The Aftons and Emilies React...

By LightandDarkFiction

2.4K 33 8

During another normal day at Fredbear's Family Diner, a strange man in a dark hoodie and red leather jacket l... More

The Box
Gathering the Watch Party
The First Tape
Painful Revelations
Author's Note
Courage and Cowardice


221 2 1
By LightandDarkFiction

He had never been so far out of the city. He did travel between Hurricane and New Harmony quite frequently, but never in the country. Finally, he arrived at what must be the Hermit's cabin. Only, it had been burnt to the ground; William observed that it had been vacant for quite some time.
Dreading facing Henry and his family again and wanting to delay the meeting further, he got out of his vehicle with the box of tapes and walked over to the cabin. It was rather simple; only what used to be a living room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms one belonging to adults and the other belonging to a child. The furniture had been damaged beyond repair, but there was a television that was still functional. Curious, William approached it.
The outer casing of it was charred and, by all logic, it should have been destroyed. Yet, somehow, it remained. William took hold of the rabbit ears on top of it and tuned the television. After a while, the floor in an area in the middle of the hallway connecting the rooms popped up with a loud grinding noise, as if it had torn free from the very foundation of the residence. He cautiously approached it.
The middle of the hallway was sticking up before the rest of the foundation. A secret passage, perhaps? William knew the Hermit was peculiar and perhaps even dangerous, but he never expected this. He carefully set the box down and lifted the new entrance.
It was surprisingly heavy. He recalled how scrawny the Hermit was and compared it to himself. William was hefty. He was not muscular, but he was a big man. If he could barely lift the ledge, how could someone as scrawny as the Hermit lift it? Then, he thought back to a time when he and Henry caught him attempting to steal a pizza oven to "look for lore," whatever that meant. Perhaps this man was physically stronger than he seemed?
Finally, he managed to open this new doorway and discovered a staircase. It looked rather new and recently cleaned. He grabbed the box and proceeded down. It was a long staircase and William was faint and out of breath as he reached the bottom. Before him stood a heavy iron door with a sliding peephole and iron walls. Was this a bunker? Hastily, he knocked on the door.
Just as quickly as he knocked, the peephole slid open and the man's high-tone voice, muffled by the door, spoke to him. "That's just a theory..." He awaited a response. William had seen this before; the man wanted him to finish the phrase before opening the door.
"My name is William Afton," he said. "I had you escorted out. I should have had you arrested, but Henry talked me out of it."
Immediately, the Hermit unlocked the door and opened it. "Have you finished them?" he asked. His voice was desperate.
"I've seen enough," William answered roughly. "Henry has seen enough. My wife and children have seen enough. My wife was horrified by your predictions. Michael was mortified at what you predicted he would do!"
"But, he will," the Hermit said. "I saw it. That's not a theory or a prediction. It's a fact."
"How do you know?" William growled. "Michael has always been jealous of his brother and hateful toward him, but he would never hurt him!"
"Did I get the prank right?"
"You did, but-"
"Of course I did! Because I saw it happen!"
"How?" William had lost his patience a long while ago.
"That doesn't matter," he said. "But I can prove it."
"I'm not interested in your proof," William said. "I brought the tapes back. We don't wish to finish them."
The man just looked at them, then he glanced back at William. "I can't take them back."
William groaned. "I'm not in the mood for your games. Take them."
"You saw what'll happen to you, but you want to return them?"
William stared in silence before speaking again. "How do you know this is what will happen?"
"I don't," the man said. "But, how do you know it won't?"
William looked at the box and sighed. How did he know those tapes were a hoax? This man did seem to know their past and inward feelings. Why would they be hoaxes?
"If I continue to watch them and subject my family to this torture, what then?"
The man stepped closer and said, "Then change."
William closed the box and started back up the stairs when he heard the man call out.
"Or not," he said. "You could burn the tapes and live your lives. Perhaps, some things are best left forgotten. Forever."
William turned back around to say something, but the Hermit had already closed the door with a metallic clang!
He just continued up the stairs with the box and to his vehicle. With one last look at the burned-down shack, he started his car and drove back to his house.

Evan, Charlotte, and Elizabeth were playing in his room with the plush toys that William had gifted them. Usually, Evan was playful around his sister and best friend, but this time, he was melancholy. Something was plaguing his mind and it rather concerned Elizabeth and Charlotte.
"What's wrong, Evan?" Charlotte asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Choking on tears, he stuttered, "D-Does Mike h-hate me? W-Why did he d-do that?"
Charlotte pulled him in for a hug and his tears began to flow.
"He don't hate you," Elizabeth said. "He's an idiot, but he don't hate you."
Evan snuffled. "Y-You think so?"
"Of course!" Charlotte said.
Suddenly, they heard a knock at the doorway. They turned and saw Michael standing there, full of shame. Elizabeth and Charlotte stood up ready to protect Evan.
"What are you doing here, Mike?" Elizabeth asked.
"I came to talk to Evan," Michael said. His voice was low and guilt-ridden; something Charlotte recognized.
"He don't want to talk to you!" Elizabeth said.
Charlotte looked at Elizabeth and whispered, "I think he means it this time."
"How do you know?" Elizabeth whispered back.
"I just know."
Evan gently touched his sister's arm. Rubbing his eyes, he said, "It's okay, Liz."
He stepped out toward his older brother, gripping his Fredbear plush tightly.
Michael knelt to look him in the eye, and said, "That wasn't fun, was it?"
Evan shook his head and looked away.
"Evan...I'm sorry. I've been an awful jerk to you and there's no excuse for it." Tears began to well up in his eyes. "I'm sorry for scaring you and I'm sorry for making your life...a living Hell." Despite his best efforts, the tears came.
Evan just stood there in shock. He had never seen his brother this vulnerable. Usually, he was sarcastic or moody, not emotional.
Not knowing what else to do, he reached his Fredbear plush to his brother. Michael looked up with tears flowing from his eyes and smiled.
Evan smiled back. "H-He always cheers me up."
Michael hugged his brother while repeating the words, "I'm sorry."
Tears began to form in Evan's eyes, but they were not tears of sadness like they normally are. No, he was overjoyed to discover that his brother does love him. For years, he worried that Michael hated him. He wanted him to love him and he did everything in his power to get Michael to love him. Now, he knew that his older brother loved him already.
Smiling, Evan whispered, "I forgive you, Mike."

A/N: That makes another chapter and thank y'all for reading! I'm sorry I made y'all wait for it, but I'm a little bit busy with college and whatnot. Thank y'all again for reading! Please, remember to save, vote, follow, and comment what you think! Thanks for your support! Love y'all! ❤️

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