Secret embraces || harry lewis

By joanconlon

96K 1K 159

Between moving to a new country and trying to find herself, Joan's life was twisted around. In the darkness o... More



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By joanconlon


I've never been happier to have a chilli cheese nugget than I was right now. Harry and I managed to get Tobi to drive us to Burger King before dropping us at Harry's place. All of us were tired. I can't even imagine how sore their bodies must be. ''Hey, you have your own.'' I slapped Harry's hand after he tried taking one of my nuggets. ''They're all gone.'' My eyes grew at his words. ''Did you breath them in?'' He shrugged. I got 9 pieces, he got 12. I held my bag towards him, allowing him to take one of mine. ''Fat bastard.'' I muttered to which both of us laughed.

The TV was playing American dad whilst we sat in his bed, the blanket over our bodies. ''What did Harrison want earlier?'' I took my eyes off the screen to see Harry on his phone. ''Invited us to his gig next weekend.'' He raised an eyebrow. ''You want to go?'' I nodded. ''Would be cool, don't you think?'' He shrugged. ''You don't?'' Again, he shrugged. ''If you want to, we can go.'' I groaned a little. ''If you don't want to go, you don't have to.'' He dropped his phone before looking at me. ''And you go alone?'' I nodded before popping another nugget in my mouth and handing him the remaining ones in the bag. ''Nope. I'm going with you.'' I chuckled a little but kept my eyes on the screen.

''I'm flying home for the week.'' I suddenly said. Pausing the series, Harry looked at me confused. ''Where's this coming from?'' Shrugging, I put my hair behind my shoulders. ''It's my stepfather's birthday. Just for three days though.'' He furrowed his eyebrows together. ''You... Do you want me to join you?'' Now I was the confused one. ''What?'' He shrugged. ''If it's not too forward. I understand if you'd want to go alone. Thought it might be a way to, you know, meet your family.'' His voice was filled with anxiety.

''I'd love that.'' Actually, I have been thinking about asking Harry to come with me but not knowing how he'd respond I just decided to push it aside. Thinking he'd be busy with filming or anything else, I thought I could ask him some other time. ''How long has it been since you've seen them?'' I smiled a little. ''Four months I think.'' It has been quiet some time since I've seen my family. I haven't noticed it though; thanks to the new people I've met and the adventures I've been on because of them. ''How are they?'' I smiled. ''Amazing. Especially my mom. She made sure I'd get the same childhood that every other kid did.'' The thought of her made me tear up. ''What about your dad?'' I laughed. ''Sperm donor.'' I corrected him. ''I don't even know. Haven't heard from him in nearly fifteen years. But I couldn't care less. Michael is an amazing stepfather.'' He really was. Always making sure I'd feel safe. I remember him trying to give me advice about relationships, which ended up in me staying away from boys for the next two months. ''He's an amazing dad to Finnley though.''

And there it was; tears. I felt them rolling down my face as I thought about my little brother. I missed him dearly. He would've been my only reason to move back. ''Bet he misses you too.'' I nodded and quickly looked back at the screen trying to distract myself. ''I booked us a flight.'' Harry suddenly said, making me look at him. ''But I already have one.'' He shrugged. ''Now you have two.'' I smiled before placing a kiss on his hand. ''Thank you.'' I muttered to which he laid his hand on my back, stroking over it. ''Don't worry about it.''

''Cheers.'' I lifted my pint, taking the first sip. It was 4 and Harry and I sat in a pub, waiting for our flight to board. ''I have a plan for our trip.'' I suddenly said. Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me. ''Today, we're going to Michael's birthday dinner. From then on, I'll take you on a small trip.'' Harry chuckled, shrugging. ''Will I survive? I have a video to film on Thursday.'' Rolling my eyes, I nodded. ''I sure hope so.'' We finished our drinks and walked up to the gate which was slowly starting to board.

''Thank you again for coming with me. I appreciate it.'' I said whilst handing my passport to the stuardess. ''You're coming to Gurnsey with me the next time.'' Harry answered whilst showing the woman our boarding passes. ''Deal.'' We smiled at each other before walking up to the plane.

The air was fresh and the wind blew my hair around. ''Welcome on board.'' I nodded at the two woman in front of me whilst carrying my bag down the aisle. ''Let me get that for you.'' Harry reached over me from behind me and took the bag before placing it above my head. I sat down in the window seat and watched him put his back up as well. ''I have no idea if I packed the right things.'' I chuckled, putting on the seatbelt. ''What did you pack?'' He shrugged before sitting down next to me. ''Jumpers and sweatpants. Oh, and something proper for the dinner.'' I laughed, grabbing his hand. ''You know that you don't have to wear anything fancy for tonight, right?'' He groaned, leaning his head back. ''You're telling me now?'' Laughing, I shrugged. ''Alright, we'll dress up.'' Taking my phone, I texted the family chat to tell them to dress up a little more than usual.

We'd meet them at the restaurant. Knowing how clingy my family would get if I'd stay at our place, I booked a hotel room. They'd never let me leave again if I didn't. I rested my head on Harry's shoulder, taking in the smell of his parfum. ''I'm glad we're doing this.'' He whispered into my hair before placing a kiss on my head. ''Me too.'' I said with closed eyes, drifting off into a short nap.

It was interrupted by something moving next to me. I lifted my head from the seat in front of me to see Harry sitting down again. ''Never seen someone sleep like that other than JJ.'' Harry said laughing, putting on his seatbelt. ''I like sleeping.'' I muttered in a sore voice, leaning back into the seat. ''Did I drole?'' Harry laughed but shook his head. ''You were snoring though.'' I stretched my neck a little, still in pain after sleeping with my head against the seat in front of me. ''Yeah, I do that sometimes.'' We chuckled and I took a deep breath in. Through the window I could already make out Zurich. ''Are we going straight to the dinner?'' I shook my head whilst the plane was slowly going down. ''The hotel's close by. I need to change.''

''You're beautiful.'' I felt my cheeks heating up whilst Harry helped me out of the car, closing the door behind me. ''So do you.'' He grabbed my hand, and I started walking up to the restaurant. My heels made a quiet sound on the pavement. Pulling the tight, red dress a down a little, I entered the building. Harry was following after me in a pair of black pants and a white turtleneck. I couldn't deny the fact that he looked the most handsome I've ever seen him. ''Joan!''

Nearly falling over, I looked down to see Finnley wrapping his arms around my legs. ''Finn, hey.'' I pulled him up, holding him in my arms. Seconds later, my parents appeared in front of us. ''Ah, my baby is back home!'' My mother nearly shouted, taking Finnley off me and hugging me as well. 'Was ist das für ein attraktiver Mann?'' All of them looked past me. I chuckled and looked at Harry as well. ''English, mom. Please.'' I could tell how nervous he was. ''This.'' I took his hand, pulling him closer. ''Is Harry. My boyfriend.'' My cheeks started to hurt from smiling too much. Michael's mouth dropped. ''She did it. She managed to find a boy.'' Rolling my eyes I nodded. ''Can we sit down now? My feet are killing me.''

''So, Harry.'' Michael took looked at him whilst Harry nearly choked on his beer. 'Are you a drinker?'' I held back a laugh at Harry's reaction, who was now stumbling over his words. 'No, no I am not, Sir, Michael. Well, I do enjoy a beer from time to time, but I'm not driving or anything like that.'' My mother looked at me from next to her husband, snickering. ''Ist er immer so nervös?'' I nodded.

I could feel Harry's knee against mine. ''Alright guys, let's just calm down with the whole helicopter parenting and eat.'' I clapped into my hands before reaching for my purse. ''Happy birthday, mike.'' I used his nickname whilst handing him an envelope. ''It's nothing big.'' Michael groaned before taking it. ''I swear to God, Joan.'' He hated gifts more than anything. That's the reason we never really celebrated Christmas. He opened the envelope and took out a card. ''Aw, thank you world best stepdaughter.'' I chuckled. ''You're welcome world best stepdad.'' Harry smiled at us. ''It's a gift card for the PlayStation shop.'' I whispered.

''So, what's the plan for the next days?'' My mother asked whilst taking the last bite of her steak. ''I'm taking him to the Rodelbahn we've been to for Finn's birthday last year.'' I've been long done with my food, just like everyone else. I looked to the side and saw the men outside with my brother. Finnley has been whining about the fact that he wanted to go on the slide outside for the past hour. Michael made Harry come with them. I couldn't help but smile at the view through the window. Harry's way too big for the slide, but it seemed like Finnley made him slide down as well. ''He's sweet.'' I looked back to see my mother smiling at them as well. ''He is.'' I said whilst reaching for my wine.

''I'm happy for you. Really. I remember how devastated you were after Dominic left.'' I rolled my eyes and downed the drink, holding it up to signal the waiter that I needed a refill. ''Let's just not, ok?'' She laughed a little. ''So, how's life over there?'' I shrugged and saw the waiter coming up to us with the wine bottle. ''Lassen Sie die gerne stehen.'' I told him to leave the bottle with us. ''It's good. The people are great. I love my job. I'm good at it as well.'' She nodded. ''I saw that you're modelling as well?'' I shrugged. ''Something like that. Just a side hustle though.'' Filling my glass up again, I noticed the men coming back inside.

Harry had rolled up the sleeves of his turtleneck, exposing his arms, which were a lot bigger than the first time I've met him. I couldn't help myself from staring. Damn you white wine. ''And you two?'' My mother smiled at them. Finnley was asleep on Michaels arm. ''I think he's ready for bed.'' We chuckled a little whilst Harry sat down next to me. ''You look hot.'' I quickly whispered in his ear. He grinned at me before seeing the glass in front of me. ''Finished the whole bottle, I see?'' I shook my head. ''Everyone helped a little.'' I took another sip. ''We should head back home.'' My mother suddenly said, making Harry and I look up. ''Yeah, us too. We have a long day ahead tomorrow.'' I patted Harry's back before we stood up.

''It was so nice to meet you, Harry.'' My mother wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a proper DuMaire hug. ''Oh, he does feel strong.'' She grinned. ''Mom.'' She shrugged before Michael walked up to us, reaching his hand out. ''Harry.'' Gulping, Harry connected his hand with my stepfathers before he got pulled into a hug. ''You better not fuck this up.'' Harry chuckled nervously before Finnley muttered a few small words. I stroke over his head before placing a kiss on it and hugging my parents' goodbye. ''We'll talk soon.''

''Well, that went peachy.'' I said as the cold air hit my body. ''Did you not see how your dad stared me down?'' Harry whisper shouted whilst he followed my family with his eyes. ''That Michael. Trust me, he likes you.'' Shrugging, Harry kicked a stone away with his feet. ''Harry, he likes you. And even if not, Finnley does. That's all that matters.'' I cupped his face, smiling. ''He's a nice lad.'' Harry gave in and smiled. ''Thank you for playing with him.'' He shook his head. ''He played with me. I actually enjoyed going on the slide.'' I laughed whilst taking out my phone. ''That sounds mad.'' I heard my line ringing on the phone whilst smirking at Harry. ''For fucks sake, Joan.'' Laughing a little, I was glad about the other person picking up the phone so I wouldn't have to argue back. ''Grüezi, ich bräuchte ein Taxi auf Zürich.'' Whilst I continued talking, I noticed Harry smiling at me. ''What?'' I whispered, covering the microphone. ''You look hot talking in a different language.''

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