The Solitary Coffin

By Brianna_luvvv

220 75 5

Genevieve is a devoted Church girl who got sent to a private boarding school in France, with her favorite cou... More

Avignon Summit Academy. 1
Rules and Levels. 1.5
Who We Are 2
The Garden 3
Waterfall 4
School Begins 5
The Chapel for us all 6
Acting Odd 7
Gods truth 8
Feel a little something 9
Psych Day 11
Color Me Pink 12
Girls Kiss In Black 13
What It Means To Be Mine 14
Frakenweenie 15
Mrs and Mr D'auraville 16
Eighteen Candles 17
Eighteen Candles 17.5
Genesis 2:24 / 18

Broken Ribs For You 10

7 3 0
By Brianna_luvvv

It's Monday and we're a quarter of the way through the day. We all sat beside each other in our second period as I filled in five different papers of what's supposed to be a group project. I was the only one who really understood Environmental science anyways. "What do you think Gen?" Michael asked, bumping into me. I looked up from the papers and was confused. "The fair, on Saturday. Are you coming?" I nodded as I handed them all their papers to write their names on. "It's the state fair, we need slips for that Mickey." I reminded him as I signed my own name. "It should be easy to get on, we're fours." Aveeana shrugged.

"No, we need slips from our coaches and I already know Ms. Alastair won't sign mine." Luna leaned back and put her legs on Michael's lap. "Ms. Webb won't sign mine either. My aims have been kind of off lately," She said. "Mr. Lynx is definitely going to sign mine. I never lose a round." Cain bragged as he slowly woke up from the nap he was taking. His head was still in his arms on his desk as he looked up to me. I smiled before looking away to Michael.
"Looks like it's just Cain Aveeana and I then. Mr. Madden loves me and we all know Aveeana never lacks in soccer." Aveeana leaned in and gave Michael a high five.

"That's fine, me and Gen will just have the best night out without you guys. Right Gen?" Luna asked. I blew her a kiss to confirm.

Shivers ran up my back when I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked down to see Cain's hand massaging my thigh. His eyes were closed again as he rested his head on his desk. His beaded and metal bracelets were cold against my skin. I looked back up to Luna and acted as if I didn't know my face was flushed. I didn't wear tights today because I was almost late and I don't regret it. His fingers grazed my inner thigh and I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

I wasn't a stranger to physical touch. However I was a stranger to physical touch by someone I know and am growing to care about. "Alright class, turn in your assignments and pack up. This is also a reminder tomorrow is psych day and it is mandatory. If you miss it, that's fine. What won't be fine is the detention you'll gain." Mr. Lore explained so snarky. I looked over to Cain and noticed his hand on my thigh stopped moving. I ran my hand through his hair and he still didn't wake up.

"Get up Mr. Black this isn't the time to sleep." Mr. Lore called out to him. His eyes stayed shut but his hand squeezed my thigh. "He's up, Mr. Lore, just resting his eyes." Cain cracked a smile before sitting up. Luna, Michael and Aveeana were already up front turning in their assignments.

We stood up and grabbed our backpacks before walking up to him and handing in our assignments. He gave Cain a stern look before looking down at our papers. We walked away following them out the door. I hugged Michael tightly. "I'll see you at lunch." He said, kissing my head. Cain and I walked the opposite direction. My ballet class was only two doors down so we stopped fast enough. I stood in front of him and fixed his hair. "I'll see you in the dean's office." I told him. "And no sleeping." I reminded him before hugging him tight. "And no sleeping, got it sweetheart."

I watched as he walked away and entered class when he disappeared up the stairs. I took a deep breath and slapped a smile on my face. "Genevieve." Ms. Alastair called on me before I could even shut the door. No one else was here yet, so I didn't mind. "Yes ma'am?" I walked over to her desk with that same smile. She handed me a card with a date from exactly a month from now.

"Put it somewhere so you can see it every time you wake up and go to sleep. One month to lose the weight or you're out." She said with a smile. I was going to turn away until I looked back down at the card. "I'm not the only one who needs to lose weight right?" She picked up three more cards off her desk and spread them out for me to see. I nodded and walked into the bathroom to change. Once I got out all the other girls were here. I was in the middle of the class and sighed before starting to stretch.

"Everyone to the wall and give me the 5 positions." Ms. Alastair stood up walking around with her wooden ruler as if it were a cane. "Again." She shouted at us. "Again, and Again." She kept shouting until we all got it right in less than 20 seconds. "Good now, hold a Saute until I say." I stood on my toes and watched myself in the mirror, trying to see the flaw in myself that she sees. The back of my leg stung as she hit me with the ruler. "Higher." She said simply before moving to the girl to my right and giving her the same command.

"Smile you guys." We all smiled, hiding the tears within. "Now Jete." We all got off of our toes and waited for her to call on one of us. "Chrissy. You're first." A Jete is a basic skill but the end is hard. A jump in which a dancer springs from one foot to land on the other with one leg extended outward from the body while in the air. As Chrissy failed to land toes first then heel, Ms. Alastair hits the ruler against her toes. I jumped in my skin as Chrissy let out a shreek.

She forced her to do it once again and thankful this time she got it right. "Genevieve." I wasn't worried because doing a Jete was my favorite thing as a kid. On my first try I landed on my toes and when I looked up I could tell she was shocked. She allowed me and the other few girls who got it on the first try to leave ten minutes early. I grabbed my backpack and left in my long sleeve bodysuit covered in the flowy skirt I wore.

I changed back into my sneakers in the hallway before heading upstairs. I'd hope I could catch Cain fencing, to see what it really was. However, by the time I got there he was pulling off his mask and laughing. His component pulled off their mask as well, to show a beautiful girl I think I remember seeing off the same bus I came here in. They were laughing at each other as he took her sword and put it away for her. He still hadn't noticed me as he walked away into the back with her.

"You lost, pretty girl?" A tall boy with light blonde hair asked as he held his sword away from me. "Just here for a friend." He smiled, a pretty smile. "Anything I can do for you? Maybe help you find that friend?" He asked. "No thank you, I was just on my way out." He pulled up his sleeve and checked his nice gold watch. "I can walk you out if you'd like." I looked back over to see Cain still back there. "Maybe another time, but thank you?" His bright smile never left. "Rick." He put his hand out to me and I shook it. "Genevieve." I smiled back. "That's a pretty name Genevieve."

"I said the same thing when I first heard it." Cain's voice was loud as he walked up to us. Rick's eyes went wide as he walked away without a goodbye. "You didn't have to scare him." I frowned, crossing my arms as he stood in front of me. "I said one sentence sweetheart." He shrugged, leaning down and kissing my face. "Myles!" I turned to see the girl walking up to us and before she got close threw something to Cain. "Candy?' He asked, handing me a bag of gummies. "I'm good." The girl walked up to us, waving. "It's Cain." he said to her. "I'll see you tonight Myles." She pushed through us and walked out to the hallway.

"She's pretty." I told him as we walked out to the hallway as well. "You're prettier." He replied. "I'm just saying she has nice eyes." I shrugged. "I like yours more." I looked up to him and he smiled down at me. "She must have a pretty name." I raised my eyebrows. "If I'm being honest I don't even remember her name." I scoffed as we turned to make our way to the dean's office. "So you have plans tonight with a girl you don't know the name of?" I asked.

"She paints shit and is going to show some to me." I rolled my eyes as we made it to his office. "Trust me I wouldn't be looking for anything in any girl here when I have you. Now let's get this over with." We walked in and a lady sitting behind a desk looked up at us. "We'd like to speak to Mr. Pine please." He asked as I put on my sad face. "Take a seat, he'll be with you shortly." We sat down on the other side of the room as she picked up the phone.

"You're not actually jealous about what's her name are you?" He chuckled as he whispered to me. "I can't get jealous, you're not mine." I looked forward to the brown door and crossed my arms over my chest. "I may not be yours but every time I'm not next to you my heart aches for yours. What does that mean?" I sat still afraid to say anything even though I was speechless. Seconds later the dean walked out of his office and pointed to Cain before walking back in. He stood up and followed him before doing the holy trinity and walked in.

I waited about thirty minutes and in that time, I couldn't help but smile to myself. I never had a boyfriend. I had a boy best friend though. We were only sixteen and wanted to know what it was like to have sex. Dumb. So dumb and so drunk as well. If I told you I remember that night clearly, I'd be lying. After that night it was too awkward to talk so that was it for our seven year friendship. Cain would be my first of true anything. I didn't want to rush it but by his words he seems to know what he wants.

"Ms. D'aureville?" Cain walked out as I stood up. He grazed his hand against mine as he walked out. I made sure my puppy eyes were soft as I walked into his office. I sat down as he walked around his desk and took a seat as well. "How can I help you?" He said with a sigh. "I'd like to make a complaint about one of the students." He rubbed his eyes in frustration. "Who is it?" He asked quietly. "Yara Smith." He let out a scoff. "You'd think a school as strict as this one would get kids to listen but no." He mumbled. "Is she blackmailing you too?" I acted confused.

"What? No, she's just bullying me. I know my behavior at home wasn't the best so I landed here, but never in my life have I been mean to someone for me to receive the treatment I do by her." He shook his head. "Level and dorm number?" He asked, typing something into his computer. "Level four. Dorm 572." He wrote that down. "Okay, I'll have this settled by the end of the day. You go on about your day okay?" I nodded and walked out of his office. I grabbed my backpack that I left by my seat and left. As I walked out to the right I felt my waist get pulled on.

Cain turned me to face him and picked me up, as my arms wrapped around his neck immediately. "Yara smith and Yasmine Barlowe, please make your way to Mr. Pine office with your backpacks." Was said over the speaker phone, causing smiles to fill our lips. I moved my hands to his face and looked into his eyes before kissing him. He wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked farther down the hall. I relaxed into his arms, slowly parting my lips from his.

I wiped around his lips, removing my lip gloss and he continued to smile. "Thank you sweetheart." He put me down as his phone rang and he picked it up putting an arm around me. Doing that felt like whatever was holding me back from Cain was now gone. It felt like it was officially just us two. "Michael and Luna are in the garden, you want to go?" I nodded, and we turned around walking out to the garden.

The gate was closed and when we opened it Bubblegum walked over to me. I leaned over and picked him up, kissing his head as I sat down next to Michael on the bench. Cain sat down on the grass next to Luna who was laid back with her hoodie thrown over her face.

"Where's Ana?" I asked putting Bubblegum down. "Stuck taking a test, she'll meet us in swim class." Michael asked as he put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me in. "Get up." Cain said tapping on Luna's head. "Shove your hand up your ass." She mumbled through the hoodie.

Last night none of us got any sleep really and it was hitting Luna the hardest. In each class she's been nodding off. Cain had his nap earlier. I wasn't as tired, I got most of my sleep in front of the fire last night. Luna groaned and sat up, allowing the hoodie to fall off her face.

"I have track next period and I'm actually going to kill myself." She complained. "You'll be fine, only two more hours then we can go to sleep." Michael tried cheering her up but his enthusiasm was just too much for her.

I glanced over to Cain and caught him looking at me. I smiled at him watching as he licked his lips. "You know eye banging is a sin." Luna laughed as Bubblegum climbed into her lab. "What bible are you reading?" Cain asked as Michael looked down at me. "How does the nicest girl go for the asshole?" He asked, looking at us through slit eyes.

"He's a religious, hot, and caring asshole." Luna pretended to throw up. "Am I the caring asshole or Luna?" Michael asked as Cain gave me a wink. "You both are assholes. You just in a golden retriever way and her in a pure asshole way." Luna stuck her middle finger at me as I blew her a kiss.

The bell rang causing us to all stand up and Michael to get Bubblegum. Cain kissed my forehead as he left the opposite way with Michael leaving me with a very tired Luna. "Michaels right, you know." She told me as we walked back into the school. "Knowing you and Cain, I never would've guessed it." She continued. "We're just talking, not dating or anything really. Unlike you and Michael, you guys might as well get married." Her cheeks blushed softly.

"Your cousin's nice but like you said we're just talking not dating." She teased. "Well you guys are also fucking so." She shoved me lightly before kissing my face and walking out the double doors to the track field. I went up to the third floor to my British literature class and sat down four minutes early.

Everyone was here within the minute and the bell rang three minutes later. Ms. Candy walked over to the front of the class and silently wrote on the board before handing out papers. "Pick a partner and complete this worksheet. Need help? Ask your partner." In my few days in this school I noticed strict means to do it yourself. Teach yourself all by yourself.

When I got my paper I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Sebastian staring with a smile. "Hi Genevieve. Sebastian Kinndy, I don't know if you remember me." He said, pushing up his glasses. "I remember you, from the hallway." He nodded as his cheeks turned red. "I was wondering if I can be your partner. It's okay to say no, I understand." I chuckled before turning my chair to face his desk. "Hi partner." I looked down at my paper and signed my name.

"How do you like the school so far? I know you're new. Maybe you didn't see me but I was one of the students passing out the envelopes and rules on the first day of school." I tilted my head as a smile spread across my lips. "Do you talk fast when you're nervous?" I asked. "Yes I tend to do that. I don't mean too, I've been like that since I was a young boy. My mother does the same thing and.. I'm doing it again aren't I?" I laughed and tied my hair out of my face. "I promise I'm not going to bite. No need to be nervous."

He looked down at his paper and pushed up his glasses again. "I get nervous around pretty girls." He mumbled. Before I could say anything in response he grabbed my paper and started filling it out. "All the answers are really in the question, you just have to pick which words form the answer." British literature was not at all my favorite subject so I was grateful. "Sebastian, you look very smart and kind. What got you here?"

He finished filling in both our papers before looking back up to me. "Well statistically if you ask anyone here they are here for bad behavior. Even some of the staff members here are old convicts who can't find jobs anymore. However, I'm here willingly. Also statistically speaking, all the kids that have passed through here are a boss of a company or making more than five figures. I'd like to be one of them."

Anyone who spoke to Sebastian can tell he was nerdy, but the good nerdy that genuinely has a future. "You're a bright soul Sebastian. I like that." His face turned red again. "Are we friends now? Most girls usually befriend me for homework but you actually just had a conversation with me and that's surprising. Only because I'm not a jock or one of the super hot guys here. I only have one friend, Finn Ross." He spoke fast once again. "Do you think you're not one of the hot guys?" I asked through a masked smile.

"Well I do horseback riding instead of football and I'm only a level one. Which I don't mind but there girls hate that number." He stopped making eye contact and looked over my shoulder. "And I see you walking around with those two tall guys. I know Cain's in fencing and the other is really strong. But super tall so probably plays basketball. However as much as you guys hug, you walk around and wait for Cain so if I'm right. You're dating Cain."

I scoffed at how accurate everything that came out his mouth was. "Michael, my cousin. Yes he does play basketball. But I'm not dating anyone." I said sternly. "Well that just means you have more self respect than most of the girls here who get in a relationship after knowing a guy for more than three days." He chuckled to himself before looking back at me. "Are you stalking us?" His eyes went wide.

"Oh heavens no I'm not stalking anyone. I'm really quiet and I tend to catch things in the hallway. Plus I take the long route to some of my class so I see you guys in the garden sometimes. I never hear anything though. I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He was going to continue talking but I stopped him mid way. "You didn't make me uncomfortable, I'm just shocked I was giving so much away." I crossed my arms and felt the goosebumps raise.

"You don't, I promise. No one does, I just see things differently I guess. For example your cousin, he's a bookworm. He goes to the library every night to start and finish a book within two hours. I'm not stalking him, I just am always in the library as well for research. Cain is Catholic, he won't eat his lunch without a prayer. Aveeana, I think you know her. She doesn't believe in Jesus but before all her practices she does the holy trinity. Luna is sad about something but never shows it. And you. Well Gen, a lot of guys like you. Every time a new guy sees you his eyes turn golden. You don't even know it because you're so focused on who's looking at Cain."

The bell rang, shaking me out of my skin. Listening to him talk felt like we were all being watched by cameras. "Sebastian, we're friends." I told him as I started packing. "However never and I mean never tell anyone how much you know about them again." He nodded and took my advice.

I grabbed my paper and turned it in before walking out of class. I went down to the first floor and put all my books into my locker. I was so lost in my head I felt like my locker was farther than it really was. I felt uncomfortable in my skin.

"Boo!" At the sound of that the two books in my hand fell and I immediately got a raging headache. "Whoa I'm sorry sweetheart did I scare you?" Cain laughed as he bent down to pick up my books. He put them in my locker and shut it before I felt his finger on my chin and tilt my head back to look up at him. "You seem shaken up, how can I help?" I didn't answer and just dropped my forehead to his chest and wrapped my arms around him. "You're not a stalker are you?" I asked muffled through his shirt.

"I mean I don't think so." He hesitated. His voice soothed me, kicking Sebastian out of my head. I pulled away and took his hand as we walked down the hall. My head was still hurting though. "Do you ever approach people normally?" I asked , looking up at him. "People? Yes. You? No sweetheart." He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of my hand.
Swim class went by fairly fast enough. Everyone had left but Mr. Rich gave us a pass to stay in the pool. I stood next to Aveeana with her arms around me, like if she lets go she'll drown. We were only in the four foot deep water so I'm not sure what she was scared of. We were short but not four feet short. Luna was on the other side with Michael caressing his face as she smiled up at him. I patiently waited for Cain who stepped out to take a call from his dad.

It didn't take long until the water beside me rippled as Cain got back in with a deep sigh. "Everything ok?" Luna asked from afar. "Sunshine's and rainbows." He replied, with a smile. I looked up at him without a word, staying in Aveeana's arms. His gaze eventually met mine and I smiled. Not with my lips but with my heart. My rib cage protects my heart but in this moment I'd let him break them just to see what's beating for him.

I wish it wasn't true, I wish I could turn back but my heart was so full of him. Overflowing and yet I know I still have so much to learn about him.
"Go ahead. Go to him." Aveeana let go of me as she sat up on the edge with her getting still in the water. I looked back at her but she shrugged me off. I looked back to see Cain smiling and before I could say anything his lips met mine. I kissed him back but not for long before pulling away. "There's cameras in here." I mumbled inches away from his face. "They don't work, just props." I was still hesitant. "Even if they aren't, we get in trouble together."

He moved his hand to my lower back and pulled me in, pressing his lips back to mine.
I kissed him and didn't pull away this time. "Dude, that's my cousin." I heard Michael shout at us. I put my hand over our face covering our kiss from his view. "I still know he's kissing you." I kept my hand where it is but folded my fingers in except my middle finger as I smiled against his lips. "As if you guys weren't smooching in front of us two seconds ago." Aveeana said to him.

Cain pulled away for both of us to catch our breath but that didn't last long as I pressed my lips back to his. "Okay Gen, getting a room isn't that hard now." Luna's words made me laugh, breaking the kiss. "You guys are assholes." I said, splashing them with the water. I dipped my head under water and came back up, tying my hair up in a tight and wet bun.

"Can we go out? Or at least get away from the water." Aveeana stood up and crossed her arms.
"Don't worry Ana, I promise the water won't follow you to your bed." Cain teased as we all climbed out. "It's okay, we don't have to stay in the pool. Let's find something to do." Luna comforted her as we walked to our lockers.

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