Pokemon AI - The Misfits

By Jabicho82

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Synopsis: Javi, a misfit in his world, without knowing the reason, arrives in the world of Pokemon, and begin... More

Chapter 1: Korrina, The Master of Cheating
Chapter 2: My Visit to the Pokemon Center
Chapter 3: The Battle against Misty
Chapter 4: The Day I met a Gardevoir
Chapter 5: The Charmeleon who Dreamed of Flying
Chapter 6: Ditto and Mewtwo, the Story of the Failed Clones
Chapter 7: The Good, the Mawile and the Ugly
Chapter 8: Now it's the Misfits Turn!
Chapter 9: Inferno Unleashed
Chapter 10: The Strongest Pokemon
Chapter 11: The Meloetta who Faced the World
Chapter 12: Final Episode - The Captain's Dark Secret (Part 1/3)
Chapter 12: Final Episode - The Captain's Dark Secret (Part 3/3)

Chapter 12: Final Episode - The Captain's Dark Secret (Part 2/3)

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By Jabicho82

Charmeleon: I don't know what to do, Javi... What am I supposed to do!?
I feel so helpless! I have to do something! We have to do something!

Javi looks at Charmeleon... but only hears him say: "Chaaar... CHAARRR... Chaarmeleoonn!"
But... they no longer need words... They both understand each other's emotions... without needing words...
Javi realizes that Charmeleon is hesitating and that he doesn't think he can defeat the Shadow Charizard... Javi can't get up anymore, everything is spinning... but he talks while he's on his knees...

Javi: L-Listen... Ch-Charmeleon!! You will always be more powerful than any Shadow Pokemon...
D-Do you know... why?...
Because the Shadow Pokemon are being forced to fight... T-they have no choice...
B-But... you... y-you do it out of conviction... Y-you are a hero!!...

Suddenly, Charmeleon realizes what Javi is telling him... He doesn't notice that tears are forming inside him, because he's too angry...
Charmeleon gets serious... and gives his all again. He refuses to give up!

Charmeleon: For me, for Meloetta, for Javi... for all the Misfits and for all the Pokemon who have supported us in this mission... I have to do it!!

Charmeleon looks at Javi with a determination he's never had before...

Captain CC: Shadow Charizard!! It's time to burn those 2 losers!! Attack them both with your Flamethrower!!

Javi: F-F-Fire Big... Bi...

Javi is left breathless...

Charmeleon begins to surround himself with heat... and prepares a "Fire Bighead"...
But... Javi begins to notice an Aura in Charmeleon... Charmeleon begins to surround himself with a White Aura...

Charmeleon: Javi... I... I'm going to repay you for everything you've done for me...
For saving me... and for showing me that I'm strong...
It's time... it's time to return your trust...

Charmeleon prepares to attack...

Shadow Charizard launches his Flamethrower... which is directed at Javi and Charmeleon...

Charmeleon: IT'S TIME FOR... THE...


Charmeleon begins to run straight towards the Flamethrower... and absorbs it as he pushes it...
He runs faster and faster... until he reaches the Shadow Charizard, which gets scared by having Charmeleon in front of him, stopping his flamethrower...
Charmeleon, who is still running, wrapped in Fire and in his White Aura, jumps with all his strength towards the Shadow Charizard and hits him in the stomach, leaving it gasping for air...

The Shadow Charizard tries to stay upright... but the impact is so strong that he is thrown backwards, falling on top of Captain CC and dragging him along with him... ending up both of them slammed against the wall...

Absolute silence...The Cruiser is completely stopped, after the events.
The flames of the Flamethrower continue to burn and the body of the Shadow Charizard remains lying on the ground, without moving... with his head tilted to one side...
Captain CC It doesn't look like he's going to get up yet... and he shows no signs of life...
The Cruiser is silent...
Suddenly, a feeling of relief falls on the Cruiser...
After everything they have suffered... the fight is over...

Charmeleon watches as the Shadow Charizard and Captain CC are unconscious on the floor...
He slowly approaches CC to see if he is still alive...and notices that he is still breathing.
After seeing this, Charmeleon breathes a sigh of relief...and begins to kick CC hard in the ribs...

Javi, on his knees and with his eyes almost closed, looks at Charmeleon and smiles slightly...

Javi: Heh... th-that... that's my boy...

Javi takes out Shadow Charizard's Pokeball and points it at the unconscious Charizard...

Javi: Sh-Sh- Shadow Charizard... Co... Come back...

Javi returns the Shadow Charizard to its Pokeball... and at that moment, Javi begins to see everything dark and falls lying on the ground...
Charmeleon turns to see him and runs desperately to help him.
"Chaar!! "Chaaar!!!" It's the last thing Javi hears before losing consciousness...

Javi's eyes close completely...

And then... everything was filled with silence and darkness... And when nothingness had already enveloped his entire mind within this darkness... Javi began to hear his own voice...

Javi: Is it... is it all over?...
Wait... where... where am I?... Maybe... am I dreaming?
Wait... did I faint?... Or worse yet... don't tell me that... I'm dead!?
No! What about Charmeleon!? What about Garde? Mawile? Melo? Ditto? Mewtwo!?
What will happen to the Pokemon on the Cruise? And the Shadow Pokemon!? And Captain CC!?...
Haha, "CC"... I'm really terrible at giving people nicknames 😄
And what about Cris? Am I not going to be able to see her again either?...
And that Dr. Seishi? Or the imposter Joy?...

It... it feels so peaceful here...
Was it... was it all a dream? Or is what is happening now is the real dream?---

When... I came to the Pokemon world...
Heh... I remember that I didn't understand anything...
I didn't even have a roof to rest on... or something to eat... I was just a normal guy lost in an unknown place...
Haha, "normal" isn't the right word... I'm a weirdo...
If I was a Pokemon, i would be an "abnormal" type...
The Abnormal type doesn't even know what strengths or resistances he has... that's what I would tell myself...
But... a few days later... I would get to know someone as abnormal as me...
That Shadow Charmeleon... Who was going to believe that we would become inseparable? He was full of life and energy... and he became my brother in that world... and he helped me survive...

And then, we met Ditto and Mewtwo! Haha, crazy couple...
Ditto with his leftover cake on his face...and Mewtwo, who was the first Pokemon to talk to me...
Although at that time he was learning how to do it, we were able to chat a little...
And they both joined in on this crazy adventure...
And Mawile! Little thief! She wanted to steal my candy... but... she ended up stealing our hearts...

I remember we realized that we had to learn how to fight... and Charmeleon taught us...
God, we were a mess... and the only one who knew how to fight was Charmeleon, so we asked him for help...
And Charmeleon didn't even want to teach us at first... He saw himself as someone weak who couldn't help us...
But... I think he saw us so hopeful in him... that he did it so that we wouldn't lose our hope that moment...

And our first battle! Haha, Korrina must have thought we were a joke...
I couldn't even put together a simple strategy... and I kept trying to distract her so she wouldn't notice...
And then with Misty... we caused a disaster...XD
But...we got better...understanding each other...
And Mewtwo helped us a lot... little by little he could connect us all telepathically...
I was so proud of them... everyone was getting stronger...
Even I learned to survive... we got food and made bonfires so we wouldn't die of cold at night...

Ditto was always a crazy guy... It was so refreshing to see someone who did not hide his way of being and feeling...
He was someone so full of life... He bit ass and transformed into everything he could think of... but above all he made us happy in the most difficult moments...
And he also helped us set up a trap for the Impostor Joy! He was so great at tricking her... he deserved an award for his performance...

And after a while... we met Garde...
I think a lot of things changed for the better there.
Garde motivated Mewtwo to better control his Psychic powers...And she was also the first to connect us telepathically all the time.
We were able to talk about many things that we had not talked about until that moment...
We all got to know each other better... and we became great friends... best friends... a group of weirdos with the best name in the world... "The Misfits"...

And Melo... As soon as we met her, we knew that she was part of us... As if we had known her all our lives...
I guess that among Misfits there is a bond that makes us connect instantly...

Wow... A Shadow Charmeleon ended up being a hero... and my best friend...
An unstable Ditto ended up being someone we can all trust without a doubt...
A Mewtwo without fully developed powers, ended up showing us that he never needed to be stronger than he already is... He was always incredible...
A Mawile with amnesia... When I thought we had to protect her... she showed us that she was always watching over us, covering our backs...
A Gardevoir who saw herself as someone cruel and sinister... ended up sacrificing herself for others... She didn't hesitate for a second to protect me from Imposter Joy's syringe... or to receive the combined attack of the Shadow Pokemon... A Garde with a heart of gold...
And a Meloetta who felt that her entire life was rejected and used by others... ended up accepting us into her life... blindly trusting all of us, even without knowing us for a long time...

And Melo's voice... it was something so beautiful... If she sang something sad, it broke all of our hearts... And if she sang something happy, it made our day...

Meloetta's voice begins to be heard in the distance...

Javi: Yes... that's exactly what her voice sounded like... a voice that healed one's spirit... 😊

More voices begin to be heard... and among them, Gardevoir's voice...

Garde:...Javi?...Javi! JAVI!!...
Guys! Javi is waking up! He is waking up !!

Javi begins to open his eyes...

Garde: JAVI!!

Garde, Meloetta, Ditto, Charmeleon, Mewtwo and Mawile; they run towards Javi... and hug him.

Garde: Welcome back, Javi! We always knew we'd find a way to free all the Pokemon that were locked up on the Cruise Ship! And here we are, all as a team!

Javi looks at all the Pokemon that surround him with love... a friendship that he never thought he could have...
Javi also notices that around him... there is much less darkness... They can see how the sunlight begins to reach the room ...And he sees all the Pokemon on the Cruise ship greeting him with a smile, while they carry water, boards, metals, tools... repairing the ceilings, the walls, the floors...

Charmeleon: Javi! You wouldn't believe everything I found in CC's office! There were boxes full of Revives, potions, antidotes... I was able to cure everyone!! 😄

Mewtwo: Yes! :D And then we went to the Cruise Ship's Warehouse and got everything we needed to stop the fire and repair the Cruise Ship before it sank!!
And also, all the Pokemon on the Cruise Ship offered to help! ;)

Meloetta hugs Javi and kisses him on the cheek.

Meloetta: Thank you Javi... for rescuing us ^^

Mawile starts dancing with joy. She then realizes that everyone is looking at her and she blushes...

Mawile: Oops... (◡‿◡ *)

Garde and the rest of the Pokemon start applauding Javi.

Javi smiles and sheds a tear of happiness for his friends...

Javi: Thank you... thank you all...
You are the best friends one can have... and I will always be grateful to each of you... :_)
Now... there is one last thing we must do before returning to land...

Javi takes out Shadow Charizard and Shadow Mewtwo's Pokeballs...

Javi: Shadow Charizard! Shadow Mewtwo! Come out!!

After both Pokemon come out of their Pokeballs, they can be seen exhausted and still with their Shadow Auras...

Javi: Melo... I realized something important...
Your singing is something magical... and can reach the heart of anyone who listens to you...
Please... could you sing something calming for both Pokémon? :)

Meloetta: I can't believe I'm about to sing to the deepest part of these Pokemon's hearts...But I'm happy to help! ❤

Meloetta raises her voice... and the music sounds in a way that makes tears fall...
The song makes them leave the past behind... they are filled with light and happiness...
The light begins to fill with colors, while her music makes their Shadow Auras start to disappear...
It's like watching the sunset at sea...
All the Pokemon watch without believing what is happening...
Mewtwo and Charizard have been Purified...

Javi: Wow... Melo... Thank you!! ^^
It's a beautiful song... How did you learn it?

Meloetta: Actually... it's the first song I sang for myself... When I met the sea... freedom... and I felt like myself... ^^

Purified Mewtwo and Purified Charizard stare at the group, full of peace...

Purified Mewtwo: We are so sorry... All the damage we caused...

Javi: Guys... No need to apologize... We know they controlled you... :(
And... we are happy that you are okay now! :D

Mewtwo and Ditto stare at Purified Mewtwo...

Mewtwo: You... you're another clone of Mew, right?
I think that makes Ditto and me, sort of... your brothers... :)
Also with the Cruiser Dittos...

Purified Mewtwo fills with tears and begins to cry...

Purified Mewtwo: Yes... We are what you could call "brothers"...
And I can finally be at peace with you... at peace with my heart...

Ditto is happy too and sheds a tear while looking at Purified Mewtwo...

Ditto: I just hope that this day helps us heal all those wounds that we don't know how to heal...
We can heal each other... and maybe we will learn that we don't always need to heal alone...

While both Mewtwos and Ditto start chatting... on the other side you can see Charmeleon approaching the Purified Charizard...

Charmeleon: You... you are a Super Pokemon! :D
You were able to take on everyone at the same time... and you never gave up!
I hope one day I can be as strong as you! :D

Purified Charizard: Be as strong as me? Haha, what do you mean, Charmeleon?
You never gave up and were the strongest! 🔥🔥
Thank you for stopping the Captain... and for saving us from his control!

Javi: Hey... and speaking of the Captain...Charmeleon, what did you do with him?

Charmeleon: Haha, didn't I tell you, Javi?
Do you remember the cage we found Meloetta in? We all repaired it and put the Coquettish Creep in there! 😁
I think being locked in such a small cage will make him think until he is put in jail...
Ah! By the way... I also took this from him... 😁

Charmeleon opens his hand and shows it to Javi...

Javi: It's... It's his Z-Ring bracelet!? :O
And it has a Z Crystal embedded!!
Ho, ho... Charmeleon, we have a new toy! :D
(This bracelet... I was wondering how CC was able to launch that attack... if it was clear that there was no connection between him and the Shadow Charizard...)
(And the Imposter Joy and her Mega-Evolution? She may not have been either connected to her Pokemon... Maybe Team Rocket found a way to "force" or "fake" that connection...)

Meloetta approaches Javi.

Meloetta: You know, Javi?... I have to thank you for many things...
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have learned to trust someone again... or to love someone again...

Meloetta jumps a little and hugs Javi.

Meloetta: Thanks to you, I can believe that I am not bad... I can believe that I am not alone.
Thank you Javi, I think you are the most important friend for me in this world... and the only one in all this time, that I have loved very much...

Javi hugs her back.

Javi: Melo... thank you... :_) I also love you very much...
And... there is something I want to ask you...
Now that you saved the Sprigatitos... will you continue traveling to see the world?...
Tell me... wouldn't you like to travel with us?... I mean... you're already part of "The Misfits" and all that... :)
I think we all want to learn more about this world...Wouldn't it be more fun to discover the world with friends by your side? ^^

Meloetta is left speechless... and tears come out of her eyes...

Meloetta: Y-yes... I would love to, Javi!... Being one of "The Misfits" is what makes me happiest... and what has made me feel most at home...
And yes... I want to travel with the people who have helped me to make a difference in this world and that make me so happy...

Garde, Mawile, Ditto, Mewtwo and Charmeleon; they hear her and run to join the hug, while smiling with happiness...

Javi turns to Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo...

Javi: Guys... and you? What would you like to do?
You are more than welcome to travel with us! :D

Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo; they look at each other and give each other a knowing look... then they turn to the group...

Purified Mewtwo: You know...? We have lost part of our life... as slaves of the Captain...
But now we want to better understand who we are... And although we already feel part of "The Misfits"... I think that for now, we will take a journey of self-discovery, to recover our lives...
We are very grateful for giving us the opportunity to live again...

Purified Charizard: Who knows? Maybe we will meet again in the future...
And when that day comes... we promise that we will be better Pokémon, with new goals and dreams to fulfill...
You are special! I don't think it will be difficult for us to meet again!

Javi: I understand... :)

Javi looks at the group...

Javi: We all understand... and we always wish you the best...
Even if we separate, I know we will see each other again! :D

Meloetta approaches Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo.

Meloetta: If so... let's promise that we will meet again!

She raises her hand, which Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo approach and shake with their hands...

Meloetta: It was very nice to have met you :)

Meloetta turns around and leaves jumping of joy.

Meloetta: Until we meet again!!! ^^

Everyone says goodbye to both Pokemon, with smiles on their faces.
And at that moment, the Pokémon that were released from the cages approach the group to show them that the Cruise is already repaired and ready to leave...

Javi: Thank you all very much!
And now... I think it's time for this Cruise to finally return to dry land!! :D
Surely all the Pokemon that were caged want to return to their families and friends!
Although... I have no idea how to drive this Cruise!...Do any of you know?

Everyone looks at each other in silence...

Javi: Don't worry!... How difficult can it be?...

After several minutes of many failed attempts and almost crashing... The Misfits finally begin to understand how to handle the Cruiser...

Mawile: Hey! Now that the Cruise is on its way... I think it's time to celebrate!! :D

Javi looks at Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo.

Javi: What do you say, guys? Would you stay for the celebration party before leaving? :D
I promise you will be amazed by our forbidden steps! 😎

Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo look at the Misfits... then they look at each other with a smile and laugh...

Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo: We'll stay... but only to see Javi dance!

Bursting into laughter, Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo run off after the group.

Javi approaches the Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo with their Pokeballs...

Javi: And what better way to start the party than... with fireworks!! :D
Charizard and Charmeleon... are you ready? :D

They both look at each other, understanding what Javi wants to do. Javi throws both Pokeballs as high as he can... and... Charizard and Charmeleon use their Flamethrowers at the same time, to make the Pokeballs explode in the air... creating fireworks that start the party!

Meloetta transforms into "DJ Melo".

Meloetta: Start dancing, Javi! I'll take care of the music! 😎

She starts playing a song called "Dancin" by Aaron Smith.

Meloetta: Come on! It's time to dance!

Meloetta gently pushes him to the center of the floor, so he can start dancing.

Narrator: That day... Javi and all the Pokémon... celebrated big as the Cruise headed back to the mainland...
They forgot all their worries... and shared laughter, talks, dancing, singing... and above all, happiness among everyone...

Although our beloved "Misfits": Javi, Charmeleon, Mewtwo, Ditto, Mawile, Gardevoir and Meloetta; were the first to form this peculiar group... I think that from that day, along with all the other Pokémon that were on the Cruise, they felt part of something bigger...
They were all friends who trusted each other... And not less important... They trusted themselves.
And that... I think it's something unique, don't you think? :)

And the hours passed... and the party was coming to an end... From the Cruise they began to see land in the distance! :D
Purified Charizard and Purified Mewtwo, had one last hug with the Misfits... and they left for different directions... with the promise of one day seeing each other again...
Charmeleon watched with a smile as Charizard flew away...
And Ditto and Mewtwo were smiling too, as they watched their brother leave for a new journey...
After that, everyone rested for a few minutes until they reached dry land...

When dusk arrived... The Cruise finally arrived at the Dock from which it once departed.
And what a surprise the group got! There were several people surrounding the place... Children, adults, entire families... And among them, there were also several Police Officers! Commanded by one of the Officers Jenny.
And Javi began to see a familiar face... His friend Cristal, the only person who came from his world... and with whom he met again on the Cruise a while ago... was waiting for him too...

Javi: Cris!? What is she doing here? Guys... have you seen all those people?

Once the doors of the Cruise Ship opened, The Misfits, along with all the Pokémon that were released, began to take out the cages that contained the Recruits and Captain CC...
After this, the released Pokémon ran happily towards dry land. ... Some returning to their habitats with their families and friends... and others meeting with their trainers, who were waiting for them at the Dock...
Javi runs towards Cristal and they hug... while the Vaporeon that accompanied Cristal goes to meet with her Vaporeon friends...

Javi: Chris! I'm so happy to see you! :D
But tell me... What are you doing here?...
And all these people? I thought we were going to meet again at the Pokemon Center!

Cristal: Haha... well, that was the idea, Javi!
But as soon as I cured my Pokémon friends, I decided to return to the Dock to help you on the Cruise!
But when I arrived... there was no Cruise in sight!
I didn't know where it went... and I called you on the phone!
But my calls didn't reach you! So I decided to go back to the Pokemon Center to wait for you...
And while I was waiting there, I started watching television... and... the TV started showing on the news that a certain group of Pokemon, who called themselves "The Misfits", were blowing up the social networks! 😁

Cristal proceeds to show him her cell phone... and Javi can see the photos that Mewtwo published on all social networks while his group caged the Team Rocket Recruits...

Mewtwo: Oh... Yes, Javi... speaking of that... I forgot to tell you some "little" details about when we split up on the Cruise XD

Cristal: Haha, and many people who had had their Pokemon stolen, began to find out about this...
And also many of those who were at the Pokemon Center decided to come to the Dock, hoping to see their Pokemon back!
I said to myself: "Wait a minute, Cris... How many Cruise Ships do you know that have caged Pokemon and Team Rocket Recruits?"
Everyone found out in a short time... and this news ended up reaching the local Police! We all came to the dock, hoping to see you return... safe and sound! ^^

The entire group of Misfits checks their cell phones... but there they notice that the batteries surely ran out a long time ago...

Meloetta keeps being DJ Melo as everyone gathers and finds out what happened...

Meloetta: Wow! I didn't know our story went so viral! 😁

They gossip while the trainers return with their Pokemon...

Meloetta: We have to take a new photo for the Internet!

Meloetta jumps up and asks Javi to take a group photo of them.

Meloetta: Let's see, Javi... Take out the camera; it's for my blog's blog, really.

They all cuddle together for the selfie. But just before they can take the photo, Officer Jenny approaches the group...

Officer Jenny: Javi!? You again? Are you also part of that group of "The Misfits"?

Javi: (It's... Officer Jenny, from Sinnoh! The one who beat up the Imposter Joy XD)
Officer Jenny! It's so nice to see you again! :D
Well yes, I am also one of "The Misfits"... And we brought you many members of Team Rocket, waiting to be captured! :D
(And knowing your methods... be mistreated, haha)
And Also...

Javi tells Jenny about Captain CC, his White Vaporeon tattoo and how CC was going to sacrifice everyone, even his Recruits, by wanting to destroy the Cruiser...
Jenny can't help but get angry when she hears this...

Officer Jenny: Damn... this damn CC....

Jenny grabs CC and punches him in the face...

Officer Jenny: What's wrong with you, looney? Why are you being so cruel to Pokemon...?

CC falls to the ground after Officer Jenny hits him very hard...

Officer Jenny: See what's happening? You shouldn't have done that to them...

Jenny pulls him by the neck...
Ditto is not far behind and punches the Captain.
The group watches for a while as Officer Jenny and Ditto beat up CC

Javi: haha... the best Officer Jenny of all...

While the group of Police officers take the Recruits and Captain CC inside the patrol cars... the rescued Pokémon approach to thank and say goodbye to the group.
The local people are also gradually approaching the Misfits... and thanking them for rescuing their Pokemon and stopping Team Rocket. Some even take selfies with the group and then return to their homes...

Cristal: Javi... I'll be right back, okay? Give me a few minutes...

Cris approaches the group of Vaporeons, and one of them, the one who was with Cris until the moment the Cruise arrived, approaches her very happily, while the other Vaporeons begin to leave...

Cristal: Look, sweetheart, just like Javi said!...
They rescued all your friends... and now they are finally free to return home! ^^
Hey... don't you think you should hurry up? Or they will leave without you!

The Vaporeon says goodbye to the other Vaporeons... and remains in front of Cristal... as if saying that she wants to accompany her...

Gardevoir, who is watching this from a distance, smiles and creates a telepathic connection between Cristal and the Vaporeon...
Cristal realizes what is happening...and her face lights up, as she approaches the Vaporeon.

Cristal: Oh please, please, come with me!

The Vaporeon smiles and jumps into Cristal's arms, who hugs her.

Vaporeon: Yeeeeees!

After Vaporeon decided to stay with Cristal... they both saw Meloetta in the distance, who was playing with the Sprigatitos.
Cris decides to approach Meloetta...

Cristal: Hi gorgeous! ^^... and what cute Sprigatitos!...
Eh? And that little girl over there?...she has something on her paw!

Meloetta: Hello, Cris! :D
That Sprigatito is wearing that garment... because a girl gave it to her a while ago... and she promised her that they would see each other again in the future! :D

Cristal approaches Sprigatito and kneels in front of her...

Cristal: Hello, pretty! You have a very nice garment! ^^

They both smile at each other... and Sprigatito begins to rub her head on Cris...

Cristal: Oh! She's so adorable! 😍
I wish I could take you with me!

Meloetta smiles while Cris and Sprigatito become friends...

Meloetta: What a nice conversation... ^^

She turns to Sprigatito.

Meloetta: The truth is... I would be very sad if I separate from you...
So... how about you come with us?

Sprigatito becomes happy... her face shines and she perks up.

Sprigatito: Yes, yes, yes! Let's go on a new adventure!

The group jumps and celebrates.

Sprigatito: What do you think... if we all travel together? :D
There's still a long way to go until my reunion... so, in the meantime, I want to live many adventures! :D

Meloetta: Yessss! And I can help Cris take care of you!
And we will play a lot! And we will have a great time with the whole group!! ^^

Javi, with a smile on his face, sees Cristal surrounded by her new friends...

Javi: Wow... Cris always had that contagious joy around her... always making friends easily... :)
I'm so glad we found each other again...

Little by little, the whole place begins to empty...
One of the last people in the place is Officer Jenny, who stays chatting a little with the group and getting to know them better.
And a few minutes later...

Officer Jenny: Well, Javi... Cris... and all you heroic Pokemon...
Now I must return to the police station... and make sure the prisoners get what they deserve...

She starts snapping her fingers vigorously...

Officer Jenny: I would like to inspect the Cruise... but I think it's best if we meet again here at the Dock tomorrow...
For now, it's best that you rest... I imagine you're exhausted after everything that happened, right?
Well, Take care! I promise you that I will take care of the prisoners! And see you tomorrow! 😉👋

Officer Jenny drives away in her patrol car...

Javi looks at the Cruise for a moment... and smiles.

Javi: What a long day... but what a great ending... It was all so special...

Javi stares at the group.

Javi: But... we couldn't have gotten as far as we have... without the help of others, don't you think?
I feel so proud of everyone... And this... was also something that no one expected... you know that, right?

The Misfits and their new friends; listen to Javi's words... and Mewtwo remembers something very important...

Mewtwo: Javi! Don't forget that there is something you need to ask Cristal!...
Do you remember? ;)

Javi: Of course! :D

Javi turns to Cristal...

Javi: Listen, Cris...I didn't have the chance to ask you before... but... did you find somewhere to live?...
Because... if not... we would really like you to stay with us...
You see... we were all talking... and we want you and your whole group to join us! 😁

Cristal: Well... The whole time I was traveling with my group, we didn't have a place to stay...
And now that we're reunited with you...
Yes! We would be very happy to accompany you! :D
I mean... if it's not too much to ask... ^^👉👈

Everyone runs to hug Cristal, Vaporeon and Sprigatito...

Javi: Well, then I think it's official, right, guys? :D
Cris' group... joins "The Misfits"! :D

Cristal: Yes! :D :D :D
I love being with all of you!

Sprigatito and Vaporeon get happy and run off to show their new abilities to the other Pokemon...

Cristal: Thank you for everything. :D

Cristal smiles and hugs them with great enthusiasm.

Cristal: This is one of the most incredible experiences of my entire life! ^^

Javi: I would tell you that now that we are all together... we have to go find a place to sleep...
But... I have been thinking about something...
I know that Officer Jenny wants to confiscate the Cruise and all that... but... how about we take it? 😜
Haha, I mean, it could be our new home!
And we already know how to handle it! 😁
What do you think? I don't think Officer Jenny is going to be thaaaaaat mad when she doesn't find the Cruise... or us XD

The Misfits stare at the Cruise Ship and start laughing.

Garde: Well yes, you are right! It is a good plan! 😆

Mewtwo, laughing, looks at Javi.

Mewtwo: What worries me is that Officer Jenny is going to have a fit when she doesn't see it... haha, but I guess that won't be our problem anymore. 😎

Mawile: Officer Jenny was already very angry because she punched Captain CC, so I think... she is going to have a fit of rage. XD

The Misfits laugh.

Mawile: But we're going to be able to make good use of the Cruiser...
Besides...we deserve it after freeing it from the Team Rocket Recruits! 😁

Javi: Haha... I'm a terrible influence...

Cristal: Hmm... Calm down, Javi... I'll take care of it! :)

Cristal writes and leaves a note stuck on the Dock, which says:
"Don't be angry, Jenny! We just wanted a home! ^^
PS: We love you very much...

Javi: Wow... and I thought I was a bad influence... but... Look! Cris is worse! XD

The Misfits laugh loudly... and after a few seconds, the whole group starts looking at the Cruise... I don't know why, but the whole group thought that the Cruise was a good place to have as their new, new home...

Ditto: You know?... Maybe the Cruise would look better with a few fixes 😄

Javi: That is very true! And then, we also have to paint it, so that it has our essence...Some drawings or something like that...

A few minutes later, everyone boards the Cruise and prepares to leave...

Javi: Melo! Do you remember the photo we were going to take right before Officer Jenny arrived? Now that there are no distractions... we have to take it! :D

Melo uses her Psychic power to place the camera in front of everyone...
Cristal approaches Meloetta and whispers in her ear...

Cristal: Wait, Melo...
Javi has his pants on backwards...

Meloetta answers her in a low voice...

Meloetta: Cris... don't tell him anything... 😁
It's just... we want to see how long it takes him to realize... XP

Javi: Hey, what are you talking abou-?

Meloetta: Ok!... The photo is coming!
Everyone say: "Towards new adventures!"
At 1... at 2... and... at... 3!!

Everyone: Towards new adventures!! 📷


This continues in part 3/3...

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