𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 || Bobby B...

By katieglover181

13.2K 265 17

In which... Priscilla Duncan is chased by the boy she was best friends with in the past, causing her to rekin... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 6.

416 8 2
By katieglover181

SIX Reunions

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀 drove through Encino as Elton John's Rocket Man played at a medium volume, and an oriental lily for Nettie from Freya sat in the passenger seat. She's been to Encino plenty of times for sleepovers with Ali, but she hasn't been to Bobby's house since she was a freshman, when everything fell apart.

The brunette pulled into the driveway of his large manor home, and turned off the ignition of her impala, she took a deep breath, got out, grabbed her backpack placed it over shoulders, and grabbed the oriental lily, then closed the door to her impala.

Priscilla walked up the walkway, and when she reached the front door, she rang the door bell. After a few minutes, Nettie answered the door. She hadn't changed much, except her hair was shorter, she wore a pantsuit, and still had a warm smile on her kind face.

"Priscilla," Nettie smiled warmly as she embraced the brunette. "I'm so happy to see you sweet girl, get in this house."

Priscilla smiled as Nettie gently grabbed her by the arm and led her inside. "Thanks Nettie." the brunette smiled. As she walked in, she noticed the one thing hadn't changed: Nettie still had the endless Barbie dolls in the case, as well as a photo of her and Ruth Handler. Turning to the older woman, Priscilla spoke as she gave Nettie the plant. "Nettie, aunt Freya wanted me to give this to you. I remembered how much you loved oriental lilies."

Nettie smiled as she graciously accepted the plant, then kissed Priscilla's forehead. "You've always been so thoughtful."

Nettie led the brunette to the kitchen, where she cleared a place off the kitchen island and set the plant down in the middle of the island. "I hope you'll be joining us for dinner. I know Bobby would love that. He hasn't shut up about you since the two of you started talking again."

"Oh, I don't want to intrude." Priscilla said

"Priscilla, you're not intruding. We have plenty." Nettie smiled. Priscilla smiled and nodded, as she gave in, but then her smile dropped. "What is it darling?" Nettie asked as she poured Priscilla a cup of tea, and one for herself

"The other night, when Bobby came to talk things over, aunt Freya invited him to stay for dinner, but I told her he probably had other plans. I didn't mean to be so harsh, it's just—" Priscilla said, but was cut off by Nettie, who spoke after setting the tea cups down

"You don't have to explain to me my dear Priscilla. I was your age once, and you forget, I may be old, but I'm a woman and I understand heartbreak, but enough of that, how have you been doing, dear one?" Nettie asked, referring to Klaus and Diana's passing

"I've been doing alright. Except, for the past few months, I've been having these dreams." Priscilla said

Nettie gave the brunette a look of concern, then took Priscilla's hand in her own. "What kind of dreams dear?"

Priscilla sighed, then softly spoke. "It's about the accident. I'm still sitting in class, but instead of Ali being there, I'm all alone. That's just one of them."

"Sweetheart, as real as they may seem, they're just dreams. After my son, Joshua, Bobby's father passed away, I had the most haunting dreams. But I learned to tell myself, they're just dreams. You'll learn to tell yourself that as well. It will take sometime." Nettie reassured. "Now tell me, how are your aunts and uncles? I have spoken to them on the phone, but it's been a while since I've seen them."

Priscilla smiled as she set her tea cup down. "Aunts Freya and Rebecca are doing well, and uncles Elijah and Marcel are doing well. They all send their love to you."

"You give them a big hug from me dear one." Nettie smiled

The front door opened, indicating Bobby had returned from karate practice, and Nettie gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Priscilla, please come by more often." she smiled as she embraced the beautiful brunette

"I promise Nettie." Priscilla smiled as she returned Nettie's embrace. "You'll have to come by as well. Freya and Rebecca would love to see you."

The two walked into the foyer to find Bobby taking off his blue leather jacket, and hanging it on the coat rack. Upon seeing Priscilla, he smiled brightly. "Hi."

"Hi." Priscilla smiled brightly

"Well, you two have studying to do, so, Bobby, which I know you will, be respectful, and keep your hands to yourself." Nettie said.

"Yes, ma'am." Bobby smiled

Priscilla smiled as she grabbed her backpack and Bobby led her up the stairs to his room. Upon opening the door, and setting their backpacks on the couch in his room, Priscilla noticed it hadn't changed. Not one bit. There were still photos of him and her on the wall, especially one in their freshman year, which was taken by Nettie.

The only thing that had changed, shelf that held his trophies. All second place, except the year Johnny got sick. Priscilla studied them for several minutes, and glanced over her shoulder at him and gave him a sweet smile that he returned.

"Very impressive Bobby. You're obviously driven and precise to have won so many." Priscilla smiled sweetly.

"I'm not as good as Johnny, but like I said, sensei said I'm his second best." Bobby said

"Well, to me, you're always first."  Priscilla smiled sweetly. "A trophy doesn't define how good you are. It's just an award, it's about believing in yourself and doing your best."

Bobby fell for her even harder. "Thanks beautiful."

Priscilla's cheeks flushed a bright red, then she turned to grab her backpack off the couch. "Well, should we start studying?" she asked, and Bobby nodded. "Where would you like to sit?"

"The bed would be fine, or the desk. Whichever you prefer." Priscilla smiled

The two of them sat on the bed and Priscilla unzipped her backpack, grabbed her textbook, as well as her notebook. "Since it's Mrs. Johnson's beginning of the year, test. I think we should work on French culture. She tends to do more of that at the start of the year. Then we can conclude with conversation." she explained.

"Sounds good to me." Bobby said

Priscilla opened her notebook, and began speaking directions in French. He nodded his head in understanding. Then she asked him a series of simple questions like this one:

"Comment, allez-vous aujourd'hui?" Priscilla asked

"Trés bien, merci." Bobby answered. "Is that right?"

Priscilla nodded and smiled, then asked another question. "Comment s'est passée la pratique du karaté?"

"Même chose, comme toujours. Johnny est le meilleur, je suis toujours le deuxième meilleur." Bobby said

"Bobby, I've told you before, a trophy doesn't define how well you are at something. All that matters is you do your best."

Rubbing circles onto the back of her hand, he looked into her violet blue eyes. "You know, the only one I only have at the tournaments is grandma. Will you be there this year? I understand if you—"

"Why are you even asking? I'll even find a way to stand on the sidelines." Priscilla smiled. "I'll always have your back. No matter what happened in the past, all we can do is live in the here and now, right?"

After their study session concluded, it was around 7:30, and dinner was on the table. A knock was heard at Bobby's bedroom door. "Come in." he called

"Dinner's ready, kids." Nettie smiled

The two teens walked into the spacious dining room, where the food had been laid out on the table: roast chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and a salad, and Nettie seated Bobby and Priscilla next to each other.

"Priscilla, Freya tells me you're interested in nursing, much like your mother was." Nettie smiled

Bobby, who always thought Priscilla wanted to be a doctor, turned to the brunette seated next to him, and said, "You are? I thought your dream was to go to med school?"

Priscilla smiled as she set her glass of iced tea down then placed her hands in her lap. "Yes. And to answer your question Bobby, yes, I did want to be a doctor, but my mom always told me that doctors have to remain objective, and can't be as hands on with the patient as nurses can. So that's why I decided nursing would be the best route for me. UCLA has one of the best nursing programs in the country. I hope I get accepted."

"I don't see why you wouldn't." Nettie smiled. "You have commendable goals, with a level head on your shoulders, so would you do me a favor and light a fire under my grandson, where he's interested in something other than karate?"

Bobby groaned in embarrassment. "Grandma."

Priscilla laughed, which was honestly music to Bobby's ears. "Thank you Nettie." she smiled as she returned to her dinner.

After dinner and dessert, and the two helping Nettie clean up the kitchen, Priscilla grabbed her backpack, and said goodbye to Bobby and Nettie.

Nettie pulled the brunette in for a warm embrace. "I'm so glad I got to see you sweetheart. I've missed you."

Priscilla smiled as she returned Nettie's warm embrace. "Nettie, I'm so glad I got to see you as well, and I've missed you too."

"Now, you know you're more than welcome to come over anytime you'd like." Nettie smiled. "This is your open invitation. Goodnight, my sweet girl. I'll let the two of you talk, but please be safe going home." she smiled, then kissed Priscilla's forehead as she walked up the stairs.

Nettie walked up the stairs, and stood at the top of the staircase and watched the interaction between her grandson and the beautiful brunette.

"Thank you for the help tonight." Bobby smiled

Priscilla smiled, as she moved hair away from her forehead. "Oh, it was my pleasure." she said. "I didn't mind. It seems you had been paying attention after all." she added as she raised an eyebrow

Bobby's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, as he turned his head away. "Yeah, I have a confession to make."

Priscilla raised an eyebrow and gave him a quizzical look. "What?"

"I wasn't really having trouble in French, I just wanted to spend a little time with you, so Dutch suggested that I tell you I wasn't doing so well." Bobby said

Priscilla chuckled as she clutched the strap of her backpack. "I knew something was odd about the situation when you asked me for help, because you always answer the questions correctly in class." she said, and he chuckled in response. "Do you ever think of what would have happened, had we'd stayed friends instead of drifting apart?" she added

Bobby answered with a nod and a simple kiss to her forehead. "All the time. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. I never should have left you alone. You didn't deserve that."

Priscilla shook her head and gave him a gentle smile. "You're right, I didn't. But it's all in the past now. All that matters is we're friends again, right?"

"Yeah." Bobby smiled. "Friends." Truth is, he wanted to be more than just her friend, he always had, in their eighth grade year, he started developing deep feelings for her.

"Well, I better get home." Priscilla smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll walk you out." Bobby smiled

Hand-in-hand, they walked to her impala. He opened the door, and she slid in. Before he closed it, he mentioned, "I'm glad you came. I'll see you tomorrow. Be careful going home. Give my best to Freya and Elijah, as well as Rebecca and Marcel."

"Thanks, and I will. Yes, I will most definitely see you tomorrow." She turned on the ignition, as he shut the door.

Waving bye, she drove out of the driveway, as he walked back into his house, and walked into the kitchen, where Nettie was washing the dishes.

"Priscilla's grown into a beautiful young lady, don't you think?" Nettie asked, as she gave him a plate to dry

"Yes grandma. I do." Bobby smiled as he dried the plate.

"Darling, you're family so...I think you'll understand why I'm telling you you're a total idiot." Nettie said

Giving his grandmother a quizzical look, Bobby rested his hands on the sink. "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?"

Nettie rolled her eyes as she gave her grandson another plate. "Robert, I might have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. Your grandma has been around for a long time. You really don't think I saw the way you two were looking at each other? It's obvious she has feelings for you, you know."

"Yeah, she only cares for me as a friend." Bobby said. "But I don't want to be just her friend."

"Then you need to go to Van Nuys, and ask her out." Nettie said. "As beautiful and kind as she is, she'll be taken here before too long."

Bobby looked at his grandmother as if she were insane. "You want me to go over there right now?"

"Right now." Nettie said.

Grabbing his bike keys, Bobby walked out the front door, and to the walkway, where he got on his motorcycle, and drove towards Priscilla's Van Nuys residence.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

"How was the study session?" Freya asked as she gave Priscilla a cup of tea.

Priscilla smiled, as her cheeks flushed. "It was great, turns out he had been paying attention after all, and he just wanted to spend time with me."

Before Freya could respond, the doorbell rang. Setting her cup of tea down, Freya looked to her niece. "Wonder who that could be?" the blonde woman said

Priscilla gently shrugged her shoulders and smiled. The two got up from the comfort of the table and walked to the living room, and opened the door, to find Bobby standing there.

"Hello Bobby." Freya smiled. "Won't you come inside?" Bobby nodded as he walked inside, and he and Priscilla shared a shy smile. "You know, I have laundry to fold in my room. It was good to see you again, honey. Make yourself at home." she smiled as she kissed Bobby's forehead

Freya walked down the hall and Priscilla turned to Bobby, who was flushing a deep hue of red. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Oh, no thank you, beautiful. I'm alright." Bobby smiled

Priscilla smiled, as she led the two of them over to the couch. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yes, everything's fine, I just, I should have asked you sooner, but I lost my nerve, but I wanted to come over here while I had it." Bobby said

Priscilla gave him a gentle smile. "What is it?"

Bobby gently grasped Priscilla's dainty hand in his, and he rubbed small circles on to the back of her hand. She couldn't help but warmly smile, when he awkwardly started stammering out "Since tomorrow is Friday, come to Golf N' Stuff with me? Just the two of us? For a date? That is, if you don't already have plans with Ali for a sleepover or whatever you girls call it."

Despite her nerves, Priscilla responded with a warm, and heartwarming smile, "Bobby, I would love to go to Golf N' Stuff with you."

Bobby smiled as he laced his fingers with her's. "Do you want me to pick you up?" he asked, and Priscilla smiled and nodded. "All right, would 7:00 work?"

"Yes. I know we're going to have fun. After we get done at Golf N' Stuff, there's this new diner down the road that just opened, and the food is supposed to be amazing." Priscilla smiled. "Would you like to check it out?" Bobby smiled and nodded in response

A now confident Bobby placed his other hand on her leg. She stopped talking and looked right into his beautiful blue eyes, as he leaned in close, and she did the same

Walking in the house, Elijah said, "Hey Priscilla, how was the study session with—" before he could even finish his sentence, the two teens pulled away, and let go of each other's hands. Elijah saw Bobby sitting with his with his niece, and it was quite awkward to say the least. "Oh, I apologize if I've interrupted something. Where's your aunt Freya?"

"She's folding laundry." Priscilla said as she pointed down the hall. Elijah nodded, and kissed his niece on the head, gave a cordial nod to Bobby, then walked down the hall.

Turning to Bobby, Priscilla spoke. "Well, that was a little—"

"Awkward?" Bobby asked. "Sorry about almost kissing you without your permission."

"Why? I'm not." Priscilla smiled. "But, you'll have to do it right, pretty boy and kiss me on the first date."

Bobby laughed as the two of them stood up, and walked to the front door. "That can be arranged beautiful."

Priscilla pulled Bobby in for a warm embrace, and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad I got to spend time with you and Nettie tonight, but mainly you. It was definitely like old times."

Bobby smiled as he returned the embrace. "So am I, beautiful. I've missed you so much."

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Priscilla smiled. "Be careful going home, and I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Bobby smiled


Author's Note


Comment, allez-vous aujoud'hui? — How are you today?

Trés bien, merci. — Very good, thank you.

Comment s'est passée la pratique du karaté? — How did karate practice go?

Même chose, comme toujours. Johnny est le meilleur, je suis toujours le deuxième meilleur. — Same thing as always. Johnny is always the best, I'm always the second best.

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