Chapter 2

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Hey guys. I just wanted to quickly remind you that Lily and James Potter are still alive, as I would like to try out what Harry's character would be like if he had never grown up with the Dursleys. It has influenced him somehow. Sirius is in Azkaban because he allegedly betrayed the two and so on. If James and Lily no longer fit into the story, I can still remove them or just kill them. It's my story, I can kill whoever I want. Theoretically, I could also kill Harry, but I still need that guy. Anyways, have fun with this chapter.

IV = Inner Voice


Chapter 3: The Potter family

(Songs to listen to while reading: idk tell me})

As we apparated into Diagon Alley, I felt a sick in my stomach. I will never get used to it. That shitty sensitive stomach doesn't allow me. Father went into Gringotts to get us money (actually we also have a lot of money at home but apparently it is only for father's purposes. What an Idiot), which is why Draco and I had to wait outside (meanwhile he provoked me all the time with nasty comments and crunches in my arm so that I also insult him and he can snitch it to father. Unsuccessfully.) When father came out again, he pressed two small bags with several Galleons into my hand. Has he forgotten his basic principles in life or why does he give me his money?

"Draco and I have to go somewhere. Buy your things yourself but don't do anything, that gets our family into trouble, otherwise there will be trouble for you." He said threateningly. I nodded.

"Okay." I answered meek. Liar. I'm such a fucking liar. I'm going to make trouble. I wouldn't be me if not. Of course, making trouble only means stuff like doing things that my father forbids me and not being anti-muggle. And I really wouldn't be me if I didn't do these things. Father and Draco went away and unobtrusively bow into Nocturne Alley. Oh, what a surprise.

I also made my way to the shops, first to Olivanders. When I entered the store, I was alone. I thought. Out of nowhere, an old man with white hair appeared. Olivander. He murmured a few words and then began to measure the distance of my ears, the length of my arms and legs and even the distance of my nostrils. It was strange, but I guess you can determine the wand faster and more appropriately. So I had to trust him. Hard. I'm not exactly the most trustworthy person. You have to earn my trust. Or maybe I haven't met a person I can trust from the start. I have a few trust issues. Who could we blame for this?

Olivander handed me a wand and then said: "walnut wood, unicorn hair and eleven and a half inches long. It's hard to bend." I swung the wand, whereupon an inkwell burst. ,,No, no way. Walnut wood does not suit you. But maybe ash wood and unicorn hair. That could fit." He pressed another magic wand into my hand. I swung him. A cosy warmth permeated me. "Oh yes, that's the right magic wand for you." Olivander smiled. I also smiled. I've always wanted to have my own wand and now I had it. Olivander told me the price, which of course I also paid. I left the store and continued on my way to Madam Malkins.

After two hours, I have gotten everything I needed. My school uniform, a caldron, my wand, my books and so on. Now I actually only had to go to Florish and Blotts as agreed before to go home with my family. But since this was only agreed in fifteen minutes, I wanted to get an ice cream. It's warm, no, hot, I really need it. So I went to the ice cream parlour and got myself three flavours. As left the store, I suddenly bumped into someone. My jacket, which I put over my left arm, fell to the ground, together with not only one ice, but two. I lost my balance in shock, my counterpart too. He got up quickly.

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