.: A needle in a wasteland:...

By Nova_3213

9.3K 655 135

George, a previous medical doctor before the outbreak. Now he's roaming across this now ruined wasteland, usi... More



473 42 6
By Nova_3213

George stared at the tip of the shotgun.. feeling his stomach sink.
"I-" he tightly held the can in his hands.

"You can put that drink down now and give us your belongings immediately."

George felt a pit grow at the back of his throat, glancing around at the bed that surrounded him.
"Okay..." he slowly slid of his bag, pushing it towards the man with the shotgun.
"Just- don't shoot.. okay..?"

The man holding the shotgun nudged his head.
"Check the bag, take it if there's anything good." He aimed at George, not breaking eye contact off the man.
"If there is, take the entire bag."

George winced..no..

One of the men grabbed the bag, taking away to check for any valuables.

George felt a pit grow at the back of his throat, looking up at the black haired man, seeing he had golden streaks through it.
"I'm not looking for any trouble... I just need water.." he placed his knife on the floor, sliding it towards the man.

The man stomped on the knife, aiming at George as he began to look at the strangers gear.

His eyes focused down on the coat George was wearing.

"Is that your coat?" They spoke firmly, aiming at George... it was a dirty white coat- it looked almost a dirty blue with dirt covering it.

George kept quiet.. staring at the floor-

"Answer me!" They snapped.. moving the gun forward.
"Is that your coat!" He gritted his teeth.

"YES- yes-" George ducked his head down faintly.
"It's my coat! It's all I have left-" he shuttered faintly, utterly afraid.
"It's my coat.."

"So.. you are a doctor then?....Mr..Davidson." The man stared at the medical tag on George's coat.. it was pinned into the fabric.

George was quiet but hesitantly nodded, not saying a word.
"mhm..." he shuttered.
"Yes- I am.."

The man was about to speak- but was cut off.

"Sir! We went through his bag and he had tons of food and medical supplies!!" One of the others yelled, looking back over at the two.
"He might be with a group."

The man adjusted the shotgun, aiming it at George.
"Is that so?" He spoke firmly.

George stared at the ground... this wasn't good-
"I'm not with any group- it's just me...." He shook his head.
"I kept it.... For myself-"

"I guess then there is no use of killing you." The man looked down at the doctor.
"You will be of great use to us..... unless- you'd rather die here."  He grinned.

George bit the inside of his cheek.
"I'll go- I'll go.. just.. don't shoot me.." He practically had to say yes.... He didn't want to die.
"I'll do whatever.. just don't kill me.."

"you'll be our new medical doctor." The man lowered his shotgun, holding his hand out.
"We need someone like you, if you like it or not."

George quickly nodded his head.. feeling anxiety fill his chest.
"But- I have three rules that must be followed if I'm going to be a doctor here.. and questions- that's all." He hesitantly looked up at the man.
"I've been a doctor at a few places... and these rules were broken and hell broke lose..."

He wanted to warn him.

"Oh? And what are these questions and.... Rules." They glared at George, not pleased he was making the demands.

"How safe is this place..?" George was scared.. he didn't know where he was being taken.
"Is it okay..?" He mumbled.
"Can walkers walk right in!?"

"Very well secure..we have food, weaponry, water, shelter... steel walls and concrete walls." The man stared down at George, scrunching his nose.
"It's the safest it's gonna be." He snapped.

"Will I get my own medical area? Will it be sterilized..?" George didn't want to do any medical in a jail cell.
"I just want to know.. sorry- I don't mean to rush." He adjusted himself on the floor... shaking a tad bit.

"Yes, you'll have your own tent and private shelter if you do your job right." The man scoffed but was impressed by how stern George was.
"And if we can trust you." He huffed.

"you must comply too these three rules if you want me to be your doctor." George held up three fingers slowly.
"do not bring anyone bitten into my tent." He whispered softly.

They furrowed their gaze... fair enough.

"Second..I want access to food and water at least once a day- not a lot but just enough to survive." George didn't want to starve.. he needed to survive.
"If that's not too much to ask." He whispered.

The man thought for a few moments.... Those aren't terrible rules-
"And the last?" He tilted his head.

"Do not bring anyone that has a terrible injury into my tent." George spoke in a quiet tone.
"If you know they are gonna die, kill them." He scrunched his nose.
"If you need a second opinion, you get my attention- but do not bring them to the tent where I'm treating others."

"Sounds like you've had some past trauma." The man smirked softly, chuckling a tad bit.
"Curious.." he liked how stern George was when stating the rules.

"Well, the last rule gets broken a lot and ends up being the downfall too there sanctuary." George softly whispered.
"The last person brought in.. got in a car accident and snapped there spine in half causing it too rip out there skin."

"Gross... well- we will abide by these rules." The man held his hand out, humming softly.
"The names foolish." He firmly spoke.
"You'll respect that name."

"My names..George." George grabbed foolish's hand, soon getting pulled too his feet.
"Is there any chance I get my bag back??" He furrowed his brows.

"We will talk about it, but for now we must leave." Foolish nudged his head, pulling George up from his arm.
"We have a jeep outside." He wandered towards the front door.. shoving George in front of him.
"You guys finish looting, I'm bringing new guy to the jeep."

George mumbled quietly... he just needs to gain trust- steal some loot and leave.. he has places to be.

But he should see who's already injured... help those he can.

"Do you have any injured already..?" George furrowed his brows, tilting his head to the side.

"We do, but mostly one in particular." Foolish sighed, shaking his head.
"One of our men, Sapnap... hurt his ankle and we can't tell if it's a break or sprain-" he looked around, checking for any walkers.

George just stared at foolish.. was he an idiot.
"seriously.." he barely had the words..

"You'll see when we get there." Foolish glanced back, seeing a few of his men walk out.
"Punz, Wilbur.. get in the back- we gotta get going if it's going to hit night." He nudged his head.

George glanced back but didn't care for introductions.
"Whatever." He made his way into the passenger seat..

This is one way to start a new life..

Total word count: 1149

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