Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC S...

By ren1014

44.6K 1.1K 151

"So the stone wanted to link us together on purpose? Why?" Loki shakes his head. "There's no record of the st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 19

901 23 0
By ren1014

She looks back over at Loki, who looks at her with panicked eyes as they watch the Quinjet land and quickly teleport back into Loki's cell.

"Do you think they saw?" Loki asks.

"I don't hear any alarms going off, so we might be okay."

Loki reaches for the cuff and hand it to Rhi. "We should probably get this back on."

She smiles. "No."


"You earned it. But...for the sake of everyone else, use an illusion to make it look like you have it on." Loki surrounds his wrist in a green shimmer and an illusion of the cuff takes its place.

"I should head up to meet them before they get suspicious."

"Wait." Loki grabs her hand but quickly let's go. "Thank you."

She nods and says, "See you later, mischief." before teleporting out of the cell and back to the Avengers' floor to greet the team.

As she makes her way into the lab, she finds Clint on top of a crate of some kind, while Bruce and Tony are looking over some data.

"Anything from Nat?" She hears Bruce say as she walks in.

Tony responds. "I haven't. But she's alive, or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it."

Rhi panics. "What happened to Nat!?"

Clint hops off the crate and walks over to her. "Ultron took her. We're not sure where, just yet."

"Well, what can we do? Anything I can help with?"

Clint thinks to himself  for a moment. "Can you use your magic to find her?"

"I've never done anything like that before...but I can give it a shot."

Tony walks over. "Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet? You know, old school spy stuff."

"There are some nets I can cast." Clint says as he starts walking away.

Tony places a comforting hand on Rhi's shoulder. "She'll be fine."

"I know, but-"

Tony cuts her off. "What happened to your tracker?"

Rhi starts to get nervous " off while I was experimenting with my magic."

Tony eyes her suspiciously. "That's one of the biggest loads of crap I've ever heard." He then grabs his tablet and checks the camera feed to Loki's cell. He surprised to see Loki still in his cell with his magic blocking cuff on. Rhi nervously smiles when he looks back up at her.

"You went down to see him again, didn't you?"


Tony gives her a disappointed look. "Rhiannon, I swear..."

"You never did say that I couldn't see him." She points out.

He huffs and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Once this mess with Ultron is over, we're going to have a discussion at length about all of this."

Rhi nods her head again and then goes to her room so she can have a quiet place to focus. She then lays down on her bed and tries to focus on Nat's energy but has no luck.


"I can feel your frustration from all the way down there."

Rhi quickly sits up and is surprised to see Loki standing in her room.

"Loki!" She quickly uses her magic to look her door. "You're suppose to be in your cell!"

"I am." He says while looking at her smugly.

"I can clearly see that you're..." She narrows her eyes when she finally notices that his energy isn't fully present and there's a weird aura around him. Rhi then closes her eyes to locate where he actually is and finds him in his cell. "It's an illusion, you're projecting from your cell."

"Clever girl." He smirks and Rhi smiles and blushes at his praise.

"Wait, you could feel my emotions from all the way in the cell?" He nods. "I thought we could only do that when our skin touched." She says as she looks down at her hand. "I've only been able to feel your presence."

"I can only sense your emotions when they're really strong." He looks at her disappointed face. "Remember, I've been practicing magic for hundreds of years. You'll get there."


"What's the matter?"

"Ultron has Nat. Clint asked to see if I can locate her with my magic. I've tried, but no luck, so far."

"Location spells are tricky. Even I have trouble with them."

"Damn." An idea pops into her head. "Maybe we can find her together using the mind stones powers."

"Why should I help...them?"

"Because Nat is my friend." She stands up and walks closer to him. "Please, Loki. For me?"

He chuckles to himself. "Oh, alright." Loki thinks to himself for a moment. "Grab something of hers that has her energy tied to it, along with a map, and a cup of tea. Then, meet me down in my cell."

Rhi heads up to Nat's room and searches for something her and Loki can use. She spots her hairbrush in the bathroom, grabs it and then teleports to the library to grab an atlas. Before heading down to Loki, she teleports back up to her floor to make some tea and then to goes to Loki in his cell.

"Will this work?"

Loki takes the hairbrush and pulls out a few hairs. "Perfect." He smiles.

"What's the tea for?"

"I was thirsty." Loki winks and takes a few sips of the tea. He then takes the atlas and sets it on the floor with the strands of Nat's hair on top of it and sits down in front of it and points at Rhi to do the same.

Once Rhi sits down, Loki holds out his hands for her and she grabs them.

"So how does this work?" She inquires.

"This will take a lot of energy, that you're not use to using, so I need you to make sure you really focus, understand?" She nods her head in agreement.


"As ready as I'm going to be."

"Alright then, close your eyes. Use the hair to get a reading on her energy. Then, once you have that, focus on finding where else it is, outside this tower."

Rhi takes a deep breath and starts focusing on Nat's energy. Pretty soon, the energy from the mind stone's power starts to surround them and the strands of Nat's hair begin to float as the pages of the atlas starts turning.

Eventually, the pages of the atlas finally come to a stop and the strand of hair points to a location.

"Sokovia! I need to go!" Rhi says as she goes to stands up. However, she almost falls over from being too weak. Loki, thankfully, catches her and helps her sit down.

"You're not going anywhere, until after you've rested for bit, first."

"But, Loki I-"

"Don't make me repeat myself, pet." He says sternly.

"Fine." She huffs and then pulls out her phone so she can send a quick message to Clint.

"We just used a lot of magical energy. The only reason why you're even still conscious, is because you're half elf. Here." He hands her the cup of tea and uses his magic to warm it up. "This will help."

She smiles up at him. "Thank you."

"You can go after you finish the tea." She nods and takes a few sips. Once she's done, Loki magics the cup away and Rhi embraces him in a hug.

"Thank you. I know you didn't have to help."

He wraps his arms around her to return the hug. "Tell anyone and I'll deny it."

"You know, if they knew you helped find Nat, they might be more willing to give you a second chance."

"You're far too optimistic."

"And you're too grumpy." She teases and then gets up to leave the cell. "I'll just tell Thor, that you like hugs, instead."

"You wouldn't." He challenges.

"Don't tempt me, mischief." She winks and teleports out of the cell and to the lab, where she finds Tony and Bruce experimenting with the crate. Before she can say anything to them, she sees Steve storm into the lab.

What are they doing here?


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