with a small frown before she gets to her feet. I kiss her forehead before we head out of the room and out to the car where Reese is waiting for us. He's lucky Emery is so stubborn.

Reese holds my gaze for a moment, I can tell he is apologetic, and I understand why he did what he did. In a way, I am thankful, if he had told me five days ago... I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have muscled my way back into Emery's life. I would have been desperate and sad and drunk and probably would have made things worse, but he still hid information from me. He still lied to me. But he did it for my soon-to-be wife. I could understand that. I could forgive that.

Reese opens Emery's door and smiles a little "Miss Palmer."

Emery returns the smile and slides into the back seat. When the door is shut, I turn to Reese and shake his hand.

"As much as I hate that you lied to me and withheld information from me, thank you for being there for her," I say looking at him. "And for not letting her take the bus."

Reese nods formally and smiles a little "course, sir. Congratulations, by the way."

I smile a little and walk beside him as we walk around the car. "You think we can put a car seat in here?"

Reese glances at the car in consideration. "It may be time to upgrade to an SUV, sir. At least for family driving."

I nod glancing at him "I'm glad you suggested an SUV and not a minivan."

"That wouldn't suit you, sir," Reese says with a small, amused smile. He opens my door.

I smile a little in amusement before I slid into the seat next to Emery. Glancing at her.

She smiles at me "you two make up?"

I nod slowly resting my hand on her leg. "He was looking out for you. That is practically all of his job now."

Emery smiles and laughs.

I smile kissing her forehead before turning my gaze out the window, watching the city of Chicago pass as we head to Emery's place.

When Reese pulls up at Emery's apartment I get out and walk around to Emery, as Reese pulls open her door.

"Let me know if you need help with any bags, sir," Reese says leaning back against the door of the car.

I nod, before gesturing for Emery to lead the way. Walking up the steps I can't help but remember the last time I was at Emery's apartment. The night of that party I saw Jay Mills kissing her forehead. Just at the thought, I feel my jaw tighten a little.

Emery pushes open the door and I follow her in and over to the kitchen. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch Miss MacWan step out of her room in a formal cocktail dress.

"Hey," Emery says with a small smile. She gazes at her with a small, surprised tilt of her head. "You look nice."

Miss MacWan nods "yeah, are you going to be ready?"

Emery frowns a little in confusion. "Ready for?"

"The signing dinner for that book, you wanted to come, remember? It's in an hour and a half so you still have time," Miss MacWan says.

Emery frowns deeply and glances at me, then back at Miss MacWan. "Ellie, I am really sorry... I totally forgot. I-I... Do you need me? C-Colin and I have a reservation at the steakhouse to celebrate and..."

Miss MacWan frowns a little, unable it seems to hide her look of hurt. She glances at me then back at Emery "no, I-I... go enjoy your dinner."

Emery gazes at Miss MacWan with a small frown. "Ellie... we had that dinner to celebrate remember? I-I..."

"Don't worry about it, Emery. We can have dinner together some other day," Miss MacWan says before glancing at me. She grabs a bottle of prenatal vitamins and passes them to Emery "you forgot these." She says before heading off.

"Good luck," Emery says after her with a small frown. She glances at me.

I look at her with a small frown.

"She isn't your biggest fan right now," Emery says with a small apologetic frown.

I nod slowly "I gathered that when I saw her at work the other day. She's rather protective of you. It would have been sweet if it didn't irritate the hell out of me that she was able to look after you and I wasn't."

Emery sighs softly as she leans a little against the counter "she was so willing to help me when I told her. It surprised me, she hates the idea of having kids. She has this long list of reasons why she will never get pregnant. But she wanted to help me, she even offered to move with me if that was what I wanted."

I gaze at her touching my hand to her back giving it a small rub.

"And now I keep forgetting that she... in a way even exists. You take up a lot of my head space," Emery says glancing at me.

I can't help but smile at that admission, I'm not sure it's supposed to make me happy, but it does. I love being so important to her. I know she needs and wants friends, but I will always want our family to be the only important thing in her life. But I know she needs friends, people who look at her as Emery, not as a wife or a mother but simply as the person she is underneath all that, without it her mental health wouldn't be very good, and I don't want that.

"If you want to go to dinner with her, we can always reschedule," I say brushing my thumb down her cheek.

Emery slowly shakes her head "no. I'll ask her to lunch on Monday or something."

I nod, grabbing the bottle of vitamins I read over the ingredients before passing her the bottle. I kiss her forehead "come on, let's get your suitcase packed."

Emery nods and leads me into her room.

I step in looking around a little. I haven't been in here since the night of Emery's accident. It looks about the same. The only difference is my photo by her bed is missing. The bed is made but it isn't the perfect way that London had made it the first time. Her room is still... basic. It has the furniture and necessities, but it is missing the personal aspects to it. The pieces that turn a room into a bedroom.

Emery pulls open her closet door and I step over to grab the suitcase from the top shelf, setting it on the bed. I glance at her as she begins to select a few outfits to put into the suitcase.

"You probably don't need PJs," I say with a warm smile. "I like having you sleep in my shirt."

Emery laughs as she folds a few clothes and places them in the suitcase. "Or naked."

"Well, that will always be my preference," I say with a warm smile.

I sit down in Emery's desk chair and watch her continue to fold her clothes and stuff them into the bag. When she is finished, she takes down a loose-flowing dark green dress. The dress has a deep v-neck and thin straps. I smile watching her turn around and pull the sleeves into place.

"You are incredibly beautiful," I murmur as I get to my feet, stepping closer to her, I clasp the top before slowly doing up the zipper.

Emery smiles and I can feel her breath escape from her chest in excitement. I smile moving tighter behind her as I kiss her neck. She leans her head to the side and giggles "stop distracting me, I need to go do my hair."

"Okay," I breath against her neck. I force myself to take a step back and sit down on the bed, crossing my legs as I lean against the headboard.

It doesn't take long for Emery to return to the room her hair done up in a messy, sexy high bun and subtle makeup. She smiles at me as she leans against the doorframe. "Ready?"

I nod getting to my feet, walking over to her, I kiss her forehead. "Ready." I grab her suitcase and follow her back out to the car.

Reese opens the back door for Emery, before taking the suitcase from me. I get in next to Emery and give her leg a gentle rub. I let my eyes roam over her once more, taking in her incredible outfit.

"You're staring," Emery says with a warm smile.

I return the smile and gaze into her eyes "I can't stop myself from staring. You are just incredibly sexy."

My usual table is reserved for us at the restaurant. Once we are seated it is only a few minutes before a waiter walks over with a double of scotch and a glass of water for Emery.

"Can I get you anything else to drink, ma'am?" the waiter asks glancing at Emery.

"A sprite, please."

The waiter nods before glancing at me "the usual appetizers, sir?"

I glance at the menu and scan each of the appetizers I usually get, considering them before nodding "yes, medium to well done for everything, though."

The waiter nods "yes, sir." He says before heading off.

I set the menu off to the side looking at Emery with a warm smile. She gazes at me with a smile in return.

"Have you called Dr. Falcone to book your first ultrasound?" I ask after a moment, moving my hand to take hers.

Emery shakes her head slowly "no. Not yet."

I nod slowly "I'll call her tomorrow and sort it out. She'll come by the house."

Emery nods slowly taking a sip of her water. "You hate doctors because of him? Your father?"

I gaze at her nodding slowly "he was an anesthesiologist." My traitorous mind races through the memories of my childhood and I feel my jaw tighten of its own accord.

"So, what makes you trust Dr. Falcone?" Emery asks curiously. "Because she's a woman?"

"Because I have looked into her completely," I say simply. "She has no skeletons in her closet, she's good at what she does, and she is dedicated to her patients. I know for a fact you and our baby are in good hands when it comes to her and I know she is not... a murderer or something."

Emery gives my hand a gentle squeeze looking at me. "He hurt you in as many ways as he could think, didn't he?"

I swallow, taking a sip of my scotch, and shift a little in my chair.

"What happened to him? Your father? Where is he now?"

I gaze at her with a small frown. "He's dead."

"Good," Emery mutters before frowning a little and looking up at me "sorry... maybe that's too harsh..."

I can't help but laugh a little. I shake my head "if anyone deserved death it was him. Though I sometimes think death was a little too... simple."

"How did he die? When did he die?" Emery asks.

I frown deeper gazing at her. Do I want to tell her the truth? That's my job now, right? To tell her the truth, about everything. But I am still so scared. Scared that she will realize that this is too much for her. That I am too much for her.

I glance up when the waiter returns with our appetizers.

"Are you ready to order, sir? Or would you like a few more minutes?"

I glance at Emery "would you like to order your meal? Or can I order for both of us?"

Emery glances at the menu before nodding "whatever you think is best."

I smile before turning to the waiter "in that case we will get the Porterhouse and New York Strip both medium well. Brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes as sides to share, and the house salad."

The waiter nods jotting down the order. "I'll have that right out, sir."

I pass over our menus before turning back to Emery. I gaze at her for a moment before sighing heavily. "You have to understand, I was a kid, I was terrified. But I was done. I was done serving him, I was done living in a home where I-I..." I trail off a moment, swallow and then finish. "You asked why I went to Juvie. I went to Juvie for murder in self-defence."

Emery gazes at me with surprise, her eyes widening a little. "You killed him?" she asked her voice hushed so nearby tables can't hear us.

I nod.

Emery gazes at me like she isn't sure how to react to this news.

"You have to understand Emery, it was my only option. I was done, I couldn't do it anymore. I had to get out of there. If I had taken my sister, stolen his car and left he would eventually have found us and then it would have been so much worse. He probably would have ended up killing both of us. He threatened it all the time. Said that if we were not loyal enough to stay with him anymore, that we were of no use to him. He would threaten to kill us to keep us quiet. So, when I decided it was time to leave, that I couldn't take it anymore, I-I decided the best option was to kill him." I gaze at the table with a dark frown. "It wasn't painful, I took one of the scalpels he had and slit his throat, ear to ear. He was dead within a minute. He probably didn't even have time to register what had happened. In a way, it was too quick for a monster like him. I sliced his neck, my sister and I packed a bag, took the cash he kept in his closet and then I stole his car. I planned to drive to the next town. But we were stopped about an hour later. They saw the blood on my sleeves and tracked the license and registration back to the house. When they found my father, they took me into custody and my sister went back into the system. That was when Joyce was notified of what happened and she introduced herself and a lawyer to me. They helped me build a case on self-defence, they even found a handful of his victims to testify, and I was given three years and promised that my record would be expunged when I turned eighteen."

Emery is gazing at me in shock. "H-how old... you said you were fifteen when you went to Juvie."

I nod.

Emery gazes at me with a deep frown "fifteen and you... you killed someone."

"I killed a monster, Emery," I say gazing at her, almost begging for her to see it all from my perspective. "He was the devil. I was a boy, I was scared, terrified that if I didn't end him that night that I wouldn't ever be able to get out of there."

Emery swallows a little giving my hand a small squeeze. "I'm sorry... I-I just... I can't imagine being fifteen and..." she looks up at me. "I was fifteen when my mother passed away, I remember what that felt like, feeling like I was on my own and it was..."

"Your mother is different, was different," I say taking another sip of scotch. "My father wasn't a parent. He was my nightmare. He didn't make me feel safe or protected or loved. He made me feel the opposite. My father was my enemy, my fear... the only person who ever made me feel less alone was Evelyn, my sister. She is the only reason I regret what I did."

Emery gazes at me.

I sigh heavily a small lump of old grief settling in my throat. "If I had stuck around until I was eighteen. Maybe I could have prevented what happened to her. Maybe I could have protected her. I miss her, every day. She was my best friend."

The conversation dies when the waiter walks over with our meal, the potatoes and Brussel sprouts come in deep large bowls, as does the large house salad. The meat comes perfectly cut and cooked on a large wooden serving platter. The waiter sets a pair of plates on the table.

"Enjoy, sir," the waiter says, nodding formally to me before he heads away.

Emery gazes at the food with a small frown. "You're going to hate me... but given the current topic, I'm not really that hungry right now."

"Well, let's change topics then," I say, grabbing her plate I begin to dish the food up for her. "You need to eat, baby."

Emery hesitates, glancing at me as I set her plate back down in front of her. She moves a leaf of lettuce around the plate a moment before she sighs and takes a bite of it.

I dish up my own plate before turning my gaze to her. "I will have Reese collect a few empty boxes so we can pack your things and move them to the house."

Emery gazes at me with a slow nod "all of it? You could probably sell most of the furniture. It's not like your house needs it."

"If it will make you more comfortable, in our home. I am not selling any of it. We can find space for it," I say with a small shrug.

Emery smiles a little gazing at me. "Our? I like the sound of that."

"Me too," I say with a warm smile.

"How about we give it to the less fortunate?" Emery suggests. "At least the bed and nightstands and stuff. I could probably find a use for the desk."

I nod "we could do that."

Emery pauses a moment before she frowns "so... if you don't like hospitals... are you saying you want me to have a home birth?"

I gaze at her with a small shrug. "That is nine months away, Emery. We have a long time before we need to consider that, but yes. I would prefer it. Dr. Falcone will be there, of course. That room has everything we would need."

"But if there is an emergency we are not at the hospital," Emery says with a small frown.

I reach over and take her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Emery don't stress yourself out right now. This is months away. Like I said let's take all of this one step at a time. The first step is to call and book you for the eight-week ultrasound, make sure you are eating properly and both you and the baby are healthy. Right now, that is all that matters to me."

Emery smiles a little.

"One thing you should consider is how long you want to continue to work. I want you to know that you can take off as long as you want," I say with a warm smile.

"Before or after?" Emery asks.

I frown a little "after? You want to go back to work after the baby's born?"

Emery frowns a little "yes." She says like that is obvious. "Why wouldn't I? I want to build a career."

I frown a little and take a bite of steak chewing slowly. "You know you wouldn't have to."

"I know I don't have to. I want to. What sort of example does it set for our future possible daughter if their mother just stays at home all day and lives off her husband?" Emery asks defensively.

"That you love her enough to want to stay at home and be with her all day," I say.

Emery scoffs a little "that's an ancient way of thinking. Don't you think? Are you saying you'll love our kids less because you plan to stay working? Or are you saying you plan to retire at thirty?"

I frown "neither. And I don't think it is an ancient way of thinking. I want our kids to know they are our number one priority. That our family comes first before work or anything else, that is the example I want to set. Yes, I will continue to work, but I will be able to take off as much time as I want. It'll finally force me to let go a little and let the people I pay run my company. It'll be an adjustment but one I am happy to make."

"Our family will be my number one priority. But I can have a family which I love and have a career too. Women do it all the time," Emery says.

"And their kids often end up getting raised by a nanny," I say.

Emery frowns deeply and her eyes flash a little. She glares at me. "My mother worked three jobs at times, there were some days I never saw her because she was working, but I still knew she loved me."

"Your mother didn't have a choice. You do," I say. "You have the ability to make our family your focus."

"It will be! But it won't be my only focus," Emery says.

I hold her gaze and frown deeply. Sighing heavily, I slowly shake my head. "I do not want our kids raised by a nanny."

"They won't be!" Emery urges. "Course they wouldn't be. So if you had your wish I would what? Quite my job and become a housewife. Cook and clean and care for kids. All barefoot in the kitchen and pregnant every other year."

"No. Well, not the housewife part. I don't expect you to cook or clean that's what we have London for. But I want you to be able to stay at home with our kids. Give them the things that a mother can give them when she stays at home with them," I say.

Emery hesitated a moment before breathing a heavy sigh. "I want to work. Would I like to be able to work as an author at home while also raising our kids? Yes, I think I would. But I still want to work. Have a career. Have something to be proud of other than just our kids. If you think that is selfish... I-I..."

"I don't. I don't think that is selfish," I slowly breathe a deep sigh and nod slowly. "I'm sorry. You are probably right. Growing up with a mother who puts her career and family first and is able to manage both is probably a good example to set. I just don't want our kids to have the same experience Joyce had with her mother. She wouldn't admit it but it hurt her."

Emery nods slowly "it won't happen, Colin. Promise. Our kids will always know that they come first for me. You and our kids will always be number one for me."

I smile softly and nod slowly. "I will support you being an author Emery if that is what you want. I think you would be a wonderful author."

Emery smiles.

Our celebratory dinner is excellent. It has been a long time since I have been to this steakhouse, and it is still my favourite. They cook everything very well, so even though the steak is more cooked than I have ever ordered it, I usually order steak on the redder end of medium-rare, I still find the meat well-cooked and delicious. For dessert Emery and I split a chocolate mousse.

I smile in affection as I scoop some more onto the spoon and hold it out to Emery. It's interesting really that I can spend two hours sitting across from this woman, eating and talking with her and still not have enough of her. I truly want to spend the rest of my life with her.

When the bill is paid, I get to my feet and offer her my hand as we walk out of the restaurant together. Reese is waiting for us on the curb and opens the door for Emery.

I make to drop her hand so she can get in, but she tugs my hand, giving it a squeeze. Her hand moves up to cup my cheek and she kisses my cheek.

I smile pushing her against the car, I press my lips to hers. Kissing her, possessing her mouth, forcing my tongue between her lips and exploring her mouth, tasting her. I brace her body between mine and the car and rest my palm against the car to steady myself. I am reminded of that second kiss. The day Emery signed my contract. The day I knocked an asshole into a table because he was messing with her. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

My breath halts in my throat as I feel Emery run her hand over the front of my slacks, stroking me through the fabric, before she lowers my zipper and pushes her hand into my pants, stroking me through my underwear.

"Emery," I breathe huskily in warning, barely breaking the kiss.

Emery pulls away a little, tilting her head back so she can gaze into my eyes.

"Use your words, baby, tell me what you want," I whisper tracing my thumb down her cheek. I bite back a groan as I feel her hand rub me. My hips push forward on their own accord.

"I want dessert," Emery whispers with a cheeky smile across her face. "Fuck me in the back seat."

My hand tightens a little against the car, I swoop my neck a little and plant a noisy kiss to her neck. "Don't tempt me, baby. You deserve a bed, Emery, let's go home and I will fuck you until you pass out."

"What if I don't want a bed?" Emery asks, she grips my cock under my underwear and strokes me.

"Emery," I whisper, burying my face in her shoulder I let a low groan escape my lips. "Come on baby, let's go home. I want to fuck you in our bed."

Emery smiles brushing her thumb down my cheek. "Fine." She pulls her hand back and redoes my zipper. "And you say you have no self-control."

"You test my self-control every day, baby," I whisper against her ear, giving it a gentle nip.

Emery laughs softly before she ducks into the car. I gaze at her with a warm smile before gently shutting her door. I walk around the car as I look down the road for oncoming traffic, I frown a little noticing a silver Toyota sitting at the end of the street. Its very dark tinted window rolled down enough to let some of the cigarette smoke out. I frown gazing at it for a moment, it's missing a front license plate and the windows are incredibly dark and tinted. More than what is legal in Illinois. I know because each of my cars are tinted to the legal limits. I'm not sure why I noticed the car, but something about it attracted my attention. Like I can feel the occupant, even though I cannot see them, staring at me from behind those tinted windows.

I narrow my gaze a little as the car starts, and turns down the road, driving right past me. I frown a little, even as it passes me, I cannot make out anything behind the tint. That can't be legal. As it passes me it swerves quickly into the next lane of traffic, in an attempt it seems to hide it's license plate from view.

"Mr. Corrette, sir?" Reese asks glancing at me from where he is standing by the driver's door. "Is everything alright?"

I slowly nod, "yeah. Fine." I open the door and slide into the back beside Emery.

"Something wrong?" she asks.

I shake my head "no. Just checking out a car."

Emery laughs a little and shakes her head "another car? I think you have an extensive collection as it is."

I laugh and shrug "I want to purchase an SUV, before the baby arrives, for family driving."

Emery glances at me with a small frown "you are not driving with the baby unless you vow to me that you won't go one mile over the speed limit. I hate the idea of you speeding at all, but if you feel it necessary to risk your life needlessly, I won't stop you while you are alone."

I gaze at her with a small smile and nod "I vow to you I will go the speed limit."

Emery smiles taking my hand she gives it a squeeze. I gaze at her with a warm smile, kissing her knuckles.

"I wouldn't want you to trust Reese driving around with the baby more than me," I tease gently with an amused smile.

"Well, he doesn't speed," Emery says.

"He's not allowed to," I say glancing at the man behind the wheel before glancing at her. "Nor is he allowed to be on the phone in any way while he is driving. At least with you in the car. It's why you never see his phone out of the dashboard holder."

Emery glances at Reese with a small curious nod, she glances at me. "Can you teach me how to drive?"

I nod "yeah, if you want."

She smiles "or should I have Reese teach me?"

I smirk a little in amusement and shake my head. "I am a good driver. I've never been in an accident or had any traffic violations."

Emery smiles "I guess you can teach me." 

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