Another Malfoy - Lilith Malfo...

By ImJustAWeirdoAuthor

107 12 0

Lily is brave despite her violent family, which is very poorly received by her father and brother. Luckily fo... More

Description + Prologue + chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

10 2 0
By ImJustAWeirdoAuthor

Chapter 4: The way too exaggerated punishment

(Songs to listen to while reading: For The Love Of A Daughter  {by Demi Lovato}, The Man {by Taylor Swift)

Since father and Draco left, I had to go with them. These will be great remaining holiday weeks. I have done so much today, which is a sin of death in the eyes of my family.

"Draco, go to your room, Lilith, come immediately into my office!" Father said, as angry as never.


"I said immediately!" He yelled. I slowly started moving. It scared me when he yelled at me. This meant that something bad will happen right away. Especially that I had to go to his office. Not even Draco is allowed in there. I sat down on the chair in the office and looked around. Many papers and files. A death eater mask was also here. Everything was perfectly organised. The room scared me terribly. I clutched the chair to lean. The door was opened and slammed close again. I knew that I was in trouble, I knew it damn well. Because of the slamming door, I flinched. "You get involved with blood traitors, mud- and half-bloods and pulled the name Malfoy publicly through the dirt. I couldn't be more disappointed in you, Lilith. You know what happens if you are not obedient. Nevertheless, you don't seem to mind embarrassing the Malfoys. It's time for you to learn who you have to respect. I am the adult, you the child. Draco is older, you are younger. He is-"

"Stupid and I'm smart? Thank you, I knew that." I said, breaking up his monologue about respect. Never in my life would I respect that man. He doesn't respect me, so I don't have to respect him either. Father sat down opposite me.

"Just pay attention to what you say, Lilith. I can make your life hell." He threatened.

"Your existence is already making my life hell." I said calmly and saw veins of anger forming on his forehead. He tried to calm down for the time being.

"You will treat me, your brother and this family with respect from now on, because we will always have more power over you than you over us. What I was just about to say...Your brother is a boy and you are a girl. I'm a man and you're just a stupid little girl. You will never achieve as much as I did or as your brother will. And without me, you won't have anything in life."

IV: This is the most sexist and misogynistic thing I have ever heard. Lily, you can't put up with that. And you can't believe him a word either.

I won't. Why should I believe that? I can stand on my own feet without him or some pure-blood man. Thinking otherwise is stupid. I am independent.

IV: Exactly. And you can also achieve anything. You are smart. You'll definitely become an Auror or something like that.

An Auror? No, not for me.

IV: I just saying. Would suit you.

Well, if you say so...Hey, since when do we get along with each other?

IV: Since Lucius has old-fashioned views on women.

Then we would actually have to thank him for that.

It is probably strange to think about such topics at eleven, as they seem complex and rather important for older people, but I have nothing else to do, although I think father's way of thinking more than wrong. Also, you can't start with that too soon; the sooner as you know, how unfair the world still is, the better, because then you can work against that. Then you are not too used to all those role models, I guess. I don't even know, when I first heard or read about the definition of feminism, I just remember that the word always seemed so important to me, even before I knew any definition.

"Let's talk about your punishment. He now continued. "You stay in your room for two weeks."

"What about food?'

"If you behave, you might get a little."

"Define the words maybe and a little."

"Unlikely and half a piece of bread."

"You should have a best father of the year button on your forehead." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. A sting pierced my cheek but father did not move a muscle. He held up his wand. "There is a spell for that?" I asked in disbelief. He laughed mockingly.

"You didn't know that? I thought you were smart." He said mockingly. I unobtrusively rolled my eyes.

"I'm smart, not omniscient." I said annoyed and stood up.

"You seem to want to be in pain. I'll be happy to give it to you. Crucio." A red beam of light flew towards me. Oh come on, mate.

"Wha-" I was interrupted by the terrible pain, which made me scream. Due to the shock, I lost my balance. I closed my eyes and came up on the wooden floor. Desperate, I tried to suppress the screams, which didn't really work. The pain disappeared after two minutes, but it felt like two hours. Father crouched down to me.

"You are so weak. I would have tortured you for about five minutes, but I don't want you to lose your mind. You have to remember who is the more powerful one. And that's me. And now go to your room." I nodded and went up. Now it would be useless to contradict anyway. Even I know, that I have said enough at some point. I immediately heard the click of the door after I closed it. It was closed from the outside with spells. I let myself fall on my bed. Probably good, being caught here. I don't have to see anyone, anytime. Better than seeing any member of this family.

"Asshole." I murmured.

IV: I hate to admit it, but it was right not to contradict. It would have put you in bigger trouble. It's best to really listen to Lucius until the beginning of the school year. Afterwards, he can't control you.

You're probably right. But at the beginning of the school year, Draco will probably be there.

IV: But not always. I'm pretty sure you won't be a Slytherin.

I hope so, but at the same time I'm afraid of it.

IV: That's normal due to the fact that you grew up in that family. They will kill you for Gryffindor.

For everything that is not Slytherin. Can it always be so peaceful between us?

IV: If you're nice, I'm nice.

I'll try.

Five days had now passed and I've had gotten Dobby to bring me a little food. It was hard, but at some point I managed to persuade him. He also knows what it's like to be treated badly by the Malfoys. Especially from my father. He is not the sweetest person. I heard the door click and looked up from my book. Draco stood at the door. Ugh.

"Father says you should come down." He said annoyed.

"I'd rather-"

IV: Lily, hold back, remember?

I sighed. "Thank you for letting me know." I said with a hung smile. Stupid. I'm so stupid. Draco grinned.

"I like that you can't get upset now, or rather you are not allowed to. I should take advantage of that, shouldn't I?" He grinned.

"This is a...great opportunity for you." I said pressed. How am I supposed to endure this for another month? Draco's eyes wandered to the book in my hand. He ran over to me and stopped at the bed.

"May I?" He grinned and already took my book.

"I'd love to." I squeezed my lips together. What is this sloth (in reference to his absolute Stupidity) going to do? He tore out a few pages of the book and tore them into small individual pieces.

"Don't you have anything to say about it?"

IV: If you don't fix this immediately, I'll tear you apart. Maybe that will help?

I love the that, I will use it in Hogwarts on occasion.

"The book was bad anyway." I said pressed. I'm trying really hard not to strangle him right now. That was my favourite book, I read it a thousand times. And Draco knew that too.

"Come now, father is waiting." He said seriously again. I nodded and stood up. I went downstairs, where my parents were waiting. Pray, Lily.

"Lilith, since you have behaved exemplary, your punishment is over until further notice. However, if such an incident occurs again, then Merlin may mercy you." Father said, more calm than usual. He has mercy?

"Um, thank you... That's really nice. Is there a catch?"

"No, no catch. Thank your mother, she convinced me." Mum stood behind him and looked at me with a cold expression but I could see a little smirk. Father left to his office again, probably torturing some Muggles. My mum and I didn't have a really good relationship either. We didn't really care for each other's company. My mum cared about my looks a lot. That's when we talk. But in other cases...she doesn't seem to care a lot.

"Um... Thank you, Mum. That was really nice of you." I thanked her in confusion. She just nodded. I went up again and lay down in my bed. Finally. Now I can do whatever I want, with whoever I want. No, not whoever I want. I have no friends. Well, it's better that way. I am not the kind of a person, that likes other people. I like to be alone in my lifeless bubble.

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