By xoxlaughinxox

38.5K 1.2K 151

"Your dad and I have been disscussing this for months now and we have decided to be a family." She says, smil... More

Chapter 1: Hold The Photography
Chapter 2: Black Girl, French Appearance
Chapter 3: What happens in Lyons stays in Lyons.
Chapter 4: Maybe Two IS Better Than One!
Chapter 5:Mommy, Noooo!
Chapter 6: The Land of The Free... and obesity
Chapter 7: We're Not In Paris Anymore
Chapter 8: The Royal Dinner Fail
Chapter 9:The Princess and Prince Charming
Chapter 10: "Rapunzel! Let down your weave!"
Chapter 11: Swinging Party
Chapter 13: The Fabulous Cecila Scott
Chapter 14: It's Not Easy Being Mean
Chapter 16: C's Alive!
Chapter 17: Let's Run Away!
Chaper 18- The Begining of The End Begun

Chapter 12: You Again

1.1K 49 10
By xoxlaughinxox

||Chapter 12: You Again ||

Cecily smiles in her mirror imagining tall, good smelling Matt beside her, grabbing her waist.

Is that weird?

Although there's no school today due to staff development, which she's just found out from Derrick, she's still gotten dressed and out of bed. It's so beautiful in the morning when she doesn't have school. It almost feels like summer!

Last night was crazy. After Matt and Cecily kissed-
Ew. That even sounds weird- they said their goodbyes aand she ran straight up to her bedroom through the stairs, the most quietest way she could. Derrick's door was shut closed, so she was guessing he was in for the night. Her parents were asleep. Everything seemed okay. Cecily went to sleep feeling easy and nervous for what's to come in store with Matt. Will it be awkward to see him?

With her freshly washed curly hair air drying, she decided to wear light blue Hollister skinny jeans with a stripped crop top and her original Converse shoes. She puts up her curly hair to air dry in a bun.

Grabbing her bag and leather jacket, Cecily takes the elevator down stairs.

"Good morning, everyone!" She smiles, walking into the kitchen. She only see's her mother.

"You're up bright early to say it's a no school day." Her mom inquiries, fastening her earrings and grabbing her purse off of the counter. Cecily notices a plate of pancakes besides her mother.

Meredith notices Cecily staring and offers some. Cecily shakes her head no.

Her mom puts her hair into a long, sleek high ponytail. "And good! You're dressed too! I need to talk you about this gala coming up soon."

Cecily nods her head in response. "Esperanza mentioned it."

Meredith arches her eyebrows in disbelief. "These maids know everything! I swear by it! Anyway, when I get off from work, or even sooner, there will be prince's and other royality coming in from all around the states and countries to meet you!"

Cecily grimances at the thought of an arranged date for this ball. "That's alright, mom. No need for all that, because I already have a date."

Meredith's eyes widen in shock. "Oh really?"

"Yes, really!" Cecily says. "Matthew. Prince Matthew."

"As in Prince Matthew from our dinner two nights ago?" Her mother cries.

Cecily nods her head. "What's the problem with that?"

"The prob- what's the problem with that?! The problem is our family and his family do not get along with each other!"

"How is that? We carpool, we had a dinner with them, he is so kind to me! How do our family's not get along?" Cecily's voice raises.

Her mom presses her lips together and sighs. "Listen Cecily, you just have to trust me. They aren't good people. They are manipulative liars."

Cecily starts to feel tears coming. "Tell me why!"

"They are trying to take over our kingdom!"

Cecily lowers her eyes. "This can't be. Matthew likes me."

"Sweetie, he's playing you. That's just what his family does. Our kingdom back in Archwin is right over the river from their family's kingdom, Zaibatsu. They have been trying to own our land for years. We are actually in war with Zaibatsu! It's too difficult for a girl your age to understand. We were trying to have a dinner with them to compromise, but they disagreed..." My mom says mortified.

Cecily scoffs. "That's bull shit. Sorry, but Matt and I are in love."

Her mother flinches. "You're what?"

"Did I stutter?"

"Cecilia Lisaria Joy Bethyssa Scott, I forbid you from ever seeing this boy again. I will send you to a different school if I must!"

"You can't do that!" Cecily cries.

"Oh, yes I can." Her mom grabs her keys. "I'm running late for work. If I see any form of contact with you and that boy, I'm sending you back to France by yourself. Don't think I don't know what you did last night, either. This house is under high surveillance. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Cecily says horsely, before slammimg my fingers on the elevator door.


She runs to her bed and starts crying, tears running down her face. Who was she kidding? Anyone who've Cecily's ever liked somehow had to leave. No- she had to leave them.

Her phone vibrates and she answers it without even reading the caller ID.

"Hello?" Cecily sniffs.

"Cecily." A male voice breathes. Not just any male, Matt's voice.

Oh how much she's missed it already.

"Are you okay?" He whispers.

She blows her nose with her shirt. Who cares about it anyway? Who cares about anything? "No I am not okay! Please, just leave me alone. Get out of my life, Matt. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you."

Matt clucks his tongue. "Cecily, you're being delusional. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about. And don't call me delusional! You have been pretending to like me just so you can somehow have your family take over my family's country." She stammers.

Matt laughs in disbelief. "Okay. Now that's just crazy, Cecilia. Do you honestly think a 17 year old boy can do that?"

"A smart one." She sniffs. "I actually believed for a second that you liked me, Matthew. And I actually fell for it!"

There's a long pause.

"Cecily, I'm sorry. I don't know what I did. I'm coming over, okay?"

"Don't!" She says hollowly.

"What did I do?" He blurts.

"You're not aloud to come over." Cecily mutters.

"I see. Is this because you snuck out last night?" He says with his raspy voice.

"That and everything else." Cecily says.

"Fine. Then I'm picking you up." Matt declares.

"Don't you understand? I'm not even aloud to talk to you or even look at you!" Cecily yells.

He breathes. "Cecily, I- Don't be so difficult. I'll be there to pick you up in 10 minutes. You better be out or I'm coming in."

The phone goes off.

Cecily pinches the bridge of my nose. Does she even believe what she just said?


Cecily see's Matt's Fiat pull up to the gate. She looks back and forth before stepping inside.

"Hey." He breathes, leaning in for a kiss.

She moves her face away. " I can't."

He puts his eyes hard on the road and starts the car. Matt clears his throat. "So are you going to tell me what this is all about?"

"I already told you, Matt." She murmurs, leaning against the window.

He makes a turn and pulls over.

Cecily looks at him. "Why'd you stop?"

"Is this because of my family?" He asks. "Because I know, Cecily, that our parents and countries hate each other."

"You, You do?" She echos.

He cringes. "Of course I do. And obviously I do not agree with them. I think it's horrible. My family are idiots for trying to take over your country. If I agreed with my family, I wouldn't have fallen for you. I really like you, Cecily."

"I like you too, Matt. But, how would we make this work? Do you know how risky this relationship would be?" Cecily swallows hard.

Matt finally turns to Cecily and stares into her brown eyes and speaks softly. "We just do. We make it seem as if we aren't dating."

"If we ever get caught, I'm being sent back to France. By myself. And I don't know if I want to." Cecily lowers her eyes.

He touches her hand, gently. "Hey. Look at me."

She turns to him. Matt looks so vulnerable and sweet.

"I will not allow that to happen. I know that this might sound cheesy, but it's you and me against the world."

Cecily laughs. "Okay. Well that was just a little bit cheesy."

"I'm glad I made you laugh." Matt smiles.

She smirks. "Thanks for picking me up."

"My pleasure." He says, touching her cheeks. "Does this mean that I can kiss you now?"

"One question." Cecily looks down. "Are we dating?"

Matt starts kissing her neck. "Well, I snuck you out of your home last night and now I'm sneaking you out today. I guess you can say that we're dating."

"Unfortunately it has to be a secret." Cecily mutters. She frowns. "I want to be able to be seen in public with you Matt. I want to go to the movies or the park! I want to take a road trip to New York. I want to go on a walk in the park. I want us to celebrate holidays together... Why does this have to happen to us?"

"It's not that bad, Cecily. Just think of it as romantic. We will be able to do boyfriend-girlfriend things. Just not in public. We can send letters to each other during school. Amanda could be our messenger..."

Cecily giggles in consideration.

"Is your family attending that Gala?" Matt changes the subject.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah. Apparently every Royal family in the States and other countries are going. My mom's actually forcing me to choose a random guy to date. I asked if I can bring you and she just flipped out. That's when I learned about the whole family problems."

Matt nods his head. "That's a somewhat same for me. My mom's forcing me to date a princess in Zaibatsu and I really do not want to. This is why I called you."

"I guess we have to obey them, huh?" Cecily makes eye contact with him.

"I guess." Matt mumbles, his honey brown hair shaking. "I just really want you, Cecily."

She sighs. "Why does this have to be so freaking difficult."

"It doesn't." He whispers. "Let's run away together. You and me. We'll fly to Amsterdam."

This sends chills up her spin, making her grin at the goosebumps.

"Remember when we kissed last night?" Matt asks, never taking his eyes off of her.

"How can I forget?"

"I've been thinking about it." He admits, his strong slender hands shaking.

Cecily bits her lip. "Me too."

In that moment, their lips touch, Cecily's world feels changed. She can feel him, she can taste him. Everything feels so familiar and safe, like this relationship can really work. Her hands rest on his strong chest, his hand grabbing her arm. He pulls Cecily closer and holds her tighter with his strong cinnamon fragrance, as if it were the last time.

"I love you, Cecilia. I love you when I first seen you." Matt breathes, looking down at her.


She blinks, surprised. "I want to say I love you too, Matt, I really do. But I don't know if I can. I don't want to hurt you, like I hurt everyone else."

He kisses her nose. "Shh. It's okay. Just know that I love you."

"Okay." Cecily smiles. Matt is so sweet.

They lay together for the next 2 hours, talking and cuddling in the car. Everything feels so amazing around him. It makes her never want to leave.

Cecily's phone buzzes in her pocket.

She rolls her eyes and reaches for it. It's Derrick.


"Hello? Yes?" She answers, slightly annoyed.

"Where the hell are you? You need to get your butt down to the house! There are at least 15 males waiting in the living room for you!" He comments.

Cecily sits up straight in her seat.

Matt looks at her, questionly, before grabbing a Camal pack from his pocket and goes outside, away from the car.

She gives Matt a glare for his smoking habit.

"Cecily?" Derrick says, irritated. "Are you there?"

She smacks her forehead. How could she have gotten so lost in her and Matt that she forgot about this date situation for the Gala? "Yeah, yeah Derrick. Sorry. I lost track of time."

"Wherever you are, please hurry the hell up. These guys are starting to look at me in a way that I looked at my girlfriends." Derrick whispers.

Cecily laughs. "I'll be there in five minutes!"

"You better!" He ends the call.

Matt squints his blue eyes at her through the window glass and throws the cigarette to the ground, stomping it with his toe. "You done, Princess?"

She nods her head. "We have to go now."

He pushes his hair off his face and steps into the car starting it. A mix of patchouli and smoke hits the air conditioning.

He rubs his hand on her thigh. "What's wrong, Cecily?"

Cecily goes tense. "It's nothing. Just... I thought that you didn't smoke."

"Cecilia, I don't smoke on school grounds." He disagrees.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Look- if it makes you feel any better, I'll stop in front of you." He pulls up to her house and frowns at her, making adorable puppy eyes.

"Deal." She giggles, opening the door.

He grabs Cecily's wrist. "Wait."

"What?" She turns.

He pulls her head to his and gives her a gentle, but passionate kiss. "Okay. Bye, Cecily."

"Bye, Matt." She whispers, sneaking into the house, putting the code in quickly to open the gates.

Cecily runs into the house, feeling giddy and shuts the door closed, bitting her lips. The taste of Matt is still on her. Not that smoke is a good taste, but Matt definitely is.
Smiling, she walks into the kitchen, needing water.

About 15 teenage boys stare at her like a pack of hungry wild animals.

"Bonjour, Princess Cecilia!"

"Hello, Princess!"

"Princess! You've arrived."

Cecily gives them an unsure, awkward wave.


"Derrick?" She calls, not taking her eyes from off of them.

Derrick comes jogging in here, wearing workout gear. "You thought I was exaggerating?"

Cecily blinks. "Well, I didn't know it would be like this! What do I even do?"

Derrick clears his throat. "I want everyone to go into the main living room! I've already collected all of your names, so I'll call it when it's your time to be interviewed, okay?"

They all stare at Cecily.

"Go!" She screeches.

They all scatter into the living room, one by one.

Derrick smirks at his sister, gripping his clipboard. "Tough love. Let the games begin."

Tell me about it.

Hello readers of wattpad!

So I guess this is a longish shortish chapter? Lol

I have a summer job so I don't really have all of that time to update but I do because I love writing this story!

So what did you think of Cecily and Matt?

What would their ship name be? Hmmm.

Did you like it?

What's going to happen at the gala and these BOYS at her house??!

Will she run into a boy she knows?

Let's find out next chapter!

Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE! (sharing is caring!) (>y<)

Thanks everyone for reading and fanning! Hahaha.

-Andy Jay :))

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