sacrifice | Haerin x Male Rea...

By sweatygenes

23.4K 562 116

"You know, I was ready to sacrifice anything for you, even if it meant going against the entire world. Now le... More

1. greetings
2. farewell
3. danger
4. meet & greet
5. closer
6. i'm here
7. closure
8. feelings
9. i'm sorry
10. past
11. love
12. i loved you
13. leave
14. resentment
15. maturity
16. manager
17. we meet again
18. reconcile
19. frustration
20. regret
21. together
22. thankful

23. epilogue

952 19 5
By sweatygenes

8 years later


"Honey I'm home!" I yell out, Haerin comes running into my arms.

I went out to the cemetery to visit my parents, it was their death anniversary. 

"You took too long" Haerin pouts

"It was only an hour" I chuckle


It's been 9? 10 years? Yeah, 10 years since New Jeans debuted. What happened to them you may ask? They disbanded. No nothing bad happened, the girls simply wanted to live their own lives and the company respected that decision.

Everyone is doing what they want now. Hanni and Minji are currently living in a condo that they bought, Danielle is exploring the world and is currently in Italy, and Hyein is doing Hyein things. She's currently one of the Masters at the Taekwondo place I used to go to. An incredible achievement I would say, that usually takes several decades.

Haerin and I? We bought a cozy cottage near an extremely beautiful lake. It was very peaceful, and better yet, it's around 15 minutes from the city so the girls could easily access us if they wanted a small visit, which they occasionally do once in awhile.

Neither of us are currently working since we managed to save enough finances that could pretty much help us retire now, but we'll see where life takes us.

Speaking of finances, we got married! The entire thing costed a fortune, but it sure was worth it. I could remember Hanni and Minji being crazy on the dance floor while the rest of us just stood there embarrassed. 

"Y/N-ah, let's watch a show together~" Haerin cutely tries to convince me

"Yeah sure! Put whatever on, I'll get a couple snacks." Haerin slowly waddles to the living room and puts on a show she's been meaning to watch for a good while.

Just as I bring the snacks to the table, I hear the door bell go off. I'm not expecting any visitors so this kind of surprised me. I go over to the door and was met with a pleasant surprise.


"What's good dummy" She gives me a fist bump

"Nothing much, I was just about to watch tv with Haerin, what brings you here?"

"Y/N, I got an offer for you."


"You know how I work at our Taekwondo dojang?"

"Yeah?" Just then, she brings out a paper and holds it in front of my face.

"If I'm going to run this place, I'm going to need a Head Instructor." She smirks


"Your choice Y/N-ah. I'm simply here cause I want specifically you, but if you turn it down then I won't be hurt. I'll look around else where." As I take more time to think, I feel a head on my shoulder

"Hyein-ah!" Haerin exclaims and hugs her

"Hi unnie" Hyein widely smiles

"What's happening?" Haerin asks

"I'm offering your husband a job. Head Instructor."

"Wahhh really??! Hun you should do it!" Haerin has always been so supportive of any opportunity, what did I do to land such an amazing wife.

"But I haven't done Taekwondo in ages.."

"You were the best black belt in our Dojang and no one has ever surpassed you since then. I doubt any of your skills just went away like that." As Hyein finishes her sentence, an idea comes to her mind

"You know what, let's test your skills right here right now" Hyein smirks as she immediately follows up with a roundhouse kick to my head. I catch it.

"Yah do this outside! Don't break anything here" Haerin scolds us and brings us outside.

"I'll be your 1 minute timer in between rounds" Haerin says proudly, we both nod

"3, 2, 1, go!!" 

Hyein has gotten extremely fast since the last time I've sparred with her. I was getting kicked left and right.

"Come on old man, where's the aggressive kid I know!"

I think that simple taunt got to me. I take a step back and perform a 1080 spinning kick on her.

She dodges it fortunately.


"maybe" I attempt to do a spinning roundhouse kick, following up with a side kick. I knock her down.

"DING DING DING! Round's over!" Haerin yells out happily. I offer my hand to Hyein and she grabs it to get up.

"Rusty my ass"

"I guess I still got it in me"

"Well is that enough proof that you have what it takes?" I look to Haerin for reassurance and she happily nods.

"Okay, I'll do it" Hyein hops joyfully

"Sick!" She offers her hand, I shake it

"Come on in tomorrow, I'll introduce you to everyone. I'll be on my way, have fun watching tv!" Just as she attempts to go to her car, I grab her arm

"Hyein. thank you." 

"Anything for my brother" She smiles

"I'll be on my way now" 

"Bye!" Haerin and I wave her off as she drives off in the distance.

"Can we watch nowwww" Haerin pouts

"Yup! Let's go" I hold her hand and we go back inside.




Okay, that's the end.

I made this chapter because it'll be pretty important for the next book I'm bound to write anytime soon. I've had this idea in mind, but I wanted to write multiple books and have them connected in some sort of way, I just thought that concept was kinda cool.

What am I writing? You'll find out soon :D

Just one last thank you for everyone that stuck till the end. I've never written a book before so seeing the overwhelming amount of support really motivates me to continue to do so. 

Okay! This was sweatygenes, and I'll be temporarily signing off, see you soon!

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