Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

360K 8K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.6K 41 3
By tonysnarky

The grid was a symphony of roaring engines and tense anticipation. The Spanish fans, fervent and passionate, painted the grandstands with the red and yellow of their nation's flag. They waved banners, shouted their support, and stomped their feet in rhythm. It was a cacophony of energy and excitement as the cars, including Alexandra's, completed their formation laps.

Lexi sat behind the wheel of her sleek racing machine, her fingers trembling slightly on the steering wheel. She had never qualified so low before, starting from the 16th position. Anxiety gripped her like a vise, and her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. She knew she had to make up ground quickly if she wanted to have a chance at a podium finish.

The seconds crawled by like hours as Lexi watched the lights on the grid, her focus narrowing to a laser-sharp point. Three red lights illuminated, one by one as if counting down the final moments before her destiny unfolded. The crowd's cheers reached a fever pitch, vibrating in her ears.

Then, with an abruptness that sent a jolt of adrenaline through her body, the lights extinguished. The race was on.

Lexi's reflexes kicked into overdrive as she pushed her foot hard on the accelerator, unleashing the power of her finely-tuned machine. The tires screeched in protest as she rocketed forward, leaving behind the drivers who had started next to her. Gasly, Ocon, Norris – all fell behind her, mere blurs in her peripheral vision.

Approaching the first turn, Lexi calculated her move carefully. She knew this was her chance to make up even more ground. With a swift maneuver, she outbraked Stroll, sliding past him on the inside of the corner. Her heart raced as she felt the rush of victory, even if it was just a small one.

But just ahead, George was proving to be a formidable obstacle. He fought like a lion to maintain his position, his car hugging the racing line. Lexi could practically hear the roar of his engine and the screeching of tires as they battled for supremacy.

As the first lap continued, Lexi clung to George's rear, her car's nose almost kissing his rear wing. The air shimmered with tension as they weaved through the twists and turns of the circuit, each moment bringing her closer to an opportunity to make her move.

The Spanish fans' cheers echoed in her ears, but Lexi was locked in her own world. She was a woman on a mission, determined to prove herself and her worth on the track. Every second counted, every inch of asphalt was precious. And as she trailed George, her eyes focused on the apex of the next turn, she knew that the race had only just begun.

Lexi's determination was unwavering as she continued to push the limits of her car, her driving skills, and her resolve. The roar of the engine echoed in her ears, drowning out the world outside her helmet. She caught fleeting glimpses of the giant screens showing her race, the Spanish fans still fervently cheering for their favorites, and the data feeds that indicated her position relative to George.

Two more laps passed in a blur of speed and strategy. She couldn't afford to let up for a second, not with the competition so fierce. Her fingers danced on the steering wheel, making minute adjustments to her racing line, optimizing her braking points, and maximizing her acceleration out of corners.

Then, as she approached a long straightaway, the familiar blue lights on her steering wheel signaled that her DRS was now enabled. Lexi knew this was her chance to make a move on George. She had been biding her time, waiting for the right moment to strike, and this was it.

As the DRS system engaged, her car's rear wing flap opened, reducing aerodynamic drag and allowing her to slice through the air with less resistance. The sensation of speed was exhilarating, and Lexi felt her heart rate quicken as she closed the gap between her and George.

Approaching a chicane, Lexi braced herself for the daring maneuver she was about to execute. She expertly judged the braking point, knowing that any mistake could spell disaster. With a precision born of years of racing experience, she pulled alongside George's car, her tires inches away from his.

Their cars danced through the chicane, wheel to wheel, neither giving an inch. Lexi's heart was in her throat as they exited the chicane side by side. The Spanish fans erupted in cheers, their excitement reaching a crescendo.

But Lexi had the inside line for the next corner, and she seized the advantage. With a calculated burst of acceleration, she edged ahead of George, forcing him to yield. The move was executed flawlessly, a testament to her skill and determination.

As Lexi pulled ahead, she felt a surge of triumph mixed with relief. She had overtaken George, but the race was far from over. With each passing lap, she knew she had to maintain her focus and push even harder to secure her position and climb the ranks.

As Lexi closed in on the two cars ahead, Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Räikkönen, the battle for the ninth position was in full swing. Their duel was a spectacle of racing prowess, each driver fiercely defending their position while eyeing the chance to advance.

Lexi, acutely aware of the ongoing skirmish, hung back slightly, waiting for the opportune moment to make her move. She knew that timing was everything in racing, and her patience was about to pay off.

As she entered the DRS range, Lexi refrained from activating the system immediately. Instead, she played the tactical game, shadowing the two experienced drivers, learning their lines and habits, and waiting for a vulnerability to emerge.

Another lap passed, and as Vettel and Räikkönen engaged in yet another fierce battle, Lexi seized her chance. The moment presented itself like a well-choreographed dance. She activated her DRS and surged forward, closing the gap rapidly.

The three cars ran almost wheel to wheel down the straight, the tension in the air palpable. Lexi's heart pounded as she inched ahead, her car slipping into the slipstream created by Sebastian's car. The aerodynamic effect gave her the extra boost she needed.

Approaching the upcoming corner, Lexi was now slightly ahead, her car's nose edging ahead of Vettel's. It was a high-stakes game of chicken, and Lexi held her nerve. Kimi turned slightly, their cars perilously close, but it was Sebastian who suffered the consequences.

In the tiniest of misjudgments, Kimi's car made contact with Sebastian's front wing. The carbon fiber wing splintered and buckled under the impact, sending shards of debris flying. Vettel's car wobbled briefly before he wrestled it back under control, his chances of a strong finish now severely compromised.

Lexi, miraculously unharmed, had managed to slip through the chaos unscathed. She had claimed the ninth position, all while executing a daring maneuver that showcased her skill and daring. It was a moment of triumph, proof that she belonged among the elite of Formula 1.

The Spanish fans in the grandstands erupted into cheers, witnessing a spectacular battle on the track. Lexi's heart raced with the thrill of the chase, and she knew that the race was far from over. With every lap, every turn, she was proving herself as a formidable force in the world of racing, and she was determined to leave an indelible mark on the race and in the hearts of her fans.

With the ninth position under her belt, Alexandra knew that she needed to push even harder to catch up to Fernando Alonso, who was tantalizingly close ahead. She had to make every lap count, squeezing out every ounce of performance from her car. The engine roared as she weaved through the twists and turns of the circuit, inching closer with each passing lap.

As she navigated the demanding corners, Lexi's radio crackled to life, and her engineer, Paddy, came on the line. "Alexandra, we're thinking it's time for a pit stop," he said.

Lexi considered the suggestion carefully. Fresh tires could give her the edge she needed to gain more ground on the track. "Copy that, Paddy," she replied, her voice firm. "Let's do it. Can we go for softs?"

Paddy chuckled on the other end of the radio. "Funny you should say that, Alexandra. I was just about to ask you the same thing. Get ready."

Lexi eased off the throttle as she approached the pit lane entry, her car's tires screeching slightly as she slowed down. The pit crew was ready, a well-oiled machine, prepared for the rapid pit stop.

With precision and speed that only a highly skilled team could muster, the mechanics went to work. The old tires were swiftly removed, and the new soft compound tires were fitted onto her car. In a matter of seconds that seemed to blur together, the pit crew finished their work.

"Great stop, team!" Lexi praised as her car roared back to life.

"Out and away, Alexandra. You're clear to rejoin," Paddy's voice came through her earpiece.

With a screech of tires, Lexi accelerated out of the pit lane and back onto the track. Her pulse quickened as she rejoined the race, now in 14th position behind Lando Norris. The fresh soft tires provided her with a newfound grip and speed, and she was ready to unleash her potential once more.

Lexi's relentless pursuit of the front pack had once again brought her face to face with George Russell. The battle for eighth place was heating up, and the roar of the crowd was deafening as the Spanish fans reveled in the thrilling contest unfolding on the track.

George, who had made his way up to eighth, was proving to be a formidable adversary. Lexi could practically feel his determination and knew he wouldn't give up easily. As they fought, the cars weaved through the twisting circuit, tires screeching in protest, and engines roaring in unison.

The tension in the air was electric as the two skilled drivers went wheel to wheel, trading positions and fighting for every inch of asphalt. Lexi could hear the cheers of the fans in the grandstands, their enthusiasm driving her forward as she sought a way past George.

But she was in for a surprise. George, having learned from their previous encounters, anticipated her moves more effectively this time. He defended his position fiercely, making it difficult for Lexi to find an opening.

Lexi, ever the tactician, decided to try a different approach. As they approached a sharp turn, she feigned a challenge, getting close enough to make George believe he had the edge. She backed off slightly, allowing him to think he had won this particular battle.

But just when George began to relax his guard, Lexi executed a brilliant maneuver. At the very last second, she unleashed her car's full power, surging forward and leaving George in the dust. It was a sneaky, calculated move that caught him off guard.

As they sped down the straight, Lexi couldn't resist glancing at the giant screens in the grandstands. The crowd's cheers intensified as they watched the spectacular battle unfolding before them. The race presenters were in a frenzy, their voices rising in excitement.

In that moment, Lexi felt the weight of the race, the adrenaline coursing through her veins, and the knowledge that every eye was on her. She was determined to give the fans a show they wouldn't forget.

The roar of the engines, the cheers of the crowd, and the thrill of the race combined into a symphony of speed and passion. Lexi was in her element, and with George behind her, she set her sights on the next target: Daniel. 

Alexandra had successfully secured the seventh position after a fierce battle with George Russell, but she knew her work was far from done. The Spanish Grand Prix had turned into a thrilling spectacle, and she was determined to make her mark.

As she settled into her rhythm, Paddy's voice came through her earpiece, a steady presence in the midst of the high-speed chaos. "Great job, Alexandra! Keep pushing!"

Lexi's confidence was growing, and she listened attentively as Paddy continued to provide updates. "Carlos is in sixth, just ahead of you. But remember, Verstappen, Leclerc, and Hamilton still need to pit. We're looking good for a chance to gain more positions soon."

A plan began to form in Lexi's mind, one that would require a bold strategy. She keyed her radio, asking Paddy, "What do you think of Plan C?"

Paddy's response was cautious, his concern evident in his voice. "Plan C, Alexandra? Are you sure about that? It's a risk."

Lexi's determination burned brighter than ever. "I'm sure, Paddy. Let's go with it."

After a brief pause, Paddy gave his approval. "Alright, Alexandra, let's do it. But keep pushing for a few more laps. We'll make the call when the time is right."

With Paddy's guidance, Lexi focused on each turn, each acceleration, and each braking point. The laps ticked by, and the anticipation grew as Verstappen, Leclerc, and Hamilton continued to delay their pit stops.

As she pushed her car to its limits, Lexi knew that the success of Plan C depended on her ability to maintain her pace and make the most of the opportunity when it arose. The Spanish fans in the grandstands continued to cheer her on, unaware of the strategic chess game unfolding on the track.

The race was entering a critical phase, and Lexi was ready to seize her chance to shine. Every lap brought her closer to her rivals, and she was determined to outwit them with her strategic brilliance. With Paddy's guidance and her unwavering resolve, she was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead and make a bold move that would define her as a force to be reckoned with in the world of Formula 1.

With her sights set on Carlos Sainz, Lexi closed in on the Ferrari driver, her car dancing on the edge of control. The gap between them narrowed to just 0.8 seconds, and the tension in the cockpit was palpable.

Paddy's voice crackled over the radio, delivering crucial information. "Max, Lewis, and Charles have all pitted, Alexandra. Now's your chance to pit and get fresh rubber."

Lexi made a split-second decision, lifting off the throttle and backing off from Sainz. Instead of engaging in a battle, she darted into the pit lane for her second stop of the race.

The pit crew sprang into action, changing her worn tires for a fresh set of medium compounds. Every second counted, and Lexi could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as the pit stop was executed with lightning precision.

As she accelerated out of the pits, she found herself alongside Lewis Hamilton, who had experienced a challenging pit stop. The two cars were side by side as they re-entered the track, the roar of their engines echoing in unison.

The battle with Hamilton was intense. Lexi's newly fitted medium tires took a few laps to reach their optimal temperature, and Hamilton, eager to make up ground, was relentless in his pursuit. Their cars danced on the edge of control as they raced wheel to wheel, the Spanish fans in the grandstands on their feet, roaring with excitement.

Finally, as her tires warmed up, Lexi saw her opportunity. With a surge of acceleration, she pulled ahead of Hamilton, but the seven-time world champion was right on her tail, refusing to yield.

Desperate to understand her position in the race, Lexi keyed her radio, asking Paddy, "Where are we now, Paddy? What positions are ahead?"

Paddy's voice came through, filled with anticipation. "Bottas is in first, followed by Perez, Sainz, Verstappen, Leclerc, and you in sixth."

Lexi's eyes widened as she processed the information. They had made the right call with the tire strategy. Bottas and Perez were yet to pit, and Sainz was struggling to keep up with the pace on his worn tires. The race was far from over, and the opportunity for a strong finish was within reach.

As Alexandra closed in on Charles, her focus was unwavering, her determination to overtake him consuming her thoughts. The Spanish Grand Prix was reaching its climax, and every moment counted in her pursuit of a higher finish.

But in that fleeting moment, her gaze caught something on the TV screen above the grandstands, something that sent a shockwave of emotions through her. For an instant, she believed she saw someone in the Red Bull garage who looked exactly like her brother James.

Anger surged within her, and she couldn't understand how anyone could resemble the person she had lost. Rationality fought with emotion as she struggled to comprehend what she had seen. She tried to convince herself that it was merely stress and exhaustion playing tricks on her eyes.

As the race continued, flashes of memories of her brother James flickered in her mind. She saw images of their childhood, moments of laughter and camaraderie, and the bond they had shared. But then, the memories shifted, morphing into one of the last times she had seen him after the devastating crash into Theo LeGuarde.

The images were disorienting, and the lines between past and present blurred. In a sudden, terrifying flashback, she remembered Jackson, his sinister words, and the darkness of that time. Her chest constricted, and she felt as if the weight of the world was pressing down on her.

Unintentionally, her car swerved slightly on the track, jolting her back to the present. Panic and fear washed over her as she realized the potential consequences of her momentary lapse. She couldn't afford to let her emotions and memories overpower her in the heat of the race.

With sheer determination, Alexandra refocused, shaking off the haunting images and the turmoil that had briefly consumed her. The rage that had simmered within Alexandra, hidden beneath the surface, now rose to the forefront of her emotions. It was a fiery, all-consuming force that pushed her to her limits, a tempest of determination and anger that she had never felt before.

Paddy's concerned voice filled her ears over the radio, but she ignored his inquiries about her well-being. She had channeled her emotions into a single, blinding focus: victory.

With her newfound intensity, Lexi launched herself into a battle with Charles Leclerc that was nothing short of electrifying. The two drivers raced wheel to wheel, their cars dancing on the edge of control, as they fought for position.

Leclerc, unaware of the tempest within Lexi, smiled with exhilaration, thoroughly enjoying the challenge and the adrenaline of the race. He had no idea of the raw fury that was driving her forward.

For six intense laps, Lexi and Charles dueled, their cars mere inches apart, narrowly avoiding collisions in a thrilling contest of skill and nerve. The Spanish fans were on their feet, caught up in the spectacle of their fierce battle.

As the laps ticked by, Lexi knew she had to make a move. Drawing upon every ounce of her racing prowess, she executed a daring maneuver that bordered on the edge of fair play. With a heart-pounding surge of acceleration, she edged her car dangerously close to Charles's, almost pushing him toward the track's edge.

It was a risky move, one that could have ended in disaster, but Lexi's rage-fueled determination carried her through. Miraculously, she got away with it, and the Ferrari driver was forced to yield.

The move propelled Lexi into fifth place, and as she raced ahead, she could still hear Paddy's voice in her earpiece, questioning her actions. But she couldn't respond. She was locked into a relentless pursuit of victory, her emotions churning like a storm.

With every turn, every acceleration, and every heartbeat, Lexi was determined to prove that she could conquer the track and her inner demons. The race was a whirlwind of emotions and intensity, and she was ready to fight until the checkered flag fell, driven by an unquenchable fire that burned within her.

With Bottas, Perez, and Sainz pitting, Lexi found herself in a remarkable position—second place, trailing only Max Verstappen. The battle for victory was now within her grasp, and she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

As she glanced in her mirrors, she saw the formidable figures of Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc right on her tail, locked in a fierce battle for third. But Lexi wasn't concerned with the fight behind her. Her sole focus was on the car ahead, on closing the gap to Max Verstappen.

The roar of the engines, the rush of wind, and the thundering noise of the crowd faded into the background as Lexi honed in on her target. She knew that catching Max would be no small feat, but her relentless determination burned brighter than ever.

Paddy's voice came through the radio, his encouragement and guidance urging her onward. "Alexandra, Max is ahead. You're in second place. Keep pushing, and you can catch him."

Lexi nodded to herself, her eyes locked on Max's car as it danced ahead on the twisting circuit. The laps were winding down, and every second counted in her pursuit of victory.

The Spanish fans were on their feet, their cheers echoing through the grandstands as they witnessed the thrilling climax of the race. Lexi could feel their energy, their passion, driving her forward as she chased down the leader.

As the final moments of the race approached, Lexi caught sight of something in her rearview mirror that would change the course of the battle. Lewis suffered a nasty lockup, his tires screeching in protest as he veered off the track, his hopes of challenging for a podium finish dashed.

Now, it was just Lexi and Charles, locked in a relentless duel as they fought for second place. She defended her position fiercely, blocking him from using DRS to overtake her not once but twice, as they thundered down the long straights of the circuit.

The Spanish fans watched in awe as the two drivers pushed their cars to the limit, their determination and skill on full display. Every corner was a battleground, every acceleration and braking point a chance to gain an advantage.

But as they entered the final lap, the pressure became overwhelming. Lexi pushed her car a little too hard, and the tires began to show signs of wear. The realization hit her like a hammer blow, but she couldn't afford to back down now.

In a move of pure skill and determination, Charles Leclerc executed a brilliant maneuver, pulling ahead of Lexi just before they approached the last corner. She tried to counter, but it was too late.

With a surge of power, Leclerc crossed the finish line in second place, leaving Lexi in third. She had given it her all, but the damaged tire had cost her the position she had fought so hard to maintain.

Lexi was seething with frustration as she pulled her car into the pit lane, angry at herself for the mistake that had cost her second place in the Spanish Grand Prix. Her voice crackled over the radio, a torrent of self-recrimination and disappointment.

"Fuck! I fucked it!" she yelled. 

Paddy and Franz offered their congratulations and tried to console her, but her anger was unrelenting. She felt as if she had let herself and her team down, and her disappointment weighed heavily on her.

Then, Paddy's voice took on a different tone, one of excitement and warmth. "Lexi, guess who's at the pit wall?"

Christian's voice came over the radio, and his enthusiasm was infectious.

"AlleyCat, that was a fantastic race! Congratulations on your first-ever Formula 1 podium!"

Lexi's anger dissipated in an instant, replaced by a mixture of surprise and delight. She could hardly believe that Christian was on the line, cheering for her and calling her by her nickname. her heart felt full as she realised that of course, this would be her first ever podium in F1. 

She smiled, her voice softening as she responded, "Thank you, Christian."

He continued to praise her, his words filled with pride. "I'm incredibly proud of you, Alleycat. Every second of that race proved why you deserve to be in Formula 1. You raced like a bat out of hell, and you should be proud of yourself."

Lexi's heart swelled with gratitude and pride. Christian's words meant the world to her, and they had the power to transform her disappointment into a sense of accomplishment.

As she parked her car in the pit lane and stepped out, the cheers of the team and the Spanish fans filled the air. She had fought hard, overcome her inner demons, and proven her mettle on the track. The Spanish Grand Prix had been a defining moment in her Formula 1 career, and she knew that this podium finish was just the beginning of her journey to greatness.

As Alexandra stepped out of her car, still riding the emotional high of the race, she was greeted with a heartwarming surprise. Charles swept her off her feet in a passionate embrace. His excitement was palpable, and his smile radiated pure joy as he celebrated her podium finish.

Charles couldn't contain his enthusiasm, and he showered Alexandra with kisses, his words filled with admiration. "Amor, that race was incredible! You were absolutely amazing out there!"

She couldn't help but laugh and smile as Charles spun her around in his arms, the two of them sharing in the sheer joy of the moment. His happiness was infectious, and it made her own sense of accomplishment even sweeter.

After a quick but affectionate kiss, Charles nodded towards the Alphatauri team members who were patiently waiting at the barrier. Alexandra knew they were eager to congratulate her on her remarkable performance.

With a nod and a smile, she broke away from Charles and ran over to her team, who were beaming with pride and excitement. They greeted her with open arms, lifting her up and cheering loudly as they celebrated her achievement.

As Alexandra was lifted and embraced by the enthusiastic Alphatauri engineers over the barrier, the cheers and celebrations reached a crescendo. She heard the voices of Franz Tost and Paddy Lowe, their joy and pride for her resounding in the air.

But as the cheers subsided, another chorus of voices called out her name. With a laugh, Alexandra turned to see the Red Bull crew, including Christian Horner, cheering wildly for her. She sprinted towards them, reveling in their jubilant celebration. Christian's cheers were particularly loud, and she shared a heartfelt hug with him. She high-fived GP and exchanged a smile with Helmut Marko before hearing her name called once more. 

Her heart warmed as she ran towards the Mercedes team, her racing family. She leaped into the arms of Toto Wolff, who laughed and embraced her warmly. Susie, Toto's wife, joined in the hug, and the three of them shared a moment of pure happiness.

As they let go, Toto's beaming smile spoke volumes. Alexandra couldn't resist a playful jab, reminding him that Mercedes hadn't won the race. "I don't see Lewis or Valtteri here." she joked. 

Toto laughed and shook his head, his affection for his driver evident. "You're still my driver, Alexandra, no matter what. Today, we celebrate your incredible achievement."

As Susie Wolff gently reminded Alexandra of her post-race obligations, Lexi nodded and made her way to be weighed, a sense of accomplishment and joy still coursing through her veins. With the weight check completed, she headed towards the cool-down room.

As she entered the room, she was nearly bowled over by the exuberant rush of Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen. They engulfed her in a whirlwind of hugs and joyful celebration, and Lexi couldn't help but laugh, her heart racing with adrenaline.

Max's congratulations were effusive, and Charles handed her a towel and a bottle of water, ensuring she was comfortable and refreshed after the grueling race. Alexandra took a moment to catch her breath and regain her composure, still wearing her third-place cap.

Max then pointed excitedly at the TV screen, which was replaying some of the most memorable moments from the race. Lexi's heart swelled with pride as she watched her own incredible performance on the screen, reliving the twists and turns of the Spanish Grand Prix.

The room was filled with the shared elation of the three drivers, a celebration of their achievements and their love for the sport. At that moment, as she sat among her fellow racers and friends, Alexandra felt a deep sense of fulfillment and gratitude.

The Spanish Grand Prix had been an unforgettable journey, one that had tested her limits, unleashed her fury, and ultimately delivered her to the podium. As she watched the race highlights with Charles and Max, she knew that this was just the beginning of a remarkable chapter in her Formula 1 career—a chapter filled with triumphs, challenges, and the unwavering support of those who shared her passion for the sport. 

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