Proving You Wrong

De Laklynn_Hanlon

162K 4.9K 459

[Completed] "Sometimes we question the choices that take us to the places we end up. How did we get to where... Mais

Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: One Terrific Night
Chapter Three: The Following Days
Chapter Four: Propositions
Chapter Five: Requests
Chapter Six: Outside Perspectives
Chapter Seven: A New Façade
Chapter Eight: First Kiss
Chapter Nine: Secrets In the Open
Chapter Ten: Getting Closer
Needed to Say
Chapter Eleven: Another Opportunity
Chapter Twelve: A Night For The Books
Chapter Thirteen: Let Me Explain
Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness
Chapter Fifteen: The Night After
Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated
Chapter Eighteen: Complete Preparation
Chapter Nineteen: May I?
Chapter Twenty: Tell me
Chapter Twenty One: Good To Know
Chapter Twenty Two: Sweet Treats
Chapter Twenty Three: Wanting More
Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Darkness
Chapter Twenty Five: An Even Darker Disposition
Chapter Twenty Six: A New Point of View
Chapter Twenty Seven: The End of One, the Start of Another
Book #2 is out!

Chapter Sixteen: Last Day of Freedom

5.1K 181 4
De Laklynn_Hanlon

^^^The last of Kaden's tattoos is above, but that's not what it actually says, it's just what it would look like!^^^

~Faith's POV~

Okay so I may be a little of a planner.

I'm pretty sure I have everything you could ever need at a bonfire all set up. Between food, drinks, seating, and the fire itself, I think we're covered.

It's already six forty eight, they'll all be here soon. Mentally groaning, I made my way up stairs to go change. Quickly I stripped down to my bra and underwear while finding another outfit to wear. I started to put it on before a voice from behind startled me, "I didn't realize it was that kind of bonfire, I would've been over much sooner."

Instinctively, I found whatever I could, to cover me up, which in my case was only a large t-shirt, and spun around with a squeal to look at the source of my dismay. Which of course, was Kaden stinking Amante leaning out of his window as far as he could into my room.

"Leave me alone pervert!" I squealed, trying to stretch the shirt over my whole body.

"Not my fault, your window was open," he defended.

"That I can fix!" I growled out angrily. I simply walked over to the window and tugged it down, pulling the drapes afterward.

After mumbling a few more angry words to myself, I got dressed and headed back outside to the bonfire site. The grill was being manned by Christian. And if I say so myself, it smells pretty amazing, but Christian has always made the best hamburgers and hotdogs.

He learned from our dad. Doesn't that bring back memories?

As I sat myself on a log, I noticed Kaden approaching us along with all the boys and Teri. While they were still sauntering over, Teri practically galloped to me to give out a giant bear hug. This girl at be small, but she almost has the same strength as Kaden.

When the boys reached us, they greeted me with smiles, head nods, and another giant bear hug, this time from Chase. He spun me around, my feet grazing the grass, before putting me back down.

"I haven't seen you like forever Faith!" Chase mocked in a high pitched girly voice, and a bad one at that.

"Shut up butt munch,"

"Oooh, finally getting creative with our insults, are we?" I lightly shoved him in response. "Hey! No need to be so violent."

"I'm being bullied so it's self defense." As I retorted, I childishly stuck my tongue out at him then crossed my arms over my chest and turned my back to him. Childish indeed.

"Oh come on Faith, don't be like that." To torture him, well kind of, I stayed silent. "I'm sorry for whatever I said that pissed you off again."

Before I could turn around to respond, a voice beckoned from across the yard that brought my attention to it, and everyone else's for that matter. "Did I hear that right? Did THE Chase Rider just apologize to MY best friend?"

Oh Lexi, why do you have to be so dramatic?

Currently walking into my festive backyard, were my two best friends, Lexi and Sterling. I got a quick hug from the both of them before we all settled on the log seats I had placed around the soon to be fire.


The sky's brilliant bright lights have died down and now the only light in the area is coming from our marvelous bonfire. Everyone has grouped off and sat around the fire, involved in there own little conversations. On one log was Lexi and Sterling, and to the their left, but my right, by Sterling, was Christian, Logan and Teri on their own log. On the log by them was Chase and then Shane. The next log over was Kaden and I, thanks to the work of Lexi. Then on my other side was Chris and Jamie and on the last log between them and Lexi and Sterling were Tori and Riley.

As in, the girls that went to a party with Chris and Jamie at the beginning of the summer.

Guess they stuck around for some reason. It makes me think that there's something more to their story than just a one night stand.

"Okay! This bunch needs to liven up a little more. Let's all do something." A now standing and shouting Lexi brought us all out of our conversations and all eyes were on her.

"And what do you suggest, oh, drunken one?" I retorted in question, earning a chuckle from the group. Though, Lexi seemed unphased.

"Let's play a game. Truth or dare!"

Just about all the guys groaned in response. "Lexi, that's a child's game." Kaden commented.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to make it pleasurable." She retorted narrowing her eyes at him. I couldn't help but notice her emphasis on the word 'pleasurable'. "Let's do this! Who wants to start?" After a couple seconds Teri spoke up giddily.

"Okay, um... Logan! Truth or dare?"


"When we were younger, did you spill moms black-soil pot on our carpet and blame it on me?"

"Oh, uh, dare?"

"I knew it! You dick! I was grounded for weeks and had to clean the whole damn house, you little-"

"Language please, Terilynn." Logan interjected.

Teri had cut him off buy throwing herself at Logan and assaulting him with punches. It took all of Christian's strength to rip her off and hold her back, but it was a nice show for the rest of us.

"Jeez, PMS-ing much?" He asked cockily while rubbing the back of his head. "My turn? Chase, truth or dare?"

"Bro, do you even need to ask?"

"Dare it is then. Why don't you... Go make out with that tree."

Of course, Kaden just had to comment on that. "Really? A tree? Weak dude."

"Shut up."

We all watched as he walked over to a tree and started kissing it. Quite passionately, may I add. Though, that was only because he was just as drunk as Lexi. And of course, he and the boys were the ones who brought the beer in the first place.


For a while we played Truth Or Dare and everyone really began to open up and often did daunting dares. It was already past nine o'clock, but I don't think any of us intend on going home any time soon.

"Okay, uh, Faith! Truth or dare?" Lexi shouted across the fire.

I challenged her with a grin. "Dare."

"Take someone of your choice into the woods and suduce them. " My smirk faded as hers grew larger.

Fudge sickles! Who do I choose? Do I have to do this, or can I back out? I have to think quick; Everyone is starring at me for my decision. Oh, I'm not good under pressure. Um, it would be weird if I took a girl. People might think I'm a lesbian so my best friend is out. Sterling maybe? He's my other best friend so it wouldn't be awkward, I don't actually have to seduce him. No, I can't do that because then Kaden might think I'm cheating. I can't loose this game, but if I choose Kaden I'm sure his big fat head will swell even larger. Ugh, I don't have a choice do I?

Guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Let's just get this over with.

"What are the conditions of seduction?" I asked cautiously.

Slurring with a wink, she responded, "Just take em' into the woods and make out with em'. Grind on them if you are feeling dirty. Feel free to do more."

I grabbed Kaden's hand from beside me, pulling him up and leading him out to the woods. Okay let's see how this goes. Gosh, I really don't want to do this. Especially not with Kaden.

Multiple oohs and hollers were coming from the boys who were now all behind us. They kept yelling out, "Get it!" Which made my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Once we had gotten far enough in so that they couldn't see us, I stopped dragging him behind me and abruptly stopped beside a tree. Deciding I should talk first, I simply asked a question.

"So... Do I have to do this or can we just act like I did?"

With out answering he walked straight up to me, causing me to stumble backwards where my back met with a tree. I was up against a tree with Kaden only a few inches away. There was nothing I could do. Leaning down ever so slightly, he crashed his lips to mine. His right forearm rested on the tree trunk, just above my head, while the left hand was pulling me to him from the waist.

He was immediately begging for entrance with his tongue. Going against my better judgement, I let him.

I was melting from the kiss. It's just a good thing he was pushing me against the tree because my knees began to give out, and I would have fallen down if he weren't pressing himself to me.

It was bittersweet though, because all too soon, he pulled away. Wait, no, that's a good thing. I think. Head tilted down, to the point I couldn't look him in the eye, his lips hovered above mine by just a few miliimeters. So close, yet so far. They lightly brushed across my own as he gently spoke.

"Does that answer your question?"

The only response I could form was a slight nod. I didn't know what to say. For once, I was completely, and utterly speechless.

He tilted his head up to look me in the eyes. For what seemed like an eternity, but were merely a couple seconds, we stood there. Starring into his deep brown eyes.

They say you can see a person's soul by looking into their eyes and seeing farther than others would think to look. I believe whoever 'they' are. As I continue to make direct eye contact with the man I convinced myself that I loath, I consider this saying.

I see a boy that holds a lot of hurt behind his eyes. A boy that's looking for something to fill a hole in his life. Wherever it may be.
A boy that... That's been holding back his feelings and has put a wall up that is almost impossible to breakdown, but once someone does break it down, it's going to effect him deeply. Forever.

A rustling noise was coming from between the tress, but Kaden and I were a little too... Distracted with staring at each other as he was going in for another kiss, to acknowledge it. That is, until the thing making the sound announced its presence.

"I'm sorry, am I ruining a moment here?" A thick, manly British accented voice boomed from across the small clearing. Both of our heads immediately snapped up to look at the man making his way towards us. His whole ora was screaming, "DANGER". I don't know why, but I don't want him anywhere near to me.

Kaden immediately took a protective stance, throwing me behind him and holding an arm out to shield me. I sheepishly held onto his right bicep that was out in front of me, just so I could peer over his shoulder.

"Stay back," he quietly demanded, taking a look back at me. "What are you doing here?"
He questioned the man.

"We have some unfinished business to attend to."

"No, we don't. Not right now. Save it for the ring."

"But you see, Mr. Blackwood doesn't like lose ends."

"I'm very well aware of that. Why didn't he come himself?"

"Resting up. He's got one tomorrow. So he sent me." The man said strangely calm. Why isn't he the slightest bit as scared as I am of Kaden?

"Well why don't you tell him to talk to me personally." Venom oozed from Kaden's voice as he spoke of 'him'. Whoever Mr. Blackwood is, Kaden must hate him.

"Then what would the point of asking me to come here be?"

"Enough of your games Cornelius. Just leave!" The tone of Kaden's voice notified us both that he was done with this guy. But who is he? And why is he here?

"Oh come on Kaden, let's not be rude. There's a lady here." For the first time, he glanced at me. When his eyes met mine, they never left. I shuddered, knowing he was talking about me.

His brown locks were lightly twirled upon his head and his surprisingly green eyes made you feel like they were always watching you. Even though I hadn't the slightest clue as to who he was.

"You know," he started while slowly stepping closer to us. His eyes locked on me. "I could take something else back for Mr. Blackwood. I'm sure it would be so much more fun for him."

Stressing the words 'something else', did not sound good. I couldn't tell what he was hinting at though. Apparently Kaden did.
His hands swung back and landed on my waist. Holding it tightly from both sides he pulled me completely behind him.

"She's not on the table."

Me? What would anyone want with me?

Voices were becoming more audible from the other side of the trees. They sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't make them out fully.

"Hey Kaden! You guys have been gone for a while."

"Yeah! You know forest sex isn't very romantic!" Is that Chase?

Multiple laughs came from the side of the clearing and all of our heads snapped to see five teenage boys come into the clearing with smiles on their faces. The boys!

All of their eyes fluttered to the man and then landed on Kaden and I. Their smiles quickly faded into scowls as they probably realized what was going on. They probably had a better clue than I did. Almost instantly all the boys were by Kaden's side with a rigid stance.

"Shane, take faith back to the house." Kaden said passing be behind the other boys backs to Shane. "Tell the others the Bon fire is over. We have school tomorrow."

With a short nod, Shane was whisking me back off into the woods. Leaving the boys facing that guy. Why did he want me out of there? How did the boys know who that man was? He was just some random guy. Right? He seemed to know Kaden though. What the heck is going on?

After briskly putting out the fire and having everyone go home, Shane hurried me back into my house and followed me upstairs.
I quickly changed into the sweats Kaden had lent me at the beginning of the summer, in my bathroom and met Shane back on my bed. We sat in silence. Neither of us knowing what to say. Guess I'm going to have to ruin that.

"So... Do you want to talk about what just happened? Or shall I?"

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