flowers of poison

By Chaos_star8

432 3 1

Todobakudeku's kids, Triplets. Akira, Akari and Akihiro. Akira and Akari are tired of the fucked up hero syst... More

Prologue: How it began
Part one: Getting started
Part 2: Call me Ruri
The kids
Part 3: Meeting of the 2'nd Gen
Part 4: Chaos at the Market
Part 5: Letters and hiccups
Part 6: The encounter
Part 7: Halloween
Part 8: Candy Trading and the Food Catastrophe
Part 9: The Late Night Visit and the Room of Doom
Part 10: It's...
Part 11: Merciless
Part 12: Quirk overuse
Part 13: Explosion
Part 14: Puppy love
Part 15: Love?
Extra: Parallels
Part 16: Never have I ever...
Part 17: A night in the life of Akari
Part 18: Storm
Part 19: How to catch a pair of rabbits
Part 20: Awkward family reunion
Part 21: Questions
Part 22: Promise
Part 23: The rink
Part 24: Drama, on ice
Part 25: Snacks and drinks
Part 26: Doubt
Part 27: Nostalgia, Panic and Friendship
Part 28: Almost forgotten
Part 29: Robbery and dating?
Part 30: Early morning adventures
Part 31: Why me?
Part 32: Remembrance
Extra: Happy birthday to you!
Part 33: Plot holes and discussions
Part 34: Planning
Part 35: Mugging
Part 36: Forgetting
Part 37: Overslept
Part 38: New rule
Part 39: 264
Part 40: Hello?
Part 41: Resurfacing memories
Part 42: Keep her?
Part 43: Discoveries
Part 44: Our new normal
Part 45: Getting settled
Part 46: Drawbacks
Part 47: Chaos is thy name
Part 48: Hot sauce poisoning
Part 49: Frosting and blood sisters
Part 50: A great rescue and swim lessons
Part 51: Getting help
Part 52: Rejoining the group
Part 53: New gadget and Aki's shortcut
Part 54: The start of the search
Part 55: The Evergreen Estate
Part 56: A room to remember
Part 57: Artistic metaphors
Part 58: In the valley between nowhere and everywhere
Part 59: Two truths and a lie
Part 60: Lunabella's outing
Part 61: Night market
Part 62: Can't sleep
Part 63: What is it?
Part 64: Time to wake up
Part 65: The past is a ghost that likes to haunt
Part 66: Natural
Part 67: What to do
Part 68: Giggles
Part 69: Underground is where we remain unfound
Part 70: Love at first sight
Part 71: Art and Arguments
Part 72: Making up
Part 73: Were they right?
Part 74: We miss them
Part 75: Stuck
Part 76: What the duck?
Part 77: A new course
Part 78: Songbird and the Sword
Part 79: Friends; old and new
Part 80: Planning
Part 81: Picnic and Panic
Part 82: Surprise, surprise
Part 84: Wrong
Part 85: Too loud
Part 86: Shit.
Part 87: Missed
Part 88: Just one cup
Part 89: Stress days, wiped away
Part 90: The person I see is not me
Part 91: Are you sure?
Part 92: Premonition and Talking it out
Part 93: Alone
Part 94: Just a branch... Probably.
Part 95: Fear and Relief
Part 96: Conversations in the Garage
Part 97: Letters for Myself
Part 98: Olive Branch
Part 99: Self argument
Part 100: Bara
Part 101: The things I know
Part 102: Ice cream cuts and Morning brunch
Part 103: Too late
Part 104: Family can Annoy You
Part 105: Through hail or storm
Part 106: Weird Dreams and Missing Things
Part 107: You're not alone
Part 108: Art and Arguments
Part 109: Ceiling talks
Part 110: A Rabbit, an oversized Bird and a Crate of Cats
Part 111: Breaking NDAs and into Arcade Games
Part 112: Can you tell me what matters?
Part 113: Watching.
Part 114: My dread (of the existential variety)
Part 115: Enter Ghost Strike: The Ghost Arm hero
Part 116: The Civiy Name
Part 117: Heroes and Head Injuries
Part 118: Life's Questions and Life's Laughter
Part 119: The Train and the Mall
Part 120: The Garden
Part 121: Not Everyone Can Be Helped.
Part 122: Checked Out

Part 83: Interroga- Interview

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By Chaos_star8

So my little sister is out of detention as of tomorrow, Tuesday, which will have passed by the time this part is posted and as of today my brother's bump has gone down and is just a bruise by this point.


6: 30 A.M.

Satori P.O.V.

I wake up all too early to the sound of screeching as Riku slams into my room and I catch a momentary shout from our dads out in the hall. "THEY KNOW! THEY KNOW! wAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Riku screams forcefully, pointedly shoving me out of bed and onto the floor between the wall and my bed.

I groan briefly opening my eyes to glare at the dim sunlight peeking through the thin curtains my parents bought in hopes it would make getting me up in the mornings easier. Jokes on them, it didn't work.

"Satori! Come on!" Riku screams.

'Oh yeah, he's still here. I wonder what this is abou-'

I let out a choked wheeze as the wind in knocked out of me, pain exploding across my sleep stiff back as it snaps and cracks under the weight of the pre- teen. Riku just vaulted over the bed and onto my back. 

My eyes rip back open and I feel my wings pull out from my back. I flap them, hard, knocking Riku to the ground, face first as I flutter to my feet before whirling around on him "What the flying fuck, Riku! What the in the hell is wrong with you?" I seethe. Okay I may not be the most agreeable person when I first wake up in the mornings, but I'm not the only one, at least I don't throw people across the room when startled awake like Ari used to.

Riku backs away slowly "Jeez, there's nothing wrong with me. I just thought you'd want to know the cops are here and asking for you, but if you don't..."



"You said the cops were here."

"Are here."


"Maybe they found out about the research we've been doing and are going to take us in and explain next to nothing like they did with Yuni,"

"Or they found out about the trespassing." I hiss under my breath

"... yeah that too."

"We need to warn the others!"

"We need to leave! We can warn the others when we're a safe distance away."

"But they'll be able to tap into the walkies, we won't be able to meet up! We need Hato, he can't have left yet."

"No way. He's in hero training, you think he won't just turn us over?"


"Don't you remember what happened at UA, before the sleepover?"

"Yeah... I guess you'r-" I don't get to finish my sentence because just then a feather flies under the door and unlocks it from the inside. We both freeze before dropping to the floor, my smooth wings puffing up again.

I can practically hear Riku grinding his teeth from here as a single pair of boots walk through the doors "Miss Takami, we would like to talk to you."

Riku takes a deep breath and pops up before I can grab him "And what is the subject for this conversation?" He starts.

"She and her friend are believed to be key eyewitnesses and we need to take them down to the station to talk." They gruff tired voice says and honestly, I understand, I don't want to be awake right now, it's too early, and this blanket is so comfortabl-

"Tori! Tori!" I wake to sharp kick in the ribs with an undignified screech and yank Riku's feet out from under him, as pay back. He kicks me in the jaw in response and I [with a clear mind and definitely no blood lust in my heart] lunge for him only to by grabbed the back of my sleep shirt with large holes now torn in the back from my wings.

I'm dropped on the bed and immediately sink into the soft surface, my eyes fluttering shut as I stretch out, only to be rudely jarred from my sleep for the third time in one morning, which I will not stand for, by a red feather, of which is not my own. 

I sit up abruptly, snatching it out of the air in a tight fist, my black talons digging into the palm of my hand and drawing out pinpricks of blood as I break the spine of the damned thing with my grip before lighting it on fire, so he knows just how I feel about this whole ordeal. 

"I talked to Tsuki, he just wants to talk to you and Sora about your interaction with those bunny vigilantes." Riku wheezes from the floor

"Eat shit and die." I snap crawling off of bed and dragging my feet to the door carrying a surprising about of discarded clothes with me into the hall, I manage to kick them all off by the time I reach the stairs and jump off the top step, using my wings to glide to the ground rather than walking.

I stare blandly at the detective who I could care less about, I want pancakes. So I ignore him, instead rounding on my papa who's standing next to my dad, who currently looks disappointed and a bit hurt, while my papa, the more important of the two in this situation, who looks a little proud but is trying to hide it, this doesn't matter so I also ignore it.

"Food." I demand eloquently

"Talk to him first." Dad says waving towards the black haired man rather than turning me towards him with a feather

"No. Food."

"I'll pack your breakfast in your lunch box you can eat on the way to school" Papa says brushing past me placing a tense but gentle hand on my shoulder.

I groan and turn back towards the detective staring up at him "Follow me." He says before turning away and I yawn, eyes watering and I go to scratch at the side of my face only remembering my talons when I feel their sharp tips on my cheekbone, I quickly curl my hand and rub roughly at the itchy skin with my knuckles, which doesn't do much.

A backpack, lunch box, smaller sack and shoes are shoved into my hands and I'm quickly nudged out of the door, hugged and piled into the small police van with tinted windows so dark it seems like night. 

'I wonder if they have different cars to drive around at night, cause this cannot be safe.'

"Satori" Sora hisses shaking my shoulder as my eyes snap open, I didn't even notice them close.

"Sora! Hi!" I grin "Can you explain more of what's going on?" 

"Sure, if you think you can stay awake." She smiles and I grin pulling separate Bento box out from the top, this one is not mine. Mine is red and always wrapped in a yellow cloth with white polka dots. This one is Hato's old one and clearly storing my breakfast.

My stomach gurgles as Sora begins telling me factually what she'd been told earlier at her own house. I keep glancing at her as I unwrap the blue cloth dotted with cartoonish white clouds, revealing the wooden box. I pull the lid off and grab my chopsticks, frowning slightly at the eggs, rice and cubes of cooked octopus I know Hato asked to be made for breakfast today, but I still really wanted pancakes.

"So they really just want to question us about meeting those vigilantes?" I ask, covering my mouth, still full with half of my breakfast which I scarfed down only slowing when it stopped feeling like my stomach was no longer trying to eat itself, to prevent myself from spraying bits of rice, egg and chew octopus over the driver's seat in front of me.

"Apparently." Sora shrugs, seeming unbothered but the way her earphone jack is twisting around a short strand of hair framing her face definitely conveys some nervousness.

I do the only thing I know how to do in moments of awkward emotion "Do you want some?" I ask offering out a blue chopstick with a piece of grilled octopus skewered on the end. 

"No, I ate a granola bar at home." She says and this fills me with an almost overwhelming amount of concern that is absolutely excessive, and I've never felt this about anyone else, but it doesn't seem that way right now. 

I pause, thinking back to a moment when someone [who, exactly, escapes me at the moment] said Sora would do anything for me or something along those lines. I blink and hold it out to her again "Please? For me?" 

She glances at me from the corner of her eye and sighs, taking it from my grasp and eating it delicately, she hands it back with an arched brow as I brush away the urge to flutter my wings in excitement in leu of more important matters, those being depositing the bento box into Sora's lap and encouraging her to eat more.

We sit in silence as Sora eats my food and I stare out the window until the places the container back in my lap, revealing she ate the majority of the half that was left but still saved me some to finish. I grin over at her shifting my seat so my wings can move freely as they please.

I begin to leave the rest of the octopus for Hoshi before realizing she isn't in our school anymore and Hato is probably going to take her some anyways, when he finally heads for school. I finish off the food and pack it away by the time we pull up to the large office building.

The divider between the front seat and the back rolls down and the driver, a surly looking officer with a big dark mustache and even bigger and darker sunglasses despite the fact that the sun was just beginning to fully lift itself over the edge of the horizon and the extremely tinted windows.

I begin scooting towards Sora's side of the car, forcing her out of the car before she can cut out a sharp retort and land us in some shit that we've already been lucky to avoid so far, even I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Although I don't thank him and I slam the door a bit harder than necessary, scratching the paint job with my talons before turning to Sora, hiking my back up higher on my shoulders "Shall we?" I ask offering my arm to her as she eyes the scratches and slightly mangled metal of the door with approval

"That we shall." She hums hooking her arm around mine as we're usher towards the door by several officers who were riding in a separate car with the detective.

All three of my bags along with Sora's book bag, which no doubt contains her lunch, are confiscated by the authorities and taken away as I shout over my shoulder "Good luck looking through my math homework! And you can keep my English homework if you want!"

'Fuck knows I only finished half of it.'

I sigh, wishing at least some of my friends were in my year so I could cheat off of their homework, there's only so much I can copy from Hato's homework before being accused of plagiarism or something, I'm pretty sure that not how it works but then again I don't study law and neither does my English teacher.

Sora and I are led to separate rooms, not that I don't try multiple times to stick by her side, but all attempts ultimately fail.

I sit in the uncomfortable metal chair that was definitely not designed with those pertaining avian features in mind and I momentarily contemplate how much trouble I'd be in if I rip out some of the slats so my wings could fit through.

The door opens right as I begin to reach for the back of the chair to remodel it, revealing an unfamiliar woman who sits across from me. "So Ms. Takami, I'm here to ask you some questions, I hope you answer them honestly."

"Why were you out so late two nights ago with Ms. Yaoyorozu?"

"Cause I could sleep and I was kind of worried she was mad at me so I wanted to get her some food to make up for it."

"And why did you think she'd be mad at you?" She asks calmly in a voice that makes this feel more like a therapy session more than an interrogation which just makes it worse.

"I pushed too far with a joke when she was tired and she snapped."

"Right, and what led you to that alleyway?"

"We were just trying to kill time as we finished our drinks." I shrug sitting on the edge of my seat so my wings to brush the back of the chair

"And where did the sword come from?" She asks marking things off in her clipboard with sharp scratches which grate at my ears.

"Is that really important? I needed it for self defense." I snark, beginning to lean back cooly but deciding against it and lean forward instead

"According to our knowledge you met Ruri and Kurenai, a pair of vigilantes we've been trying to bring in for a while now, did they say anything of note to you?"

"Why would they?"

"We know you know about the stargazer project."

"How?" I gasp, taken aback for a second before she says.

"Your friend, Uraraka, we brought her in a couple weeks ago. She told you, didn't she? She doesn't seem like the type capable of keeping secrets." She says scanning the file clipped in the very back.

I stand abruptly, the chair clattering to the thinly carpeted floor with a bang. "HOw dare you." I seethe "Yuni is the kindest most loyal person I know you fuckfaced bitch, and she can absolutely keep a secret. I hope you die a slow painful death from acute radiation poisoning." I snarl my teeth gnashing together, nearly chopping off the tip of my tongue with a sharp clack. It's too damn early for people to be shit talking my friends.

She glares up at me but I can smell the needle thin spike of fear coming off of her as she begins to sweat, staring up into my blue eyes "Ms. Takami, I suggest you calm yourself and take a seat, you would want this... situation to bring up your old aggravated assault case, would you?"

Oh that was fucking low. "That guy punched my brother; I only did what I had to." I bite but pick up the chair and throw myself back onto it, not caring when my sharpened wings slice through the bars in the back, golden flames smoothing the sharp edges, making it infinitely more comfortable.

"Luckly, it doesn't have to come to that, we just want to know what they said." 

I sigh preparing to pull up the shitty recall part of my brain.


7: 45 A.M.

Sora P.O.V.

I sit talking in a hushed voice with my lawyer, who showed up shortly after I sat down, the door opens to reveal a woman with horribly bleach blonde hair, tied at the base of her neck, her pantsuit looks a little rumpled too. Honestly if I felt just a tiny bit sorrier for her, I'd offer to pay for a salon trip and a much better drycleaner, except there's this look in her eyes that sets me on edge and I don't like it so ignore her unstately appearance and opt for practiced pleasantness.

I stand, quickly straightening out my school uniform, and bow to her shallowly but respectfully "Hello, I'm Sora Ayane Yaoyorozu, I'm assuming you're the one conducting this interview." 

"Yes." She says curtly and we both sit down again, now that she's closer I can tell that her black eyebrows are actually brown with singed ends, meaning she probably pissed Satori off, serves her right.

I quickly brush the smart thought and smug look off my face as my lawyer begins to speak for me, until "Ms. Yaoyorozu, why did you choose to arm Ms. Takami with a sword with her past history of aggravated assault?"

My lawyer arches her brow and glances at me as I straighten in my seat, finally something I can answer. "Because she's clearly well trained in the art of swordsman ship, and we were not aiming to kill, just self defense, I doubt you would have preferred I armed her with a gun." I hum before registering the last part of her sentence, too busy coming up with a response for the first half. I clear my throat "That aggravated assault case was dropped because there was evidence supporting and unprovoked transgression at the suing party's end. And if you bothered to look any further, you'd find that the case was dropped because the Takami's sued their family back for ten times the amount with said evidence supporting them."

The interviewer, who's name I haven't gotten and don't want to get looks a bit flustered and out raged before pursing her lips and moving on "Moving on, you were rescued by The emerald and crimson rabbits, a pair of vigilantes with rabbit themed costumes, I need you to recall exactly what they said to you. I've already collected Ms. Takami's statement on the matter"

"I know." I snort "Also, Tori can't recall what she ate for lunch yesterday, what makes you think she's going to accurately remember a brief conversation with two strangers while we were both extremely tired?" I ask as my lawyer begins speaking while I add in some missed details about our conversation.

After that we're escorted out of the room and my lawyer leaves telling me she'll be in touch as Satori races away from the officers and crashes into me with a tight hug, clearly uncomfortable and on edge.

Luckly our bags are returned to us quickly, and after we check to make sure everything is still there, we leave and Satori heads for one of the police cars as my phone chimes with a text back from Mom telling me that the chauffer is on his way to pick me up and take me to school.

"Sora, aren't you coming?" Tori asks waving me over, still standing outside the car.

"No, Mom sent me our chauffer to pick us up." I say tugging my bag further up my shoulder "Actually, why don't you ride with me, it'll save time and energy, and you can change as well." I add eyeing her fuzzy cookie monster pajama pants, oversized angry birds t- shirt and paint splattered sneakers with no socks.

"What?" She looks down "Oh, shit, yeah. I'll ride with you; how long will it take for him to get here?"

"Well considering the limo is going to drop from my family's private jet after it lands on the road right in front of us, I'd say about two minutes," I hum hiding the smirk ghosting over my lips.

"Cool, cool, cool." She rambles, internally freaking out by the way her wings begin twitching outwards slightly

"Jeez, Tori, I'm just joking" I break, finally letting my grin slide over my face, "You're so gullible" I giggle as she stares at me through wide turquoise blue eyes "How did you even make it through the interrogation?" I tease.

She shrugs a slight smile pulling at her face as she looks away "Shhhh, it was an interview, didn't you hear? And she insulted my friends and made it seem like that ass- wipe from last year was the victim. So I threatened her and destroyed that uncomfortable torture chamber worthy chair," She says, lifting her chin as her wings fluff up with pride.

I laugh brightly, feeling happier than I have for most of the morning, Tori's like that, her personality will either terrify you or enthrall you, although that might just be my own biased opinion, so I keep that to myself. "The chauffer will be here in about... twelve minutes from now," I add and she nods quietly.


8: 00 A.M.

Akihiro P.O.V.

I climb onto the bus with a raging headache and heavy limbs. I immediately sit down beside Fuji, shoving whoever was already sitting next to him out of my way.

I yawn widely as I pull out my homework and a pencil, trying to complete it on the bumpy drive as Eiji snickers in the back, eventually my shaky concentration is broken by a burning question that catches my attention.

"Hey, Riku, where's Satori?" Yuni asks.

"And for that matter Sora as well. Kero," 

"Oh, they got taken to the police station this morning, they should be at school by second period at the latest." Riku shrugs

This brings forth a flurry of shouted questions so loud when the driver tops at a red light he turns to reprimand us, afterwards we keep our voices at whispers the rest of the journey as Riku recalls the events of the morning starting with how he originally opened the door because he was up all night playing video games.

The story ends with Tori getting into a tinted police car never to be seen again.

"How did they find out they were at the scene anyways?" I murmur.

"Witnesses, cameras, dna, it could be anything, besides Sora and Tori aren't exactly strangers to the public especially with who their parents are" Kimi says logically but I still can't help but worry, I hope they're both alright. 


And shocking no one I was not able to fit it all into one part but that's okay cause it means I'll have more time to expand on what's going on with Aki and Ari.

Till next week, my Starlings!


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