One Piece x Male Reader

By flasshy77

28.9K 507 55

Essentially this story is One Piece just with some added ocs I DO NOT OWN ONE PIECE ALL RIGHTS GO TO EIICHI... More

A Break


533 8 3
By flasshy77

Fishman- Talking

Back at the Sunny

Brook joins the group on the ship and immediately starts with his shenanigans and is kicked in the head for them.

Nami: Seriously? How is it none of you have grown up after all this time?

Brooke picks himself up off of the floor.

Brooke: Rejection aside, I was actually expecting to be the last one here.

Robin: Don't worry, Chopper is off looking for our missing companions.

Then from out of nowhere

Luffy: HEEEEYY!!

The group turns and see a big bird with the missing boys aboard.

Usopp: Woah

Franky: Talk about perfect timing


Chopper: Told you I would find them!!

He says leaning over Zoro's shoulder with a wide smile. The crew then run to the edge of the ship.

Usopp: Luffy! Zoro! Sanji! Y/n!


Brooke: Together again, I've been waiting for this day!

He says crying his eyeballs out... not that he has eyeballs.

Franky: Everyone looks stronger! I like it!

Usopp lightly tears up.

Usopp: It feels like it's been forever.

Luffy laughs loudly and waves at the crew below.

Sanji: Looks like we're the las-

He stops mid sentence as he sees Nami and Robin. He then shoots blood from his nose as he falls off of the bird and into the ocean. Y/n raises his eyebrows

Y/n: What the hell just happened?!

After the big bird drops the boys off, the crew gets reacquainted with one another. And while Luffy is amazed by Franky's new look, Nami grabs his shoulder

Nami: Ok focus! This is no time to be fooling around! We need to get out of here while we can before the Navy's on top of us!

Suddenly a canon ball is sent flying towards the ship. It lands close to the ship and makes the whole thing rock harshly.

Usopp: Looks like we're too late! I see three Navy ships.

He says looking through a spy glass. The navy ships fire more canons at the Sunny and narrowly miss.

Y/n: Well isn't this peachy.

Y/n says with a smirk while leaning on the rail of the ship.

Usopp: If we don't do something fast, we're gonna be dead in the water!

Just when the navy fire more canon balls

Boa: Slave Arrow

She fires the attack into the canon balls and effects turn them into stone and fall into the water. Her ship then blocks the way of one of the navy ships. As Boa converses with the navy

Robin: That flag, it can't be!

Nami: You know it?

Y/n: That's the Kuja symbol.

Robin: They're a strong crew of Amazonians led by one of the seven warlords.

Y/n: I've had to deal with their captain a while back, this just got a whole lot more interesting.

Usopp: You're joking right?!

Y/n: Nope. Her name's Boa Hancock.

Robin: They say anyone who lays eyes on her will be enamored with her beauty and turned to stone, unless she grants you mercy.

Brooke and Usopp take turns looking at her through the spyglass which grabs Sanji's attention.

Sanji: Is she really that fine?! LET ME SEE!!

He runs to the edge of the ship by the others and looks out of his own spyglass in desperate search for Boa. As soon as he spots her he turns to stone instantly.

Usopp: He's as hard as rock!!

Y/n: Have some decorum Sanji.

Y/n and Robin chuckle at his joke as Luffy walks up towards the group.

Luffy: Hancock said she wasn't coming here.

Y/n smirks, crossing his arms. Sanji, Brooke and Usopp all gasp in shock.

Luffy: Looks like we have an opening, let's set sail.

Nami: Do you know that Warlord or something?

Luffy: Yeah, I made friends with her when that bear guy sent me to Amazon Lily.

Usopp: You mean that legendary island where only women live? I never believed it was a real place!

Y/n: Mhm it's real alright. And she's a real pain in the ass.

Robin: My, my, do you and the warlord have bad blood.

Y/n: She tried to turn me into stone when we first met and I tried to take her head off, so you can say that.

Y/n says ignoring Sanji flailing Luffy around. Sanji then cries on the ground claiming that "it's not fair" Nami then calls everyone to position so they can set sail. Usopp and Chopper talk about why the navy soldiers inland haven't attacked them yet.

Back on land though are explosions happening everywhere. Gun shots fire off into the air. Bodies flying everywhere. Giant bugs run rampant and tears through the navy's forces. Heracles hides behind a building as the commotion continues.

Heracles: I won't let anyone get in the way of Usoppin going adventuring.

He then sniffles lightly

Heracles: Men don't shed tears when they part ways! Good luck, Usoppin.

Franky: Who cares why they're not coming after us. The worse their lives are, the better ours will be. It's time to get out of here! Nami, lead the way.

Franky then hops off the side of the boat. In another one of the groves, sudden rain has struck the marines making them incapable of using their gunpowder. From above the scientists of Weatheria have created the storm that now rains on the marines.

Nami then explains how the bubble around the ship works and why the ship is still floating. Zoro and Luffy obviously don't understand so Nami disregards the two. The crew then talks about how they would need to open the sail in order to make their way to Fishman Island.

Back on the mainland Perona holds the marines off by making them sulk and be depressed with her devil fruit abilities.

Perona: What a jerk! After all I've done for him he's given me nothing but trouble. I really should go find a new boy toy to play with.

She says as she looks out toward where the Straw Hat's ship is. Back on the ship the crew is almost ready to leave when reinforcements arrive. Choppers big bird friend comes to the rescue and tears the marine's sail, so they can't get any closer to the Straw Hats. Three more ships arrive and fire a canon that Sanji easily deflects.

On another part of the grove, the marines are scrambling away from the Okama people of Kamabakka Kingdom.

The crew makes the last preparations as everyone gathers around Luffy.

Luffy: Alright. Listen up guys. There's a lot I wanna say but we don't have much time. One thing can't wait though. What you went through these past two years was selfish of me, so thanks for putting up with me.

Sanji: You make it sound like this has never happened before.

Usopp: That's no joke. You've always been a selfish piece of work.

Y/n: Of course it decides to happen as soon as I join the crew but hey, what can you do.

Y/n shrugs his shoulders and smiles. Luffy smiles from ear to ear and laughs as the ship begins to sink underwater.


Chopper, Brooke, and Zoro jump from the sail unfurling them.

Luffy: Let's Go!!!

Everyone: YEAHHHHH!!!

The ship finally fully submerges underwater and the crew sets off for Fishman Island.

At Shakky's Rip-Off Bar

Lucia is seen drinking some booze with a smile on her face. Shakky then comes around the counter and sits with the woman, her back against the bar.

Shakky: You think he's ready to face the New World?

Lucia: That kid has Georgia's blood running through him, he's more than ready.

Shakky: Haven't heard her name in a while. Our fights were legendary.

Lucia laughs as she remembers the many battles.

Lucia: The Kuja verses the Zowl pirates. The two best female crews going head to head. It was legendary indeed.

Shakky: I haven't heard from her in a few years, how is she?

Lucia: She's living her best life, in the New World.

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