Xenoblade Chronicles 2 x Male...

De soroxas123

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Follow the adventures of both Mariki and Rex, as they journey throughout the world of Alrest in reach to Elys... Mais

Chapter 1: The Brothers Salvage hunt!
Chapter 2: Revival! The Aegis Awakens!
Chapter 4: Rescue Mission! Enter Artificial Blade Poppi!
Chapter 5: Umon's shipyard!

Chapter 3: Brighid and the City of Torigoth!

144 8 1
De soroxas123

It was morning and everyone was awake and preparing to continue their walk. However, Mariki was still asleep since he had been up a little bit at night not feeling too much tired until now. Rex gently walks towards his brother's sleeping figure and shakes him.

Rex: Hey, it's time to go Mariki. He said while shaking him as Mariki's eyes slowly began to open his vision took some time to adjust finally saw the sunlight and realized it was morning.

Mariki: Just a few more minutes. He said this before attempting to return to sleep as Nia came over and lightly kicked him startling him awake completely.

Nia: Wake up sleepy head! Jeez, didn't you get enough sleep from last night?

Mariki: Well, no because I wasn't that sleepy at that time, so I had to do something until I could get some shuteye. He said while yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Pyra: Well, it's nice to have you awake now. She spoke, then chuckled slightly.

Rex: Right then. We should probably find a town or something. Does anybody have any idea where we are?

Mariki: Beat's me.

Nia: We are in Gormott. A province of the Ardainian Empire. You must have seen the Gormott Titan before?

Rex: Yeah, only from a distance though.

Nia: Were somewhere on its belly.

Mariki: Hold on a second Nia. Judging by your eyes I assume that you are a Gormotti.

Nia: That's right. 

Dromarch: Gormott is the place of my lady's birth. 

Nia: If we want to find a town, we first need to get out of this forest. If we keep heading up, we'll hit the plains. The town's that way. She pointed up the hill as the way to exit the forest.

Mariki: Good, then let's go. Mariki walked ahead of the group as they ventured through the forest.

Time Skip

As they exited the forest, Pyra glanced over at Mariki as she thought to herself.

Pyra: (I know that Rex is my driver but what about Mariki? He doesn't have a blade to back him up. But then again, I could be wrong. I mean he did go to toe with Jin and took on Malos while we departed on Azurda.) As she suddenly noticed something completely unexpected, she began to ponder. Mariki's powerful energy is a bit off-putting to her. She wonders why a human has such a strong source.

Suddenly, Rex interrupted her thoughts.

Rex: Pyra? Are you feeling all right, you been standing there like a statue? Pyra assured everyone that she was fine but couldn't help thinking about what she saw from Mariki.

Pyra: (What was that? I couldn't have imagined it.) She thought to herself once again as she came out of thinking as they arrived at the town.

Rex: So, this is Torigoth huh?

Mariki: Cool, it's a pretty awesome town. 

Nia looks down at the floor lost in thought. Pyra notices and wonders what's going on.

Pyra: Nia?

Nia: It's nothing. Ok then I'll show you all to an Inn and after that I'm out of here. As they walked into town, Nia came to a stop in front of a bulletin board covered in posters of Jin, Malos, and a strange mix of her and Dromarch.

Nia: What the bloody hell is this? Don't tell me this is meant to be ME?! She spoke while Dromarch turned his gaze towards the poster.

Dromarch: Hm... Remarkable likeness to say the least...

Nia: Oi, did you say something?

Dromarch Ah, er, no. I fear they may have conflated our countenances, my lady. How very awful. 

Mariki was trying not to laugh as Pyra lightly smacked his arm and shot him a glare to find Nia's situation funny.

Mariki: I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself. He chuckled softly as Nia tore up the poster of herself, thankfully unaware of his amusement.

That was when a voice caught the group's attention.

Ardainian Soldier: Fie! Who dares to heed the Empire's call? Your strong heart today will build a strong Mor Ardain tomorrow! Of course, you get more than your salary! Penison and benefits are included! Distinguish yourself and you could even join the nobility! For the glory of the Ardanian Empire and His Majesty Emperor Niall! Come now! Who wants to be the hero of tomorrow?!

Rex: Hm... What's the deal over there?

Mariki: I don't know. But that thing on the crate seems to be some kind of crystal?

Nia: Not just any crystal, it's a core crystal. 

Mariki: Core crystal...? 

Nia: It's what allows a Driver to resonate it is to awaken a blade to fight alongside them in battle. They can give you power along with a weapon. Nia helped Mariki gain an understanding of Core Crystals.

Mariki: I see... So that explains it. While inspecting Rex's sword, he remarked that it had transformed.

Nia: Also, they're having a driver recruitment. 

Rex: Driver recruitment?

Nia: Recently, they've been recruiting drivers from all over.

Dromarch: The pool of potentials is ever shrinking. They must have run out of candidates from the military.

Mariki: "Potentials?" Can you provide more context or information about what you mean by that?

Rex: Yeah, I'm not sure we're following.

Nia: Just see for yourself. 

The group watched as a teenager from Gormott approached the crystal on the crate, but his younger siblings stopped him.

Gormott Sibling 1: Don't do this bro, it's too dangerous!

Gormott Sibling 2: What will we do if something happens to you? Who'll look after us?

Gormott Sibling 3: P-Please...

Jac: I know that it's dangerous. But... if I can become a driver...

Gormotti: Out of my way pipsqueak! A Gormotti pushed past the kids and knocked them down before approaching the crystal.

Mariki: Tch. Bastard. Mariki glared at the cocky Gormotti as he grabbed the core crystal to awaken his blade. But suddenly, he started screaming, which surprised both Rex and Mariki. They wondered what was happening to the man.

Nia: Yeah, he's done for.

Azurda: Indeed.

Suddenly there was a flash of light as the Gormotti appeared to be covered in cuts as he fell to the ground.

Rex: Eurgh, what just happened? All of that blood...

Nia: He couldn't handle the Core Crystal's power.

Dromarch: That's what happens when someone unqualified touches the core crystal.

Rex: Wait, you need a qualification to be a Driver?

Azurda: Perhaps ''Aptitude'' would be a better word.

Mariki: It's not over yet. Mariki said as Rex watched as the teen from earlier went to resonate with the crystal he started yelling until a bright light from before enveloped him.  Once it died down, a blade appeared in the young man's hand as well and a humanoid appeared.

Rex: The Core Crystal turned into... a weapon? Rex said completely stunned. 

Azurda: That's how blades are born Rex. 

Rex: But when I touched Pyra's...

Mariki: Pyra's what...? He asked, but both Rex and Nia chose to completely ignore the question.

Nia: She's a special case. Pyra is an Aegis, remember? So, the usual rules don't apply. All this business with sharing her life force... it's not exactly normal. 

Mariki: (Is that really how Rex was brought back to life?!) 

As he gazes at Pyra, he ponders internally, and unexpectedly shuts his eyes. In a spiritual sense, he perceives Pyra's soul, but it appears as if he has only viewed half of it. Focusing on Rex, he keeps his eyes closed and realizes that the other portion of Pyra's soul resides within his sibling as he opens back his eyes.

Rex: But what does the Aegis mean? Jin and Malos also called her that too.

Nia: Dunno. All I know is that it's some kind of legendary Blade. Why don't you just ask her yourself? Let's go. No point sticking around for the enrollment ceremony and all that boring stuff.

As Rex gently tapped Pyra's shoulder to signal their departure, she followed him with Mariki trailing behind the group. Meanwhile, Mariki couldn't help but ponder whether Pyra had a troubled past connected to her role as the so-called Aegis.

Time Skip

The group was on their way to locate the closest inn when Rex uttered something, causing them to pause momentarily.

Rex: This whole thing with Core Crystals, touching them to create blades... it's pretty awesome when you think about it. What about you Mariki?

Mariki: Well... I have to admit, they do look pretty cool. But the thought of handling such power could possibly result in something bad happening as we saw with the other guy. But seeing as how the other guy did it then that means he has the guts to do what it takes to become a driver.

Pyra: We blades start formless, anchored to the world only by our core crystal. Only the touch of a potential can imbue us with form and being. And it is by those forms that we come to be known.

Azurda: So, you see boys. It is a fated touch by a driver that allows the blade to exist. 

Mariki: So, what exactly is the deal with them coming in weird shapes like with what we just saw earlier? 

Azurda: That's completely something no one knows. It's just how it's always been.

Dromarch: Blades can come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are humans-shaped, some not.

Nia: Some people say the shape depends on the kind of person the driver is.

Pyra: The resonance between Blade and Driver is a mysterious thing. 

Mariki: You could say that again. 

As they were about to proceed further, a voice came from behind.

???: Halt right there!

Upon turning around, they encountered an imperial soldier and realized they were encircled by even more troops. The group assumed a defensive stance, prepared to battle if needed.

Rex: Hey, what's going on?

Imperial Soldier: That fugitive in your company is an enemy of the state! A member of Torna! 

Rex: Nia, a member of Torna?

Imperial Soldier: That's her all right. Gormotti Driver, white beast form blade. She looks exactly like the wanted poster.

Mariki&Rex: What wanted poster?

Imperial Soldier: See for yourself. He presented them with the identical wanted poster that Nia had torn apart upon their arrival."

"Mariki was once again seeking a laugh, but Pyra responded with a disapproving stare, causing him to quickly avert his gaze and start whistling."

Rex: Wow, it really does-

Nia: Oi, Watch it!

Rex: Ah, uh, I mean, no way! This doesn't look anything like... Wait, we've got no time for this! 

Mariki: That's right. I mean who cares if it looks just like her.

Rex: My thoughts exactly.

Nia startles both Rex and Mariki with a hiss.

???: Hmph. Now as for you... You look like a Driver too. Registration number?

Rex: 5...3...9...?

Mariki: He doesn't have a registration number.

???: All new drivers must register with indol! Which can only mean you're an illegal unregistered Driver. You're coming with me! We'll see what the consul has to say about this!

Nia: All right you two, Dromarch and I will make our move then you guys get ready to run.

Rex: We're not leaving without you. 

Mariki: Yeah. We stick together.

Nia: This is our problem. Not yours.

Rex: I'm pretty sure that he wants to arrest all of us.

Mariki: So that means we're in the same boat as you. All right let's get this show on the road. As he spoke, he swiftly unsheathed his double-edged sword, as Rex and Nia did with their weapons.

Mariki bravely rushed towards a group of four soldiers, while his brother and Nia handled the remaining three with their blades. With swift agility, Mariki effortlessly knocked down one of the soldiers with a quick slash, after appearing before him in a blink of an eye. Displaying incredible athleticism, Mariki skillfully evaded the bullets fired by the remaining three soldiers as they tried to shoot him down.

The instant his feet touch the ground, he effortlessly counters the soldiers' gunfire, expertly deflecting each bullet in different directions while gracefully manipulating his sword in a fan-like motion.

Mariki: All right, now it's my turn.

With intense concentration, Mariki channels energy into his body, resulting in a formidable aura as he holds his blade firmly with both hands.

Mariki: Whirlwind Slash! Shouting loudly, he unleashed the attack, which struck the soldiers, propelling them through the air and causing them to crash to the ground in defeat.

As Mariki observes Rex and Nia, who have just triumphantly defeated a number of soldiers, he smirks and nonchalantly rubs his nose.

Nia: Rex, now!

Rex: Got it! Let's go Mariki!

In response to Rex's signal, Mariki and the group were on the verge of making a dash, only to find themselves hindered by a wall that appeared to be made of fire."

Mariki: The hell?!

Rex: A wall made of fire?!

???: Such a commotion. A woman's voice commented on the commotion, catching the attention of the gang as they turned to see someone emerging.

The woman is beautiful with long purple hair that Ombre's into blue at its ends. She wears half of it loose down to her thighs and the other half in Chinese-styled buns that are constantly ablaze in blue flame. She has blue flame marks on her forehead above her eyebrows.

She is very tall and has a curvaceous figure accented by her dress; it is deep purple and floor-length but fronted by a transparent chemise. Her arms and legs appear to be covered in blue crystal which resembles the shape and color of her flames. She has a belt on her waist holding a dagger and several orange glow-sticks. Her core crystal is in the shape of a blue tear of flame.

???: Lady Brighid!

Mariki: Wait a sec. That woman... she's a blade!

Rex: I don't get it! Wh-Where's her Driver?

Brighid: My Diver is otherwise engaged at present. I am here alone.

Mariki: So, you're thinking of challenging us without the assistance of your driver? You must be quite confident, huh?"

???: You fool. Lady Brighid is the jewel of Mor Ardain! The strongest blade in the empire! Even alone, she's more than a match for you! Lady Brighid, these miscreants are terrorists working for Torna. Please lend me your power and bring them to justice.

Brighid: Torna? As she glanced at those gathered in front of her, her attention was captivated by Pyra, and it was in that moment that she observed the presence of her Core Crystal. 

Noticing the threat, Mariki quickly stepped forward, brandishing his sword in defense of Pyra, determined to keep her safe no matter what.

Brighid launches a series of slashes towards Mariki, who skillfully evades and blocks the attacks, before seizing an opportunity to strike, only to be swiftly countered by her. Brighid quickly recovers from the blow and charges towards Mariki, swinging her sword with great force. Mariki dodges the attack with ease and counterattacks, landing a powerful kick to Brighid's side. The impact sends Brighid tumbling to the ground, but she quickly gets back up and continues the fight.

Nia used her twin rings to catch Brighid off guard, but Brighid was able to swiftly defend herself with her trusty sword. Brighid was targeting Nia with her weapon, leaving Nia to defend herself.

Rex comes in using his Double Spinning Edge as it avoided by Brighid as she creates some distance between her and the others. Brighid throws a fire attack as Rex did the same as the two attacks collided and cancelling each other out.

Rex: What?! She repelled our attack! 

Pyra: She's so...strong.

Azurda: And this is without a Driver...

Mariki: This is insane. And she's barely breaking a sweat. 

Nia: Stop yammering! Just get her!

As Nia and Dromarch attacked from above, a strange electric net caught both of them.

Mariki: What the hell is that?!

Padraig: This is an ether net. Ba ha! Let's see you use your precious arts when you can't draw ether from the atmosphere!

Brighid: Even blades have weaknesses. This is one such weakness. Without the ether blades are quite useless.

Rex: Nia! Dromarch!

Nia: You two need to get out of here now! Save yourselves!

Rex: But we just can't leave you here!

Mariki: Rex, I think we should trust her on this. Our priority is to protect Pyra if we fail this then who knows what could happen to her. 

Rex: I know that but... what about Nia?

Mariki: We'll think of something to get both her and Dromarch back but right now we need to escape.

As he realizes his brother was right, Rex realizes that they have a mission to protect Pyra and he will have to withdraw and escape so they can find a way to save both Nia and Dromarch. Brighid was about to intervene when Mariki fired a Whirlwind slash at a water tower, causing liquid to pour out, wetting Brighid.

Brighid: Ugh, water?!

The individual's flames, hair, and outfit were completely dimmed after being doused with water. Pyra and Rex fired another Burning Sword to the now dimmed Brighid as a distraction as they along with Mariki managed to escape in time.

Short Time Skip

Someone called out to Mariki, Rex, and Pyra as they ran onto the docks.

???: Hey! This way friends, come this way! Tora, help you escape! The soldiers' presence was audible, and he gestured for them to follow him. After exchanging nods of agreement, they entered a seemingly wall-like doorway.

Rex: Thanks... you saved us. But I got to ask...why?

Tora: No reason... 

Mariki: What do you mean no reason? 

Tora: Sorry not really true. Truth is, Tora not like those big bully soldiers. Was thinking on testing out shiny new boom biter on big bullies... That's when Tora sees friends running from them.

Mariki: I see. 

Rex: And you're Tora. I'm Rex, this is my brother Mariki and Pyra.

Mariki: Hey there.

Pyra: It's so lovely to meet you.

Tora: Good to meeting! Actually, Tora has other reason for saving you. Don't worry I'll explain everything when we get to Tora's house! This way!

Tora chooses to guide the trio to his home so that way they can know the reason for him saving them as Mariki started to feel incredibly tired from the fight against Brighid as he wonders what plan they would come up with to save both Nia and Dromarch.

To Be Continued

Tora: Tora creates something amazing! 

Mariki: Oh yeah, and what's that?

Tora: Tora will show you once it's ready.

Rex: It must be pretty amazing.

Pyra: Yes, I'm curious to see what it is.

Mariki: Next Episode... Rescue Mission! Enter Artificial Blade Poppi!

Continue lendo

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