Viscount's Promise | Taekook

Av amy_149

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✅ Complete ✅ Note: This book is sequel of "Viscount's Forbidden Love". If you haven't read it then read it fi... Mer

Author's Note (Important)
Character Introduction
1. Legend Of Aylesford
2. Paris: City Of Love
3. Dinner At Viscount's
4. Dream Or Delimma
5. Towards Dream
6. Finally Paris
7. Maison Du Louvre
8. Fucked Up!
9. Feisty
10. Torment Of Waiting
11. Self Realization
13. Welcome Party
14. Death Call
15. Apology
16. I Won't Leave
17. Central Cathedral
18. The Key Of Connection
19. The Pull
20. Beloved's Eye
21. Patterns
22. Together
23. First Rain
24. Lake De Minimis
25. Contemporary Art Festival
26. Retake
27. New Journey To Old Road
28. Deal
29. Unofficial Reason
30. Shortlived Happiness
31. Wait
32. Absensce
33. Need
34. Warmth
35. Next Step
36. Returning Home
37. Risks
38. Hypnosis (II)
39. Still With You
40. Reunited
41. New Chapter
42. Good And Evil
43. Labels
44. Bonding
45. Stunning
46. Party
47. Circle Of Fate
48. Let Rain Wash Away Pain Of Past
49. Related
50. Credibility
51. Repeating Mistakes
52. Colored
53. Chosen Family
54. Surprise
55. Double Surprise
56. The Gift
57. Loving Someone
58. Sunrise With You
59. Betrayal
60. Faith
61. New Year's Party (I)
62. New Year's Party (ll)
63. Mistaken Sin
64. Love or Blood?
65. Facade & Fate
66. Resign
67. Test of Time
68. Rapunzel
69. Wedding
70. The Last Letter
71. Fate of Viscount's Promise

12. Hypnosis

690 73 96
Av amy_149

The tip of pen rested on a blank space, left for signatures. Taehyung's eyes were fixed on the piece of printed paper as his leg was shaking due to nervousness. After yesterday's dream he was so shaken but after his interaction with a certain student, he remained calmer till the end of the day.

He felt lighter while attending other meetings and office endeavors. He slept peaceful at night with good hours of sleep. Anyhow, he himself wasn't aware of the impact caused on him by certain someone. He gave credit to the medicines he took.

"You should have come to me yesterday, when all of it happened." Yoongi said.

Taehyung lifted his head to look at his doctor and friend, "I had something important to do."

"Yeah listening to kids presentation?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"So Hoseok told you." Taehyung's facial expressions went sour.

"Yes, as my husband he happens to tell me, how his day went. I am certain you will do the same once you have a life partner. Believe me Hoseok is worried for you. You should prioritize your health at the moment."

"And what about company? What about people depending on it?" Taehyung questioned.

"Please Namjoon is a capable substitute. Take a break for some time. Focus solely on your treatment so you can heal. When you have double stress on your mind, you won't get any better." Yoongi sighed.

"We are doing this treatment? Aren't we? It will work right?" Taehyung questioned.

"There are chances Tae, it is a journey not one time thing. It might takes time meanwhile your mind needs to be free from other thoughts."

"I'll think about it. Is it necessary to sign these paper?" Taehyung questioned.

"These are essential protocol because this process comes with chances. Patient must be aware and give written permission, don't worry this information will not go out. Your everything is safe with me." Yoongi said.

"I trust you." Taehyung signed the papers and handed the file back to Yoongi.

"I need another person with me in the process. Should I call a nurse? Yoongi asked.

"Why is that? I don't want any person which I don't trust here." Taehyung made his point clear.

"Sometimes during hypnosis, brain lose control over the body and we need to pull person back forcefully. So I might require help."

Taehyung looked at Yoongi intensely thinking about the situation. He can't risk anyone knowing that he visit a public psychiatrist clinic so, Yoongi always sees him in their own home. "What about Hoseok?"

"Are you okay with being here during the process?" Yoongi questioned and Taehyung nodded.

A few minutes later, Hoseok came and Yoongi gave him a few instructions regarding observation and procedure.

"So, Taehyung we will be starting the process now, before this always remember whatever you see, you have a choice to leave at any moment. Whatever you see will not be real, a memory stored in your subconscious. Which your body doesn't remember but your brain do. We just need to uncoil that. Hear onto my voice while being there, it will not let you loose yourself. " Yoongi turned on a soft certain music.

Taehyung rested his head on the back, taking in instructions. "Keep on telling me whatever you see." Yoongi turned back to nod at Hoseok as a queue to get ready to note down everything. Usually the session is recording using a camera but Taehyung didn't permit it so Yoongi had to do it the old way.

"Focus on the pendulum.... Clear your head and focus on the movements of pendulum."

Taehyung fixed his eyes on the moving object, left right, left right, left right.

"Keep focusing, you are doing great."

As much as Taehyung stared at the moving object his surroundings started to fade away, it was just pendulum and a white light. Taehyung's eyes started to get heavier and it was becoming difficult to keep them open and focus.

"You will be going to sleep now, let your eyes close."

Taehyung did as the voice told him to do, closed his eyes. He met with the darkness. "What do you see?" a voice in the darkness called out on him.

"It is dark in here there is no light."

"Go a little further" the voice said.

After sometime Yoongi spoke, "Do you see anything?"

"A faint light."

"Follow it."

Taehyung stepped towards the light. It was weak and faint in the start but the more he got closer it became stronger. Although it was just a straight line coming from a hole or something.

"I see a door. The light is coming from the key hole."

"Do you want to open that door?" the voice said to Taehyung.

"Yes, I do."

"Open it and don't be afraid it will be okay." the voice said.

Taehyung clicked opened the door, a bright light oozed out blurring his view, he rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"What is behind the door?"

"This is a.... Garden." Taehyung said.

Taehyung looked at the sky it was brightly shining sun staring back at him and grass under his feet felt softer. He looked at his hand and feet, he rubbed his fingers on his face. It was himself, not the other version he sees in his dreams. He took a few steps, he glanced up to see a big beautiful mansion.

"It is a house.....a mansion....."

"Is is same one like your dream?"


"Keep on going, you are on right path." the voice said.

Taehyung could hear the chirping of birds, the place was beautiful and serene. He slowly took some steps towards the building. He recognized it, it was same building from his dream last night. He was a bit hesitant to step in but his curiosity led him inside.

"What do you see now?" Yoongi spoke. However, there was no answer from Taehyung.

"Why isn't he answering?" Hoseok closed in and Yoongi raised a hand to stop him right away.

"He has begun his journey. Now, we have to wait until he wakes up."

"How long it will take? What if he didn't wake at the right time." Hoseok almost panicked.

"He will. Just wait." Yoongi sat back having an close eyes on hypnotized figure of Taehyung.

As soon as Taehyung entered he heard some noises, he followed the source only to find two person arguing. One had a back on him.

"Still, this could be seen as a public confession. If it leads to church then we cannot do anything to turn it around." the man facing Taehyung said.

"I do not care anymore." the man facing away from Taehyung said. "I have planned to resign from my title. After that, I shall leave Aylesford too, and join him. He is safe. You will know his whereabouts once the dust settles down."

He turned around and gasp left Taehyung's mouth seeing his own self. That figure was exactly his look a like just the attire and a bit of looks were different like eye color. He had black eyes.

"Hey wait who are you." Taehyung ran behind his look a like man but the other didn't hear him or stopped.

"I am talking to you who are you?" Taehyung kept following him as the other rushed stairs entered a room and closed it behind.

"Why do you look like me?" Taehyung questioned again when the man sat down on chair infront of a table.

"Can you see me?" Taehyung questioned again but the man didn't respond. Instead a after a while Taehyung heard cries of that man.

"Oh how I wish, I would have choosen you when there was time. You continued on sacrificing yourself for me, my love and I was so blind that I could not see it. My love will you ever forgive me? Because I can not bring myself to forgive my ignorance towards you.

Know that my regret lies heavier on my chest, than my love for you. Last night when I held you in my arms with the uncertainty of seeing you again, my heart bled. It will keep on bleeding until the day I see you again. I never knew that your departure would be so heavier on me. Now, I am apart from you, my soul curses me each second of the time.

You were a blessing for me indeed. The times I spent with you were a forever bliss for me. If I had to die today, I would have no regrets for myself just only that I could not fulfill the promise I have given you.

Will I ever see you again, my heart asks me again and again and I have no answer to provide. Will there be a day when my soul will reunite with yours again? Will there be a day when I shall call you mine and own you with my name. No, matter how much my heart yearns to run back into your arms again but my mind somehow knows it will not be possible. Not in this life time."

"What are you talking about, whom are you talking about?" Taehyung questioned his look a like figure who was speaking in entirely British accent.

No answers, the man picked up the pen and started writing something on the blank paper. Taehyung stood close to him but he couldn't see anything on the paper as if the words were hidden from him.

"Hey, what are you writing?" Taehyung was about to touch the person but the whole surrounding changed, like another scene in the movie.

There was fire everywhere, curtains, bedsheets, furniture everything was burning. Identical to his dream.

"Help, help is someone there?" he saw his identical figure running towards the door of burning room.

"Get back you will burn yourself." Taehyung shouted but the person wasn't hearing.

"Please help me." the man screamed.

Taehyung screamed too, like he does in his dreams but no one came, no help was there same like his dreams. "Get back please." Taehyung started to coughing too.

"Why is he sweating?" Hoseok questioned as he saw Taehyung's expressions changing into painful ones and sweat forming on his forehead.

Taehyung looked at the figure moving towards the window saying "My love you are here.." the figure felt under some kind of spell.

"Stop where are you going the ceiling will fell off." Taehyung coughed and yelled to the figure but it wasn't listening. Taehyung ran to pull him back.

"My love Jun-........." before the figure could complete the words ceiling fell off on him.

"Noooooooooooooo." Taehyung screamed, now his body burned too. Pain pouring into his every nerve. "Ouchhh....." he held onto his shoulder his scar burned.

On outside, Taehyung sleeping body start to convulse badly. He was shaking and shivering, "Hoseok now... We need to wake him up." Yoongi rushed to Taehyung.

"Taehyung that's it... That's it... Wake up.... You are okay."  Taehyung was still shaking and pantng badly. Yoongi tried once again. "Hoseok make him sit." Hoseok and Yoongi pulled him, patting his face lightly.

"Nooo....." Taehyung opened his eyes scream. "He died... No... I couldn't save him. We need to save him. He was burning....."Taehyung panted and stuttered.

"Hey, look at me Tae... Calm down... We are here. You are okay..." Yoongi pulled him closer.

"No, He died... He died in a fire." Taehyung kept on rambling.

"Who died? In a fire?" Yoongi questioned him.

"He... No... I.. I died in a fire...." Taehyung panted. He felt his body burning same like his dream to he started to take off his shirt like he do always under some influence.

Hoseok gasped looking at the scar at his back. Yoongi looked at him and gestured him to not react infront of Taehyung.

"It's okay... It's okay. You are safe. You are alive." Yoongi kept on telling him.


"What does all of it means?" Taehyung questioned after explaining each and everything to Yoongi. It was just the two of them in the room.

Yoongi who was analyzing and writing down all the parts carefully on his notebook spoke, "It is hard to tell that what is the exact meaning of all of it. I am a person of science."

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever you saw was not your current self. Not the Taehyung you are. In my years of experience, during hypnosis people see a part of their lives as themselves. What you saw, according to you is not yourself. Which leads me to two possibilities." Yoongi sighed.

"Have you ever felt like forgetting things? I mean you do something and then later on when you see it... It feels all new and unfamiliar?" Yoongi spoke.

Taehyung shook his head, "No, I am an attentive person I remember each and every detail."

"Then it is not multiple personality disorder." Yoongi revealed.

"Then what is other possibility?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow.

"It is not supported by medicine and science....." Yoongi sighed.

"What it is Yoongi....?" Taehyung was restless now.

"I am afraid, I can not tell you now, I need to be more sure. Just know that your mind holds subconscious of another person. Meanwhile, you must consider a break from your work and immediately reach me whenever you have your next dream..."


Dear Readers,

I hope you all are doing fine. I appreciate you all for reading and supporting
"Viscount's Promise". Nothing makes me more happier when anyone of you comments.

From a past few days, I have came across negative comments that are quite absurd too. I am open to criticism but that should be valid. Why did not I made someone virgin or why one character is suffering and other not? Why did I not make them remember or kiss in first chapter.

This is not criticism this is absurd. Taekook can't remember their past and start loving each other from chapter one, this is basic common sense.

Please think about rational reason. My characters and their behaviors are based on certain reasons, if you have read "Viscount's Forbidden Love" carefully then you would've known.

Yet I hope you will have faith in me.

Love from my side. 💜


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