𝐕𝐈 .. 𝑅𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

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𝐀𝐕𝐀 drove through Encino as Elton John's Rocket Man played at a medium volume, and an oriental lily for Nettie from Freya sat in the passenger seat. She's been to Encino plenty of times for sleepovers with Ali, but she hasn't been to Bobby's house since she was a freshman, when everything fell apart.

The brunette pulled into the driveway of his large manor home, and turned off the ignition of her impala, she took a deep breath, got out, grabbed her backpack placed it over shoulders, and grabbed the oriental lily, then closed the door to her impala.

Ava walked up the walkway, and when she reached the front door, she rang the door bell. After a few minutes, Nettie answered the door. She hadn't changed much, except her hair was shorter, she wore a pantsuit, and still had a warm smile on her kind face.

"Ava," Nettie smiled warmly as she embraced the brunette. "I'm so happy to see you sweet girl, get in this house."

Ava smiled as Nettie gently grabbed her by the arm and led her inside. "Thanks Nettie." the brunette smiled. As she walked in, she noticed the one thing hadn't changed: Nettie still had the endless Barbie dolls in the case, as well as a photo of her and Ruth Handler. Turning to the older woman, Grace spoke as she gave Nettie the plant. "Nettie, aunt Freya wanted me to give this to you. I remembered how much you loved oriental lilies."

Nettie smiled as she graciously accepted the plant, then kissed Ava's forehead. "You've always been so beautiful and so thoughtful."

Nettie led the brunette to the kitchen, where she cleared a place off the kitchen island and set the plant down in the middle of the island. "I hope you'll be joining us for dinner. I know Bobby would love that. He hasn't shut up about you since the two of you started talking again."

"Oh, I don't want to intrude." Ava said

"Ava, you're not intruding. We have plenty." Nettie smiled. Ava smiled and nodded, as she gave in, but then her smile dropped. "What is it darling?" Nettie asked as she poured Ava a cup of tea, and one for herself

"The other night, when Bobby came to talk things over, aunt Freya invited him to stay for dinner, but I told her he probably had other plans. I didn't mean to be so harsh, it's just—" Ava said, but was cut off by Nettie, who spoke after setting the tea cups down

"You don't have to explain to me my dear Ava. I was your age once, and you forget, I may be old, but I'm a woman and I understand heartbreak, but enough of that, how have you been doing, dear one?" Nettie asked, referring to Klaus and Diana's passing

"I've been doing alright. Except, for the past few months, I've been having these dreams." Ava said

Nettie gave the brunette a look of concern, then took Ava's hand in her own. "What kind of dreams dear?"

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