Vicious Saints [18+]

De itsyassilm

9.7K 368 18

(Saints series #2) "Oh, Alysanne. You ruin my life a little bit more every time I look at your face, and yet... Mais

000: Introduction
001: Castles
002: It went horribly right
003: Lord Shadow
004: Angel
005: Forbidden fruit
006: Twin flames
007: Art Deco
008: Mr and Miss Chaos
010: Burning infatuation
011: Crystal clear
012: Too good to be true
013: A hot troublemaker
014: Starboy
015: Frozen hearts beating anew
016: Fina-fucking-lly
017: Between gold and silver
018: All my ghosts
019: The gods envy us
020: Qué será será
021: My past, my future, my Hell
022: Vincere aut mori
023: A bitch from the past
024: Eyes don't lie
025: Guns and cherry bombs
026: Hypnotic poison
027: Lady Wrath
028: If only
029: I lick it so it's mine
030: Waking up the She-Devil
031: What a plot twist you were
032: The lost art of Murder
033: Fractured promises
034: Of brimstone and hellfire
035: Vicious saints
036: Today, tomorrow, forever
037: A slice of love
038: Oh to be loved
039: As many moments as you want
040: Say Yes to Heaven
Author's Note

009: Some love and happiness

219 6 1
De itsyassilm

|Alysanne Valentine|

Compared to Diavolo who is rather reckless and chaotic. Azarov is composed and reserved, normally I wouldn't bother with my chances since men like him tend to go for women on the same calibre. But I couldn't help myself, he is like a flame that I don't want to put out. Deep down I am fighting a losing battle, having my emotions fester to the point of heart break. But Azarov is like no one I have ever met, the intellect and emotions he feels is incomparable.

Truly a diamond that I know I am unworthy of.

On a less sombre note Jaevry and Akiro have formed a friendship, it is not surprising since the contrast in their personalities render them perfectly compatible. Although Jaevry has no problem with social interaction, all the girls love him but the men are the most sceptical and I rather my best friend not be thrown into the lion's den. Plus they are rather territorial of the women, irrespective if they are in a relationship or not.

Uncle Ice ensured we were protected with additional security for the extra days. He is not cold-hearted despite what others have assumed about him, he recognizes the bond between a father and daughter and felt it was necessary to stay after her birthday. The conversation about Azarov had not come up but I suspect he already has an idea of our past.

Currently, there is about five different models of cars tailing us. They are my uncle's men and I suspect that Azarov caught on the moment we landed.

Jaevry and Akiro have gained a knack for interrupting us at all the wrong times. I believe they are quite aware of their actions and sometimes I question whether I am grateful for the disturbance or pissed for the intrusion. Azarov and I have had slim encounters that wouldn't enable one to give it a second thought but I found those moments to be rather intense and spine-chilling. Each encounter feels like he breaks a piece of my heart and devours it for himself. He chose to share his personal interests with me regarding art and poetry, it gives me a glimpse into his mind and a bit of his heart.

And I am not ashamed to admit that I'm addicted.

Concentration and discipline are my strong suits but lately I have no control over either. Each moment is consumed with the thought of Azarov, more than before. He holds adoration for unknown artists and lts quite beautiful to see his mind surpass the depths of the artist and uncover the true emotions they convey on a canvas. He is so raw and compelling, exquisite and rare that I fear If 1 blink he would become a figment of my imagination.

Two years did nothing but overthrow my thoughts of a man I could never have. He has the power to completely own my heart and squeeze the life out of it at the same time. All the darkness inside of me will taint his kind heart and I refuse to let that happen.

Wallowing in my own sadness is not an option with these two, Jaevry needs a bit of reassurance when it comes to new people, especially since the guys will probably never mind, let's just see how everything plays out.

It's quite enduring to watch Jaevry edge for a sort of encouragement, usually he would turn to me for that sort of comfort but even more surprising is that he turned to Azarov.

His silver - blue orbs mirrored a precious doll as they filled with curiosity.

"Do you think they'll like me?"

Clearly, Azarov did not expect that sort of question to be directed towards him. I don't think I am the best person to ask for advice.
Masking my laughter through my palm as I watched Azarov expression morph into shock, Akiro following behind. The time I have spent with Azarov could not compare to the years Akiro and him have been frlends.

One thing is perfectly clear; Azarov is the glue that holds the family together. Diavolo might rule the kingdom but without Azarov, there would not be a kingdom to rule. Azarov downplays his role to a mere insect but he is the structure of the castle and he doesn't give himself the recognition he deserves. It's breaks my heart that many don't acknowledge his importance to the family and even more torturous that Azarov himself won't acknowledge it.

"Such a liar." I accused in-between laughter.

Azarov had the face of betrayal at my words, raising his brow at my accusations.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Azarov, you are the person that everyone goes to for advice." His face twisted in disgust, as if my words offended him. However even through his caramel skin I find a sudden hue of cherry cast over his face.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

Azarov is evidently embarrassed to admit that he worries about everyone's problems and I find it quite fascinating to watch him lose his composure. It's extremely sexy.

"He is totally lying, french fries. Azarov is basically everyone's therapist at this point." Akiro added with a chuckle, being his best friend Akiro only spoke the truth.

Azarov had no escape and sighed in annoyance, trying to ease his stress by massaging his temples. "Now, it makes sense why I never have time for myself."

His admission caused us all to burst out in fits of laughter. Although it seems funny, if you study his routine you see the truth behind his words. Azarov does not have personal time unless it pertains to sleep which I suspect doesn't happen.

He counts the time spent with Cora, his favourite because its where the one person that holds his heart gets to be with him. He spreads himself entirely thin for others and I find that it makes him real, everyone relles on him without their knowledge. With the tremendous weight of everyone's problems, he does not turn them down. Azarov has the patience to analyse each individual and assist or give advice in a manner that they will consider.

For example, when Isadora and Diavolo were not speaking due to her failed mission. Azarov assisted by not confronting Diavolo about his conflicting emotions but rather steering him in places that Isadora resided in. It takes a certain level of skill and intelligence to study each individual and how to handle them. Diavolo does not consider words of wisdom but rather responds to a nudge.

It only proved that Azarov is Diavolo's confidant, no matter the circumstance he is the first person Diavolo needs. Even with a new mansion, it did not detour the fact that noise echoed throughout when we stepped inside. The energy is on another level since a vast majority of people reside here.

A scent of vanilla and freshly baked pastries coated the air, that is due to the two babies.
Not Corvina and Ziana. Prince and Sebastian.
They have battles when it comes to those specific desserts and it doesn't end well on many occasions.

"I am so excited to meet your friends, especially Isadora!" Jaevry enthusiastically admitted. Face to face confrontation is more his favourite form of communication than through a screen.

"I doubt Diavolo would let you near her." Akiro laughed. He makes a solid point.

Diavolo goes all; me: Tarzan, Isadora: Jane.

"He's right. You might die, Berry." I tease, wiggling my brows at him.

Jaevry places a hand over his heart dramatically with stars glittering in his eyes.

"To see a beauty like her, would be such a sweet death."

Rolling my eyes at his action while Akiro sceptically studied Jaevry with a smile threatening to burst through. The sensation of the house is warm and inviting which is a drastic change from Azarov's house. The family makes it alive, fuelling the environment with happiness.

It had to be less than five minutes of us gawking over the home before a tiny porcelain baby boy started running even with his tiny feet that could barely carry him. A big toothy giggle escaping his lips and I swear I felt my ovaries burst at the sight of him encased in a white long sleeve shirt with black overalls and all-star classic sneakers. His midnight curls were flopping all over his forehead as he started to laugh more prominently when Katarina playfully started gaining on his tall.

Zion intercepted through the hallway and scooped the little baby into his arms, plopping him onto his hip. "Got you!" kissing the chubby cheeks of his son.

I wasted no time in rushing over to the latest Tchenkov member; the first baby boy. In Zion's arms you could see that Knoa is his doppelganger, the matching inky curls that danced on there foreheads and magnetic honey suckle orbs with specks of green peaking through.

"Aww! Can I hold this handsome boy?" I cooed, making grabbing gestures for him.

Zion was definitely startled by my appearance although he redeemed his expression with his prince-charming smlle.

"It's so good to finally see you Aly, after so long!"

"It's good to see you too!" without a second to spare, he handed over the cute baby. Knoa is heavy but his smile is a mirror image of his father.

"Knoa Zionel Maximiliano. A name fit for a king." Katya cooed.

He is going to be such a heartbreaker.

Some new babies don't like to be with people they aren't famillar with but Knoa didn't whine or cry in my arms. Instead, he started to giggle cutely and his chubby fingers started to play with my hair in fascination. They resembled waves and I think he found that quite entertaining since they bounced immediately into place. Knoa smiled and made cute baby noises that made me want to cry from how adorable he is. Planting kisses all over his face made him erupt in more cute fits of laughter.

"You are the cutest little baba I have ever seen! Yes you are, such a handsome boy." I cooed in a baby voice as I bounced him on my hip.

"I told you he would like you." Katya commented as she came closer to kiss my cheek.

"Babe, video chat doesn't do you justice. I miss your beautiful ass!° Katya complimented which made me laugh.

"Babe. Look at you, hot mama with two adorable bables. Zion you are damn lucky to have all of this gorgeousness as your wife." I teased, kissing the crown of Knoa's head before Zion scooped him up.

Zion smiled with adoration as he kissed Katya's cheek. She playfully rolled her eyes as if his display of affection annoyed her but she secretly loved it. "That I am."

Knoa immediately started whining when his dad kissed his mom. "Aww, bubba doesn't llke mama and dada kissing?"

Katya rolled her eyes at her son. "You have no idea. He gets so jealous if anyone gets more attention from his daddy than him. Am I right, Nunu?" kissing her sons lips to appease him.

Immediately his attitude changed at the affection while Zion turned towards the rest of us. "Azarov, Cora is putting Sebastian and Prince through hell!"

"That's my baby." Azarov replied with a hint of pride.

Immedlately, I pulled Jaevry to my side before he wandered off and broke something expensive; again.

"You remember Jaevry."

Katya's smile grew a thousand times bigger. Embracing him without a second thought.

"It's so good to finally meet you in person!"

When they retracted, Jaevry smiled at her with enthusiasm. "You are the most belle maman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Mrs Maximiliano." he complimented, twirling her in his arms.

(Beautiful mama)

Katarina chuckled at his words. "Oh please! Call me Katya. I finally get some of this gooey love in person." in that moment I could see the fire in Zion's eyes and the smoke emitting from his ears.

"Oh he's fucked." Akiro whispered behind

"Jaevry is it?" Zion intercepted and I mean practically wedged himself in between Jaevry and Katarina.

Jaevry is oblivious to the jealousy on Zion's face as he smiled with complete ignorance. "Yes, nice to meet you Zion."

Even with his son prepped on his waist. Zion couldn't be more intimidating as he sized Jaevry up. Katarina rolled her eyes in annoyance at his beastly behaviour.

"How do you know my wife?"

"Alysanne and Katya video calls so she introduced me." Jaevry answered honestly, unaware of the tension.

"Uh-huh... I guess I better go, babe." With those words he leaned over Katya and initiated a full on make out session.

Everyone knew his little display is meant to send a message, one that Jaevry is blissfully unaware off. Jaevry is supportive and happy for them as a couple, which is not to Zion's knowledge. When we all retracted to give them privacy, I couldn' help but laugh.

"Berry, read the room."

"What do you mean?" Scrunching his brows at my words.

Akiro came next to Jaevry, a huge smile on his lips as he threw an arm over Jaevry's shoulder.

"You are going to fit in so well here!"

It felt reassuring that Jaevry will have some of the guys looking out for him, although most of them won't like him due to his closeness with the girls. However, time should pass when they realise that Jaevry has someone else on his mind and trust me nothing will ever jeopardize his relationship with her.

Azarov didn't bother to place his input on the matter, he is eager to be with Corvina again. He might not voice his emotions but it is clear in his actions. We neared an arch that led into the gigantic lounge which had familiar voice, before we could go any further I tugged onto his wrist.

He turned to me with scrunched brows at my actions, immediately I dropped my hand since he didn't seem to like my touch by his fiery gaze.

"Do you want Cora to see me?"

I couldn't contain my emotions because my heart ached for Cora, every day for two years. Isadora would send me pictures because I couldn't stop myself from wondering about her, she is growing more beautiful and much more like her father every day. It warms my heart to be in the same room with her even if she didn't recognise me, I needed to see her again but Azarov is her father. If he deems me not to be around her then I will oblige.

"Yes," his answer shocked me, I expected him to say no but I think he knows that Cora wouldn't recognise me therefore he gave me the okay.

Most people wouldn't care to say it but I did. "Thank you."

His eyes widened for a second before they returned to their cold gaze, Azarov knew the extension of my pleasantries but doubt anyone ever tells him those words.

Once we reached the step, I scanned the room for the bundle of joy. Low and behold, there she sat like a queen next to Sebastian. She is five but you wouldn't tell because Corvina is rather tiny for her age, dark decadent midnight waves cascading down her back and curtaining her magnetic metalllc orbs that sparked. Her smile is enough to make my heart catch fire, I couldn't help but feel happiness in this moment of actually seeing her face to face.

Opposite her is Ziana, words could not describe how ethereal she is growing, She resembled Katarina in the Zion in the purest form. Dark inky straight hair that ran down to her hips and piercing golden rings with emeralds dancing in the background. Ziana certainly has the power to single-handedly capture evervone's attention and become the spotlight in a flash without even the knowledge.

One thing is perfectly clear; they have the two babies wrapped around their fingers. Yes, I am talking about Sebastian and Prince.

They are quite immature and dote over Zia and Cora as if they were there own. Any free moment they get is spent with the girls, personally they would never admit that they rather spend time with the babies than with one night stands.

Today we get a front seat to how the girls control them. And it's quite entertaining.

"How can you do this to me, Zia? How can you like this boy over me?" Prince wailed.

Ziana rolled her eyes at his dramatics. "Because he is nine and you are like what, a million?"

His jaw drops. "I have no wrinkles to justifly that accusation." Crossing his arms defensively.

"You sure? Because I can see a couple." She sald, counting imaginary lines on his forehead.

When I refocused my attention towards Corvina, she was rubbing her temples as if she had the weight of the world on her tiny shoulders but with Sebastian next to her, I understood her exasperation.

"Cora, why don't you want to spend more time with me?" She whined with a quiver to his lip.

Corvina wasn't having any of his anties and rolled her eyes, "Uncle Sevi, we just played Monopoly."

Swbastian pointed his finger at her with scowl. "That does not count, you were only talking to Incy!"

"Because he was the banker." Her arms flaring wide.

Sebastian crossed his arms and jutted his lip, tears in his eyes. "No. just say it. You like Incy more than me."

"Who is the five year old here? Uncle Sevi?"

At that moment, Azarov spoke with a smile on his lips. "Hey, princess."

Corvina recognised his voice without even looking at him, she immedlately jumped from the sofa. Her flared beige skirt is scattered with black stars, a matching ebony shirt tucked into the skirt with sliver strappy scandals. The skirt poofed as she ran towards Azarov who Instantly captured her in his arms and hugged her.

He prepped her with kisses and she giggled, the light in her eyes are a thousand times brighter when she looks at him that I am floored with such love between a father and daughter.

Prince then walked towards me, "I missed your gorgeous ass!" He then spins me around.

Sebastian then appeared to my side, "I missed you!" Hugging me to the core.

While both men throws themselves at me, I can see that there's a tiny possibility that I'm not imagining Azarov's eyes ablaze on fire while looking at us.

"I missed you both!" I said to cut their contest on which I missed the most.

"See, dude? She basically missed me the most." Sebastian stated.

Prince rolled his eyes at him, "I can't help imagining how much awesomer the world would be if your dad had just pulled out."

Laughing at the both of them, Sebastian seemed clearly offended; "Hey! That's foul!"

Redirecting back at Cora and Azarov, I just can't help but adore their interaction.

"Daddy, I missed you." As he prepped her on his arm, kissing her cheeks.

Azarov might be cold-hearted on the outside but on the inside Corvina awakens emotions that he has pushed down for so long, its overwhelming and he doesn't mind spreading that love to Corvina. She is his life, no matter the age she will always be his entire universe.

"I missed you too baby, so much." He almost cried into her shoulder.

The moment wasn't meant to last long but it did, they were separated longer than they anticipated. But they are together again and nothing could ruin their moment.

Well, except for Sebastian.

"Hey, you can't just steal her while we were in the middle of a conversation!" Sebastian interrupted, pointing his finger at Azarov.

Azarov rolled his eyes. "Really I can't? As far as I know, she's my daughter. I made her."

"You did Daddy, how?" Cora questioned with curiosity.

"Yes, tell us how?" Sebastian smirked.

Azarov definitely had a knack for deflecting unanswered questions and baby Corvina was no different.

"Baby, I have a surprise for you."

He slipped her onto the ground and she clasped her hands with galaxies sparkling in her eyes. "What, daddy?"

Her eyes doubled in size as she took out a necklace from around her neck. She clutched onto the pendant as if it's a regular occurrence, her fingers dancing around the design. Only then when she let it fall onto her shirt did I realise what necklace. The gold sun with a moonstone in the middle, the one I gave to Azarov.

I didn't think he would have given it to her, I was certain he wouldn't but here she is playing with it like a habit of containing her emotions. I couldn't put into words the emotions flowing through me. It's overwhelming.

Azarov suddenly turned to me, motioning for me to come to his side. Once I was in full view, I didn't even get a chance to speak before Cora broke out in a huge smile and clutched my legs tightly.

"Aly! You're back!"

I was utterly astonished at her reaction, turning to Azarov whose cheeks were slightly tinted and a hint of a secret behind them. Corvina is bouncing on my legs before I dropped down to her height, pushing her curls off her forehead.

"Daddy always said you would come back to me."

My throat constricted at her words and I knew the reason are the two people in front of me.

"I'll always come back to you, princess." With those words, she jumped into my arms and I hugged her with everything in my body. She smelt heavenly, like sweets and roses. It felt like I didn't deserve such a pure angel to miss me or even remember me but I couldn't help but selfishly relish in this moment.

Azarov moved behind Corvina and he analysed the interaction, I knew it was all him. His reassurance of making Corvina remember me is all his doing.

"Thank you." I mouthed. Because no words could ever express how much I appreciate this, for Azarov not letting Corvina forget me.

The men had there own thing going on to welcome Azarov back. I was hesitant on leaving Jaevry alone with them simply because I don't want Niko or Zion to murder him in cold blood. Although, nothing would bring me more stress than if Diavolo was here and I doubt Azarov could even protect Jaevry from that caveman. I offered— okay maybe begged for Jaevry to join us but he insisted that this is his moment to get to know the guys.

I felt better knowing that Zia, Cora and Knoa instantly fell in love with him which meant Azarov would secretly protect him in his own charismatic way.

Tonight, it was girl time minus one player: Isadora. However, she will be arriving tomorrow and thankfully we managed to keep my appearance a secret so I cannot wait for her reaction.

Katarina insisted that the new home theatre should be our girl-cave. I agree with all these different jars filled with various sweets, count me in with these sour worms and gummy bears.

Varvara made us some fancy cocktalls with colourful umbrellas wedged into the frult on the side of our glasses. We all changed into comfier clothes, which resulted in my ripped black studded jean shorts, matching lacy bralette under an oversized shirt I stole from Darcy.

Varvara had on a silky rose coloured shorts with the matching tank top, Nadia switched into a lavender coloured shorts with a matching lacy coloured lingerie bodysuit. Katarina felt slightly colder since she opted for black joggers and a matching lingerle lacy bodysult that is currently concealed by an oversized hoodie.

We were all sipping on our cocktalls, the taste of fresh strawberries tickling my taste buds.

"So babes, what has happened in the last forty-eight hours since we spoke?"

They all chuckled at my question but clearly they didn't realise that a lot can change in two days.

"Same old."

By that she means Nikolai and her are still in a long feud and Varvara and Akiro are not admitting to there feelings, leaving Akiro with this new girl who doesn't deserve him.

Vara quickly changed the topic to something less depressing. "Other than the handsome baby boy Knoa."

"You are forgetting Isadora and Diavolo fucking like rabbits and its been two years." Katarina chuckled.

It's Isadora, nothing is going to fizzle out. That couple.

I smirked. "Says the mama with two gorgeous babies."

"Touché. I got some last night." She proudly saluted with her drink in the air.

"Zion would be stupid not to tap you all day—everyday." I snorted.

Katarina porcelain skin started to tint at the comment. Even after all these years of being together, they are still madly in love and completely consumed by each other.

"They're so cute!" Varvara cooed.

"They make me want to cry and puke at the same time." Nadia dramatically stated with a hint of a fake tear for dramatic effect.

"It's going to be our ten year anniversary next week." Katya announced.

I smiled at how pure there love is and long-lasting.

"I still can't believe you got married at eighteen." Vara commented.

"The heart wants what it wants." I stated.

"And it wanted Zion," Nadia teased with a wink.

She chuckled but smiled downwards because that is the truth.

"What are you getting him?" I questioned.

She shrugged. "I don't know yet. It's really hard not to know what to give him since he'd always give me the most luxurious stuff."

"Yeah, like the Himalaya Birkin bag I stole last year." Varvara chuckled.

"My what?!"

"Oh, Mrs. Maximiliano. You act like you don't own 20 pieces of those. Let me sell them so I can earn a penny."

Katya rose her brow, "You act like you're broke, Miss Billionaire. All of your stuff are either customized or limited edition."

I laughed at the little argument Katarina and Varvara had.

"What can I say? Versace, Hermès, Bvlgari, Saint Laurent, and Bottega Veneta and other stuffs are like Shein to me."

I faced her, "Damn, baby! Care to take me out on a date?"

"Mmm, would that lead to me fucking you?" Varvara flirted with me.

"Some kinky action, I like it." I winked at her; "Sadly, Akiro would probably be jealous."

"That's what makes it fun!" She gushed.

Nadia started to wiggle her brows with a devious smirk on her lips. "Oh babes! I know what to Momma bear has to give Zion!"

Katya groaned in annoyance. "Dude no, I don't have the confidence for that."

Vara snorted at her statement. "Bitch! He is well acquainted with every part of your body since the time you were eighteen!"

Katya sighed sadly. "Two babies changes you. I am not skinny anymore, I have a big ass, wider hips, bigger boobs, stretch marks."

I couldn't speak from experience because I never have given birth but clearly she felt insecure about her body because it wasn't what it used to be. But she is still perfect, regardless if her body changed.

"Trust me, babe. You are fucking beautiful and goddamn sexy. You are a fine ass mama with two amazingly beautiful babies. Zion is lucky to have you and he doesn't see you as anything less than his amazing wife who gave him the two greatest gifts anyone could ever ask for. A piece of you and him, in two gorgeous babies."

Katya sniffed and her eyes started to turn glossy, "I needed that."

Nadia broke the tension. "So, can we do it?"

I think it was the hard hitting words and Nadia's eyes practically glittering with plead before Katya gave in. "Fine."

But I still wasn't in the loop, "Someone fill me in?"

"Oh! We need your help since Isadora isn't here." Varvara smirked.

"Help with?"

"Pole dancing!" They screamed.

Ugh, I miss my girls.

• • •
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