The Love Between Art and Water

By God_of_Chaos132

1K 35 22

Puritas aquarum amor --- Love the purities of Waters, A man, a sailor, and an explorer, has a fateful meetin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Note

Chapter 9

44 2 0
By God_of_Chaos132

After some important explanations of Sand's past, Sisu and Sand spend some time in the rain, up by the clouds, enjoying each other's company...


Rain still fell from the sky.... Gently refreshing the land with its glory...

RAYA : "Alright everyone, here's the plan"

Everyone leans in to look at the map on the table.

RAYA : "The last gem piece is in Fang, the most heavily guarded of the five lands"

RAYA : "Now, they're protected by an artificial canal that separates them from the world. The only way in or out is by water... Luckily, we have a magic water dragon"

RAYA : "Now, the palace is going to be swarming with Fang soldiers, so to sneak past them, we will need to-

BOUN : "This is where I come in, I'll take out the first wave, and Tong and Sand will follow up with their giant axes of bad-axery! Then the crazy con baby and the Ongis can steal the dragon gem piece! Who will throw it to the mighty Sisudatu!"

BOUN : "Super flow plan, am I right?" He says confidently

RAYA : "Yeah, no... that's not a flow... more like a clog"

SISU : "I agree, here's my plan!"

SISU : "We infiltrate Fang, confront Namaari... and offer her something nice, and say 'Hey, you wanna help us save the world? Because all it takes is one gem piece!' *Imitating Namaari* 'Yesss!! I have been waiting for someone to ask me! Here ya go!' 'Best friends forever!'"

Everyone looks at her blankly, and Sand in the background laughs.

SAND : "I vote for Sisu's plan!"

RAYA : "Yeah No, I think I would rather go with Boun's plan instead of that"

SISU : "What?!"


SISU : "Why?"

RAYA : "Because it's Fang, duh"

TONG : "Their blades are specifically designed for the stabbing of backs!"

BOUN : "If it weren't for them, none of this would have ever happened! They're the worst"

SISU : "If we're honest with her, deep down, I got a feeling that she wants to fix the world as much as we do"

RAYA : "You weren't there when Namaari betrayed me, we're sticking with my plan"

Sisu scowls and the rain starts to fall more heavily.

RAYA : "Woah? What's with the downpour?"

SISU : "Come on, I have something to show you"

Sisu grabs Raya and puts her on her back. Quickly she jumps off the boat and takes off into the sky.

Everyone on the boat watches them fly away. Sand nervously taps the side of his leg, wondering if he should chase after them and if Sisu would be safe....

BOUN : "So what do we do now?"

SAND : "We wait... I trust they will be alright"


Sisu flies through the air quickly, while Raya holds on for dear life.

RAYA : "Where are you taking me?"

The clouds part, and she sees her homeland, Heart. As they pass by, Raya looks at the bridge, seeing the statue of her father.

Sisu flies through a hole in the temple roof at the very top of Heart. The interior of the gem chamber has crumbled since Raya entered it, long ago. Huge shafts of light now peered through the holes in the roof, lighting most of the chamber.

RAYA : "Sisu, why did you bring me here?"

SISU : "This is where it all happened"

RAYA : "Yeah, I know... I was there"

SISU : "No... This is where it all happened five hundred years ago"

She pulls down some vines in the back, revealing several dragon statues.

SISU : "I want you to meet my brothers and sisters... The real mighty ones... I miss them"

Raya looks at the statues, her face filled with surprise.

RAYA : "I had no idea that they were here"

SISU : "See that classy-looking one over there? That's Amba... I get my glow from her... And that's Pranee, she's the shapeshifter.... Jagan, fog..... And that's Pengu.... He's our big brother, he brings the rain"

SISU : "We were the last dragons"

SISU : "We were trapped, drowning in a sea of druun... All the other dragons had been turned into stone..."

SISU : "But my oldest brother, Pengu, refused to accept defeat. This was where we would make our last stand, united.... So one by one, they combined all their magic, creating the Dragon Gem"

SISU : "I don't know why they chose me... It could have been anyone.... All I know is, I trusted them, and they trusted me, and so... They gave me the gem... and were all turned to stone"

SISU : "When they put their faith in me, it empowered me beyond anything I could imagine! The same can happen with Namaari!"

RAYA : "I wish I could believe that.... I once thought we could be friends"

SISU : "After all this, maybe you can"

RAYA : "Even if she wanted to help us, how could I trust her?"

SISU : "But if you somehow could, you wouldn't just bring back your ba... You would bring back his dream of Kumandra"

Raya plucks a flower off the wall.

RAYA : "Can you take me to the bridge?"

SISU : "Sure"

They fly down together to the bridge. Raya walks to the statue of her father and places a flower in his stone hands, which hold a small amount of rainwater.

RAYA : "Do you think he would even recognize me? So much has changed..."

SISU : "Of course he will"

RAYA : "You know... You remind me of him"

SISU : "What? Strong, good-looking, with impeccable hair?" She says with a smile

RAYA : "Hopeful..."

RAYA : "How would I even approach Namaari after all this time?"

SISU : "It may seem impossible, but sometimes, you just have to take the first step, even if you don't feel ready"

Raya nods, contemplating for a short while.

RAYA : "Alright, we'll go with your plan"

SISU : "What?! My plan? You're gonna with my plan?!"

RAYA : "Yeah"

SISU : "Alright!! You're not going to regret this... Oh, but we need a really good gift! Sand said I should work on what a gift should be.... What do you think she likes?... Cats? Knives?... Cats with knives? Knives with little cats on them??"

RAYA : "Actually, I know exactly what to give to her"

SISU : "Great! Let's head back to the others then"

RAYA : "Okay... Hey Sisu.... Before we go back, I wanted to ask you something"

SISU : "Sure what's up?"

RAYA : "How do you feel about Sand?"

Sisu flinches for a moment, looking slightly flustered.

SISU : "W-What do you mean how I feel?"

RAYA : "I'm just curious about what you think about him?"

SISU : "Well umm, I mean, he's a pretty awesome guy. He's cool... And I like his laugh"

RAYA : "Is that all?"

SISU : "I mean... He's reliable... I'm not sure what else to say. Why did you want to know?"

RAYA : "Just curious" She says with a knowing smile


Somewhere in Fang....

VIRANA : "... And that is how the land of Fang rose, despite all the monsters that wanted to destroy us. Because we're smart, resilient, and we take care of one another"

Virana is doing a little puppet show for some children when Namaari quickly rushes in.

NAMAARI : "Mother, we need to talk!"

CHILDREN : "It's Princess Namaari!" All the kids cheer

VIRANA : "Alright, alright, now run along kittens, I need to speak with the princess"

The children's parents usher the kids away, leaving the royal duo alone. As soon as they are gone, Virana's face gets serious.

NAMAARI : "Mother! You won't believe what I saw-

VIRANA : "You saw a dragon"

Namaari is stunned.

VIRANA : "General Atitāya already informed me that you would be returning without the Dragon Gem pieces"

NAMAARI : "It was Sisu! She can fix what we broke! She can bring everyone back!"

VIRANA : "And that's what scares me... When everyone comes back, who do you think they'll come for... You forget, the other lands already blame us for what's happened"

NAMAARI : "But we never meant for anyone to get hurt"

VIRANA : "Yes... But if we had both the Dragon and the Dragon Gem pieces, we would be forgiven... We could save the world... But more importantly, our people would be safe"

NAMAARI : "But Raya isn't going to just give us Sisu"

VIRANA : "We're not going to give her a choice" She says coldly

NAMAARI : "What are you going to do?"

VIRANA : "That's no longer your concern, my love. You've done enough"

Virana departs, leaving her daughter standing there, feeling heartbroken and consumed by worry and doubt.

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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