Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: New Friends

(Songs to listen to while reading: It's Nice To Have A Friend and The Outside {both by Taylor Swift},

Lily's POV:

It was finally the first of September, which meant that I was going to go to Hogwarts today. I was going to get sorted into my house. My bags and my suitcase were packed, I wore a great outfit and I looked good. I looked perfect for a first day of school (even though I have to wear that uniform. But I can still show it off in the Hogwarts Express. That's what it's for). Since it was now almost eleven am, I dragged my suitcase down the stairs, which caused quite a crash on the stairs. Draco was already annoyed at the door.

"Can't you be quieter?"

"Sure, I'll drag my suitcase quieter. What should I do, carry it on my shoulders? If you want me to be killed, just say it." I said sarcastically, knowing that father could no longer harm me in these ten minutes. And frankly, I'm not really afraid of Draco anymore. Now and then he scares me, but I was never really afraid of him as a person. More of his random aggressions.

"You really have a big mouth, even though you grow up with father, how do you manage that?" He asked, rolling his eyes. I shrugged.

"When Mum used our mass murderer second uncle Sirius Black to show me how I would end up if I continued being not Anti-muggle, I immediately knew that Sirius must be really cool in character, so I thought 'Hey Lily. Become just like him' and Voilà, I became like him. Apart from the fact that I won't end up in Azkaban because of mass murder and betrayal of my best friends. That would be problematic." I explained and looked around the house.

"You are really a pain in the Ass, Lily." Draco said annoyed. I am the pain in the ass here? I ignored his comment...for now.

"Where is father? I was already wondering why none of you screamed through the house that I should come down." I said and played around with my bracelets.

"He's coming soon. He just has to write a letter to the ministry or something." Draco said, with a touch of pride in his voice. Ew.

"You're saying that sentence with too much pride. I mean, how can you be so proud of a ministry worker, who is corrupt for sure? That sounds boring." I said annoyed and looked at him in a derogatory way. He rolled his eyes again.

"Because some people, unlike you, obviously, still have respect for their parents." He said derogatory and looked at me as if he was attacking me at any moment.

"I don't respect anyone who doesn't respect me." I answered with a twisting of my eyes and before Draco could say anything back, father and mother came in and disapparated with us to track 9¾. I felt sick in the stomach again. Merlin, I hope at some point there will be enough of getting a sick in the stomach. Fortunately, I didn't throw up. That would have been too much for me. Although I would really have liked to throw up on father's cleanly polished shoes. But sone wishes stay wishes, I guess.

I looked around briefly. Everywhere were students who hugged their parents, who cried bitterly because they will not see their children again for a quarter of a year. Ridiculous. It's not that long. Are none of them happy to not see their parents for so long? I'm not coming back for the Holidays, so those people who are even older than me, should not be so disappointed. It's not as if they would never see them again.

Suddenly I saw Ally, who was just able to free herself from her parents' embrace. My eyes lit up. Ally, who apparently didn't seem to see me at all, went to the Hogwarts Express, followed by her sister. I immediately ran after, but could no longer find her, which is why I sat down in an empty compartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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