A Destroyer Journey

By Masamune

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Destroyer of Worlds That's what they called him but he didn't mind that after all he did destroy some worlds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas special

Chapter 7

621 26 24
By Masamune

Kyu was taking a stroll in the city. He wore a black coat and a Magenta scarf. Kyu walked emotionless until he saw a park.

Kyu went into the park and sat on one of the benches. Kyu then brought out nine cards and looked at them.

"Thinking about your past again?"

Kyu heard a familiar voice and turned around. Takashi was standing a few feet away from him.

"You already know the answer." Kyu said before pocketing them.

"Were you staring at the first nine cards you obtained again?" Takashi asked as he walked to Kyu and sat beside him.

"This brings me back to the first time you transform." Takashi said.

Kyu looks slightly at Takashi before looking at the DecaDriver and remembers when the driver was white.


A young Kyu went to his dorm at Senba Academy the school where he and Kiana attended to.

Kyu went into his bedroom before bringing out the driver Takashi had given him. Kyu then checked the RideBooker and saw there were multiple cards inside of it.

The Decade card was in front of all the cards. Kyu took out the cards and saw nine other cards behind them.

"Kamen Rider?" Kyu muttered before storing the card back. But he pocketed the Decade card feeling something familiar within it.

"I should stop thinking about it. Kiana wants me to go with her tomorrow." Kyu muttered before laying down in his bed.

"It's weird... why does she only want me to come with her?" Kyu questioned before closing his eyes and sleeping.



Kyu falls off his bed after hearing an explosion. Kyu jolts awake before looking outside and sees the city destroyed.

"What the hell happened?!" Kyu yelled in shock.

Kyu then grabbed the DecaDriver and ran outside. Kyu ran until he saw multiple grey-haired people armed with scythes and bows.

They noticed Kyu and aimed their bow at him. Kyu widened his eyes and hid behind the rubble of a building.

"What are those things?" Kyu muttered.

"Those are Honkai Zombies."

Kyu turns his head up and sees Takashi with his gun out shooting at the zombies.

"Honkai?" Kyu asked.

"Not the time! Put on the belt and transform!" Takashi yelled angrily before dodging an arrow.

"How?!" Kyu asked.

"You already know how! The belt!" Takashi yelled back before focusing on the zombies.

"The belt?" Kyu muttered before bringing out the DecaDriver. Kyu stared at the driver before having the urge to put it on his waist.

Kyu puts the belt on his waist causing the belt to form while the RideBooker appears on his left side. Kyu then took out the Decade card and opened the belt before inserting the Decade card.



The sequence of Decade transformation is formed but instead of twenty silhouetted figures, it was only ten. Kyu's body changed and right now he was wearing an armor that Takashi envied.

This was the first time Kyu Kenzaki transformed into Kamen Rider Decade. The first time he transformed into

The Destroyer of Worlds.

Flashback End

Kyu stared at the DecaDriver before putting it back.

"That's the moment that I still regret." Kyu said as he stared at Takashi.

"Now what are you doing here? Besides bothering me?" Kyu asked.

"What! Can't I just visit a friend?" Takashi replied while smirking at Kyu.

"Friends? Don't make me laugh." Kyu scoffs at Takashi's words before standing up.

"We're no longer friends after that day." Kyu coldly said before walking away from the park. Leaving behind Takashi who had a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry."

With Kyu

"Ride the wind!"

"kakenukero~ Get past the world!"

"kono kuronikuru ~"

"Te ni irete yuku tsuyosa no Card~"

Kyu sang a song as he kept walking through the city.

"Damn! I have a great song." Kyu muttered as he continued walking.


Kyu stopped when he heard a scream. Kyu then rushed to the source. Kyu arrived and saw multiple people running from Kaijin with a hat.

"A bugster... Salty this time." Kyu muttered before taking out the DecaDriver but stopped when he saw four girls running to the bugster.

"RWBY." Kyu muttered as the girls brought out their weapons. While the girls arrived Kyu saw multiple news helicopters.

"Yang! You're with me!" A black-haired girl with silver eyes yelled at a blonde-haired girl.

"Got it! Ruby!" Yang yelled back.

"Blake! You stick with Weiss." Ruby yelled at black black-haired girl with cat ears and a girl with white hair.

"Right!" Both Blake and Weiss yelled.

Ruby then rushed to the bugster and slashed it with her scythe. Yang followed it up with a punch to the face sending Salty back. Blake then throws her sword at Salty capturing it. Weiss then summoned a white glyph and fired multiple ice shards encasing the bugster in ice.

"A job well done! Good work team!" Ruby cheered victoriously.

"I didn't think it would be that easy." Yang said cockily.

Kyu stared at the frozen bugster before noticing a crack.

"As I thought it didn't affect him." Kyu muttered before grabbing the DecaDriver and went into an alley.

While the girls celebrated their victory they didn't notice that Salty was breaking the ice by the time they noticed it was too late.


"What?!" Weiss yelled in shock.

"Do you really think that ice would keep trapping me? Foolish humans." Salty said before he summoned multiple bugsters with orange heads.

"Just what is this guy?" Blake muttered while preparing to fight.

"Heads up team! Here they come!" Yang yelled but just as the bugster was about to attack they heard a sound.


Multiple gunshots were heard before the bugster exploded. The girls turned around and saw Decade with his gun.

"Who are you?" Ruby asked.

"Decade..." Salty said with a hint of fear.

"Decade!" Weiss yelled in shock.

"The Destroyer of Worlds! He's the guy that the writing warns us!" Yang yelled.

"You're all annoying. Let me finish my job." Decade said as he took out a card and inserted it into his belt.


Decade gun turns into a sword surprising the girls. Decade brandished his sword before rushing at Salty. Decade slashed salty in the chest and followed it up with an upward slash before slashing the bugster in the side as sparks came out of Salty.

"Since you're a bugster then this is the best way to deal with you." Decade said as he brought out a card with a pink Rider before inserting it into his belt.



A pink rectangular portal with the rider appears in front of Decade and goes through him changing him into Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.

"He changed..." Blake muttered.

"Oh my god! That is so cool!" Ruby yelled.

"This the Destroyer of Worlds power." Weiss muttered.

"Grr... using that accursed Rider against me!" Salty yelled angrily.

"Thought it would be best to fight you with this. After all with his power, I can do this." D-Ex-Aid said before a circle surrounded him while a logo of a weapon circled him. D-Ex-Aid grabs the logo before a hammer appears in his hand.


"Now then shall we play Salty." D-Ex-Aid said before rushing to the bugster.

Salty tried to punch D-Ex-Aid but the rider sidestepped and dodged it before counterattacking with his hammer slamming it down at Salty head. A cartoonish word hit appeared when the rider attacked.

"So cool! It's like he's playing a video game in real life." Ruby said.

"Maybe it is like a video game..." Blake muttered.

D-Ex-Aid continued slamming his hammer on Salty as multiple hit icons appeared every time he hit the bugster. D-Ex-Aid then slams his hammer on Salty gut sending him back while the rider takes out Ex-Aid final attack card and inserts it into his belt.


D-Ex-Aid threw away his hammer as it disappeared. The rider's right foot glowed with pink spiky energy.


D-Ex-Aid jumps in the air before doing a rider kick at the bugster. The kick hit the bugster but the rider didn't stop and delivered a barrage of kicks at the bugster while multiple hit icons appeared. D-Ex-Aid then delivered one final kick and sent Salty back.

"Onore Dikeido!" The bugster yelled before exploding as an icon appeared in the sky with the words


D-Ex-Aid dusts his hand before reverting back into Decade but just as he is about to leave the girls stop him.

"Great... we're doing this now." Decade grumbles angrily.

"Stop right there! Are you really the Destroyer we were warned about?" Weiss asked.

"What if I am?" Decade rhetorically asked not denying the accusation.

"You're not denying it." Blake said.

"If you want to fight me all of you are inexperienced fighters." Decade said provoking the girls.

"Oh yeah! Then let me show you inexperience!" Yang yelled angrily before rushing to Decade and punching him in the face but that all did was move Decade's head.

"How's that for inexperienced!" Yang proclaimed but Decade just turned his head to her shocking her.



Decade punches Yang in the face sending her flying to a building. By the time Decade attacked Yang the others tried attacking him. Decade merely brought out two cards and inserted them into his driver.



Decade disappeared in a red blur shocking the girls. Weiss and Blake were suddenly sent flying into a tree.

Ruby tried to use her semblance but against the man who could move at the speed of light. A red blur appeared in front of Ruby revealing Decade in his Kabuto form. D-Kabuto kicks Ruby away before appearing behind her and slamming her into the ground.

"If you think you could defeat me you're delusional." D-Kabuto said before kneeling down to the girl.

"Be grateful that I haven't destroyed your world. It's only a matter of time before I destroy it." D-Kabuto said coldly before standing up and summoning an aurora curtain leaving through it.

"We were no match for him... is this what they warned us about." Ruby muttered before falling unconscious.

With Kyu

Kyu appeared back in the cafe before turning around and saw a pissed-off Ayane. Kyu walked to one of the seats and drank a cup of coffee that suddenly appeared in his hand.

"What?" Kyu asked.

"What?! Is that all you have to say?! You just brutally beat one of Union's greatest teams! And all you have to say is what?!" Ayane yelled angrily at Kyu who rubbed his ear in pain.

"Calm down! They attacked me first." Kyu said as he continued to drink his coffee. Ayane sighed before rubbing her forehead and sitting in front of Kyu.

"You know... you talked a lot about destroying a world but I've never seen you destroy a world." Ayane said causing Kyu to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Heh~ would you like to see me do it then." Kyu said as his eyes glowed magenta.


Ayane felt the ground shake before turning around and saw multiple magenta-colored energy flowing out from the ground. The house in front of Ayane disintegrated into magenta-colored particles. People were screaming outside while Kyu drank his coffee seemingly enjoying the screams.

"Okay! That's enough!" Ayane yelled at Kyu causing the boy's eyes to stop glowing and the world turns back to normal.

"That was only one of my ways of destroying this world. If I feel like it I may use this." Kyu said as he brought out Kuuga's card but Kuuga's body was black and he had four horns while the words down below said Ultimate.

"What is that card?" Ayane asked.

"You'll see it when I feel like using it." Kyu said before pocketing the card.

"You know people might suspect you were the one who did that." Ayane said while Kyu stood up.

"Good. If they come I'll destroy them." Kyu said coldly before leaving the cafe.

"Ayane Sakuya."

Ayane heard a familiar voice before turning around and saw Ryouseke breathing heavily. Ryouseke falls to one of the chairs.

"Are you alright?" Ayane asked while bringing a glass of water to Ryouseke.

"I'm fine." Ryouseke said as he drank the water until it was empty.

"Listen! I'm running low on energy! The world Decade is After will be revealed soon! Please stop him!" Ryouseke yelled before walking through an aurora curtain.

"Wait?! What world?!" Ayane asked.

"The world of the demon king of time. Zi-O." Ryouseke answered before disappearing.

"Demon king? Zi-O?"


Kyu watches the news through the big screen on a building. His fights with Ruby were being shown.

"The destroyer managed to effortlessly beat one of Union's greatest teams with ease. Before leaving the destroyer warns the team that it is only a matter before he destroys this world." The news lady said.

Panic emerges from the crowd down below Kyu. People frantically praying for god and some other supernatural beings.

"What a waste of a world." Kyu muttered seeing the ruckus down below.

"After the destroyer disappeared a phenomenon occurred where multiple buildings and people disappeared. This was suspected to be the destroyer doing. The reason for doing this is currently unknown."

"I wonder what would people think that I just did to satisfy Ayane curiosity." Kyu muttered as he watched the news.

"Union headmaster is currently investigating the destroyer and has sent out the Red Dragon Emperor to deal with the destroyer."

"That pervert? What's he going to do with me? He hasn't even unlocked his juggernaut form yet." Kyu muttered before jumping down the building into an alley.

"Well if they want to fight me then who am I to refuse."



With Takashi

Takashi in his Diend armor was in a school inside a vent and navigating his way to a secret room underneath the school.

"Found it." Diend muttered before busting through the vent and landing on the ground.

Diend grabs a card with a rider with a yellow and black body. Diend then inserts the card into his gun and shoots it in front of him.


Kamen Rider Kaixa appeared in front of Diend with his bike. Kaixa hops on his bike before the bike turns into a mech the side basshar.

Kaixa fired multiple missiles from his mechs at the Vault door destroying it. Inside the Vault a crown stood on a podium.

"That's the treasure of one of the God of Light relics but compared to other rider gods this relic is very weak." Diend said before grabbing the relic. Diend suddenly heard the elevator opening behind him and saw a grey-haired man with a blonde-haired woman.

"Stop right there! Drop the relic!" The woman yelled.

"Ah! You must be Ozpin and Glynda!" Diend said.

"You know who we are?" Glynda asked.

"Secret! But I'm quite busy so I'll cut this meeting short." Diend said before summoning an aurora curtain.

"Wait?! That portal! Are you related to that destroyer?" Ozpin asked noticing the same pattern.

"Why yes I do! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Diend the Treasure Sniper and I bid you adieu!" Diend said before leaving through the aurora curtain.


Glynda tried to stop the rider but Kaixa punched her away before disappearing along with Diend.

"Diend..." Ozpin muttered.

"Great a destroyer and now a thief." Glynda grumbled before standing up.

"This may be a warning Glynda." Ozpin said.

"A warning?"

"The destroyer said it's only a matter of time before our world is destroyed. This may be one of the signs." Ozpin explained before noticing someone coming down the elevator. A man with a spiky black hair came out.

"Qrow." Ozpin greeted the man.

"Oz we got a serious problem." Qrow said.

"And what might that be?"

"The dragon kid is in critical condition."

Ozpin and Glynda's eyes widened before they turned to where Diend was.

"This could be the second sign."


A young brown-haired teen with a red-haired girl was walking through a forest. The boy was Issei Hyoudou and Rias Gremory. Both of them were tasked to find Decade and were sent to the place where he was sighted.

"Are we really sure I should be doing this? The guy's title is the Destroyer of Worlds." Issei skeptically said.

"It'll be fine... you have the power to kill god." Rias replied.

"Correction! I have the power to potentially kill god." Issei corrected the redhead.

"Relax partner. We haven't seen what this destroyer can do. But now that I think about it the name Decade does ring a bell." Issei's sacred gear partner Ddraig muttered.

"Thanks for the motivation. But where is Decade? We haven't even seen him." Issei muttered.

"Looking for me?"

The two heard a voice and turned around. The two saw Decade in the tree before falling down. Suddenly Ddraig felt something familiar with Decade and recognized something.

"Partner run!" Ddraig yelled.

"What?! Why?!" Issei yelled back.

"I knew I recognized his name! You aren't ready to face him! Go before he does something!" Ddraig yelled.

"Heh~ it really is you Ddraig. But it's too late now." Decade said before bringing out a card and inserting it into his belt.



Kyu walked casually inside the cafe before suddenly everything stopped moving. Moments later Ayane burst into the cafe with her bag.

"Let's get going then." Kyu said with a smirk before pulling the chains on the picture.

A picture of a shattered moon falls down causing Kyu to sigh. Kyu went outside before an aurora curtain went through him changing his outfit into a school uniform.

"Where are we?" Ayane asked.

"Remnant." Kyu said as he looked at the shattered moon in the sky.



So RWBY this time also I don't have anything else to say and as always


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