The Devils princess

By hishalfangel

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18 years ago Alyssa's parents made a deal with the devil that if he made them pregnant with a baby, on the ch... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter sixteen

Chapter Twelve

89 8 0
By hishalfangel

Elijah started walking towards the demons with the hellhound by his side, he watched as their eyes went wide.

"Prince Elijah, what are you doing here?" One of the demons asks.

'God what are these two knuckleheads' names?' Elijah thought to himself, Elijah rolled his eyes.

"No time for that you knuckleheads, did a human leave through here?" He questioned as he watched as they looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Demon one turned to look at Elijah.

"Sir, this is hell. Human souls pass through here all the time, you know this, they never leave though." Demon one said, causing Elijah to roll his eyes.

"I know this, you imbecile. I'm not looking for an actual soul, I'm looking for a human. Her name is Alyssa. Have you two idiots seen her?" Elijah watched as demon one and demon two shook their heads.

"No sir, we haven't. Are you sure she came to the gates? No one can pass through the gate without us knowing." Demon two said.

Elijah growled as his eyes flashed red making the demons in front of him flinch.

“I know she didn’t go through the gates. you dumb-fucks, we were playing a game of cat and mouse and she had got away from me and by the time I had caught up to her she somehow managed to find a witch and the witch knocked me upside the head with a magic blast and I passed out. I woke up and saw them in front of me and when I tried to get to the human, that bitch of a witch hit me with a fireball."

He held up his hand as Demon one opened his mouth, no doubt to interrupt him, making Elijah's eyes flash red. If Elijah hated anything it was being interrupted. 

"Yes I know fire shouldn't harm me, that's why I'm confused." He said as he put his hand down as the demon closed his mouth.

"Anyway, the agony was so bad that I passed out again. I woke up and that bitch of a witch was gone with the human, I got up and went home then summoned a hellhound and got something of the human that had her scent so the hellhound could track her smell and the hellhound lead me here. Now stop wasting my time and open the gates!" Elijah snapped, making the demons rush to open gates.

A few hours later Elijah found himself on the realm of the living with the hellhound who now instead of being seven foot tall was a small lap dog being carried around by Eljah. He looked down at the hellhound.

“Are you enjoying this, you little shit?” Elijah asked with an eye roll as the hellhound barked and licked his face. After a short walk Elijah stood a few feet away from Alyssa's parents house hearing the hellhound quietly growling in his arms.

“Is she really stupid enough to come to the place she knew I would look?” he said to himself as the hellhound continued to growl in a high-pitched tone.

Elijah snapped his fingers making the hellhound slowly vanish, he made sure his footsteps were quiet as he crossed the yard and up the steps hearing movement and voices.

Elijah knocked on the door hearing both voices and movement go quiet, he waited a few seconds before he heard a voice whisper something to someone before hearing footsteps heading towards the door as he heard another set of footsteps heading away from the door. He watched as the door came open just a little, a chain was connected to the door holding the door closed the rest of the way.

Elijah saw Christopher, Alyssa’s father, standing behind the door. Christopher gave Lucifer a shaky smile, his eyes darting around the yard, never staying on Elijah’s face for long, telling Elijah he was nervous.

“Lucifer! What can we do for you?” Christopher asked in a fake cheerful tone causing Elijah to raise an eyebrow.

“Cut the chit-chat, I know she’s here so let me in, if she comes with me willingly then no one gets hurt. If she doesn’t, well then. You know you disappointed me for the last time.” Elijah said with a chuckle.

Christopher shook his head, looking at him confused.

“She who?” Christopher asked confusedly, Elijah rolled his eyes, he knew the human was lying to him, he could smell the fear rolling off of him in waves.

“I know you are not stupid so stop pretending to be. You know damn well who I am talking about.” He snapped as his eyes flashed angry red.

Christopher flinched as his eyes met Elijah’s before he gulped, flicking his eyes away from Elijah.

“Oh, you mean Alyssa! Of course you mean Alyssa, who else would you mean?” He rambled nervously.

Christopher flinched again as Eljiah growled. Christopher cleared his throat.

“I'm sorry Lucifer. I have no idea where she is, now if you don't mind I need to get back to my wife.” Christopher closed the door before the sound of footsteps walking away from the door hit Elijah’s ears. 

Elijah growled as the door closed in his face. He backed up before sending his foot into the door. Elijah heard Alyssa's mother, Amy, let out a scream of fear as the door hit the floor. Elijah paid no attention to the woman’s scream as he locked eyes with Christopher who was holding a shotgun and it was pointed right at Elijah, the hand holding the gun shaking a little.

“Move another step and I’ll blow your brains out.” Christopher said calmly, his eyes still showing fear, Elijah saw Amy hiding in the corner as she sobbed.

Elijah looked over at Amy.

“Quit your crying. This is the third time I have seen you since I took Alyssa, yet you still seem to be crying. Are you ever gonna run out of tears? I’m gonna tell you something I hear you humans say a lot, just get over it.” he said calmly in a smart-ass tone as Amy stared at him in horror before whispering.

“You’re nothing but a monster!”

Elijah let a cocky smirk come onto his lips before chucking.

“Excuse you. I am not just a monster, I am the devil and you will show respect to that title.” he said.

Elijah kept the same cocky smirk resting onto his lips as he looked down at the gun before looking at the man holding the gun. Elijah stepped forward till the barrel of the gun was pressed deep into his chest.

“Now as for you. Shoot me, if you dare.” he whispered in a teasing manner as his eyes flashed red.

Christopher’s eyes went wide in shock as Elijah let his chest rest against the barrel but Christopher didn’t think to give it a second thought as he pulled the trigger with a shout of anger paying no attention to his wife’s scream as he did so. 

There was a loud bang as the shotgun fired off, Elijah could feel bones being punched through as the bullet entered his chest. He could feel his legs start to go numb as blood splattered on the door frame, his legs buckled beneath him. Elijah slumped against the door frame sliding down it as a fog came over his brain

"get the bags we need to get out of here!” Christopher said in a panicky voice.

Christopher and Amy both ran off leaving Elijah to himself. He let out a statistical chuckle as his blood began to boil and evaporate the carpet. He took a deep breath before digging in his chest feeling for the bullet.

Elijah hissed out a breath of pain as his fingers touched the bullet inside his chest, he pulled the bullet out of his chest feeling the bullet hole begin to close up.

He held the bullet up into light, he could feel magic coming from it but he couldn’t tell who made it or even what type of magic. He heard two sets of hurried footsteps before he saw Christopher and Amy come around the corner. Christopher and Amy's eyes went wide as they stopped short seeing Elijah standing in front of them, he watched as Amy gulped before she leaned over to Christopher and whispered.

“I thought the bullet was meant to kill him?”. Elijah smirked

“I've asked nicely so now let’s try this the fun way, shall we? Well fun for me anyway.”

Elijah’s eyes flashed red as he gripped Christopher, lifting him up high in the air, making Christopher kick his feet as he clawed at Elijah’s hand to get it away from his neck.

“Now since you didn’t give me an answer that I clearly know that you know, you're gonna hang here till you give me the answer i wanna know.” Eljiah said calmly as he slowly started to tighten his grip out of anger.

Elijah watched as the man turned pale from lack of oxygen. Elijah slowly let his grip loosen watching as Christopher took deep, hard breaths as color returned to his face.

“Now. I’ll ask again, where is Alyssa?!” he hissed out demanding an answer.  Christopher took one last deep breath before looking up at Elijah.

“We really don't know where she is, even if we did know where she was, why would we tell you?” Christopher snapped. Elijah chuckled as his eyes flashed angry red again.

“You already betrayed her once, what's stopping you from doing it again?.” He said in a low evil voice.

A few hours had gone by and Eljiah was now leaning against the wall as he looked at the badly beaten Christopher as he breathed hard. He knew by now neither the man nor the woman knew where his prey was but he had to get his anger out somehow.

He grew tired of hearing Amy sob and walked over to her, pulling her up by the arm, he lifted her arm and walked her to her and Christopher’s bedroom, he pushed her onto the bed, his eyes flashed a dark purple as he lifted his arm waving it front of her as he whispered "sleep" watching as eyes dropped and she fell backwards onto the bed as light snores came from her.

Elijah looked down at his knuckles, they were of course healed because of his powers. He sighed as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed up his dad’s number. He didn’t have to wait long before hearing his father, Maxwell’s voice.

“Have you found the human girl yet?”

Elijah rolled his eyes.

“No hello, father? Where are your manners?” Elijah said teasingly before continuing in a serious tone as he heard his father growl in anger.

“No, sir I have not. I tracked her scent using a hellhound and it led me to earth then led me to her parents house where Christopher, her dad, tried to shoot me.” he explained.

His dad was quiet for a few seconds. “What do you mean, her dad tried to shoot you? Bullets can't hurt us. You know this.” his father asked calmly but sternly.

Elijah sighed, almost as if he was already bored. Elijah picked up the bullet rolling it around in his fingers. “That's what I said, isn’t it? I know bullets can't hurt us but the bullet he shot me with isn’t a normal bullet. It seems to have some sort of magic embedded into it, I'm not sure what kind of magic though.” Elijah explained as he continued to examine the bullet. 

His dad sighed.

“I'm sending you a warlock, his name is Victor. He should be able to tell you who made the bullet or at least where it came from.” he said, Elijah didn’t have time to say anything back before his father hung up.

Elijah didn’t have to wait long before he heard a pop and turned around to see an old man standing there, he watched as the old man hobbled over.

“Maxwell sent me, now where is this ‘special’ bullet that can kill the supernaturals?” The old man he now knew was Victor, said holding up a hand that shook from old age.   

Elijah placed the bullet in Victor’s hand, he watched as Victor closed his eyes as he made a fist around the bullet. Victor started mumbling words too fast for Elijah to catch as a bright light came from between his fingers.

Elijah watched curiously as Victor opened his eyes and locked his eyes on Elijah's. “This bullet was enchanted with dark fae magic.” Victor said as his next words were cut off as Elijah cut in.

“what would a fae want to do with a human?” Elijah asked.

Victor rolled his eyes before shaking his head.

"Wait, your dad said something about her having a witch with her right?” at Elijah’s nod  Victor continues.

“Well I should be able to track either where the witch is now or where she was.” Victor said.

A short while later Elijah was at the diner, Victor had said the witch and Alyssa was at. He could see tire tracks like someone had driven out the parking lot as if they were in a hurry and Elijah knew the warlock was right about the diner. He walked towards the door to the diner, he opened the door and walked in.

Elijah paid no attention to the looks he was getting as he walked over to a waitress and cleared his throat as she was too busy cleaning a table to notice he was behind her. Elijah held in a chuckle as she let out a scream before turning to face him. Elijah watched in amusement as her eyes went wide as they locked on his.

“H-hello sir. M-my n-name is B-Bonnie. W-Welcome to D-Dazzling dinner d-diner. W-What-can i g-get s-started f-for y-you, s-sir?” The waitress he now knew as Bonnie, thanks to her name tag asked, stuttering over her words.

Elijah gave the woman a charming smile.

“Hello love. I’m looking for two people and I was hoping you could point in the direction they went in.'' Eljah said.

Bonnie looked at him, running her eyes over Elijah’s body.

“Are you a cop? You don't look like a cop.” She said in a skeptical tone.

Elijah let out a soft fake chuckle.

“No, darling. I’m just a very worried friend looking for his friends. Are there any video cameras I can look at?” Elijah asked. 

Bonnie looked at him in a skeptical manner.

“Shouldn’t you call the cops if two of your friends are missing?” she snapped.

Elijah held in a growl of anger “lady. The cops won't do shit and you and I both know that, show me the goddamn video tapes and let me try to find my friends or I can and will gladly make your life a living hell.” He growled in a low and dangerous tone.

Bonnie’s eyes went wide in fear before she nodded and started to walk off in a hurry.

“Please, follow me sir.” she whispered fearfully. He let a smirk rest on his lips as he followed her, they soon stopped at a door.

Bonnie knocked on the door. “Come in!” a voice shouted from behind the door, Bonnie opened the door and stepped aside letting Elijah walk through the door.

“Sir. This young man is looking for a couple of friends that went missing.  He was wondering if he could look at the video tapes we have of the diner, even though I told him he should call the cops.”

Elijah heard Bonnie say from behind him as he locked eyes with a man with a bald head and brown eyes, sitting behind a desk with a laptop in front of him. The man sitting in front of Elijah nodded.

“We can let him look, Bonnie. There’s no harm in looking but you are right, this young man should call the cops.” The man said. Elijah waited a few seconds before he heard the door close softly behind him.

“Let me see the video tapes.” he demanded, the man nodded and turned to face the laptop, pressing a few buttons and turned the laptop to face Elijah. Elijah watched the video, it felt like it took forever but Alyssa and the witch finally showed up on screen.

Elijah watched as they went in. The man pressed a few buttons on the laptop making the laptop screen show inside the diner, Elijah watched as the girls began to talk before Bonnie showed up taking their drink order before she paused, it seemed like she was listening to someone off camera.

Bonnie then took their food order before walking off. Fast forwarding the video, Elijah watched as the video played for a few seconds. Elijah watched as a lady with purple hair walked up to the table and talked to the girls, Elijah paused the video before looking at the man sitting beside him

“Do you know this woman?” Elijah demanded, pointing to the screen, the man looked at the screen

“ah, yes I do. That’s lilly. She comes to the diner at least once a week. She lives a few blocks over from the diner” the man said. Elijah unpaused the video and a few seconds went by  before Alyssa got up to follow her. He watched as the witch grabbed her armed and stared at her before Alyssa sat down. The girls soon got up and left some money on the table before they walked out. A few seconds later he watched as the two demons he sent after them came on screen and the fight began, he fast forward a little and couldn’t help but smirk as he watched the girls drive away and he caught the license plate.

“There you are, little mouse. Ready or not, here I come.” he whispered.

A few mins later Elijah decided to go see Lilly, he had a feeling she was a piece to this puzzle. He walked out of the diner and began to walk to her house, he soon stood outside of the house. He walked up the steps of her house and knocked, Elijah only had to wait for a few seconds before a woman who had purple hair just like Lilly did answered the door.

Elijah could feel magic coming from the woman. He gave the woman a charming smile

“Hello, miss.Lilly, I'm looking for two of my friends. The diner up the road said you were the last one that talked to them, is that true?” Elijah asked calmly.

Elijah didn’t have time to think as the woman suddenly gripped his shirt pulling him inside and slammed him against the wall, before he could react there was a knife pressed against his neck, the tip of the knife nicked it. blood dripping down from the mark.

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