SPILL THE COFFEE | jeongsung...

By epicminho

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When he ran into him by accident and spilled his coffee all over the place, and when he kept splashing said d... More

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144 10 23
By epicminho

   Jisung pushed the door open and a light ring echoed through the locksmith. "Good evening boys! What can I help you with?" The man behind the counter immediately voiced out, his tone friendly. "Good evening sir." Both Jeongin and the older responded, walking up to the worker.

   "I'd need a new key for apartment 23 in Darang Street, could you get that for me by any chance?" "Did the couple lock themselves out?" He laughed loudly, taking the bright red cheeks of the two as a yes. "N-" "You could say that," Jeongin laughed along with him for a bit, looking at the older teasingly.

   After collecting his breath, the worker spoke up again, "Sorry, what did you say? Apartment 23?" Han nodded, cheeks still flushed. He pondered, finger tapping on his chin, "I should have that ready for you two. What's your name kid?" "Han Jisung, sir."

   The sweet man disappeared to the back, the smile never leaving his face. Jeongin looked over at his friend, throwing him yet another teasing look. Han chuckled awkwardly in response.

   "Alrighty! Here you go, anything else?" "No, that's it. Thank you." Jisung fiddled with his fingers as he pulled out the money from Jeongin's wallet, he had locked himself out so many times, that he knew how much it cost by heart. Pretty funny, if you ask me.

   But even with the many times he has visited this place, he was not familiar with the current worker. Perhaps he owned this place? He could swear he had seen everyone except the boss up until now, or maybe it was a new employee. Han didn't know but he wasn't eager to find out, though hearing the door open behind him he suddenly got keen on leaving.

   Biting his lip, he bowed at the locksmith's worker—or owner—and got ready to go, pulling Jeongin's hand into his. His face had yet to calm down from the heat as he stepped outside into the cold, he shivered upon the temperature change. When did it get this cold?

   "What was that?!" The Virgo asked at an instance when he was far enough from the window of the shop they had just left, embarrassed by what the younger had said. "S-since when are we a couple?"

   Jeongin chuckled at the older's question. "I was just playing along with the worker's assumption. It's not a big deal, Hyung." He squeezed the other's hand gently, trying to reassure him.

   The two walked in silence for a while, the only sound being their footsteps on the pavement. The cold air made Jisung's nose and ears tingle, but he didn't mind it much. He was just glad they were able to get the key and he was able to go back to his warm apartment.

   As they walked past a group of college students, Jisung couldn't help but overhear their conversation. They were complaining about classes, assignments, and how college sucked. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

   College life was only half a year away from both of them and he himself was more than excited to finally start and get his new life built up. Jeongin however dreaded it, from what he heard and what the young adults they walked past had just said, it would be stressful and he could hardly deal with high school.

   Life was sure to get even more exhausting but at least he now had an amazing friend by his side. "I'm going to grab a coffee later, wanna join?" Jisung eventually broke the silence, as the two were just about to part ways.

   "If that means you pay." "Yah! ...I'll text you later, see you." The brunette walked away with a bitter expression on his face but as soon as he turned the corner a smile broke out. He had to hold in his giggles as he walked back home. Han didn't know how much time went by but he didn't mind.

   With his backpack hanging from his shoulders and hands tightly clasped together—to stop his heart from beating out of his chest—he arrived at his apartment.

   It's been over a month since the first year of college started for Jeongin and Jisung, and they've been beyond busy. Both boys were excited to finally have some free time and just sit and relax with each other, maybe go grab a coffee together and talk for hours at their favourite café in town.

   They loved the idea of it, as they threw their backpacks onto their shoulders and walked out of campus. The students around were loud as ever and talking happily, just as excited for the couple of days off. It was finally weekend.

   Jeongin sighed softly and inhaled the fresh air, his face covered in the warmth of the sun. "You enjoying yourself?" Jisung questioned with a laugh, his face shining so bright the sun couldn't compare to it. "Why, yes, I am." He grinned, "Are you?"

   Han didn't need to answer the question, it was obvious. He looked up at the light blue sky that was painted with clouds and let his eyes hood, not wanting to get blinded, and let the smile play on his lips. He quickly looked up front again, grabbing ahold of Jeongin's hand and zig-zagged through the crowd of people.

   Neither boys dared to let go of the other, even when they reached the street and made their way out of the tumbling mess. Smiles on their faces, they turned left on the road.

   Cars drove by at the speed of light—but not actually, the two were just too in their world to keep track of the time that passed.

   Right, left, left, right.

   The quickest way to their favourite coffee shop in town.

   Jeongin wasn't always much of a coffee drinker, though he enjoyed the taste on his tongue every once in a while, but Jisung managed to change that. As far as making him a coffee addict, just like himself.

   The raven hoped HaPpY cUp—the café they were headed to—had some lovely pastries in store for him and hadn't sold out already. Their go-to café had been getting more and more popular in town and while it was great for the workers and owner, both Jeongin and Jisung didn't enjoy it much—'cause it meant more people and less food.

   The Aquarius was in the mood for something sweet. (Something that wasn't the boy beside him.)

   The short walk went by in the blink of an eye. Not even the heavy backpack Jeongin was wearing managed to slow him down as he was more excited than ever to sit together with his friend and talk 'till he couldn't speak anymore.

   After ten minutes of cloud nine, the two arrived. Over time the ravenette had learned to love the dullness of the outside, it made him love the interior even more.

   The two stepped inside through the wide open door, that never failed to get them excited. "Ah, hello Jisung! Hello Jeongin!" They were immediately greeted by Hyunjin, who had now cut his hair short and dyed it pink. Yang loved this hairstyle on him, it made him look so sweet.

   "Hey man, how's it going?" Han asked, walking up to the counter. "I've been better but the café's doing really well, so I got nothing to complain about." He softly smiled, getting two grins right back. "Well, hope it gets better for you. We'll have the usual." "I hope so too, coming right up. Go take your seat guys." "Thanks, Hyung."

   Jisung and Jeongin sat at their spot, sipping their coffee and chatting away about everything and nothing at the same time. The cozy atmosphere of the café and the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee made them both feel at ease.

   "So, how's college going for you?" Jisung asked, taking another sip of his coffee. Jeongin sighed, looking down at his cup. "It's been tough," he admitted. "The workload is insane, and I feel like I'm drowning in all the assignments and exams."

   Jisung nodded understandingly, he really did get his point. "I know how you feel," he said. "But you're doing great. Remember, we're in this together." The raven smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks, Hyung," he said. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

   His friend grinned back at him. "You'd probably be lost in a sea of textbooks and assignments," he teased. Jeongin chuckled, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. It was good to talk to Jisung about his worries and fears, he always knew how to make him feel better.

   The two friends continued their conversation, talking about their dreams and aspirations, their favourite music and movies, and everything in between. They lost track of time, and before they knew it, it was already dark outside. The clouds had gotten darker and sky pitch black, it was only when Hyunjin called out to them that they noticed the time.

   As they got up to leave, Jisung turned to Jeongin. "Do you remember when I lost my stuff and you bought me my coffee?" "What time exactly do you mean? That happens a lot, you know." Growing flustered, the brunette looked away. "Y-yah! I meant when we were in high school!"

   Yang only laughed, "You mean when you locked yourself out?" "Yeah, that time..." "I remember it clear as day." He smiled, thinking back to how he spilled the coffee that day and how he held the older's hand tight just like right now.

   "Do you also remember when this random guy thought we were a couple and lived togeth-" "The locksmith worker. It was the locksmith worker." Han scoffed, "Whatever. I just remembered it and thought it was funny." The raven laughed at the older, "Yeah, it's quite ironic, isn't it?"

   The grin never left his face as he continued, "You know, we still have to make the other thing happen," And he winked playfully. "Now, wouldn't you like that?" "Oh, yes I would. My dear Jisung Hyungie knows me so well~" Jeongin let go of the other's hand and instead clung over his body—not minding the bag hanging from his shoulders.

   "Dude, Innie-ah, get off. This is so embarrassing!" Han screeched out as he tried to show the younger off of him, with no luck. He struggled and struggled 'till he finally gave up and accepted his fate. "Jeongin-ah~" He whined out, clutching his arm dramatically, "I'm warm." "It's because of me, right? 'Cause I'm so hot?"

   Jisung didn't dare boost his ego when he saw the familiar apartment complex in the distance, "No." He simply said before sprinting away as best he could with his school supplies weighing him down. "Hyung!" The other screamed after him, now picking up his pace as well—trying to get the older back into his arms.

   Because as much as he didn't want to admit it, Jeongin loved the feeling of the other's body on his. "Haha, got you!" And with that, he made Jisung carry him up to their shared flat, his legs dangling on either side of the boy as he enjoyed his piggyback ride. (Han had taken off his backpack before carrying him, not wanting his stuff to get crushed, but now he was—instead of his studies—the one getting crushed.)

   Jeongin closed his eyes and nuzzled his nose into the older's neck, letting his mind drift off. He was already dreading Monday, the endless hours he'd spend away from his friend studying.

   Yet no matter how much college life sucked, it was okay. Because Jisung didn't.

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