Heart&Seoul || jjk/kth/bts

By stardustvirgo

293 46 12

It's no news that spending a whole year abroad can change your life. Ever heard of "love at second sight"? No... More

Premises (please read!)
| main characters moodboards |
Chapter 1: No going back
Chapter 2: Long-distance
Chapter 3: Dragon
Chapter 4: Angels and devils
Chapter 5: Check your front pockets
Chapter 6: Need a ride?
Chapter 8: Lost stars in the galaxy
Chapter 9: Heaven... or hell
Chapter 10: I'll be patient
Chapter 11: Zoom in

Chapter 7: Painkiller

13 4 4
By stardustvirgo


From: Taehyung
Didn't see you at Genetics, is everything okay?

Taehyung's message pops up on my screen in the dimmed lights. I stretch my arm out to grab my phone, unplug the charger and curl up again in a ball as another wave of cramps hits me.

Yeah... I mean not really, I'm just having a shitty day

I type through the pain, still praying the painkillers I took will have some motherfucking effect soon. I might start screaming if they won't.

From: Taehyung
Do you wanna meet up at my place to take your mind off it?

Our deal is based upon mutual help, which means we can both ask for a specific kind of favour whenever we feel like we'd need it, either because our day isn't going as planned, or we're just in the mood - two opposite situations that surprisingly occur with the same frequency. The other person doesn't have to run when called, obviously, we're free to refuse with or without any explanation. My explanation today is simple:

I'm having period cramps,
I don't think it's a good idea.

I don't want it to get messy. He wouldn't like that either.

From: Taehyung
I've heard that period sex can help with cramps, though, is it true?

His question leaves me speechless for a second.

Wish I knew. I really don't want to make a mess, blood stains like a bitch, I'd feel bad for the sheets.

From: Taehyung

His text leaves some suspense and I hold my breath as I stare at the word "typing..." under Taehyung's name. What on Earth does he have in mind? I'm open to every possibility.

A friendship with benefits is a great chance to explore new horizons and experiment with new objects. We've recently taken an online BDSM test which, however created for amusement purposes, gave us a quick insight of what tendencies we have and what we may enjoy the most. Safe to say we found each other's perfect match in terms of preferences. This is the ground we'll develop our relationship on. The rest we'll uncover through crystal clear communication as time passes.

We later agreed that we could do whatever we felt comfortable trying, be it old, new, usual, unusual, doesn't matter. I honestly find myself enjoying everything the way it is, I go with the flow and still love it in all its simplicity. However, I don't mind a little twist, either, being it unusual or not. Both our results suggest high tendencies for experimentalism, in the end. What is it going to be this time?

From: Taehyung
We could do it in the shower.

Fuck's sake. Not exactly something unusual, but still new to me. And definitely an offer I won't decline as of now. Or ever, for that matter.

You're a genius. I'm in.

From: Taehyung
Problem is, my roommate isn't leaving the house until tomorrow morning. Is there any chance I could come by to your place?

My uncle and aunt are out, they won't be coming back for at least a couple hours
So yes, you can come.

From: Taehyung
Great. I'll be there soon.

There's no need to add much more than that. Taehyung and I get each other in the blink of an eye. It's easy to consider him a friend already, even though we've known for a few weeks only. We may not have hooked up many times, and yet something in all of our intercourse sessions truly makes me believe we enjoy each other's company, to the point where we hang out in our free time outside sex, too. I sometimes feel the urge to punch him in the face for being so arrogant, but he's a good person and a respectful sexual partner nonetheless.

When he rings the doorbell, I reluctantly remove my heat pad from under my shirt and trudge to the door. I'm left speechless as soon as I eye him, lust flooding my veins from the very first instant.

"What's with the formal attire?" I wonder. He's wearing a suit and tie, and God I can't even express how hot it looks on him. Too bad he'll be undressed in a matter of seconds.

He fixes his bangs with his index finger, lifting them up ever so gently instead of just pushing all his hair back. "I just came back from a job interview."

"How did it go?"

"I don't know yet, and honestly don't wanna talk about it. Can I come in?" I let him inside the house and lead him straight to the bathroom, locking the door once we're inside.

"Sorry, I look like a mess" I scratch my head and try to run a hand through my blue hair, which only results in it getting tangled in a few strands. I've spent all morning in bed, hugging my heat pad in desperate need of some comfort, and felt more alone than I have in a while. The gratefulness for Taehyung's presence doesn't only revolve around this whole period sex deal, I'm genuinely thankful he's come by.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "You seriously have a problem with apologising."

"I know... sorry" I chuckle.

"Shut up."

"Make me" I reply, knowing I can be shameless and childish all I want around him. The result is precisely what I was hoping for: Taehyung's lips collide with mine, so violently that our teeth clunk together, searching for the kind of kiss that will satisfy our hunger. I bring his hips closer to mine with a hand on the small of his back. When he goes for the same movement, I let my arms wrap around his neck instead, one step away from melting in his sensual embrace.

This alone has the effect of a medicine on my aching body, but neither of us would stop here. He promised me more, and more will I get.

Soon enough Taehyung complains that breathing is made difficult by the tie around his neck. On letting out a long, impatient growl, he loosens it with one hand, barely even breaking eye contact with me. I lose myself in the sight of such a picture, and interrupt the kiss to take in his intimidating beauty, ignoring the threat it represents to my sanity.

He aggressively pulls at the knot of his tie while he tilts his head to the side and shows his neck. It's almost dangerous, I might not be able to contain myself if he does that again. I take it as an invitation to nip at his collarbone and make him hiss in anticipation, reveling in the taste of him and the sounds he makes.

His tanned skin contrasts with the snow-white ironed shirt he's wearing. When my eyes leave his neck to study his face, his penetrating gaze catches mine and holds it prisoner, reminding me of what he can do to me with one single look. The combination of that specific stare with the way he bites his lips is yet another threat to my rational thinking.

Fuck rational thinking, I need that tie gone, just like the rest of his clothes, I don't care how good he looks in them. As my hands meet his and we work together to undo his tie, I almost rip it when I remove it from his neck and throw it somewhere on the floor. I don't know how taking off a tie can look so attractive, but then again everything Taehyung does is attractive.

Once his jacket is out of the way as well, I start unbuttoning his white shirt and scan his chest as I gradually expose it to my view. With the excuse of removing his shirt, I let my hands wander around his body to feel his muscles tense under my touch. His trousers are the next thing to be taken off, followed by my hoodie, his white shirt, and finally my sweatpants.

I proceed to set the right temperature in the shower, but don't turn it on just yet, while Taehyung takes a condom out of his wallet. When I turn around, his boxers are already on the floor. Before I can realise what's happening, he pulls me closer to him and spins me around until my back faces him. He delicately unclips my bra and takes it off my body, discarding it over the edge of the sink.

I know the only thing left to do now is remove my underwear, but I can't seem to be able to do so as a sudden wave of embarrassment overcomes me. I don't know why I'm getting so shy out of the blue, perhaps having to throw out the pad I'm wearing is the main culprit. It's not exactly a sexy action, now, is it? My shoulders crouch on their own accord and I cover my waist with my arms in shame.

Concern is painted all over Taehyung's face as he asks me: "Are you having second thoughts?"

"N-no, I just..." I stutter. "Please turn around and get in the shower."

Taehyung does as I instructed, and when his eyes aren't on me anymore I can finally slide my underwear down my legs and hide it under my pile of clothes after tossing my pad in the bin. Before he can turn around again, I'm in the shower with him. As I'm about to start the water, though, Taehyung stops my hand from closing around the handle.

"I'd suggest we only turn it on at the end," he explains. "It's more uncomfortable than you might think."

"Okay" I nod, trusting his past experience. I've done my own research on shower sex, and what he says makes sense, I just wasn't really thinking straight: water washes away the natural fluids that our bodies produce, it might make things more difficult and/or create discomfort to both of us. Also, showers are slippery, I wouldn't want to end up in the hospital with a sex injury. It could easily be concealed by a well-planned lie, but I'd still rather not put myself through it. If sex is supposed to be safe, then this is a choice for our safety as well as wearing protection is.

With that said, I don't waste any more seconds to jump into Taehyung's arms. My cramps are already a distant memory now, and have been since we made out earlier. I guess the theory was right.

We make out again for a hot minute, after which I feel confident enough to take the lead and pin him against the shower wall. He's surprised at my action and I like to think I now have the same kind of devilish gaze he usually pulls off.

I take control of his hands, at first firmly holding them against the wall above his head. When he does it to me, I get weak in the knees, so I hope it'll have the same effect on him now, although he's way less compliant and willing to express it than me.

Judging by the way he's biting his lower lip, I might have a shot at this. Most of the atrocious pain from before is gone, allowing me to channel all my efforts into driving Taehyung crazy as I let go of his wrists to roam my hands all over his chest, pushing him further against the shower wall.

I get familiar with his hips and don't stop until my fingers graze his thigh. I move my hand up from there to the inner side of it and settle between his legs.

He inhales deeply and loudly when I start stroking him. I take my time to arouse him little by little, using both of my hands, while my feverish mouth never lets him voice the enjoyment he's feeling.

His now free arms sneak around my neck and pull me in further. When kissing my mouth isn't enough, he attaches his lips to my bare chest while my head falls back, giving him even more access to my breasts.

My groin is now glued to his, and I soon feel something crawling up to my core, something that cannot be his hand. I rub myself against it, a decision that brings out my and Taehyung's voice at the same time, so that our whines join in one single sound of delight.

Taehyung's friend down there is getting impatient, a reminder that it's time for him to wear protection. I know it's basic human decency, but I still appreciate the fact that he always puts our safety first. It's something I find rare nowadays, and it disgusts me to think that some people put their own personal desires before their sexual partner's well-being.

This is just another reason why I don't regret sealing this deal with Taehyung. It's built upon mutual respect, communication, and obviously pure pleasure.

Once we have ensured our safety, we can go back to enjoying everything we're doing. I once again take his hands and guide them to my breasts, inviting him to play with them. I hold on to Taehyung's arms as he doesn't leave any inch of my bare chest untouched. My lower body in the meantime is setting the pace as it moves against his.

I feel an unstoppable magnetic force pulling me towards his neck, where I leave breathless kisses from his sensitive spot behind his ear to his collar bone. Taehyung's hands don't really have space to touch my chest anymore, and end up on my back, sliding lower and lower until they rest on my curves. He digs his nails into my skin as he pulls me closer to him, as it to melt our bodies into one.

Taehyung loves being in control more than me, I'm not even slightly surprised when he switches positions and pushes me against the wall while a huff escapes his mouth. At last, he always gets what he wants, I've had my fun long enough anyway.

The slow pace we've kept until now is becoming obsolete, we need more. Taehyung places his palms on the wall on both sides of my head to find some balance as his lower body moves faster and faster.

I help myself with my own hands not because Taehyung isn't capable of pleasuring me, but because I'm too desperate to get there quickly. Normally, I wouldn't mind waiting, being edged or being denied a release, but now I have the right to want it this instant, and I will have it no other way. In the end, there's a specific purpose that guides all my actions today, even Taehyung doesn't seem in the mood for being a tease.

I soon have no more control over what's below my belly button anymore, it just spasms on its own accord, yet always in sync with Taehyung. When I feel like I'm entering another dimension and my legs begin to shake, I throw my arms around his neck and hold on tight.

It's more enjoyable than other times: acknowledging the difference between the pain Mother Nature inflicted me and this earthquake of pleasure only increases its intensity. This morning I surrendered to my fate of being a woman while my uterus punished me for not having babies by tearing itself apart, now I'm moaning out of pleasure to prove that I hold the power to make my body happy, the choice is mine. I wanna feel ecstatic and will gladly share this trip to heaven with Taehyung for mutual satisfaction. It sure was exhausting to stand still through the whole process, but definitely worth every second.

Upon my return on Earth, I gulp on glancing at the shower floor. It looks like a crime scene and we both look like murderers, splattered in blood from our hips down. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, the blood obviously hasn't come out in huge quantity, but it still makes me uneasy.

"I'm sorry" I mutter to Taehyung, referring to the mess below us.

"It's okay." I can't believe him completely, not with that glimpse of disgust I've caught flashing across his features. It's appreciable enough that he agreed to do this, I can't expect him to be happy to have my blood all over his feet, can I? The least I can do is turn the shower on and help clean him up.

I shiver the moment my bare skin gets in contact with the water, rushing to adjust the handle and set the perfect temperature. Steam soon embraces us as I carefully move the shower head over Taehyung's legs to wash away the blood.

I don't meet his eyes on purpose. I shouldn't feel embarrassed, and yet here I am blushing at the very thought that I'm cleaning him up from my own blood. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I were grossed out by period blood," he huffs. "Stop worrying." I'm glad to hear him say so, even though it'll take me at least two to three business day to actually stop being paranoid about it.

"Did it help with cramps?" he later asks me as we step out of the shower and wrap ourselves up in some towels.

"Cramps? What cramps?" I joke.

"I take it they're gone now." And so is the embarrassment I was feeling.

"They were gone the second you entered this house." He tilts his head and wipes his neck with the towel in a way that's far too attractive right now. It makes me wanna jump in the shower for a second round.

"Oh wow, am I like a healer? Is that my superpower?"

"Yeah, probably," I nod. "Now turn around."

His eyes go wide with surprise and annoyance. "Again?"

"Yes, dumbass, again."

"Fine" he huffs and turns to face the door. I grab the clean underwear I had previously prepared, apply a pad on the inside, and allow Taehyung to look at me in the eyes again once I'm not naked anymore.

"I don't really get why you turned so shy all of a sudden." I don't get it, either. He's already seen my whole body with no pieces of clothing on, why make such a scene to take off my own underwear?

It was a battle with my inner self, in a way. He was looking at me, I was supposed to get rid of my panties - with a pad on the inside to raise the embarrassment bar - on my own in front of him. If he had removed my underwear himself, I wouldn't have turned so self-conscious. His hands sliding it down my legs and his hot breath on my skin would've erased all the shame I felt.

I shake my head. "I have no idea, I guess it's because I was-"

"Hi Bridget!" What the fuck?!

"Hyun-joo" I mutter under my breath. I don't know whose eyes are more widened right now, mine or Taehyung's, but we sure as hell are both frozen and incapable of speaking.

His face turns from shocked to amused. "It's your aunt?"


It's not funny, why is he laughing? "Well, that's just great. What are you gonna tell her?"

"The truth...?" I raise an eyebrow.

"To your aunt?!"

"What else am I supposed to do!" I whisper-yell.

"Lie!" He says it like it's obvious. And it is, actually. But what lie can I make up? We're both naked and dripping wet in the same fucking bathroom, what else could it look like?

"Look, the door is locked, she has no idea I'm here. For all she knows, you're alone in here, she'll mind her own business and wait until you get out. We have time to dry ourselves and get dressed, then I'll wait for you in the bedroom to make it look like I was there the whole time, or something like that."

It takes me a while to finally agree to it. It seems like the only reasonable solution, unless he wants to climb out of the bathroom window.

After Taehyung and I have quickly wiped our bodies, I look for the blow-dryer and hand it to him. He dries his hair while I get dressed, and then we switch roles. I stop before my locks are completely dry, I can get to it later. The important thing is to let Taehyung out of here.

I open the door and take a quick scan. "Green light" I whisper, and push Taehyung out of the bathroom.

He points to the door he thinks leads to my room and waits for me to nod before he gets in. Less than two seconds later, Hyun-joo and Baddie appear out of nowhere and I gasp loudly.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" she laughs.

"Yeah, a bit." Honestly, I shit my pants. "I didn't hear you were home, I was taking a shower."

She gives me a smile as she points at my wet hair and the towels I'm holding. "Oh, yeah, I can see."

I'm about to walk out of the bathroom so that I can start breathing again like a normal person, but Taehyung decides to give me a freaking heart attack as he comes out of my room.

"Good afternoon" he greets Hyun-joo, acting surprised to see her there. "I'm Taehyung, a friend of Bridget's." He bows to the woman in a wheelchair in front of him while she nods at him in response.

"Hello," she doesn't try to hide the fact that he really caught her off guard. "I'm Hyun-joo, Bridget's aunt." They exchange greetings in Korean, leaving me out for a bit, until I chime in to fill the void left by their silence.

"He came here to help me study, but I had to hop in the shower real quick and I just abandoned him there." My laugh comes out forced, I hope Hyun-joo doesn't notice I'm trying my best to make up a believable lie.

Taehyung plays along with a shrug. "I ended up taking a nap."

"I hope you found the bed comfortable." Hyun-joo's kindness will never fail to amaze me, but Taehyung doesn't seem surprised. He's probably used to Korean people being so polite. He's just like that, too.

"I did, thank you."

An awkward silence falls upon the three of us before Hyun-joo decides to turn her wheelchair the other way and leave us alone. I rush to Taehyung and push him inside the room.

"What the fuck has just happened." I breathe out. Taehyung shrugs with a smirk that makes me want to punch him in the face.

"You've told your first lie."

I scoff. "Please. You're not the first fuckbuddy I have."

"I know. It shows. And I mean it as a good thing." I guess I should be blushing right now, but I'm just proud to have him say this kind of compliment to me.

"You're not too bad yourself" I grin.

"Trust me, I know this, too."

"Don't be cocky now." It's in his nature to be cocky, how stupid of me to say that.

"You started it."

I hate to admit it when he's right. But I don't have the strength to think of a witty comeback. "Fair enough."

When I say goodbye to Taehyung and close the front door, I find Hyun-joo staring at me. Please tell me she's not assuming he and I are dating. I don't want to have that conversation.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes." Okay, no mention of Taehyung so far. Let's keep it this way.

"Okay," she smiles. "Listen, I wanted to ask if you'd like to go to the mall. You couldn't bring many clothes here, so I figured you may want to buy some?" She's always so thoughtful. And people still ask me why I love her so much even though she's not my biological aunt...

"Yes, I'd love that! Thank you."

"Also, are you still having period cramps? Do you need any medicine?" This morning I told her I wasn't feeling well because of my period. Little does she know I didn't take any painkillers and yet don't have to worry about cramps anymore. She'd probably have a stroke if she knew about me and Taehyung. I grin to myself as my mind has flashbacks of the 'medicine' I used.

"No, I'm good now, actually."

"Great," she claps her hands once in excitement. "Get ready, then. I'll take you to the mall."

Half an hour later, two paper bags full of clothes are carefully placed on her lap, while I still haven't bought a damn thing. Not because I didn't like the clothes I saw, quite the opposite, in fact: I wanted to buy everything I saw, but I gave myself a limited budget and preferred to save it for the outfit, the one that catches my attention at first sight and screams 'buy me' from miles away.

Hyun-joo is always looking like she just came out of a fashion show, it doesn't surprise me to see how much time she spends picking the best clothes to get. She could totally be a model, but I don't think South Korea is ready to go as far as including a disabled woman in fashion magazines.

My feet begin to feel sore from the endless walking in and out of shops, and my cramps seem to be on their way back to my uterus after a two-hour vacation. I need some coffee and possibly a snack to at least calm down the beast roaring in my empty stomach.

"I'll go get something to eat, I'll be back in a few" I tell her.

Her eyes grow wide with concern. "Am I making you wait too long? Do you want to go home?"

"No, no," I wave her off. "I just need to grab a bite." She seems reassured by my words and nods as a brief goodbye.

I leave the shop, take a deep breath to inhale some fresh air and scan my surroundings to find the escalators.

The sigh of relief I let out once I'm on the moving stairway is way longer than I thought. I don't understand the woman in front of me that skips some steps to get to the ground floor faster. Escalators were made for the lazy, their whole purpose is to carry you wherever you want without moving a muscle. As a moving stairway, I'd get offended if someone walked to reach their destination more quickly. I shake my head and take a look around to see if there's someone else to pity like that woman.

On the escalator going in the opposite direction, everybody seems as lazy as I am. My eyes set on a guy my age casually scrolling through his phone. I don't pay much more attention to him than the others, until he runs a hand through his hair to brush it off his forehead.

I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. He can't notice the shock on my face just because he doesn't lift his gaze up from the screen. My jaw drops automatically at the sight, and remains open until the guy is past me. It might fall off if I keep staring.

My body is frozen as my mind struggles to elaborate this feeling of déjà-vu. I'm almost at the end of the escalator when the answer makes its way into my head.

Every memory comes back to the surface and that's all it takes for me to decide that I only live once. I'll never be sure unless I ask him directly. I turn around in a second, run as fast as I can, opposing to the movement of the staircases that tries to stop me from reaching him. I apologise to a few people who only wanted to enjoy their ride on the escalators in peace, but instead found a hopeless dreamer in search of the potential love of her life.

The challenge of running against the current somehow turns out to be easier than expected, it's just the result that disappoints me. I reach the other end of the stairway full of joy. My eyes dart here and there to find him. I turn around multiple times, look up, glance at the floor beneath the one I'm currently on.

He's gone, and so is my hope.

I lean against the nearest pillar for support and let disillusionment get the best of me. For a moment, I really thought it was him and that I could talk to him. I hadn't forgotten about him, he was just safely hidden away in some unknown corner of my brain to prevent me from feeling the wave of nostalgia and regret I've been carrying ever since our paths crossed.

His memory is now vivid in my head all over again, as though it happened yesterday. If it really were him at the mall, it'd be the second time I miss the chance to talk to him.

I rest my head back against the pillar and sigh so loud that I bet people on the other floor can hear me. I have constant flashbacks to that night all the way to the coffee shop, and even once I join Hyun-joo again, I'm still not fully myself.

"What happened? You look thoughtful." I avoid eye contact and shake my head.

"It's nothing," I mumble. "I just saw a guy I thought I knew, and I hoped I could speak to him... but he disappeared from my sight before I could reach him."

"Does Taehyung know about this?"

All of a sudden, she has all my attention. "Why would he need to know?" I furrow my eyebrows trying to understand what she means.

"I thought you and him were dating." I burst into laughter. How didn't I see that coming? It was so obvious. She didn't ask anything before, but I knew she assumed we were together. And obviously she pictured him as the jealous type. Jealous of a guy I only wished to speak to for mere seconds. Hyun-joo is young, but damn, she can be so medieval sometimes.

"No, we're not dating," I laugh. "We're just friends and we have s-" I stop before I dig my own grave. I fake a hiccup to buy a second more to think of an acceptable ending to my sentence. "...some courses together, that's all." Thank God I got my first tattoo and my first drink behind my parents' back ages ago. It taught me how to think of a believable excuse right on the spot if necessary.

"Oh, I see," Hyun-joo buys it. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

Dear Hyun-joo, it wasn't a misunderstanding. I explicitly told you Taehyung and I were friends, but you still decided to assume we were more than that. If you only knew...





Hey :)
This "warning" is kinda useless but still: smut scenes are a necessary part of this plot, they can tell a lot about the character who's speaking and the one they're having intercourse with, which is the reason why they're quite frequent; they're not only for the benefit of the smut itself, they're supposed to be there for a reason (bonus: they're fun to write and read hahah)

Also, reminder! Dialogues in standard font are in English, dialogues in italics are in Korean! Except text messages, which will always be in italics and the language will be specified.

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