Earth Bound ~ The 100 Fanfic~...

By JoM_Panda_Bear

69.3K 1.6K 87

"don't waste your time believing in fairy tales, they don't exist here." EDITING {based off of season 1 of T... More

Prologue. Young and Reckless
1. Jouney to the Ground
2. Ground
3. Rescue
4. Love at first fight
5. Acid Fog?
6. Charlotte
7. The Girl Who Fell from the Sky
9. Unexpected Surprises
10. Aw Nuts!
11. Bringing Unity
12. Exodus
13. Guess Who's Back
14. Sickness
15. Lost
17. I'm Bad
17. Attack
18. Seperated
End Note

8. Going after Grounders

2.8K 72 5
By JoM_Panda_Bear

"Where is she?" Bellamy storms through camp. He looks angry. He's looking for someone. Octavia. She hasn't been seen at camp intro days. "Did you check the drop ship?" I ask concerned. I wasn't all that close I Octavia but she was Bellamy's sister, and Jasper, who is one of my best friends, has a massive crush on her, so I ought to help find her.

Bellamy sighs, "Three times." He says. Jasper comes out of the drop ship, "Yeah she is definitely not in there." He says. Bellamy growls and sits on a nearby log. He puts his hands in his head. "Don't worry. We'll find her. Promise." I say trying to sooth him. He looks me in the eye. His expression shows deep sadness. And he looks a little...scared. But this is Bellamy Blake we're talking about. And he's fearless.

Jasper comes back out of the drop ship with Raven at his side. "Clarke and I are going to look for a transmitter. You're welcome to come, Mera." I shake my head, "I think I'll pass. I should probably help find Octavia." Raven nods and smiles. She looks from me to Bellamy. She shrugs and the walks away. Before she is out of sight she turns and gives me a quick wink. My cheeks feel hot and I can feel the color rising inside of them.

"I'm assembling a search party. I think I'll brig Jasper and Finn. And you of course. If you want to come." Bellamy says snapping me back to reality. I nod. Jasper follows me and Bellamy. Fin is in the front. The test of the group trails behind us.

When we reach grounder territory everyone is quiet. I look around and gasp when I see three skeletons hanging from a tree. I hear Jasper gulp. Finn speaks up, "Well I don't speak grounder but I think this means keep out." He chuckles. Some of the other group members start to head back to camp. I look at Jasper, he shakes his head, "I'd I to hell and back to find her." I pat his shoulder, "Great bud. Cause that is exactly what we're going to do."
- - -
We slowly walk into the grounder's home base. I stay close to Bellamy. We are so close our shoulders are touching. But right now, I'm not phased. I know that he can protect me.

He looks at me from time to time but I keep my eyes focused on the trees. I see movement in the trees. I stop moving. Bellamy stops and looks at me. I keep my eyes on the movement. He looks in that direction. Nothing is there. I start to walk forward but hear a girl's voice, "Hey. Where'd John go." The only John I know at camp is Murphy, so I'm not familiar with the name. Bellamy turns, "I swear he was just here. Maybe he-" Bellamy is interrupted by something hitting the ground. I look at gasp when I see that it's a boy's body. The girl screams and runs in the direction of the trees. A boy follows after her.

Bellamy rolls his eyes and the rest of the group follows the girl and boy. That girl was utterly stupid. If she wanted to get herself killed this was exactly what she should've done. "Roma." Bellamy calls after her. We hear a scream and run quicker. We run to a clearing where the boy who follow Roma is. Except he's not in good shape. He is on a tree trunk. Four spikes are buried in his chest. My eyes wide. Grounders. They were hunting us. We see shadows in the trees. "They're here." I hear Jasper whisper. They're coming toward us. Suddenly I hear a horn. "The fog." Finn says. "We need to get cover." Bellamy replied. Finn shakes his head, "Its too late for that." He pulls an orange tarp out of a backpack. We all take cove under the tarp. And wait. I lay as close as I can get to Bellamy who looks almost as worried as I am. Jasper is on my other sore and I can hear his faint breathing coming out in short gasps. Bellamy pulls me into him. I stay quiet but shuffle out of his grasp. I couldn't do this. Not now. I huddle next I Jasper and feel his rests on my neck. The hairs stand up when theirs no movement. Finn looks outside the tent. There was no fog. He pulls the tent off of us and looks around. The grounders are gone. No where to be seen. Like they just vanished.

We keep walking until we see her. She's not moving, which isn't a good sign. Roma. Bellamy slowly walks over to her. He sighs. I come over to stand next to him and my eyes widen when I see Roma a spear in her chest. Dead. That's three people. We found Diggs dead on the way here. But still no sign of Octavia. I think that Bellamy is starting to lose hope. I put my hand on his shoulder, "We'll find her Bell. I promised, remember." He nods. Then we see a grounder. Bellamy sprits after it. "Stay here," I say to the group. I run after Bellamy. Finn and Jasper follow us. "What the hell are you doing now Blake?" I ask, kind of annoyed. "I'm following him. I'm getting my sister back." I catch up to him. The grounder goes into a cave. Bellamy follows him.

We walk into the narrow cave carful to keep out distance from the grounder, "Bellamy," a voice whispers. It's Octavia. We found her. "O," he says. He rushes over to her. I see a grounder on the ground next to her. "Bellamy, the grounder." I say. He puts a finger to his lips to assure me to be quiet. He moves towards Octavia. He unchained her and she wraps her arms around him. Bellamy looks angry. He let's go of Octavia and grabs a spear. He points it I the grounder's chest. Octavia stops him. "He saved my life, don't." he puts the spear down. Finn and I crouch next to him, "Maybe he has some kind of-" Finn is cut off. The grounder wakes up and plunges a silver knife into Finn's side. I try to stand up but the ground pins me to the floor. I struggle. He points a knife at my throat slowly moving it closer. I feel the tip touch my throat. And then the grounder is still. He fall on top of me. I look up to see Bellamy a shovel in his hand. "Let's take this bastard back to camp. I've got a few things is like to say to him." they hoist the grounder off of me and tie his hands. I pick up Finn's moaning body and we head back to camp. I just hope Clarke can fix Finn. And that Bellamy won't kill the grounder before we can get back.

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