The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife
Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife Part II
Love, Lust And Lobster
Love, Lust And Lobster Part II
Summer On The Shore
Summer On The Shore Part III
Summer On The Shore Part IV
Summer On The Shore Part V
Summer On The Shore Part VI
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore Part II
Seasons Change
Seasons Change Part II
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising Part II
Semper Fi
Semper Fi Part II
Here Comes The Rain Again
Here Comes The Rain Again Part II
It's The Holiday Season
It's The Holiday Season Part II
Dashing Through The Snow...
Dashing Through The Snow... Part II
Hustle And Holiday Bustle
Hustle And Holiday Bustle Part II
Love Never Comes Without Struggle
Love Never Comes Without Struggle Part II
A True Friend Stabs You In The Front
A True Friend Stabs You In The Front Part II
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Do You Hear What I Hear? Part II
There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home Part II
With A Little Help From My Friends
With A Little Help From My Friends Part II
Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

Summer On The Shore Part II

152 7 5
By Coleslaw8

Callie's POV:

It was our first full day of vacation and for once, I was excited to get out of bed and get moving. I had so many plans for the day and the next nine full days of our vacation, that I was eager to get started. For once in my life, I seemed to be the only one up. As I laid in bed, I noticed how silent the house was, with the exception of the sounds of the ocean that was only a football field from our backdoor.

When I woke-up enough, I looked over at the clock. It was just after 5 am and still dark outside. At that time of year given our latitude, sunrise wouldn't start for at least another hour.

We had placed Madelyn, who was sleeping in her portable crib, about 25 feet from our bed in the Master suite Arizona and I were staying in. I could not only hear Maddy's breathing, but could hear Arizona's breathing for a change. My poor wife had picked up something from one of her patient's a number of weeks ago, but the congestion continued to hang on.

Now, this may make me sound terrible, but there are moments I miss being with Arizona so much, that I've woken her up. It's rare, especially as we've gotten older as a couple, but there are times I just want her with me, regardless if she's sleeping. It's admittedly a selfish thing, but I have, "accidentally," woken her up in the past, just so I wouldn't be lonely. That first morning of our vacation, was one of those mornings.

I had to be careful so I didn't disturb Maddy, so I quickly formulated a plan. I rolled over on my side, so I was facing Arizona. Her back was to me, as she was sleeping on her side. From the glow of ambient lighting in the room and from the exterior house lights, I could see her face. She looked so peaceful and insanely beautiful all at the same time. I just couldn't help myself and had to snuggle her into me.

So, I did the next logical thing and wrapped my arms around her midsection and spooned Arizona into me. I heard her gasp, and then take a deep breath. I held her a little tighter as she started to come to life.

"Calliope? What time is it?" Arizona and I began whispering, so as not to to wake-up, Madelyn.

"Sorry sweetie, I thought I heard you stir and that's why I rolled over to cuddle you."

Of course my last sentence was a complete lie, but if you knew how gorgeous my wife is, you'd know why I couldn't keep my hands off of her.

"What are you doing up, Callie? Is Madelyn okay?"

"She's still sleeping and I just woke up for no reason other than I'm excited to be here, especially with you." I squeezed Arizona even more, as she began to roll her body over, so we were facing one another. That's when she planted a huge kiss on my lips.

"Sorry about my, morning breath, Callie. Even I find it offensive this morning! It feels like I have actual 'fur,' growing on my teeth, yuck! I'll be so happy when I'm over this congestion and stop breathing through my mouth when I sleep."

I returned a deep kiss back to Arizona as I then whispered, "I don't mind your morning breath, but feel horrible about mine. Sorry, sweetheart."

"Callie, I don't mind at all... in fact..."

And before I knew what was happening, Arizona started passionately kissing me with a fever I hadn't seen in a while. I knew what was about to happen, but still decided to play it coy. That's when Arizona decided to surprise me and did something that seemed to come out of nowhere, as she handed me her panties she had been wearing while we slept.

"Does this mean, what I think it means, Arizona? And aren't you slick, Dr. Robbins! If I wasn't so turned on right now, I'd be a little alarmed at how quickly and effortlessly you were able to remove your underwear!"

Arizona quietly giggled as she spoke, "You know the drill, Dr. Torres. I'm going to need your panties now so we're even. Also, how quiet can you be, Callie?"

In the midst of softly talking, I awkwardly slid off my underwear and handed them to Arizona. That's when she tossed them over her back and we started really going at it, but very quietly so we didn't wake Maddy.

"Oh, I can be quiet, Arizona. Can you?"

My wife nodded her head as our hands began traveling down one another's bodies, until we both discovered that each of us was already turned on and ready to play. 

"Dear lord, Callie! Someone is ready for some action this morning!"

Arizona had started caressing my clitoris and had realized how engorged and wet I already was for her. My fingers and right hand had just started exploring Arizona's clitoris when I discovered just how turned on Arizona was for me in that moment.

As we continued to kiss, touch, stroke and rub one another, our sexual desires started to skyrocket into a crescendo of pleasure for us both. 

I'll be the first person to tell you that two lesbians that are able to orgasm at the same time, is a rarity, despite what movies and TV shows us. Generally one of us will 'take-off,' long before the other one climaxes. However, the stars and the moon must have been in alignment that early morning, as we had to cover each other's mouths when we orgasmed pretty much at the same time.

After we finished, Arizona flopped over on her back, and I cuddled onto her chest and rested my head on her breasts. We were both out of air and breathing a little harder than usual. 

"I'm not sure where that came from this morning, but holy moly did my body need your magic touch this morning, Callie." Arizona kissed my forehead and then said, "Do you know just how much I love you, Calliope Torres? Even when you deliberately wake me up because you're bored."

My wife squeezed me and we leaned in to share a long kiss.

"Whatever are you talking about, Arizona? I didn't realize that you were sleeping."

"Uh huh, sure Callie, sure. You do realize how well I know you and all your moves at this stage in our relationship? And for the record, I've always known when you have, 'accidentally,' woken me from sleeping. While I don't want you to make it a habit, I find it adorable when you rarely do it."

"What a minute... you've known this whole time what I was doing and never said a word to me?"

Arizona nodded her head and said, "Of course. Didn't you ever wonder why I always wake up so happy when you do it? Most people would be annoyed if they were awoken early. Case in point..." 

Arizona had started gently, but repeatedly poking me in the side a few times to highlight I was, 'that,' unhappy camper anytime I was disturbed before my alarm.

I silently laughed and said, "Damn it! How do you always do that? You have this cute way of having an omnipotent mind when it comes to me and my behaviors."

"Well, if I am that, 'powerful,' as you say, I think it comes from experience, and nothing else. Let's face it, we are becoming old ladies that are set in our ways. I suppose that's a good thing and something to also watch-out for as we age together."

"Very true, Dr. Robbins. I agree with you."

We laid together, Arizona still holding me as my head rested on her bosom. After a few more minutes, we heard Madelyn start to whimper and then her soft crying start to ramp up. I popped out of bed and put my underwear back on, before seeing what our youngest needed. I was still wearing my oversized t-shirt I had slept in the night before.

"Callie, I'm going to get dressed and put some pants on. If I go downstairs and heat up a bottle, will you change, Little Miss?"

I smiled at Arizona and nodded my affirmative response.

After putting her lacy, black panties back on, Arizona found a pair of her sweatpants and threw them on before descending the stairs and going into the kitchen. Between the two of us, I had Maddy's diaper and onesie changed just as Arizona came back with her bottle. 

As I took the bottle from my wife, we sat back down on the bed with our backs propped up by the headboard and some pillows. Arizona handed me the bottle as our hungry kiddo immediately stopped crying and began devouring her bottle.

"Wow, was she hungry this morning! At the rate she is going Callie, I definitely know we can anticipate this is the start of a major growth spurt for Maddy."

"That's exactly what I've been thinking this last week when she eats. I know we have been feeding her one meal a day with solids, but I'm starting to think we should make a bigger push on solids and start to completely phase out her bottle."

Arizona, tried as she might, had to stop breastfeeding around 4 months. She joked about it, but would always say that she was, "All dried-up," thanks to nursing.

"I've been thinking the same thing, Callie, and thought this would be a perfect time to start her on two meals/day with solid foods this week. For once, we have the time to really sit with her and work on establishing her new routine."

I leaned over and shared another lip-locked kiss with Arizona and said, "I love how much we think alike, Dr. Robbins."

"Me too, Dr. Torres. Me too, my love."

That's about the time we heard a faint knock on our bedroom door. It was just before 6 am at this point and the sun had started peaking out, as it began its daily journey. 

"C'mon in! We're open!" I was clearly in a good mood for 6 am in the morning when I spoke, but who wouldn't be after the, 'wake-up,' I just had with Arizona? I was fairly certain we were both still glowing and had become rather, 'touchy-feely,' with each other since our morning sex.

The big, wooden door to our suite slowly swung-open, but only about a third of the way. We saw Soph lean her cute, little face inside.

"Can I come in?" She was still waking up and rubbing her eyes as she walked in and collapsed on Arizona. Sophia buried her face into her Mama's stomach and wrapped her arms around Arizona's waist. 

"Well, good morning, my Lovebug. How are you feeling today? It's our first full day of vacation! And, your Aunt and Renee will be joining us later this morning. I hope you got lots of sleep last night."

After speaking, Arizona bent down and kissed Sophia's forehead as she tightly encircled her arms around our 10 year old daughter. 

"Uh, huh..." Sophia was feigning sleep, as she gave Arizona what sounded like a lackluster response.

"Are you hungry, Bug, or still sleepy?" My daughter and I both seem to have good appetites and are usually hungry first thing in the morning. Arizona on the other hand, doesn't usually eat a lot in the mornings, but tends to by dinner time. 

Still face down on Arizona's stomach Sophia replied, "Both.," with very little enthusiasm. Arizona chuckled and started gently rubbing Soph's back to soothe and wake her up. We both knew Sophia's hunger would eventually get the better of her sleepiness.

"Well, if you are hungry, I think we should make pancakes this morning, what do you say, Bug?" After I talked, we noticed Soph start to come to life when the word pancake was mentioned.

"Can I have the kind with peanut butter and chocolate chips?" Sophia was now laying on the side of her face and staring up at Arizona and I with a wide-eyed expression.

"I think that can be arranged, because your super smart Mama, bought some peanut butter and chocolate chips before we left our house in Seattle. Plus, strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream." 

Arizona had started brushing Sophia's hair that had fallen in her face, behind her ears, while she spoke.

"Well, Maddy just finished her bottle, so it's a good time to head to the kitchen. What do you say, ladies?" I stood up, still holding Madelyn as I waited for their response.

"All of that sounds good to me, Callie, as I'm actually hungry this morning for some strange reason..."

"That is strange, Arizona... I guess we will just have to see if the same thing happens tomorrow. I think we'll have more answers after a second occurrence..."

The other two had gotten up and Sophia was almost out the door when Arizona playfully smacked my butt.

"We will just have to wait and see, Dr. Torres. But my female intuition tells me that your chances of another, what did you call it...? An, "occurrence?" ...happening, is 100%."

"In that case, Dr. Robbins, I like my odds and am loving this vacation so much already! But, not as much as I love you, of course!"

We were talking and heading down the stairs after I had put on pants and grabbed Maddy's things.

"Good save there, Torres." Arizona kissed me as we hit the ground floor. When we looked over towards the main room and couches, Barbara was busy crocheting something and The Colonel had a serious look as he watched the local news feed.

"Good morning everyone. You guys are up bright and early today!" Barbara had put down her handiwork in order to catch and bear hug Sophia as they said good morning to one another.

"We are, but it's vacation and we have no place we need to be. It was hard to sleep this morning, even for me." I was smiling as Barbara got up to hug me, then Arizona. She then stole Maddy from my arms so she could hug and hold her granddaughter for a while.

"Girls, there's coffee in the kitchen and since it feels chilly this morning, I have apple cider for Sophia."

"Thanks, Mom. We might be awake, but I still need my coffee!" Arizona kissed her Mom's cheek as she strode into the kitchen to get coffee for her and I. "That was very nice of you to make and bring your homemade apple cider for Sophia. What do you say to your Grandma, Bug?" 

Arizona was stirring cream into our mugs while she talked and Sophia gave her Grandmother another hug and a thank-you.

Since I'd known Arizona, her Mother's apple cider recipe had a special place in her heart. Her Mom would make it every Fall without fail, and would make extra to have throughout Winter months. Arizona has comforting memories of drinking the juice when she was happy or sad. It almost seemed like a tonic that cured all woes in the Robbins' household.

That morning, Barbara, Arizona and Sophia made breakfast for us. We had pancakes, bacon and Maddy picked at some dry cereal on her high chair tray. After breakfast, we bundled up and headed out for walk along the beach. 

It was going to be a nice day for the region with highs in the mid-70's. Like any typical coastal day however, it was taking time for the morning clouds to burn off. Of course as we got closer to the Pacific Ocean, the temperature dropped a few more degrees from the wind coming off the cold water.

After our walk, we went back inside to warm up by the gas fireplace and just relax. After a few more hours elapsed, sure enough, my sister and her girlfriend, Renee, had arrived. Us girls got up to hug the two of them and say hello. Meanwhile, The Colonel gave them meaningful greetings, from his spot in a recliner. By this point, he had started watching sports scores on the TV.

"Why am I not surprised? Didn't I tell you Callie, that Renee would be here by 10 am? And look, here you two are, exactly at 10:08 am!" Arizona looked proud of her accurately guessed arrival prediction for Renee.

Renee laughed at Arizona and said, "You know me, I'm an early riser! We would have been here at 10 am, but someone had to stop and use the bathroom..."

It was obvious that Renee was pretending to give my sister a hard time about stopping, by the smirk on her face.

"Hey now! Whose fault is it, technically? I mean, you were the one that bought me the huge coffee drink before we left Seattle! Legally speaking, you're guilty by association, Dr. Schafer!" Aria was smirking right back at Renee as their sarcasm instantly washed into mutual sappy love. 

"Counselor, I really think this falls under the, "Association Fallacy," and that I am not guilty in the least." My sister and Renee, leaned into one another and shared a deep kiss.

"You and your undergraduate philosophy degree, Renee, sheesh..." Ari and Renee were standing next to each other as my sis kissed Renee's cheek and wrapped her arm around Renee's waist.

Normally watching people be sappy, can get old, but Arizona and I, had been enjoying watching Ari and Renee's relationship finally click that Summer. 

Ari had been maintaining her sobriety since rehabilitation, almost 6 months prior, as these two finally got a chance to be a couple. The first time they were together had been fraught with pitfalls, lies and infidelity, all thanks to Ari's drinking. Now, the only barrier standing in their path of love, was each other. Which is enough, in and of it's self.

Ari and Renee, although technically not living together, pretty much did by August that year. They had been taking things slow since Ari's recovery, but during those months, easily became closer and by that point, usually stayed at one or the other's place. Ari still had her condo near our home, and Renee was still renting our old condo from us. 

We knew eventually, they would more than likely end up living together. As Ari's older and protective sister though, I had a great deal of respect for how Renee treated and loved my sister. They truly were a good match for the other and I hoped their relationship would continue to bloom and last.

"Arizona, I knew Renee would have no problem being here by 10 am, but figured my younger sister would be the one to sleep in. Since I can remember, you've always been a night owl and not a morning person."

"Callie, while that was true for most of my life, I've managed to become the complete opposite person this Summer. Renee and I have started working out together, before she goes to work, and we tend to go to bed early so we can wake-up at 5 am. It's been wonderful having a workout buddy I love so much to keep me going. It's also the reason I'm down 20 pounds, since we started in June."

Renee wrapped her arm around my sister's waist, squeezed her and kissed her lips.

"I seriously think you two are officially worse than Callie and myself! And here I thought no other couple would ever be worse than us... congratulations you two! We're thrilled for both of you." Arizona patted Ari on her shoulder as I then did the same for Renee.

"Great. Now I hafta watch Aunt Ari and Renee kiss too? Isn't it enough I hafta watch my Moms kiss?"

Sophia was giving us a smirk so we got her funny joke. "Renee and Aunt Ari still aren't as bad though, as watching my Moms."

Renee let go of Ari to walk over and tussle Sophia's hair. "Well, that's a relief your Aunt and I don't make you as squeamish as your Moms. I think they are far worse than Ari and I could even hope to be."

Arizona and I laughed as Arizona shot a, 'look,' at her sarcastic ex. Both women broke into laughter after their interchange.

"Once we get settled and unpacked, what's on the agenda for the day? And please let Renee and I know what we can do to help. This one already has plans for some of our meals."

As my sister spoke, she motioned to Renee with a flick of her head.

"We thought we'd be low key today and putter around the house. In a couple of hours, Arizona and I are going to grocery shop. You're welcome to join, stay home or even give us a list. We figured once you ladies arrived, us cooks could put our heads together and plan meals the next few days."

My sister and Renee smiled, thanked us again for the invite and went to go unpack. Sophia ran off to, "help," and stayed busy with them, for the next hour. Barbara put Maddy down for a nap, right after The Colonel had fallen asleep in the recliner. Barbara went back to her crocheting and encouraged Arizona and I to spend some time alone. Not having any concrete plans, we went back to our room.

"Callie, since we have some time to ourselves, what do you say to taking a bath with me in that gigantic, jetted tub in our suite? I'm still feeling rather amorous after our calisthenics this morning and think some soapy, slippery alone time with you is exactly what I need.

Arizona fully closed our bedroom door and locked it before starting to strip in front of me. Once naked, she gave me a, 'come hither,' look as she motioned me to follow her cute butt into the bathroom. I'm no idiot and started stripping my clothes as I followed my naked wife to our next "workout..."

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