The Treasure Arc (SMG34 RP st...

Toon4life द्वारा

32.1K 704 1.7K

Join the SMG4 crew on a treasure hunt with wacky adventures! Full of comedy, romance and angst! Me and my fri... अधिक

Chapter 1 - A new beginning!
Chapter 2 - Spooky scary forest!
Chapter 3 - Breakfast in the cabin
Chapter 4 - Unexpected visitors
Chapter 5 - Rescuing the ''princess''?
Chapter 6 - Back to the Showgrounds?
Chapter 7 - Friendship blossoming~
Chapter 8 - New players join the party!
Chapter 9 - Bonding time?
Chapter 10 - Headache incoming!
Chapter 11 - Pancakes time!
Chapter 12 - The ship has been sailed slowly~
Chapter 13 - The fairy garden!~
Chapter 14 - Love confession~
Chapter 15 - Summer love
Chapter 16 - SMG4's worst fear
Chapter 17 - Snowtrapped situation
Chapter 18 - Bird up!
Chapter 19 - Damsel in distress~
Chapter 20 - Foe or friend?
Chapter 21 - Meme power go brrr
Chapter 22 - Rewind time!
Chapter 23 - Operation bird down!
Chapter 24 - Playing house!
Chapter 25 - Make a wish everyone!
Chapter 26 - Teacher's pet
Chapter 27 - Beach time baby!
Chapter 28 - Chilling with the homies~
Chapter 29 - Cute confession~
Chapter 30 - Hot spring? Count me in!
Chapter 31 - What the dog doing?
Chapter 32 - Happiest man ever
Chapter 33 - Two painful sides
Chapter 34 - A small yet cute situation!~
Chapter 35 - Fun memories with friends!
Chapter 36 - Double trouble
Chapter 37 - Bonding between meme guardian and his avatar
Chapter 38 - Love is blessing~
Chapter 39 - Gay love in the air~
Chapter 40 - Visiting an old rival
Chapter 41 - The final showdown
Chapter 42 - Smg4's nightmare
Chapter 43 - Family road trip!
Chapter 44 - Let's fight for love!
Chapter 45 - The nightmare is over
Chapter 46 - Everybody loves Smg3!
Chapter 48 - Mama is a crybaby!
Chapter 49 - Here comes the baby!
Chapter 50 - Baby on board!
Chapter 51 - Softie Papa3
Chapter 52 - Adorable dorks~
Chapter 53 - It's just a theory, a gay theory!
Chapter 54 - No more fake news!
Chapter 55 - Mario and Meggy's moments
Chapter 56 - Mama4's PTSD
Chapter 57 - Sweet chaos!
Chapter 58 - Cuteness overloaded!
Chapter 59 - The end of their adventure
~ Epilogue ~

Chapter 47 - A new family member?

542 12 48
Toon4life द्वारा

Mario and Meggy walk towards the giant flower when they see Celeste, working on a new pixie dust but feels paranoid.

Celeste: Oh no no~ This is not right!~ Come on my dear Celeste, We need to do it right!~

She hears footsteps behind her as she turns around and smiles to see her favorite travelers arriving at her beautiful forest.

Celeste: Oh my favorite little adventurers!~ Where's grumpy and sweet one?~

Smg3 and Smg4 catch them up quickly as they pant a little bit from running then they both see Celeste.

Smg4: Hi Celeste! What are you doing right now?

Celeste: I'm making a new pixie dust but nothing is working at the moment~ But what can I do for my travelers?~

Smg3: We need your healing and love pixie dust on the roses again if you don't mind-

Celeste: Ah I understand perfectly~! Please, take a seat everyone!~ I made some tea and chocolate chip cookies!~ While waiting, I'll prepare it for my sweet boys!~

Meggy takes a seat and starts to eat some of the chocolate chip cookies.

Meggy: Thanks Celeste! These are great!

Mario hears Celeste say cookies and gets excited.

Mario: ooOOOooh Mario is so happy to have some food! Thank you so much Celeste!

Mario runs over to the food and starts to eat the cookies as fast as he can.

Meggy: Mario slow down! Save some for the gay couple!

Mario: Okie dokie Mario is sorry. Mario got excited!

Mario starts to eat the cookies slower.

Meggy: It's fine Mario.

She looks over at Celeste.

Meggy: So what is the new pixie dust? Do you need any help?

The gay couple take their seats then notice Mario eating slowly so everyone can have some. Four eats cookie gladly while Three sips his tea. Celeste is preparing the healing and love pixie dust by using her magic while watching her travelers enjoying her snacks.

Celeste: I wanted to create like a reborn pixie dust but nothing seems to work!~ I think I need to find more ingredients or something to find the solution~ My brave one, it's a pleasure that you want to help me but it's too risky for human to touch magic~

Smg3: Wait, reborn? That's interesting...

Smg3 continues sipping his tea and takes a cookie until Mario grabs the same cookie as him. He looks at Mario while pulling the cookie away from the plumber.

Smg3: OI! I got the cookie first, you idiot! Let go!

Smg4 isn't paying attention behind him as he's thinking about what Celeste said about reborn.

Smg4's mind: Reborn like life? Or bring something to life?

Mario looks at Smg3 while trying to pull the cookie away from him.

Mario: But Papa3! Mario got it first!

Meggy looks over at the two of them frustrated.

Meggy: Mario give Three the cookie! You don't want to make him mad!

Mario ignores her and then points behind Smg3.

Mario: ooOOOoh Papa3 look! Eggdog is doing a cute little dance!

Meggy rolls her eyes then thinks about what Celeste said.

Meggy's mind: A reborn pixie dust that could be helpful if something happens to....

She looks over at Celeste realizing what might be possible with that kind of pixie dust.

Meggy: Wait did you say reborn!?! Like bring back to life! We could bring back the friends we lost! We could bring back Axol, an.. and Desti...

She starts to have tears in her eyes. Celeste notices Meggy is about to burst into tears when she picks her up and places the squid on the palms of her hands.

Celeste: Don't cry my brave one~, I'm sorry for hearing about your lost friends but what I mean is more bringing a new life creation!~ Maybe I didn't said the right words since I was being paranoid and stressed out about the non-working pixie dusts~

She uses her free hand to pet Meggy's head to cheer her up a bit. Meggy looks at her smiling while wiping the tears away. She starts to calm down and feel relaxed from Celeste petting her head.

Meggy: It's ok, thanks for helping cheer me up Celeste. If you ever do make one that can do that, could you let me know please?

Celeste: Of course darling!~ Anything for my favorite travelers!~

Celeste stops petting Meggy then places her hands down so the squid can get off. Smg4 hears the argument behind his back as he turns around and sees Smg3 and Mario are fighting over a cookie.

Smg4: Really guys? Over a cookie!?


Smg4 sighs heavily about the stupid fight as he gets up, smacks the cookie away from them and gives the death glare.

Smg4: If you two ain't behave, I'll give it to Eggdog!

Mario looks at Smg4 scared and then looks at Smg3.

Mario: Mario is sorry Papa3, you can have the cookie.-

Mario slowly grabs a different cookie while looking at the boys nervously while worried that they're still mad at him. Smg3 looks dumbfounded while Smg4 rolls his eyes.

Smg4: You're so dumb sometimes Three-


Smg4 smirks playfully as he waves the cookie in front of Smg3's face.

Smg4: Oh you mean this cookie?~ What if it's mine now?~

Smg4 starts to tease his lover by placing half of the cookie in his mouth like he's about to eat it in front of Smg3. Without thinking, Three grabs Four's overalls to bring him closer then smacks their lips together like they're kissing and takes the cookie away from Four's mouth. He pulls away and eats the cookie happily while Smg4 blushes heavily as his brain shuts down. Meggy gets off of Celeste's hand and takes a seat back where she was.

Meggy: Thanks Celeste!

She sits there quietly while drinking her tea and daydreaming about seeing her lost friends again someday with a smile. Mario looks at Smg3 with shock.

Mario: OOooOoh Mario didn't think that Papa3 would take the cookie from Mama4! That was very impressive!

Mario gives him a thumbs up and then starts to eat more cookies while still looking at Smg4 and Smg3. Celeste smiles then continues to work on her magic. She's thinking about what Meggy said as she takes a little note and writes it down. As soon as she finishes creating magic, Celeste sneezes the life creation pixie dust on Smg4 by accident. She gasps when she sees her mistake while Smg4's brain turns back on and notices sparkly effects on him.

Celeste: Oh no!~ I'm sorry my sweet one!~ This is really bad!~ It's not the healing one!~

Smg3 finishes his cookie then looks at his sparkling lover while hearing Celeste's panicked voice.

Smg3: Wait, what do you mean by that? Which pixie dust did you sparkle on??

Meggy snaps out of her daydreaming when she hears Celeste speak in a panicked voice while looking around.

Meggy: What happened? Is everything ok?

Mario looks at Smg4 and sees him sparkling.

Mario: ooOOOooh Celeste made Mama4 all sparkly! Mario wants to be sparkly too!

Celeste: I sneezed on my sweet one the life creation pixie dust!~


Smg4 feels funny inside his stomach. His belly grows a little bit bigger than before then Four starts to panic.



Celeste: Remain calm my sweet and grumpy ones~ Let's see if I can fix this right away!~

She starts to look around for any specific pixie dust and rare ingredients while trying to calm down from her biggest mistake ever. Unfortunately, she couldn't find anything. She sighs sadly and joins the others to tell the bad news.

Celeste: My apologies my travelers but unfortunately, there's no cure for this pixie dust~

Mario walks up to Smg4 while looking at his belly suspiciously then pokes his belly.

Mario: ooOOOooh Mario thinks that Mama4 is pregnant! Mama4 is now a real mama now! Mario is going to be an Uncle! Mario is so happy!! If it's a boy, can you name him Mario Jr?

Meggy looks at Mario in shock and then at Smg4's belly.

Meggy: Mario, are you sure that's what happened? How is that going to work?

She then looks over at Celeste confused.

Meggy: What happened to Four? Is he going to be ok?

Celeste: My silly one is correct, sweet one is indeed nine months pregnant!~ The reason why the pixie dust is doing their magic is because I wanted to test to see how quick the new life creation can grow but that answer my curiosity~


Smg3 gets out of his seat and pacing around while panicking. Smg4 looks at his huge belly then at the others.

Smg4: We're not calling him Mario Jr.! But, if I'm nine months pregnant, can we reveal the gender?

Celeste: Certainly my sweet one!~

Smg3 is still pacing a lot faster while lost in his thoughts, thinking mostly about the pregnancy and his future child. Mario looks at Smg4 sadly.

Mario: Aw that makes Mario so sad!

Celeste touches Smg4's belly and closes her eyes to focus on her magic. Mario watches Celeste use her magic on his best friend's belly in amazement.

Mario: oooOOOooh sparkly!!

Meggy sees Smg3 pacing and walks over to him.

Meggy: Hey Three you alright? Everything will be ok! I know that this came out of nowhere but you don't need to worry! You already do a great job being a dad to Eggdog and the dead memes at the Internet Graveyard! Also you have been learning a bit with Mario too. You will do great! If you ever need some help, you can always count on me! I'm sure Mario would be happy to help too!

Smg3 stops pacing and looks at Meggy while listening to her. He takes a deep breath to calm him down then he sees Celeste using her magic on Smg4's belly with an excited Mario. He looks back at Meggy and places his hands on her shoulders.

Smg3: You're right, I shouldn't panic over this since I am a father figure already. I just don't know if Four wants to keep the baby and raise it together like a big happy family..

He stops mid sentence as he remembers the part of what Smg4 wrote on his get well card. ''I felt like the happiest yet luckiest guy ever! I love you just the way you are so don't change anything!" He smiles at her and gives a small squeeze on her shoulders.

Smg3: I'll take good care of Four and the baby as long as he's happy. I'll be the best father and Four will be the best mother for our child! I know you and Mario will support and help us. You are my number one auntie!

Smg3 winks at her playfully and giggles a bit. Celeste is feeling Smg4's belly for the gender reveal then she sees the result.

Celeste: My grumpy and brave ones!~ Come here so I can tell the gender reveal!~

Three turns Meggy around and drags her gently to join the others while feeling confident.

Celeste: Congratulations!~ It's a beautiful baby girl!~

Meggy looks at both Smg4 and Smg3 smiling.

Meggy: Congratulations Four and Three on your baby girl! The two of you will make great parents! Have you two thought of any names yet?

Mario looks over at them with a big smile while raising his hand and about to say something but Meggy stops him.

Meggy: No Mario they will not call her Mario Jr.!

Mario lowers his hand with a sad look then starts to think and looks over at Celeste.

Mario: So where does the baby come out? Will Mama4 be in pain?

Celeste: Sweet one won't be in pain unless I use a pixie dust to easily make him give birth!~

Four and Three smiles happily about the gender reveal as they look at each other, hold their hands together and say the same thing.

Smg3 and Smg4: Smg5!

Celeste: Awww what an interesting name choice my sweet and grumpy ones!~

The meme guardians smile even wider then Smg3 gives a small squeeze on Smg4's hands.

Smg3: You'll be a great mother my love~

He kisses his lover's cheek as Four blushes and bursts into happy tears. Smg4 is crying of happiness as Smg3 is caught by surprise.

Meggy: Awww that's cute!

Meggy and Mario look at them smiling with tears in their eyes.

Mario: Mario still thinks Mario Jr. is a better name but that's cute too!

Mario thinks for a bit and then realizes something.

Mario: oOOoh would she be able to use your scary meme powers too?

Smg3: Good question but if she does have meme power like us, we're one badass family!

Smg4 giggles while calming down from tears dropping on his cheeks. Celeste thinks for a sec then gives a phone with one button to Meggy.

Celeste: My brave one~, if you need my help with the birth or anything else, press this button!~ Now please take good care of my sweet one!~ His mood may change constantly since his hormones aren't the same anymore so be more careful and fragile towards him~ I'll send you back to the treehouse to keep him safe!~ Until next time my travelers!~

She blows kisses right back at them to the treehouse but this time, in the living room. Smg4 is sitting down on the couch, Meggy is on her favorite chair and Smg3 and Mario are on the floor.

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