FINE LINE | t. shelby

By veritymaee

30.1K 750 13

Charlotte Winslow had always loved Thomas Shelby, for a moment it seemed like he loved her too. They went fro... More

the winslow family
season one
1 | the winslow's
2 | change
3 | injuries
4 | a light
5 | a statement
6 | eventful few days
7 | heartache
8 | monaghan boy
9 | deal with that
10 | billy kimber
11 | suspicion
12 | come back to me
13 | family meeting
14 | actions match words
15 | dance with me
16 | who do you love?
17 | faith
18 | an invitation
19 | i love you
20 | typical family occasion
21 | crisis of my faith
22 | everything to nothing
23 | mistake

24 | all for you

792 31 1
By veritymaee

It was a quiet shift at the Garrison, Charlotte was mindlessly wiping the same spot on the bar that she had been for the past twenty minutes and Grace was sat at one of the tables folding clothes up. Charlotte had kept it brief with her, they hadn't spoke much apart from a polite greeting and the odd passing word as they worked. Charlotte wasn't confrontational she wasn't going to accuse or argue at Grace, she was just going to keep her at arms length while also keeping a closer eye on what she was getting up to. Finally the door opened, both Charlotte and Grace looked over at the door hoping for a customer. 

"Oh, hello John." Charlotte deflated and went back to scrubbing at the same spot.

John laughed, "Wow Charley, I just love how excited you get to see me."

Charlotte shook her head as she'd chuckled, "We've had no customers for ages it's been dead today, I thought we were finally having a rush."

"Sorry to disappoint." John held his hands up.

"Don't be silly, you are never a disappointment John." Charlotte perked up, "Now what can I get you?" She smiled cheerfully.

"The usual." Answered John.

Charlotte nodded and made his drink, John spoke up again when she slid the glass over. "You okay? I know you was unfortunate enough to have a run in with my Dad."

Charlotte's eyes widened at John, she put a finger up to her lips and nodded over to Grace. It was silly, there wasn't much she could do with the information that the Shelby's father was back in town but she was just being cautious. John looked back and noticed Grace, he turned back to Charlotte and nodded but still looked unsure. "Everybody round here never listens to me." She whispered harshly. "I've already told you about her, she's feeding information to someone. I don't know who or what or why but she is. We need to be careful what we say around her, I dont trust her."

"Right." Whispered John, still looking unsure.

"Stop looking at me like I'm crazy." Whispered Charlotte.

"I'm not!" Replied John, Charlotte whacked him with the towel for his lack of whispering. "Christ alright." He whispered. "You are crazy."

Charlotte scoffed lightly and faked a laugh, John rolled his eyes. "Anyway." He whispered. John reached out and touched Charlotte's hand, "Alex told me about what he said, he bought up some painful stuff. Wanted to check on you."

Charlotte smiled, "I'm alright honestly. I should be checking on you, you're the one whose Dad turned up randomly years after running away."

John shrugged, "He doesn't get to me anymore. I couldn't care less about him."

Charlotte nodded, "You know I'm here though."

John smiled, "I know. Likewise, you know that Charley."

"Hopefully he leaves soon, just adding more complications to everything." 

John sighed with a nod, "Hopefully. Not bloody likely thanks to Arthur though. He's clinging to him like we're ten years old again."

"He's always been close with him. He's always wanted him around, he's the only one out of all of you that would ever accept your Dad back with open arms. So your Dad's using that. Arthur's smart though, he'll realise soon enough that it's better without him. Just give him time."

John nodded, "Tommy didn't take it well. Kicked him straight out the house."

"Not surprised."

"Now him and Arthur aren't speaking." 

"Everything will be okay when he leaves. Don't worry, it wont be long." Charlotte smiled at John and stroked his arm reassuringly.

"Right I only had time for one, best be off."

Charlotte nodded, "See you later."

Not even twenty minutes later another Shelby walked through the door, "Arthur!" Said Charlotte in greeting, "You just missed John."

Arthur scoffed, "Don't want to speak to him anyway, none of them."

Charlotte sighed, "Arthur."

"Sorry Charley, but it's true. I don't"

"Come on, there's no point you all falling out over nothing." Charlotte watched as Arthur made is way round the bar and came up to the till.

"He's our Dad Charley. They just don't get that." Replied Arhtur with a shrug.

Charlotte sighed, there was no point arguing with him. "Alright."

"I am sorry about what he said though." Said Arhtur turning his attention away from the till and to Charlotte. She smiled and patted his shoulder as she walked past and out from behind the bar to start cleaning tables. "Right. I'm taking five pounds from petty cash."

Charlotte's head shot up, "Five pounds?"

"We don't have five pounds in petty cash." Grace piped up.

"Then I'll take what we've got." Shrugged Arthur.  

"You better count it and leave a receipt." Said Charlotte.

"Will do." Arthur saluted Charlotte, she rolled her eyes shaking her head with a smile.

"Arthur, there are some things in the books that I don't understand." Spoke Grace.

"Ask Charley." Shrugged Arthur.

"I don't understand it either Grace, I prefer to just ignore it." Replied Charlotte. She knew why the books were missing bits and pieces and didn't make sense here and there. It was the side of the business that Grace had no business knowing but always seemed to ask about.

"Every week we pay one pound and ten shillings by postal order to a "Daniel Owen" in London." Grace continued despite Charlotte's discouragement. 

Charlotte's eyes widened at the mention of Danny Whizz Bang, she tried to get Arthur's attention subtly by coughing. He paid no attention and instead went on to explain. "Danny Whizz Bang, hangs round the pubs in Camden Town Wharf for us. He keeps his ears open for business. He's a good man."

"For god sake." Mumbled Charlotte.

"I thought Danny Whizz Bang was dead." Replied Grace.

"Is this relevant? We should be working, stop distracting us Arthur." Said Charlotte

"Then you thought wrong, didn't you." Said Arthur, ignoring Charlotte. She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"But I've seen his grave. He was shot." Grace spoke, confusion in her tone.

"That was a show to satisfy the coppers. Tommy just shot some sheep brains at him."

Charlotte put her head in her hands while Grace continued to question Arthur,  "Who is buried in his grave?"

"Now look, Grace, if you know what's good for you, you don't ask questions about things that don't concern you. Never." Said Arthur, he closed the till and headed out from behind the bar. "Don't tell Tommy I took this." He shouted as he left through the Garrison doors.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

It was just Charlotte left at the Garrison, she had let Grace go earlier as it was still quiet. She was just finishing up putting some glasses away when there was a strong knock on the door. Warily, Charlotte went to go answer the door, she barely got it open before Tommy stormed in. As he brushed past her he glanced at her for a few seconds do before snapping his gaze away abruptly with a troubled expression. That milli second of his uneasy expression that she caught made her stomach twist with nerves, something was wrong. "We're closed." Huffed Charlotte, trying to ignore her mind telling her something was wrong.

Tommy didn't reply and instead began to rummage around the pub quickly, shifting tables and things. Charlotte watched him curiously, she went to lock the door back up not wanting customers in past closing. "Leave that open." Instructed Tommy not even turning to look at Charlotte when he spoke.

"Ok." Nodded Charlotte, she went and rested against the bar watching a frantic Tommy. "What's going on? Are you expecting trouble? Why are you here?" Rambled Charlotte in concern as she watched him.

"Remember that man earlier. Came about the guns. He knows I've got them, he threatened me earlier and now he thinks he's coming here to get a location of where the guns are." Explained Tommy.

"What? Why's he coming here? How does he know you've got them? What do you mean think, is he getting them or not? What's going to happen if he doesn't?" Spoke Charlotte quickly.

"Will you slow down?" Sighed Tommy.

"Will you slow down!" Retaliated Charlotte, her voice was slightly raised from the stress and confusion of the situation.

Tommy stopped and glanced back at Charlotte, meeting her scared and concerned gaze for the first time. He sighed and walked over to her, "It was last minute, that's why it's here. Danny Whizz Bang let slip about the guns in a pub, word travels quickly about stuff like that. I mean think because they wont be getting them. Before they can leave with the location the police are gonna storm in here and take them away."

"The police are involved in this!" Exclaimed Charlotte.

"These men are on wanted posters all over Birmingham. I got in touch with the inspector." Charlotte pulled a face at the mention of the inspector, "He's agreed to work with me on this one."

"Well he's not doing anything without something in return." Replied Charlotte narrowing her eyes at Tommy accusingly.

"It's in his best interests that no one gets these guns, he wants them for himself. He knows that I'm the only person who knows where they are so I'm the only one with the power to give them away. As long as I've still got those guns I'm in control over the inspector, he wont do anything. It's also in his best interest to arrest IRA members." Replied Tommy.

"He wants those guns too much how can you trust him? Don't you think he'll do anything to get those guns, it's obvious. He's the type of man who doesn't do deals and favours."

"Lottie I promise the inspector is the least of our worries. I'm not worried about him at all. I've been helping him out in return for the police's ignorance to our activities and he's under the impression that he's getting these guns eventually when all my business is done with Kimber and so." Explained Tommy.

Charlotte nodded warily, "Ok so what's going on here tonight?"

"When the St Andrew's bell strikes midnight, those IRA men are coming to get the location of the guns. When they have what they want, I know they plan to kill me."

"Kill you?" Stuttered Charlotte. 

"It's your job to stop that happening."

"What do you mean my job!" Exclaimed Charlotte, "What am I supposed to do? I can't do this Thomas. I can't handle this, we still have a few minutes I can go grab Alex or John. Anyone else."

"Lottie." Said Tommy but he was immediately cut off.

"No. Tom, you haven't thought this through." Charlotte looked at him with a pleading expression, begging for him to see how terrifyingly dangerous this situation was. She couldn't be responsible for keeping him alive. 

"I haven't had time to think this through." Replied Tommy, running his hands down his face in stress.

"I can go grab Alex or John. Anyone, really. Someone who can actually protect you. What exactly am I going to do against two grown men? I'm not putting you in danger like that, I want you to be safe and I can't guarantee that with me being the one in charge of keeping people from killing you. I wouldn't be able to live if something went wrong here, not just because I would never forgive myself but because I can't live without you. Thomas I can't have you dying on me, not like this and not with how things are at the minute."

"Listen Lottie. I trust you, I trust you more than anyone else in this world. I know you can do this. I wont die on you, I told you the other day if I ever got another chance I wouldn't mess it up. If I got another chance I told you I would never leave you again, I meant it and I'm counting on getting that other chance. Now listen carefully, " Tommy pulled a gun out and Charlotte's eyes widened at the sight. He put it in her hands and held his own over hers, they were shaking slightly as they gripped the gun so he gripped hers tighter. "You're going to be in the back room. I am going to be sitting there. When I make a toast, you're going to come out with that thing raised. You don't shoot, you just point, I'll do the rest." Charlotte nodded in response.

"Will you kill them?" She mumbled.

Tommy shook his head, "The police want them alive."

Charlotte nodded, taking small and quick deep breathes in an attempt to control her nerves. Tommy placed his hand on the side of Charlotte's face making her look at him, he rubbed it soothingly. "You'll be ok, I wont let anything happen to you."

Charlotte nodded, she placed a hand over Tommy's one that rested on her face. "I know I'll be okay, because you're here. It's you I'm worried about." 

Tommy smiled slightly rubbing his thumb against her face comfortingly, "Don't worry about me. I know that's pointless to say to you because you worry about anyone and everyone anyway." Charlotte rolled her eyes at his teasing, "Do you know what to do?"

Charlotte nodded firmly before a teasing smile took over her face, "I do. I mean I could've done with some warning, given me a bit of preparation."

Tommy let a small smile etch his lips at Charlotte's attempt at a joke to lighten the situation, "I just got the message myself otherwise I would've."

Charlotte shrugged with a sigh, "I'll let you off then. Just this once."

"Thanks Lottie, you're too kind." Smiled Tommy, "I'll bare the warning and perpetration in mind for next time."

"Good." Nodded Charlotte, "If only people would stop springing all these troubles on you, a bit of organisation would make all this a lot easier."

"Now without the element of surprise how can they be sure I'm alone." Explained Tommy.

"Ah, but you're not alone. Unless barmaids don't count." Charlotte tilted her head to the side with a smile.

"Barmaids don't count." Repeated Tommy, with a matching smile.

The bell began to ring, Charlotte frantically snapped her head to look at the doors. It was getting a bit to real now. Tommy turned her head gently to look at him, he directed her hands with his. "Just hold it high and point." Charlotte swallowed nervously and nodded, "I'm so sorry to put you in this position Lottie. I really am. This is the last thing I ever wanted, you to be involved. I was praying when I walked through these doors that it wouldn't be you on shift."

"It's ok, I know." Whispered Charlotte nodding gently. "I've realised that I can never not be involved, I'm surprised it's taken you this long to realise. Would've saved us years of drama."

Tommy rolled his eyes jokingly, "Right. Go, go, go." He ushered her to the back room.

Charlotte was stood in the darkness of the back room, she was trying to control her breathing and keep quiet but she was a shaking anxious mess. She could hear their conversation, she had zoned out of it just waiting to hear her signal. She was too stressed to focus.

"To barmaids who don't count." She heard Tommy toast.

Straight away Charlotte exited the back room with the gun held high and pointing just like Tommy had shown her, the two men looked over at her with narrowed eyes of confusion. Tommy was watching her closely. She tried to keep her face fearlessly neutral however her trembling hands and quick shaky breathes gave it away. The man waved his hand and laughed, "Who's this then? Look at her she can't even hold the gun straight, did you think that was gonna help you Shelby?"

Charlotte panicked, the one thing going through her mind was them killing Tommy right there and then. In a rushed panic, she aimed the gun best she could and repeatedly clicked the trigger. It was as if another force had taken over her body, she didn't fully comprehend what was happening until it was done. There was a heavy silence in the room after the final bullet, Tommy stared at Charlotte mouth open in disbelief at what she had just done. Charlotte's ears rang with the sound of the bullets she had just fired, her trance had stopped and realisation quickly settled in. She dropped the gun to the floor and started to step back slowly eyes glued to the dead man on the floor. Tommy went to walk over to Charlotte but was interrupted by the other man lunging at him. The two men fought, Tommy ended up beating him to death. Charlotte was too zoned in on the dead man in front of her to even register what was happening with Tommy. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned quickly to see Tommy. She shook her head and stepped away putting a hand to her mouth. Tears that had welled up in her eyes started to fall. "Why did you Shoot?" Whispered Tommy, his hands holding her face wiping the tears away as they fell with his thumbs. "I said don't shoot."

"I'm sorry." Cried Charlotte, "I thought they were going to kill you, I panicked. The only thing I was thinking of was them killing you right there and then. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Charlotte's words trailed off into mumbles of 'sorry' she put her face in her hands stepping back slightly from Tommy.

Tommy pulled her into a firm hug, she was held close against his chest. "Lottie this isn't your fault. I put you in this position, it's mine. I'm sorry. I never wanted this for you, I never wanted you to have to go through or be involved in things like this. You're way above all of this and I've dragged you right down with me. You pulled that trigger because of me, the one thing I've always wanted to do is protect you from all of this and I failed."

Charlotte shook her head against his chest, she pulled away so she could look him in his eyes. "I pulled that trigger. You can't blame yourself."

"It is me though Lottie! None of this would have ever happened if you weren't involved with me, you've killed a man for me." Shouted Tommy frustrated.

"Don't shout at me!" Replied Charlotte, she pulled away from Tommy. "After what's just happened don't you dare stand there and shout at me. We can't go back now, what's done is done and there's no point fighting over blame. You go on about all you do to protect me, all you want is to protect me. Can't you see that I feel the same for you? Have I not shown here the lengths I will go to in order to protect you? It's you Tom, it's all for you. Everything I do is for you."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted." Mumbled Tommy, "Everything you do doesn't go ignored Lottie, I appreciate you more than anyone else in my life. I don't know how I got so lucky, I definitely don't deserve it and I never will understand how someone like you loves someone like me. " Tommy brushed a strand of hair behind Charlotte's ear, "I'll never make the mistake of leaving you again Lottie. It's me and you from now on. I've spent years trying to shelter you from this by pushing you away, I didn't realise I was hurting you more just from pushing you away. I wont apologise for trying to protect you, I'll never stop trying to protect you. I'll apologise for hurting you thought. I've done a lot of bad things but the worst thing I've ever done is hurt you, I'll never do it again I swear that on everything."

"I love you Tom." Said Charlotte softly.

"I love you too Lottie." Replied Tom pulling Charlotte into a hug.

"I thought they was going to kill you, I thought I was going to loose you." Mumbled Charlotte.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I'm never leaving you again Charlotte Winslow."

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

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