Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

367K 8.3K 769

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.5K 38 2
By tonysnarky

Three hours had passed in a whirlwind of music, laughter, and excessive drinking. Carlos and George were now extremely drunk, and Alexandra was teetering on the brink of a blackout. They sang at the top of their lungs and danced with wild abandon, the club's atmosphere a chaotic whirlwind of euphoria.

On top of a table, Alexandra danced, her inhibitions completely abandoned. They were lost in the moment, and in their intoxicated haze, they didn't notice the arrival of Daniel and Max.

As Daniel and Max approached the group, confusion marked their expressions. Alexandra, catching sight of them, threw herself into their arms, wrapping them both in a tight hug. They returned the embrace, but their concern was evident as they took in the state of Carlos and George, who looked relieved to see them.

Max, questioning why they hadn't informed anyone that they'd found Alexandra, was met with a drunken response from George. He explained that Alexandra had taken their phones and issued an ultimatum: stay with her or she'd leave. It was a choice they had reluctantly accepted.

Daniel, still hugging Alexandra, told her how glad he was to see her okay. She laughed, but the laughter was tinged with a profound sense of sorrow. "I'm not okay," she admitted, her voice soft and filled with vulnerability. "I'm never okay."

This confession sent a wave of worry through Daniel and Max, and they exchanged a concerned glance. The revelry of the night had given way to a stark reminder of the deep pain that Alexandra carried, and the challenges that lay ahead for her and those who cared about her.

As Alexandra reached for the nearly empty bottle, Max reacted swiftly, pulling it away from her grasp. Her intoxicated anger flared, and she turned on him with a fiery intensity, pushing him away. Max raised his hands in a defensive gesture, hurt evident in his eyes as he watched his best friend act in this uncharacteristic manner.

George attempted to intervene, his voice filled with concern as he tried to reassure Max and Daniel. He emphasized that Alexandra was okay and safe with them, fearful that they might set her off and provoke her into further anger.

However, Max and Daniel remained steadfast, their primary concern being Alexandra's well-being. Max held her still, preventing her from reaching for the bottle, while Daniel grabbed her bag and returned Carlos and George's phones to them.

As Alexandra fought against Max's grip, she spat out hurtful words, telling him that she hated him. Max's expression shifted from hurt to deep sadness, his concern for her overriding his own feelings.

"Get off me, Verstappen! I hate you!"

Daniel tried to reassure Max, speaking softly. "She doesn't mean it. She's trying to upset you so you'll leave her alone."

But Alexandra wasn't finished. She turned her ire toward Daniel, her words cutting deep. "Shut up...Look at you, always acting so good, so happy. It's bullshit. Everything about you is bullshit." she accused him, her voice filled with bitterness. "You're fake."

The accusation stung Daniel deeply, but he managed to keep his composure, even as Alexandra's words cut like a knife. He swallowed his own hurt, determined to help his friend.

Carlos muttered an "I told you so" to the boys, a grim reminder of the consequences they faced if they tried to restrain Alexandra. Max, however, snapped at Carlos, frustration evident in his voice, and ordered him to call someone to come and pick them up.

As Alexandra once again struggled to break free from Max's grip, he held her tighter, a mixture of protective instincts and anger surging within him. A cry of pain escaped her lips, causing Daniel's eyes to widen in shock. He watched as Max's expression twisted into one of guilt, realizing that he had hurt her unintentionally.

Panicking, Alexandra whimpered and begged Max to let her go, her fear and anxiety palpable. Her heart raced in her chest, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of painful memories and emotions that had been triggered by the physical contact.

"Let me go," she cried out. "Please, let me go."

Confusion and helplessness gripped Max, Daniel, and George as they stood protectively around Alexandra, who was now trembling, and on the verge of a panic attack. In the midst of this crisis, Max made a quick decision. He lifted her over his shoulder, explaining that they needed to go outside, hoping that the fresh air might provide some relief.

Alexandra fought against Max's hold as they exited the club, and once outside, they encountered Carlos. Max gently placed her on the ground, but she immediately collapsed, heaving and retching as her panic attack intensified.

The four friends watched in shock, their uncertainty about how to react evident. Daniel, wanting to comfort her, reached out to touch her, but she flinched away. Drunk and disoriented, Alexandra's mind was lost in a sea of traumatic memories, and she began to relive the horrors of her past, particularly the night involving Jackson.

"Please...Please don't touch me...Don't hurt me..."

As Daniel withdrew his hand, Alexandra choked out panicked words, begging him not to hurt her. The realization dawned on the boys that she was reliving the darkest and most painful moments of her life, leaving them deeply concerned and uncertain about how to help their friend in her time of need.

For the next five minutes, Alexandra remained slumped against the wall, caught in the throes of her panic attack, her body wracked with sobs as she continued to vomit. Her friends stood around her, helpless, their concern etched deeply into their faces.

George and Carlos, now sobered up by the urgency of the situation, watched as Alexandra suffered, their hearts aching for their friend. Desperation hung in the air as they struggled to find a way to aid her or guide her through this overwhelming episode.

Suddenly, a familiar car pulled up outside the club, catching the attention of George, Daniel, and Max. They turned to Carlos in disbelief, their voices filled with incredulity. "You called him? Of all people?"

Charles rushed towards Alexandra, his heart pounding with concern and desperation. He crouched near her, maintaining a respectful distance, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender to show her that he meant no harm.

"Amor," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine care, "I'm here to help. You'll be okay."

He spoke to her gently, coaching her through her panicked breathing, trying to bring her back from the edge of her panic attack. As her breathing began to steady, the realization of his presence slowly dawned on her. She looked confused, still too intoxicated to fully comprehend the situation. In her dazed state, she asked him why he was there.

Charles replied with a soft sincerity, "I had to come and make sure you were safe."

As she threw up once more, he held her hair back, his concern unwavering. Eventually, she seemed resigned to his presence and allowed him to help her up. With her eyes locking onto his, she delivered a message, clear and unwavering.

"This doesn't change anything."

Charles, determined to be there for her, nodded, understanding the weight of her words. They had a long road ahead of them, but in that moment, he was just grateful to have her back, safe and sound.

As Alexandra gradually calmed down, her words began to slur, her speech disjointed and difficult to decipher.

"'m walking back...home." she slurred, pushing Charles away from her as she stumbled.

But Charles wasn't having it. He responded by throwing her over his shoulder, determined to ensure her safety. She attempted to fight him and wriggle out of his arms, but her efforts proved futile, and eventually, she slumped against him, defeated by exhaustion and inebriation.

The group began to realize that there wasn't enough room in Charles' car for everyone. Max and Daniel, who were both sober, offered to get a taxi to Charles' apartment, considering the circumstances.

As they discussed this plan, Kimi unexpectedly pulled up in his Ferrari, with Sebastian sat in the passenger seat, looking concerned. One look at the chaotic scene before him was enough to make Kimi declare, "I'm not dealing with drunk people. Max, Daniel, get in."

Max and Daniel accepted Kimi's offer of a ride home, leaving with him in his car. Meanwhile, Charles, with the help of Carlos and George, managed to maneuver Alexandra into the front seat of his car.

The boys settled into the backseat, leaving the night behind them as they embarked on their journey home, hoping to find some semblance of solace and stability in the wake of the evening's tumultuous events.

As they drove home, Alexandra succumbed to the effects of the alcohol and passed out. Charles, concerned for her well-being, turned to Carlos and George.

"How much did she drink?"

Carlos admitted that she had drunk at least a bottle of vodka, in addition to whatever she had consumed before they found her.

"Sorry we didn't get her out of there sooner." George apologised.

Charles, grateful for their support and care, responded with a heartfelt, "I appreciate you both staying with her."

George mumbled in response, "It's what friends do," and Charles couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie and loyalty that ran deep among them.

With Alexandra's head slumping forward in her slumber, Charles used his free hand to gently reposition her so that she would be more comfortable during the remainder of the ride home.

In the dimly lit car, as Alexandra slept, she began to flinch and mumble in her sleep, displaying signs of distress that Charles knew all too well. Without offering any explanations to the boys, he made the decision to pull the car over to the side of the road. As the engine was silenced, he reached over to gently shake Alexandra, whispering to her.

"Mon Amor."

However, she remained deeply ensconced in her slumber, offering no response to his efforts. George, puzzled by Charles's actions, inquired about why he was trying to wake her up. Charles explained simply, "She's having a bad dream."


As Carlos prepared to question how Charles could know this, a whimper escaped Alexandra's lips, confirming Charles's understanding of her even in the most vulnerable moments. The two boys exchanged shocked glances, realizing the depth of Charles's connection with Alexandra and how well he truly knew her.

As Alexandra's bad dream continued to escalate, Charles pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, trying to provide comfort as her whimpers grew more pronounced. Her distress intensified, and she cried out in pain, mumbling through her nightmare, "Please, please."

Suddenly, she jolted awake with a drunken start, her head nearly colliding with Charles's. Without hesitation, he cupped her face in his hands, his eyes filled with concern, and gently forced her to look at him. He spoke soothingly, his voice calm and reassuring, as he tried to comfort her, assuring her that she was safe and that it had only been a dream.

"You're okay love, you're safe. It's over. It was just another nightmare. You're safe with me."

Gradually, her breathing slowed, and she calmed down, but tears welled up in her eyes. "I need to go home, Charles...Please, take me home," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. Charles nodded, understanding the importance of providing her with a sense of safety and security at that moment.

Charles carried the half-asleep Alexandra into his apartment, his friends waiting inside, their faces etched with concern. His heart sank as he realized that Jacob and James were likely present as well, but he spotted them discreetly positioned on the dark balcony, knowing that Alexandra was far too inebriated to notice them.

Silently, he made his way past his concerned friends and led Alexandra into their room. Gently, he placed her on the bed, and kissed her goodnight. Not wanting to intrude on her moment of vulnerability, he turned to leave the room.

However, just as he reached the door, he heard her whisper, "I love you, Charles." His steps faltered, and he immediately returned to her side. With sincerity in his voice, he apologized for everything, explaining that he hadn't meant to hurt her. He had lied because he thought he was protecting her. He confessed his love for her.

"I'm sorry Lex, I love you. I promise I'll explain everything but I need you to know - I love you so much, Amor."

In response, a sleepy smile graced Alexandra's lips, and as she drifted into slumber, she whispered, "We'll talk in the morning." Charles watched over her for a moment longer, his heart heavy with both relief and anticipation for the conversation they would have when the sun rose.

As Charles re-entered the kitchen, his gaze shifted between his friends, who were all expressing various degrees of concern. He reassured them with a calm tone, "She'll be okay."

Max, however, seemed less convinced and pointed out that when she woke up, she probably wouldn't remember anything of the night's events. "Charles, she's blackout drunk. She won't be happy when she wakes up."

Charles gently disagreed, having faith in her resilience and their connection. "I think she'll be okay." He sounded as if he was trying to convince himself. "It's okay."

Sebastian, Lewis, Max, and Carlos, decided to stay the night, making themselves comfortable on the couches in Charles' apartment.

Before settling in for the night himself, Charles grabbed a blanket and quietly returned to Alexandra's room.

Determined to be there for her, he made his makeshift bed on the floor beside her, ready to watch over her as she slept.


As the first rays of dawn began to break, a sudden cacophony of shouts pierced through the quiet morning, jolting the boys from their sleep. Initially shrouded in a haze of drowsiness, it didn't take long for Lewis to connect the dots and identify the origin of the frantic cries. His voice, filled with urgency, cut through the remnants of their sleep as he informed the others, "It's Alexandra – she's having a nightmare."

The room buzzed with a flurry of concern and inquiries. Carlos, his brow furrowing with worry, questioned his friends

"Should we check on her?" He genuinely cared for their friend and was eager to offer her solace.

But it was Sebastian, the voice of calm and reason in the group, who stepped in with a sleepy, measured reassurance. "No need," he began, "Charles is with her."

Sebastian's words were both comforting and convincing, imbued with a sense of trust in Charles' ability to provide Alexandra with the care and support she needed in her moment of distress. The group, although still concerned, collectively nodded in agreement, deciding to place their faith in Charles as he continued to be a beacon of strength for Alexandra during her tumultuous night.

As the boys lay there, their concern lingering like a heavy cloud, Max eventually turned to Lewis, his voice laced with curiosity and worry. "How often does Lexi have nightmares like this?" he asked, his eyes searching for answers.

Lewis seemed unsure for a moment but soon began to share his insight. "She gets them quite often," he admitted with a sigh. "Ever since the blog started tormenting her, it's been almost every night. But Charles... Charles has been helping her through them."

Max nodded, realizing the depth of Lexi's struggles, a truth he hadn't fully grasped until now. Carlos and Sebastian, too, voiced their agreement, their faces reflecting both worry for Lexi and gratitude for Charles' unwavering support.

The boys' conversation was momentarily interrupted by the sound of Charles consoling Lexi from inside the room. After a few moments, Charles emerged, an empty glass in his hand. He paused as he noticed his friends, their faces etched with concern. Offering them a reassuring smile, he quickly assured them, "She's okay. I'm just getting her some water."

Observing Charles as he left to tend to Lexi, they couldn't help but notice the exhaustion etched into his features. It was clear that he had been a steadfast protector throughout the night. Sebastian, ever curious, decided to gently probe for more information. "Charles," he began, "What was Lexi's nightmare was about?"

With a sigh, Charles confirmed the source of Lexi's distress. "It was about Jackson," 


The following morning, Alexandra awoke with a pounding headache, her head spinning from the remnants of the alcohol that had coursed through her veins the night before. Blinking away the haze of sleep, it took her a moment to orient herself in her familiar surroundings. As the fog lifted, her heart sank when she realized she was in her apartment. The memories of the night prior came rushing back, the swirling emotions and the unbearable pain.

But what struck her the most was the sight that met her weary eyes: Charles, freshly showered, stood frozen in the doorway. His chestnut hair was still damp, falling messily around his face, and a towel was casually draped around his hips. Their gazes locked, and in that moment, a complex mix of emotions washed over them.

For Charles, the overwhelming feeling was one of longing and love. He had missed her desperately, and it was evident in the way his eyes softened as they met hers. The turmoil within him had reached a breaking point, and he was ready to lay everything bare, to tell her the truth that had been haunting him.

As for Alexandra, anger still smoldered within her, a fiery reminder of the betrayal she had felt. She couldn't trust him completely, not yet, not after everything. But she couldn't deny the softer emotions that battled with her anger. She remembered Charles helping her through her panic attacks and nightmares, his unwavering support, and the love they had once shared. Those feelings were still there, buried beneath the layers of pain and resentment.

In that frozen moment, they both knew that they stood at a crossroads, uncertain of what lay ahead. It was a moment charged with tension, emotions hanging heavy in the air, waiting for someone to make the first move, to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

For a lingering moment, neither of them moved. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if time had momentarily stilled itself to allow them the space to grapple with their emotions.

Alexandra finally broke the silence, her voice a bit hoarse from the aftereffects of her hangover. "Charles," she started, her tone a mixture of vulnerability and hesitation, "what's going on?"

Charles, still standing in the doorway, took a step closer to her, his eyes never leaving hers. "Lexi," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of the unspoken truths between them, "we need to talk. About everything."

She nodded slowly, and he approached the bed, sitting down beside her. There was a cautious distance between them, both physically and emotionally. Alexandra couldn't help but remember the lies, the hurt, and the shattered trust. Yet, she also recalled the love they had shared, the connection that had once been unbreakable.

With a deep breath, Charles began to speak, his words sincere and heartfelt. "I'm so sorry, Lexi. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was protecting you by not telling you the truth about Charlotte. But I see now that it was a terrible mistake."

Alexandra listened, her gaze fixed on him as he continued. "I love you, Lexi. More than anything. And I know I have a lot to make up for. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. If you'll listen, I want to tell you everything. I want you to understand."

Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. The pain of the past and the uncertainty of the future warred with the love she still felt for him. She had her doubts, her fears, but there was something undeniable in his eyes—a determination to make things right.

"I'm still angry, Charles," she admitted, her voice trembling, "and I don't know if I can trust you completely again. But I also remember the Charles who was there for me last night, who held me during my nightmare, who stayed with me. I remember the love we had."

Charles reached out, tentatively placing his hand on hers. "I understand, Lexi. I'm not expecting you to forgive me right away. I just want the chance to make things right, to rebuild what we had."

As their hands touched, a glimmer of hope flickered in Alexandra's eyes. She knew that their journey back to each other would be filled with challenges and uncertainties, but for the first time in a long while, she felt a spark of warmth amidst the turmoil—a spark that whispered of the possibility of healing and forgiveness.

"I'll get everyone to come here so we can tell you what's going on. The full truth - as long as you're sure? It's not going to be nice to hear but-,"

"I want to know everything." Lexi sighed. 

"Okay...Do you want to freshen up while I call everyone? Carlos, Max, Lewis, and Sebastian are already here, they stayed last night. I can get you some breakfast and-,"

"Charles." Lexi smiled softly. "It's okay. I'll go shower. You call everyone." she paused. "Thank you, mon couer." 

As Alexandra stepped into the shower, the hot water cascading over her body, she closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. The warm water was a small comfort, washing away the physical remnants of the previous night's indulgence. But the emotional residue still clung to her like a stubborn stain.

The hangover was a relentless reminder of her reckless behavior, a self-destructive response to the chaos that had consumed her life. She couldn't help but question her own actions—drowning her sorrows in alcohol, seeking solace in the arms of strangers in the dimly lit corners of Monaco's clubs. It was a desperate attempt to escape the overwhelming reality of her fractured world.

Her thoughts were a tangled mess of confusion and anger. Charles, once the center of her universe, had become an enigma, his actions shrouded in deceit. She didn't know who to trust anymore, and it felt like a darkness had enveloped her, suffocating her every thought.

As the water ran down her body, she scrubbed away not only the remnants of the night but also the guilt and uncertainty that clung to her. She wished she could wash away the memories of the blog's ruthless onslaught, the tormenting headlines, and the betrayal she had felt from the person she loved most.

But she couldn't. 

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