When Did I Became Populer...

By Raidou14th

112K 2.3K 2.8K

Highschool AU Harem x Male reader You were just and average looking student, but somehow a lot of girls are... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to jackass
Chapter 2: A beach episode? already?
Chapter 3: (Y/N) The rock!
Chapter 4: AmbatuLearn
Chapter 6: I feel like I'm forgetting someone
Chapter 7: Family bonding.... What?
Extra: (Y/N)
Chapter 8: It's a Slumb-Sleepover!
Chapter 9: Suprise attack!
Chapter 10: Just a day in my life
Chapter 11: Transfer students?
Chapter 12: The ski trip
Chapter 13: Chiken wings sounds good

Chapter 5: Mama I'm scared!

10.3K 204 191
By Raidou14th

''Welcome to jackass'' is not only a reference but also the name of your channel.


*opening skit*

(Y/N): Hi guys, welcome to jackass! And today I'll be running through my neighborhood until I see something that starts with the letter ''N'', let's go!

You began to run through the streets but only a few seconds later you bump into someone.




(Y/N):...*to the camera* Alright guys, that's it for today's video don't forget to like and subscribe and I'll see you on the next video.

*end of skit*


You were currently in the roof top with the boys (and yanqing) playing games on your phone.

Caelus: Why'd you pick the male mc?

(Y/N): Cuz I'm a man and I'll always be a man. I want to fuck bitches not be bitches. You get me?

Dan heng: Such wise words...

Yanqing: Hey, did you guys heard? That Kafka just came back to town.

Your heart dropped hearing those words.

Caelus: For real? Where'd you hear that from?

Yanqing: She was teaching my class earlier-uh... Is He ok?


Dan heng: He and Kafka have a very... Interesting Relationship.

(Y/N): I told You, I'm not dating her!

Caelus: Then why is She always so flirty with you?


You were sitting in class writing an essay when Kafka dropped her eraser in front of you.

Kafka: Oops! Looks like I dropped my eraser in front of you again. My, how clumsy of me~!

Kafka bends down to grab her eraser whilst giving you a full view of her ass.

(Y/N): U-uhh...

Kafka: Fufu~

(Y/N) Junior: Oh yeah!


Kafka: Say, Aaah~!

(Y/N): N-no thanks...

Kafka pushes the spoon against your mouth and gives you a look. You feel like you were in some sort of spell.

Kafka: Say, Aaah~!


*end of flashback*

(Y/N): She's a witch, I hate it!

Yanqing: Then why don't you just... You know? Walk away or something?

(Y/N): I wish it was that easy. It's just something about her that makes me obey her! My mind is saying ''NO NO NO'' but my body is saying ''YES YES YES''! It's like I was under a spell or something!

Caelus: Maybe She really is a witch?

Dan heng: So what are you gonna do about it?

(Y/N): I think I'm skipping class today.

Caelus: Good luck with that. Remember what happened last time you skip her class?



You land on your back after Kafka  thrown you into the classroom.

Kafka had found out you were skipping her class and went to look for you after a bit of cat and mouse chase, She dragged you all the way to class.

Kafka: My~ look who's late and finally decided to show up!

(Y/N): Owww ugh...

The whole classroom sweat dropped at the scene while Kafka smiled sweetly and you winded on the ground.

*end of flashback*

(Y/N): Yeah well, I have a better hiding place now that NO ONE! Know...

Dan heng: No offense, but you're really bad at hiding.

Caelus: Yeah, your hiding spots tend to be obvious.

(Y/N): Oh yeah? Named three time She caught me lacking!


Kafka opened the door to the bathroom stall and found you sitting in the toilet.

(Y/N): Frick nugget!

Kafka opened the janitor closet and found you practicing kissing with a broom.

(Y/N): Frick nugget!

Kafka opened the trash can lid and found you eating soft tacos with a raccoon.

(Y/N): Frick nugget!

Kafka opened the door to your room and found you were watching hentai on your computer.

(Y/N): Frick nugget- wait, This is my house, what are you doing here?

Kafka: Ara ara~

(Y/N): AAA-

*end of flashback*

(Y/N): Yeah well, this time is gonna be different! I found the best hiding spot that no one, even Kafka would ever think off!


(Y/N): Ahh.. Nothing is better than skipping school and going to a Warnet (Internet cafe)!

Your curently scrolling through facebook when a kid came to you.

Unwanted child: Hey mister, can I have this PC next?

(Y/N): Shut up kid, go get a job bozo.

Unwanted child: *ran out of the cafe while crying*

(Y/N): As I was saying nothing beats skipping school!

Qinque: You said it!

(Y/N): Hehehe...

Qinque: Hehehe...



You look to your side and was surprised to see Qinque next to you playing cards on the computer, and looks like She's surprised as well.

(Y/N): Qinque?

Qinque: (Y/N)? What're you doing here?

(Y/N): Oh you know, skipping class. You?

Qinque: Same, I got Ms. Fu xuan classes next and I just don't feel like dealing with her.

(Y/N): Hey same! I got someone else class that I don't want to deal either!

Qinque: Really!? We're meant for each other! Let's skip class together! I know, let's go somewhere else! A date!

(Y/N): Sure, where you wanna go?


The two of you were in a haunted house. It was one of the most realistic haunted houses you ever entered making you genuinely scared, Qinque was shaking while holding your arm tight, while you were on the verge of pissing yourself.

Qinque: This was a bad idea, I'm sorry!

(Y/N): I-it's fine, we're almost at the exit come on!

And then a ghost appears jumpscareing the both of you.

Qinque: AAAAH!



Later on, The two of you exit the theaters, after watching a movie.

Qinque: Wow that ending made me cry a bit! I was so happy the dog met his owner again.

(Y/N): Yeah, but I'm kinda sad now...

Qinque: What's wrong?

(Y/N): The dog reminded me of a chicken I used to own... I lost him during a flood.


*end of flashback*

(Y/N): *sniff* I miss you wilson...*ugly crying*

Qinque: There, there.

Qinque pats your head.


(Y/N): You can do it Qinque...!

Qinque: mmm...

You and Qinque were currently The park where Qinque was playing cards with a random guy they met.

Qinque: Hah, I won!

Guy: Noooooo!

Qinque: Now as promised, you gave me 200! C'mon give it to me!

The guy pulls out a 200 dollar and gives it to her.

Qinque: Yes, (Y/N) we won!

She stands up and at the same time a few cards fall out of her pocket.

Guy: Hey!

Qinque: Uh oh...


You grab Qinque and quickly ran away with the guy chasing the both of you.


You and Qinque were now taking a stroll through the other side of the park after outrunning the man.

Qinque: I can't forget the look on his face when you throw that sand attack at him! Hahaha!

(Y/N): Yeah, I was like ''Sand attack!'' and he was like, ''UWOO'' And I was like, ''In yo face!''

The two of you laugh a silly.

Qinque: Hey, what time Is it?

(Y/N): Let me check..

(Y/N): It's 11:45.

Qinque: You think If we go back to school now, people wouldn't notice?

(Y/N): It's halfway through the school day, might as well skip it.

Qinque: Yeah, but I probably can't go home now, my parents will be mad at me.

(Y/N): Same.

Qinque: H-hey, why don't we go somewhere? I know a place not far from here. A quiet place, where no one would disturb us, the two of us, alone...

(Y/N): Uh-hu... Where are you getting at?

Qinque looks down and starts to fidget.

Qinque: Y'know... Since it's just the two of us... I thought we could... Y'know...

(Y/N): No, I don't know.

Qinque: Agh! Y'know, that thing! That thing couples do! This thing!

She makes a 0 with her thumb and index finger and a 1 with her other index finger before inserting the 1 inside the 0 repeatedly.

(Y/N): Oh... Oh! OHH!...oh...

Qinque: Y-Yeah...

(Y/N): I-I mean, I dunno...

Qinque: I... I want you to be my first and... I want to be your first too...

??: Who's going to be who's now?

(Y/N)/Qinque: WAH!

The two of you were startled when Fu xuan suddenly appeared between the two of you.

Qinque: M-Ms.Fu xuan, h-how long have you been here?

Fu xuan: Long enough... Might I remind You, that you two are still highschoolers!

Qinque: W-we Uh... W-We're... Ummm...

Fu xuan:*sigh* I'll pretend I didn't see or hear any of this.

(Y/N): Umm.. What are you doing here, teach?

Fu xuan: I've been trying to find both of you for HOURS! So you two could get detention.

(Y/N)/Qinque: EHHH?!

Fu xuan:*sigh* You skip class, usually I would just let it go seeing you were No where in school and It would be a bother to search for you...

(Y/N): Then why are you here?

Fu xuan: Kafka.. She forced me to look for the both of you, especially you, (Y/N) (L/N).


Fu xuan: Anyway, be good students and come with me okay?

You don't really want to, but you also don't want get Fu xuan angry, after all the small one usually barks the loudest... And bites the hardest... So It looks like you have to accept your fate.


You sit at the detention room alone. It was already in the afternoon, everyone had gone home, Qinque was let go earlier than you so here you are alone.

Your heart beats faster by the minute, you have a bad feeling about this. Just then you hear the sound of the door opening.

(Y/N): Ms.Fu xuan, can I go now-

Kafka: You're not off the hook yet boy~

Your heart dropped when you saw her.

(Y/N): M-Ms.Kafka...

Kafka:*giggles* No need to be nervous~

She walks closer to you and hugs you from behind.

Kafka: I miss you~ I was looking forward to seeing you, and yet you ran away...

She tightens her grip.

Kafka: Yesterday I saw you kissing someone else, a teacher here, Himeko was it? Funny, you said you weren't interested in dating a teacher...

(Y/N): U-Ummm....

Kafka: Not only that, I also found out you were dating five women at the same time... I was surprised that five women would be willing to share you, but I don't blame them, you do have that charm to you.

Your mind is starting to get dizzy as she lets go of you and sit at the desk in front of you, facing you.

Kafka: Tell me, have you lost your virginity yet?

(Y/N): Ummm... N-No...

Kafka: I see... Good, good.

You stiffen when you feel something grinding your crotch, you glance down and see Kafka was grinding your wee wee with her feet.

(Y/N): W-what are you doing?

Kafka: Taking what's mine~

She licks her lips as your mind started to get more fuzzy and then nothing.

You jolted up with sweat pouring down your face. It seems It was all a dream. You sigh in relief, you look outside and see that it was already night.

(Y/N): It's already this late... Natasha's probably worried about me... *sigh*

You glance around the room and your heart dropped when your eyes came across Kafka who was buttoning her shirt. She noticed you were awake and winked at you.

Kafka: Fufu~

(Y/N): WHAA-


You lay down on your bed reminiscing about your life. You're having a hard time believing that you lost your first time with Kafka, and you don't even remember it.

Why are you afraid of Kafka? Some people think this Is a win, losing your virginity to a hot woman like Kafka.

Well that's because She looks like a dom, and to be honest you don't really wanna be bottom. You're afraid She might do something... Questionable to you.

Like putting you on a leash and making you bark or something. You don't want that, you still have your pride as a man.



The sound of a notification grabs your attention. You grab your phone and saw that it was from Kafka.

(Y/N): A video?

You open the video without thinking and imideatly regret it.

Panic, you quickly turn down the volume. You jump a bit when your door opened and Hook peeked inside with a smug look on her face.

Hook: I heard that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Y/N): Shut up, I'll buy you Ice cream later.

Hook: Strobery Sunday.

(Y/N): Whatever, just get out.


Hook closed the door and leaves you alone. You make sure your door Is lock before grabing your earphones and putting it on before playing the video.

Video: Aahh~ Aaahh~

It was... Kafka, and you! You were giving her backshots, you were pounding her so hard the camera shook. But what caught your attention was the face Kafka was making, her usual cold and seductive look was gone, replaced by a face of pure pleasure.

Kafka: Ah! Ah! Ah, Harder Daddy~!

(Y/N): Beg.

Kafka: Please give me your semen! Please daddy~!

You couldn't believe you actually said that, you kinda feel dirty now. But what's more unbelievable was Kafka obeying you, it seems you dominated the dominate.

(Y/N): I can't believe this... And I can't believe you.

(Y/N) junior: Hey man, I can't help it.

You sigh before unzipping your pants.


It was the next day.

You were walking to school with a tired look on your face.

(Y/N)'s mind: I can't believe I did that...

Just then you saw Kafka and your girlfriends arguing in front of The school entrance. Luckily it was still early so there weren't many people around.

Qinque: No fair, No fair! UWAAA!

Himeko: What's the meaning of this, Kafka!

March7th: Yeah, you can't just take his virginity without our permission!

Serval's mind: Mou.. I wanted to take his first!

Kafka: I was claiming what's mine, besides, I was after him first and I don't need your permission, since I already have permission from someone else.

Himeko: Permission from someone else? Who?

Kafka: His guardian, I manage to convince her to let me take his first, in return She can be part of his little harem.

Himeko: Natasha aggrees to that...?


They turn to you who have a shock look on your face. Qinque runs to you and hugs you while crying.

Qinque: (Y/N)! Is it true!? You lost your virginity to her!? Please tell me it's not true!

(Y/N): I-I.. Ummm....

Kafka: It's true, and I have the proof-

Kafka makes her way towards you and separates you from Qinque, then She then shows them a bite mark that was on your neck.

Kafka: Here.

(Y/N)'s mind: How come I didn't notice that?

Kafka: (Y/N) and I go way back, so it's only fair that I take his first. Right (N/N)~

She opens her arms waiting for you to accept her hug. You slowly make your way towards her as if an invisible force was pulling you towards her.

Tingyun: Resist it, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I-I can't... Her mommy energy Is too strong!

You wrapped your arms around her and your face resting on her bust. She caressed your head while looking at the others with a smug look.

Kafka: Jealous?

March7th: Kill yourself!

She continues to play with your hair while the other glares at her.

It was the end of the day, after calming down the girls and apologizing to Qinque you make your way towards your house with the objective of talking to Natasha.

(Y/N): I need to ask her directly...

Without thinking you opened the door to Natasha's bedroom and was greeted by a sight.

(Y/N): Natasha, is it true that-

You froze in place when you saw her in that outfit. The two of you stand still not moving a muscle and just stare at one another.

(Y/N) Junior: Oh Yeah!


Her face turns red as She frantically trys to explain herself while you kept staring at her with wide eyes.

Natasha: (Y-(Y/N)! T-This Is... Ummm...

(Y/N): What the fu-


End of chapter five

I got Fu xuan by accident.

I'm indonesian btw, so watch out for that.

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