The Lighting Blots

By sjuniper

73 0 0

This is a story about a gang made by sero as he lives a double life well going to the greatest high school UA... More

Hanta Sero/Yamikawa
The Bee always gets inside
Daycare Escape
Names and new faces
Harder times ahead
Never fully trust anyone
What's on the inside?
Moving day
First Days R Always Hard
The mission comes first
Saved by a friend
New Info In Coming
Trust in your Enemies
Things Are Starting To Change
Some Changes Are In Order
Back To UA
Physical Exams For 1A
Soul Breaking
Sleepless Nights

Gang or friends?

3 0 0
By sjuniper

Sero woke up the next morning in his dorm room next to a sleeping Kaminari the two had been up late playing video games so that Sero would fall asleep without any problems, so now Sero was half awake as he felt the gaming controller still on his chest only to see that Denki still had his in the same spot just on himself.

Sero let himself lay back down after setting the two controllers on his nightstand. Sero smiled as he slowly let himself fall back asleep. Denki slept as he was dreaming, but also having a cat fight between himself and Volts. 

(Common room) 
Shoto watched his classmates as he saw that Sero and Denki weren't in the common room yet. It was still early, but Iida was trying to get his classmates to head to class early this morning cause Aizawa had messaged the group to come into the classroom early to get their hero costumes from the classroom. The group was supposed to meet in the gym for training, but Ida still pushed everyone to the classroom after he saw everyone.

Everyone sat down at their desks as they sighed not happy with Ida. Sero looked at his phone and saw a text from Mina about how the group should go back to the cafe they had gone to before together. The text had been sent to Katsuki, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, Jirou and Mina herself. She just really wanted to be able to hangout with the smaller group again as it was fun and enjoyable. 

After a few minutes Sero looked up to see Aizawa standing at the front of the room. "Grab your stuff and meet me in the gym. We're doing physical training today." Aizawa looked at his students as he pressed a button as the hero costumes came out of the wall in their cases. 

Sero grabbed his and then grabbed Denki's arm pulling him with him as the two moved quickly down a different hallway. Denki looked at Sero as he was dragged. "Sero what are you doing?! We're supposed to be going to the locker rooms to change." Sero huffed. "I Know Denki, but we gotta talk cause I'm done with hiding what we can really do, so we're going to show off all we know in training today." Denki gulped. "You wanna do WHAT!!!!" 

Denki and Sero soon were in the locker room with the other guys getting ready for the training that was to come. The group of guys slowly walked out of the locker rooms as they looked at each other. But everyone really looked at everyone when Sero didn't come out of the change room with a new item around his lower half of his costume. He now had a weapon belt. Denki was worried that Sero was going a little to all out for this training. 

Denki walked over to Mina and Kirishima as he waved to Sero. Mina just looked Sero up and down cause he was also holding a shot gun loading it with rubber rounds. The class turned as everyone started to see what was happening. 

Aizawa looked over as he rubbed his forehead not wanting to worry about this right now, he already had matched himself and midnight to fight Denki and Sero closer to the end of class. For now he looked at Midnight half warning about Sero's weapons. 

(Few mintues later)
Izuku and Katsuki were running throughout the maze that had been made for this training as their target was Aizawa who was moving throughout the maze just as fast as Izuku was. 

Sero and Denki were with everyone else and Recovery Girl watching from a camera room where they could see the match up. The point of this trying was to catch the teacher or Pro to win, but you couldn't get caught yourself or you got an F for this training. 

Sero watched his classmates closely as he knew now that everyone would know about his quirks and weapons after this training stuff was all over and he knew that Aizawa had teamed him up with Denki as well. 

Denki was with Mina as he looked at the screens watching the currently best two in the class even if they didn't get along with each other.  Denki pointed out some things that Midoriya could have done better as he had been caught by Aizawa. Katsuki was still running around holding the cuffs he was supposed to use on Aizawa to catch him. 

Sero huffed as he watched Katsuki moving around. Sero slowly crossed his arms waiting for his turn with Denki as they were going to show everyone the right way to catch Aizawa as the two didn't know they were against Midnight as well. 

After a bit Katsuki was caught and everyone clapped as Katsuki and Izuku walked into the room. Aizawa nodded. "Alright Kaminari and Sero your up." The two boys looked at each other giving a nod as they followed Aizawa out into the maze area. 

(After the training) 
Aizawa was helping Midnight to walk as the rest of 1A went to the locker rooms. Sero and Denki stayed in the maze area. The two looked at each other. Sero still a little out of it because of Denki knocking him out a few moments ago. Sero looked at Denki as he smiled. "That was so much fun! Let's do it again!" 

Denki looked at Sero as he held him close. "Okay, no and we gotta get you out of here before somebody asks about what we did in the training cause everyone went to the locker rooms." Sero nodded. "Right, right. We should head back to the dorms then." 

Denki picked up Sero as he started running with Sero in his arms heading for the dorms, they would have to go back later to change. They had done it before bringing their hero stuff to the dorm rooms. 

Sero and Denki made it back to the dorms after a few seconds of walking. Denki pulled Sero up to the stairs and into the elevator. Sero smiled as he was back to himself as he nodded. "I'm alright now, but we need to go to the lighting blots for a bit to let this calm down. 

Denki nodded teleporting to his dorm room getting changed out of his hero costume as fast as he could before rejoining Sero in his dorm room. Sero nodded as he had swapped to wearing a green coloured suit. 

Denki and Sero walked out of the dorms together going to the gental studies dorm to get Kira and Mei. The 4 looked at each other as they went to get Kira's and Sero's bikes. Mei rode with Kira well Sero and Denki rode with each other. 

Soon the group was on the road driving fast. Everyone did enjoy the rides. The group went parking in the bases bike area as the doors closed and they walked into the main room where Bomber was typing on a laptop and Gunner was working out in the corner of the room. 

Bomber once she stopped typing on her laptop she looked up at Sero. "Welcome back Ghost, hope you got something for us cause we hacked into the cameras and saw what you two just did." Denki looked at Bomber. 

Sero sighed. "Okay, so you saw me using my gang skills, So what? I'm allowed to show off if I want to because I don't like to look weak." Denki nodded. "Me either, but I don't go killing people whenever I feel like it." 

Bomber sighed. "I was able to change what the cameras saw, but I don't know what your plan is for your teachers as you are dealing with pro hero Midnight and Eraserhead." Sero walked over to Bomber. "Well at least I have somebody doing their job." Bomber sighed. "Well you did end up taking me into your group and then letting me second in common." 

Sero looked over at Gunner and then to Mei and Kira who had sat down on the couch talking about stuff they had been doing the last few days. Sero sighed as he knew not much would come from being back at the lighting blot base, but it was the best he could think of at the time and with how little time they had to pick where they were heading to. 

Gunner sat up seeing Sero. Denki walked over sitting with Mei and Kira as he wasn't as afraid when he was close to them.  Denki was more afraid of Gunner and Bomber, but trusted them enough to be around them. Denki smiled as Mei made a joke making herself and Kira laugh. 

Sero looked at Gunner who was staring back at him. "Hello Gunner." Gunner nodded. "Boss." The two stared at each other for a moment more before speaking again as Bomber had come over crossing her arms. The 3 older members looked at each other. Bomber was the first to talk. "You two need to make up now because whatever this is, it needs to stop." 

Sero sighed shrugging. "Okay then it's over now." As he blinked, Gunner blinked right after as Bomber sighed shaking her head with a small snicker coming out. Gunner stood looking over at Denki and the girls. "So you brought everyone here to keep them safe. Good move boss, like always." 

Sero nodded. "Well I know what I'm doing. I did grow up learning to be a villain boss." Bomber nodded. "He really did as he is the only child that the villains Vex's and Dust had ever. I mean yes your aunt has a kid too, but how often do you hear from him?" Sero huffed as he sat down at his desk putting his feet up on the table like it was a foot rest. 

Bomber sighed as she was happy she moved her laptop before Sero could set his feet on it. Gunner sighed. "Okay so how long are you staying this time Ghost?" Sero looked at Bomber and Gunner. "I trust you guys enough just use my real name if you don't wanna use Ghost every time cause I may be here a few weeks with Denki cause of everything that's been going on." 

Bomber and Gunner nodded as they both stayed by Sero. Bomber smiled as she grabbed a pillow from a closet. "We can set up like old times for everybody to stay here tonight." Sero nodded smiling. "Alright, we still have all the bed stuff right?" Kira looked over and smiled. "Yay sleepover!" Bomber nodded. "That's right just like old times Kira." 

Gunner grabbed a boombox that had also been hidden in the closet. He brought it out setting it down on the table in the middle of the room. Sero watched as he moved his feet off the desk standing to come see what Gunner was doing. Denki saw the boombox and thought of a funny song giggling at himself. 

(After a few hours)
After some time setting up everything for the sleepover. The sleepover began for real as a Tv had been set up with funny movies playing as the boombox was also working cause the girls were dancing with Denki. Bomber was trying to get a bit more work done before partying with the others cause she knew Sero wasn't going to pay attention as he was playing cards with Gunner.

The group all did their own things for a bit until they all ended up in front of the TV with only one bowl full of popcorn as they watched a movie together. The group was all sitting on a few pull oit beds and air mattress. Gunner had Mei in his lap. Bomber was sitting on one of the pull out beds as she didn't like the floor. Sero and Denki wer sharing the other pull out bed as Kira had been put on an air mattress. 

Sero started tickling Denki which cause Mei to tickle Gunner and then Bomber sighed as she looked up from her laptop. "Okay, now we're all laughing." Sero giggled. "Hell yeah! We all need a good laugh." As he kept tickling Denki. Gunner was laughing a lot as Mei knew all of his tickle spots.

After the tickling was over the movie was played and then everyone went bed after midnight slowly leaving only Bomber and Sero awake still as it was 1am in the morning. Bomber was laying as she was facing the ceiling. 

Sero sighed hearing Bomber slowly talking to herself. "Saki are you going to be alright without me here? When I do leave again I mean. Like is it different being the second in command." Bomber looked over at Sero seeing that Kaminari had his arm around Sero, but Sero was facing her at least. The two looked at each other Sero yawning which made Bomber yawn as she started talking. "I mean....I do like the job Sero, but it's sometimes hard to keep everyone safe when my boss isn't around and we have already almost lost you once." She sighed closing her eyes to blink. Sero watched her as he wrapped his arms around himself. Bomber looked at Sero. "Are you okay?" She said as she moved under her blanket to see and be more comfortable. 

The two had small talk about the Light Blots before finally falling asleep. Sero started dreaming about what life would be like if he had always had this gang and if he could have done something to change his home life. Sero thought about things for now as he slept as he hoped for nothing bad to happen. 

(Earlier in the morning) 
The hidden door from the Bar side of the base opened as someone walked into the Lighting Blots base through the small hallway. The Lighting Blots were still sleeping as the person walked around looking at the group. They grabbed something from the desk and then left way too quietly. 

The Lighting Bolts soon woke up as they said their good mornings before moving off the makeshift beds. Everyone nodded getting up and getting into their gang outfits. The group slowly got ready to be a team again. Denki had his own outfit now to cause of Sero getting Bomber to make an order go through for stuff for Denki. 

Denki's fit kinda looked like his hero suit, but wasn't fully the same as the other members of the Lighting Blots. The group all looked dark and light all at the same time. Mei was in a dress that was dark, but would hide her well. Beebug was in her yellow and black shirt with jeans. Bomber was in her black dress with the bluest of flower bows in her hair. Sero put his black suit on only to make himself look more like a boss. Gunner was in the same clothing he had joined the group in. Gunner didn't have a home or money until the gang gave it to him. So he lived here in the Lighting Blots base, but was slowly getting closer to moving in with Bomber, who he had just started dating a few weeks ago. 

Sero looked at the group. "Okay everybody seems to be dressed and ready for the day. So what should we do first?" Sero nodded as Bomber pointed to a board. "I have everything put down on that paper." Sero nodded going to look at it. Denki smiled as he was part of the group now and now known as Blot. Everyone was still most likely going to call him other names, but Sero would know that Denki's new name was Blot for a long time. 

The group started talking well Sero looked over what was going on for the week cause Bomber had gotten it all neat and easy to read. Bomber walked over helping Sero. Denki was looking at Kira as he smiled at her. "So Kira. How long have you been part of this group?" Kira smiled. "Oh, me I have been here for about 3 to 4 years now and everyone else longer by a bit we all got together fully about 7 years ago." Denki nodded slowly. "So really just a long time in general I guess." 

Sero got everyone together as he gave them small jobs to do around this part of town. Gunner went shopping with Mei as they seemed the least to get caught by anyone, Kira was placed on getting new TV for the base as well as a PC set up for Bomber, so that it would be easier to get things sorted for the Lighting Blots. 

Sero waited for everyone to leave as it was only himself, Denki and Bomber left in the base now. The 3 looked at each other and then looked to Denki as he jumped onto the couch laying down. Bomber and Sero moved over to the desk sitting down together. 

The two nodded as they went to making some calls through a flip phone that was safe from the cops getting info on it. The two spoke with other groups and some other friends they hadn't spoken to for awhile. Now all the Lighting Blots had to do was wait and keep their belongings safe as Sero found what their midnight visitor had taken.   




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