My Thorns (Jenna Ortega X Emm...

Door kimchipinke

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Emma, a young woman who has had enough of disrespectful and abusive men in her life, decides to take matters... Meer

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
AI Visualise
Special chapter | Paris Adventure
New Story : Dark Obsession
Men slayer

Chapter thirteen

743 43 60
Door kimchipinke


Emma was truly a breathtaking woman.

(Literally, Jenna couldn't help but think. Not that she cared much anyway).

The young woman was looking through the wide windows of the apartment she had indicated to Jenna earlier, her back to her, and... Even then, she was still undoubtedly the most beautiful woman the brunette had ever laid her eyes on.

Her slender body may make her seem quite weak at first glance, but she was nothing close to that. Jenna was pretty strong herself, having gone through some physical training before becoming a detective, but she knew Emma could take her down within a minute without even breaking a sweat. Her arms and legs were toned, muscles not quite showing but definitely there, hidden underneath her supple skin.

Yet, she was still as graceful as ever. Never brutal, everything about was delicate and classy. Every time she moved, it was almost as if she danced, each of her steps looked like they had been carefully planned before, all perfectly executed.

The coat she was wearing fit her perfectly, the black colour was truly a perfect match to her pale skin. She had long legs, and smooth skin that the dark material was, fortunately, not covering. Her silver hair made her look even more expensive and scarier, too. She couldn't even see her face, yet Jenna was already intimidated by the woman (and, no, it didn't have anything to do with her being a criminal).

"You know," The woman started, voice low, as she remained still, "It's rude to stare."

The detective could feel her cheeks heating up when she realized that she'd been caught, but paid no mind to it. She hadn't come there to play her games, not this time. She had to focus back on the reason she had asked to meet Emma in the first place.

Emma finally turned around so she was facing the brunette, a sly smile plastered on her face. Jenna wasn't fooled, though. She could perfectly spot the worry in her eyes.

"Why did you want to see me?" She spoke again.

"You know it," Jenna merely answered, pausing for a few seconds as she looked around the place for the first time since she had gotten there. "I assume this isn't where you live, so... whose place is this?"

Emma chuckled, taking a step closer to the brunette, heels clicking against the floor.

"Does it matter?"

"I'm still a cop," Jenna scoffed, "Breaking into a stranger's place isn't something I'm supposed to do."

"But talking with a criminal is?"

She remained silent at those words, making her laugh again, and oh, Jenna would be damned if that wasn't the most beautiful sound ever. So angelic, yet laced with so much darkness. This woman was truly a paradox in every possible way.

Jenna was growing insane.

"Do you want something to drink, Jenna?" The woman asked, Jenna only realizing then that she had moved much closer to her, so close that she could now smell her perfume.

It was intoxicating, just like her.

Jenna quickly shook her head, remembering the question. "Your victims may have fallen for your tricks, but I won't."

"Oh, but, didn't you already?" She answered, her lips curved upward and an eyebrow cocked up.


"Anyway," She smiled, "I know it may be a silly thing to say, but I am not planning on drugging you, no need to worry. If it makes you feel better, I can taste it before to show you that I'm not lying."

Jenna gulped. The conversation seemed so weirdly normal. Emma's tone was casual as if the brunette was only visiting a friend, and offering her a drink was the most natural thing the woman could do.

It made her feel all warm inside.

How ironic? Jenna felt safer in an apartment alone with an actual murderer than she had anywhere else. It felt as if she was right where she was always supposed to be. Like it was her place.


"It's a simple yes or no question, honey. I'm gonna have some red wine anyway," She added. "So?"

"Yeah," Jenna nodded, her voice hoarse. She cleared her throat before adding, "I... I'll have some water, please."

The red wine sounded like a wonderful idea, but she knew she had to be in complete control of herself while she was in Emma's company.

Firstly because the woman was a dangerous criminal that could potentially harm her, and secondly because she was there for a serious matter.

Mostly because Jenna could do something stupid, like kiss her, with alcohol in her blood.

"Only water?" Emma's amused voice brought the brunette out of her daze.

She blinked a few times before humming.

"All right," The silver-haired girl answered, a smile plastered on her face, before turning around and walking towards what Jenna supposed was the bar.

Whoever that apartment belonged to, that person was rich as hell. Not that it surprised Jenna, given that Emma had picked it, but the thought that this might also be one of her potential victim's places made her shiver in dread.

The woman seemed comfortable there though, as if she was home, while she was running her hands along all the bottles of wine that were exposed. Jenna only noticed then the dark gloves that were covering her hands and couldn't help but wonder if she had left her own prints somewhere.

Only the handle. She thought. I'll have to clean it before leaving, just in case.

God, Jenna wasn't used to this life. She doubted she could ever get used to it. Yet, Emma truly seemed in her element. If she was the slightest bit panicked, she never let it show.

It fascinated the detective more than it should.

Eventually, the woman picked a bottle of wine, and took a bottle of water out of the small fridge, before pouring the liquids into their glasses.

Jenna's eyes remained stuck on them, in case Emma wanted to discreetly put a pill in her glass, but she saw nothing.

Sure, she could've put it in there before, but that would imply her knowing that Jenna would choose to drink water, which wasn't too likely.

At least, that's what the brunette was trying to convince herself.

Emma wouldn't hurt her, Jenna trusted her.

"So," The blonde woman started as she handed Jenna the glass, "do you want me to drink in it before?"

This was probably a terrible idea, but...

"No." Jenna answered, "It's fine, I trust you."

For a second, the brunette could swear she saw Emma's cheeks turn into a faint shade of pink. It disappeared as fast as it came though, and she figured she probably dreamt it.

The woman didn't answer anything, only took a sip of her wine, quickly followed by Jenna who emptied her glass of water in one go, sighing in pleasure at the cool feeling of the water in her sore throat.

"You know who I am," Emma finally spoke up, voice dropping much lower. "Right?"

Jenna's eyes remained stuck on her feet, as she was too scared to look up and see the woman's expression.

"Your real name is Emma Myers, 21 years old. You work at a flower shop that you've owned for 3 years now."

As she said the words, Emma- or, Enid, started chuckling. She didn't seem angry, or worried. The chuckle sounded completely emotionless, which chilled Jenna to the bone. Before she could add anything, the woman's finger made its way to her chin, tilting her face upward so the brunette had no choice but to look at her.

She was smiling, but her gaze was freezing.

"What else do you know about me? I assume you didn't just stop there, huh?"

Jenna gulped. "You... you were arrested years ago for getting into a fight with a man and breaking his nose. You claimed it was only self-defense back then and he dropped the charges he was pressing against you. And... you're an orphan, no known family..."

Emma hummed, her eyes stuck on Jenna's, making the latter's heart beat faster and faster by the second.

After a short moment, which seemed agonizingly long for the detective, Emma released her and took a step back, smile fading as she did.

"What did Jules tell you?"

Her tone had no hint of gentleness in it, this time.

"That... you were violent with her."

Jenna feared the woman's reaction, knowing that she wouldn't be pleased to hear that she'd been caught.

Emma remained silent for a few seconds, eyes wide, before, "I'm sorry... what?" A frown made its way to her face, "She said that?"

"I- yeah, she did." Jenna nodded, "You can't- she's under the police protection now, and- If anything happens to her they'll know it's yo-"

"I won't do anything to her." Emma cut her off, voice still cold, "I'm not a monster."

The woman stated it as if it was obvious, as if she hadn't killed men before, and wasn't planning on doing it again.

The brunette chose to remain silent, though.

"What did she say? Did she have proof? I can't believe-"


Jenna was speechless.

How could a woman who killed relentlessly be so scandalized to hear that she's been accused of being violent?

"Does it matter..?" The brunette eventually said, her voice small, and Emma scoffed.

"I have to talk to her. She- She's lying, I'll just have a talk with her and it'll be-"

"You can't-" The detective cut her off, and she completely stopped, looking back at Jenna who gulped loudly, before adding, "You don't get it, they're so close to catching you, you-"

"They?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow, sounding suddenly so much calmer.

"Y-Yeah, the police..."

"Aren't you part of it too, though?"

Her tone had changed drastically in a matter of seconds. She sounded so panicked, before, something the brunette had never expected to witness, and then there she was back to her usual, cold self.

"Yeah. But I don't want to arrest you." Jenna said as if she was stating something obvious.

Then, Emma laughed, and the brunette was growing more and more confused. She wasn't sure she understood even just one thing that was happening.

Then again, it was far from being a normal situation.

"I thought you were smarter than that."

"What do you mean?"

Emma stepped closer to her once more, a devilish smirk making its way to her lips, "Do you realize what you're doing, huh? Fucking up your whole life, and what for?"

Jenna remained silent.

She didn't even know, she just knew that nothing really mattered anymore, she was just looking for something to make her live again.

"Why don't you arrest me, Jenna?" Emma added, voice low, "I'm a bad person, aren't I? Why don't you arrest me?"

"B-because-" The detective took a deep breath, "Because I want to help you."

"Help me?" Her eyebrow quirked.

"I know you're only seeking justice."

Emma scoffed. "Oh, you know huh?"

"It's pretty obvious," Jenna stated, growing a little bolder, even if the rate of her heartbeat didn't quite match that. "I know they won't even try to hear your story if they catch you. Or they won't care, anyway, and I don't think it's fair."

She laughed, once more. "My story?" She asked, and Jenna only hummed. "You don't know it either, Ortega. You don't know anything, actually. I kill people, I deserve to be put in jail. Am I wrong?"

Jenna froze at the words.

She was right, after all. She knew nothing about Emma, except for the few meaningless information that she had found thanks to Jules.

The brunette was swearing to herself that by doing all that she was doing the right thing, but what if she had been wrong?

What if there was no right, or good anymore?


"Don't worry, honey." Emma interrupted her, eyes still as cold as ever. Lifeless, almost. "They won't catch me."

She stated with such confidence, that it baffled the shorter girl.

"I don't know about that." The brunette breathed out, panic rising in her chest as Emma got even closer to her, grabbing her chin gently again, Jenna shivering at the coldness of the leather.

"Why is that?"

"I- uh-"

Jenna wanted to answer, but with the woman's face so close to hers, it was impossible for her to. She was pretty sure her brain stopped functioning the moment her covered fingers made contact with her skin.


She smiled. "My name sounds so lovely coming out of your mouth."


This woman was absolutely sick, and Jenna was falling for her tricks.

Gaze unconsciously dropping to the taller girl's plump lips and heart hammering in her chest, Jenna wondered if she had ever felt so many things at the same time.

Everything was so wrong, Emma didn't care about being in danger, didn't even seem like she wanted to be helped, the detective's colleagues were surely close enough to understand that she had betrayed them and sided with a criminal, her whole life was falling apart.

But, at that moment, there was only Emma in her mind. It was just like she'd been hypnotized, and she was completely at her mercy.

She understood why her victims always fell for her games, really. When her tongue stuck out a little to lick her lips tentatively, then mouth curving into a smile, Jenna knew that she knew perfectly what she was doing, and fuck, if it didn't make her brain melt and knees weak.

She needed to snap out of it, regain control, do something, anything, but it seemed so hard at that moment. Emma had her right where she wanted, and Jenna didn't know if she should fight it or let her keep on destroying her.

The way Emma was looking at her lit up a fire within her, and there was nothing Jenna wanted more than to lean closer and-


A voice inside her mind kept screaming at her to stop, she couldn't allow herself to fall even deeper.

She had to fight it, her survival instincts kicked in, and she couldn't let her have control over her mind anymore.

So, with as much strength as she could gather, the brunette stepped back and out of the woman's hold, her hand falling back to her side as she watched Jenna with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You hurt an innocent person." The detective stated, knowing that this would get her a reaction. "Why?"

Emma almost groaned at the words before turning around, and going back to the large windows to look down on the city.

"I didn't."

"That's not what she told us."

Jenna stepped closer, confidence growing and growing, until she was right beside the taller woman. She didn't risk looking at her, though, instead kept her gaze focused on the busy streets of New York.

Emma was in trouble, and she knew it. She had to know the only way she'd get out of this was with the brunette's help.

"Why are you here, Jenna?"

The detective sighed, staying completely silent for a few seconds as she was trying to think of something to say that wouldn't annoy her further. She always felt like she was walking on thin ice with Emma, a wrong step and it was all over.

"How... How can I help you?"

This seemed to catch her off guard as Jenna suddenly felt her gaze on her, gulping at the realization.

Then, she laughed. "You can't help me."

The detective risked looking back at her. "We both know that's not true." She stated, voice laced with fake confidence, "Without me, I give you a week before they catch you and put you in jail, best case scenario. You know it's not the most likely, though. If they see you and deem you're a danger to their lives..." Jenna trailed holding two fingers up to the taller woman's forehead. "You know what happens next."

It took a few seconds for the woman to react, before she roughly grabbed the detective's hand to snatch it away, making her heart almost miss a beat. Her hand remained firm on her wrist, not showing signs of planning on letting go anytime soon.

"How would you help me, huh? How do I know you won't betray me? How do I know you're good enough?"

Jenna smiled. She was going mad. Completely mad.

But Emma was actually envisaging getting her on her side, and hell, if that wasn't worth going crazy for.

"I'll prove it."

"You're so damn stupid" Emma scoffed. "You should fear me, and here you are."

Jenna remained silent, not sure words were necessary. She didn't fear her, not at all. Just like she didn't fear death anymore.

She had gotten to a point of no return, and she knew this would only end one way. But so what? Jenna would rather end it all sooner feeling alive than actually live for years in pain as she was, in that boring routine some dared call Life.

With her hand back below her chin, Emma lifted the brunette's head up slightly so their gazes were locked together once more.

"Do you trust me, Jenna?" Her voice had dropped lower, back to the sultry tone she was already fond of.

"I do."

There was no hesitation in her tone.


Before Jenna could realize what was happening, the woman was leaning closer to her face until their lips were merely a few inches apart. She waited for a few more seconds, though, as if she was giving the detective one last chance to back down and leave.

She didn't.

And when their lips finally met in a fiery kiss, Jenna swore, she had never felt more alive than in that moment.


"Wait, wait-" He muttered, massaging his temple slowly. "Are you sure?"

"I just told you. She told me everything herself, I've seen the texts."


The air had grown much tenser, and the woman almost jumped in surprise when he slammed his fist on his desk.

"What the Hell."

"I know this may come as a shock but-"

"You don't know anything Farmer," He almost groaned as he got up, pointing his finger at her, his gaze darkened by anger and confusion. "You don't know a damn- Fuck!" He almost shouted before kicking into the bin right behind her.

The young woman gulped loudly, never having seen him in that state before.

Finally, after a good minute, he calmed down, sighing deeply.

"I've been so damn blind."

"She's a manipulative piece of shit, man. We've all been fooled by her."

He released a bitter chuckle, leaning back down on his desk. "Well, it's been going on for long enough." He scoffed, eyeing the brunette with a malicious smirk. "I'm giving you a day to gather all the evidence we need. Tomorrow, by this time, her little game will be stopped for good."

The woman broke into a grin. "Now, you know how to talk to me, Farmer. Everything will be ready in time, don't worry." She said, stepping closer to him as an evil smirk made its way to her lips. "Jenna Ortega is done for."

Song for this chapter

Notes : I wanna thank everyone who takes a bit of time to leave comments on this story, it means the world to me,

thanks for reading <3

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