The Unholy Trinity

Per kurenohikari

3.6K 67 4

Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of... Més

Highway to Hell
My Family
Getting to know each other
Just Like Fire
Gift of a Friend
Tick Tick Boom
Everybody Talks
Raise Hell
Take You To Hell
Sweet Sacrifice
Angel of Mine
Dream On

Wedding Bells

137 4 4
Per kurenohikari

"You know dad is quite mad at all three of you for running away from home. Then again, I did tell him to cool off. You three at least return, unlike me, and did not spend three months running around the globe blowing stuff up, unlike Little Wing and Cass. Don't worry, we've got Alfred on it, so he'll back off soon. Though, you three should remain in Gotham until he calms down. You know how papa Bats can get. Well done, by the way. Facing off Ra's and Talia, and coming unscathered is no easy feet." Dick barged into Damian's room ranting.

Dick's smile froze on his face as he realized the sitation he had caught Damian in. The older brother did not care much about his Baby Bat's undress state, not the first time he had seen him change. They have communal changing rooms in the Batcave after all. However, what had Dick looking twice was the marks on Damian's body. Marks that should not be there, unless Damian wanted them there. His Phoenix Fire was the perfect healing factor after all. Yet, Damian's body lingered with kiss marks, scratches that clearly came from female nails, and bruises around his hips that were clearly from male hands.

Male hands that grabbed into him too tightly.

While, doing stuff.

Dick blinked. One. Twice. Three times. Before slowly closing the door and backing away.

Damian, on his part, remainedd frozen, shirt in hand.

"Not again," Damian sighed, hitting his head against the wall. "Why is it always me?!"


Dick stumbled into the family room, staring blankly at the family protrait hung over the wall. Before bursting out crying, which had everyone staring at him as if he had just lost his mind. Maybe he did, after what he had seen.

"What's gotten into you Big Bird?!" Jason demanded to know, as he walked towards him. Only to get himself dragged into a tight hug and cried all over his chest. "Let go! You madman!"

"L-little W-wing! My p-poor B-baby B-bat is alll gone!" Dick sobbed into his biggest little brother. "His purity tarnished! Gone! Poof!"

"What the Hell?" Jason stared at Dick stunned, before exchanging concerned looks with Tim. "What does that even mean?"

"He had kiss marks! KISS MARKS! And scratches! And sex bruises! SEX!" Dick exclaimed hysterically, making Bruce freeze, coffee cup halfway up to his lips.

"Babay Bat got laid? Good for him!" Jason barked, throwing his head back laughing.

"You don't get it! He slept with a girl and a boy!" Dick sounded hysterical to the point of breaking down. "My Baby Bat had a threesome!"

Tim raised an eyebrow, as the sound of a cup breaking and mad cackling was heard in the background. "Not bad Baby Bat, not bad at all. I am impressed."

"I am blaming this on you!" Dick turned towards a stunned Bruce sharply, glare glaciar as he froze his dad on place. "You just had to go and fuck your way through Gotham. Look at the example you set! How dare you tarnish my Baby Bat!"

"Oh, hahaha! This is priceless!" Jason gasped for air, as he tried to control his cackling. "Pure gold!"

But Dick was no over, not at all. "And then you just decide to inform us that you will be marrying your Kriptonian and Amazonian Princess. You provoked this! You are the cause of this! You!"

Tim silently pulled out his camera, there was no way he won't record this. Not when Bruce clenched his jaw and straightened up. "Do not get me started with fucking a whole town Richard. Or have you forgotten your Titans' orgies, or your harem of gingers?"

"Oh! He went there! Snap!" Jason, the shitstarter, snarked. "What will be Dickface's answer?"

"I do not have a ginger harem!" Dick's voice reached new heights as he exclaimed scandalized. "I am a married man, a very happy married man. Thank you very much!" Dick huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "What about you? What about your fuck buddie Hal Jordan? Or your high school sweetheart Oliver Queen? Or maybe the fact that every Justice League member wants to bang you!"

"That is not on me!" Bruce exclaimed, voice breaking by the end. "And it is the same for you! Your Titans would do anything to get you and Starfire in their bed again!"

"Not my husband!" Jason piped in, as he chuckled breathlessly, from where he was laying on the couch, drying his tears off. "What?" He lifted his head to ask, when everything went silent. "What's with those faces?" He frowned defensively, noticing his family staring at him stunned, even Tim had lowered his camera in shock.

"Little Wing... you are MARRIED?!" Dick shouted, sounding quite heartbroken.

"Shit!" Jason cursed, eyes widening in panic. "Yeah... about that, Roy and I decided to elope to Las Vegas after all the wedding organizing drama you and papa Bats over there went through." Jason smiled nervously, as he laughed awkwardly. "But hey! I finally got to adopt Lian! She is now Lian Damia Harper-Wayne officially!"

"She is Wayne..." Bruce whispered in delight. His granddaughter, was finally his legally. "Oh, Jay-lad! I am so happy for you!" Bruce exclaimed and dragged his three sons into a hug. Damian's threesome completely forgotten for now.


In the present moment, Damian found himself surrounded by a group of close friends, their laughter echoing through the air. Duke, Maya, Mara, Alec, Suren, Colin, Cullen, Jon, and Nika sat by his side. As the group bantered and teased, Damian's eyes twinkled with mischief. His lips curled into a playful smile as he joined in on the good-natured ribbing. Colin and Cullen, their newfound relationship in the spotlight, became the targets of their friends' affectionate taunting. Damian couldn't help but find joy in the blossoming romance, reveling in the happiness that enveloped his friends.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth and a sense of unity. In between bouts of laughter and friendly jibes, Damian's thoughts briefly wandered to the dreams that still lingered. They were an ever-present reminder of the future they had averted, the pain they had chosen to shoulder. But now, in the company of his friends, he found solace in knowing that he wasn't alone in this journey. They had all faced their own battles, fought against the weight of destiny, and emerged victorious. The dreams, though still challenging, had become manageable.

As the teasing continued, Damian reveled in the lightheartedness of the moment. Though, Damian couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in the dynamics. His keen observation picked up on the budding connection between Jon Kent and Nika, an unspoken but palpable affection that seemed to be blossoming between them. A connection that made Damian's heart swell with a mixture of relief and happiness. He had been aware of Jon's previous crush on him, a fact that had occasionally created a sense of unease in their friendship. Damian cared deeply for Jon, valuing their bond, but John had always understood that romantic feelings weren't reciprocated. Seeing Jon move forward, finding a potential love interest in Nika, brought a sense of peace to Damian's heart.

As Damian's thoughts wandered, his musings were suddenly interrupted by Maya's playful teasing. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she playfully remarked, "Come on, Damian! We've heard rumors of your beloveds, but you've been holding back on us! We've hear you will bring not one, but two stunning dates to your father's wedding. We want all the details! Did it really give Dick a heart attack?"

The jovial atmosphere of their close-knit group shifted as Damian's friends joined in, their laughter and banter filling the air. Cullen, always quick with a witty remark, chimed in, "Yes, Damian! It's time to spill the beans! We want the inside scoop on your romantic escapades. Don't hold out on us! And not Maya, it clearly had the poor older brother fainting because of his devouched little brother."

Duke, his eyes sparkling with mischief, added, "You know, Damian, we're all just dying to know who managed to capture the heart of the formidable Flamebird. Did you sweep them off their feet with your impeccable charm and shinning nature?"

Laughter erupted among the group as Damian found himself at the center of their playful teasing. With a playful glint in his own eyes, Damian decided to play along. "Oh, you all are quite insistent, aren't you?" he replied, his tone laced with feigned exasperation. "Well, I suppose it's time to reveal the truth. Prepare yourselves, for my beloveds are nothing short of extraordinary." The group leaned in eagerly, their curiosity piqued. Damian reveled in the lightheartedness of the moment, knowing that his friends were teasing him out of affection and camaraderie. With a smirk, he continued, "I will bring two stunning dates to my baba's wedding. Their beauty is matched only by their intelligence and grace."

Colin couldn't resist adding his own playful comment. "Oh, Damian, don't keep us in suspense any longer. Tell us, did you have to beat off suitors with a stick to secure such stunning companions?"

The room erupted in laughter once again as Damian playfully rolled his eyes. "You have no idea," he replied with a mock sigh. "But fear not, my dear friends, for I shall introduce you soon enough. Just know that they are as exceptional as you all believe them to be."

The teasing continued, the atmosphere filled with laughter and joy. In that moment, as Damian found himself surrounded by friends who truly understood and accepted him, he felt a profound sense of gratitude and belonging. As Damian's friends continued to tease and playfully interrogate him about his "beloveds," the atmosphere was filled with a sense of warmth and affection. However, in the midst of the banter, Suren reached out and gently squeezed Damian's hand, his eyes sparkling with genuine care and support.

"Hey, Dami," he said, his voice softening, "we're just having fun, but know that we're here for you. We want to see you happy, and if there's ever anything you want to share or discuss, we're all ears."

The teasing subsided for a moment as Damian's friends echoed Maya's sentiment, their expressions conveying a mix of sincerity and love. Nika added, "You know, akhi, true friends are there through thick and thin. So, no matter what, we've got your back."

Damian felt a swell of gratitude and affection for his friends, touched by their unwavering support. It was in moments like these that he truly understood the depth of their bond, the genuine care and compassion that flowed between them. With a soft smile, Damian took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the friendships he had forged. Feeling the warmth of their support, Damian couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude. He knew that he was fortunate to have these incredible individuals in his life, friends who not only shared his journey but also stood beside him, offering comfort and encouragement along the way.

In a heartwarming display of affection, the group enveloped Damian in a tight embrace, laughter mingling with the love that bound them together. As they pulled away, Damian met their eyes one by one, his own filled with appreciation and love. "Thank you," he said sincerely, his voice carrying a touch of vulnerability. "I am grateful for each and every one of you. Your support means more to me than words can express."

The room filled with a collective understanding and affectionate smiles. They knew that they were more than just friends; they were a chosen family, bound together by shared experiences and a profound love for one another. In this moment of connection and unity, Damian felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. They returned to their light-hearted banter, the atmosphere once again filled with laughter and joy. But beneath the playful teasing and friendly jibes, a deeper bond resonated—a bond that would continue to grow and flourish, providing solace and strength to each and every member of the group.


The day of the wedding between Bruce, Diana, and Clark arrived, filling the Wayne Hall with an air of anticipation and excitement. The grand estate was adorned with elegant decorations, a blend of classical and contemporary elements that mirrored the unique union taking place. The ceremony took place in the sprawling gardens, bathed in the soft glow of twinkling fairy lights. Family and friends gathered under a beautifully decorated pergola, their faces radiant with joy. The sound of soft music floated through the air, adding to the enchanting ambiance.

As Damian stood proudly beside his father, dressed in a stylish suit that matched his youthful charm, his gaze wandered over to his newly expanded family. His siblings stood beside him, each adorned in their own fashionable attire. Diana, breathtaking in her regal gown, exuded grace and power as she made her way down the aisle, accompanied by her two beloved partners, Bruce and Clark. The trinity's smiles were infectious, their love for one another shining brightly.

The ceremony itself was a reflection of the unique bond they shared. Vows were exchanged, promises made, and heartfelt speeches delivered, capturing the essence of their extraordinary relationship. Laughter and tears of joy mingled harmoniously, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of love and unity. As the officiant pronounced them "partners in life and love," the crowd erupted into applause, their cheers echoing through the gardens. The newly formed trinity sealed their union with a kiss, an act of profound love and commitment.

The celebration continued with a lavish reception, where the Wayne Hall came alive with music, dancing, and an abundance of delicious food. The atmosphere was electric, with guests mingling, sharing stories, and reveling in the magic of the moment. Damian found himself swept up in the joyous whirlwind, dancing with his siblings, laughing with his found family, and stealing glances at his father, Diana, and Clark, who radiated happiness and contentment. It was a day filled with love, acceptance, and the realization that their unconventional family was a source of strength and boundless love.

The wedding celebration continued with joyous revelry, as the Wayne family and their loved ones reveled in the joy of the union. Laughter filled the air as the batkids, now accompanied by their partners or friends, engaged in playful banter and friendly competition. Alec, his heart brimming with affection for Maya, held her hand tightly as they danced and shared whispered conversations. Mara and Suren, lost in each other's company, shared stolen glances and affectionate touches, oblivious to the amused gazes of their siblings.

Dick, accompanied by his wife, beamed with pride as Lian, their adorable niece, had embraced her role as the flower girl with pure delight. The sight of her spreading petals along the aisle had brought smiles to everyone's faces, and the batkids couldn't help but make lighthearted predictions about her future involvement in their own weddings. Jason, hand in hand with his husband, reveled in their love. They embraced the playful banter with good humor, confident in the strength of their relationship.

Cass, accompanied by Steph, shared a quiet and intimate dance, while Tim, who had brought Kon as his date, found solace in the warmth of their shared presence- their laughter echoed throughout the festivities. And amidst all the merriment, the biggest surprise of the evening came when Barbara arrived with Jade as her date. Their friendship had always been strong, but the batkids couldn't help but raise their eyebrows and exchange amused glances, instantly speculating on the possibility of a deeper connection between the two. Secretly, they placed their bets, each eager to see if their instincts were correct.

Everyone knew Cass would win. It was a wll-known fact that you never bet against Cass or Alfred, unless you want to lose.

However, it had been Damian the one who had captured everyone's curiosity and surprise. Damian, who had been accompanied by Raven and William. Damian, who stood tall and proud, radiating a newfound sense of contentment. His arm intertwined with Raven's and Billy's, their connection evident in the way their gazes locked and their smiles mirrored each other. The presence of Raven, the Princess of Hell, beside Damian, did ratter his family. But the Batclan had calmed down after seeing Damian so happy. Though, Alfred had questioned him privately about Lucifer being involved in their coupling. Thankfully, Alfred had been assured sufficiently about their true feelings for each other, and had congratulated him in finding great partners.

"If they are so surprised now? How do you think they'll react when they find out I am Captain Marvel?" Billy giggled, as Damian twirled him and Raven around the dancefloor.

Damian threw his head back laughing in response. A true and free laugh. Because he was free. That horrible timeline was completely gone, Darkseid and Trigon were neutralized, the lanterns were united, his family was happy and complete, and they were all in his father's wedding. Bruce Wayne, Batman, was married. If there was a sign of how much everything had change, it was that.

He was free, happy, and complete.

What else could he ask for?

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