Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

375K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.6K 43 1
By tonysnarky

The race weekend in Portugal had taken a toll on Alexandra. The panic attack on media day had set a dismal tone, and things had only worsened from there. She'd missed two crucial interviews due to her emotional turmoil, resulting in fines from the FIA. Nightmares haunted her throughout the night, their chilling presence casting shadows over her already fatigued mind.

The next day, during FP2, the exhaustion and mental strain reached a breaking point. Alexandra lost control of her car, spinning out and causing damage to the floor. The setbacks continued to pile up, and she couldn't shake the feeling that everything was falling apart.

Qualifying brought another blow to her morale. She found herself starting the race in 16th position, the lowest she had ever qualified in her racing career. It was a far cry from her previous performances, and the frustration was starting to gnaw at her.

Adding to the mounting pressure, her friends and colleagues had become overly cautious around her, treating her like a fragile porcelain doll. It infuriated her to no end. She yearned to be treated as an equal, not a delicate entity on the verge of shattering.

As the race day approached, Alexandra's emotions were a turbulent mix of frustration, exhaustion, and fear. She knew she had to regain her focus and confidence if she were to salvage the weekend, but the weight of her recent experiences bore heavily on her shoulders, making the task ahead seem more daunting than ever.

Alexandra sat alone in her AlphaTauri trailer, the soothing strains of Noah Kahan's music in her ears, a brief respite from the turmoil of the race weekend. The melodies washed over her, providing a sense of calm that had been elusive in recent days. With her eyes closed, she allowed herself to sink into the music's embrace, if only for a moment.

Oh, you're spiraling again

The moment right before it ends, you're most afraid of

Suddenly, she detected a presence in the room, and as she turned her head, she was met with the sight of Charles standing before her. In his hands, he held a small chocolate cupcake, a single candle flickering atop it. The tiny flame danced in the dimly lit trailer, casting a warm, golden glow.

Don't let this darkness fool you

All lights turned off can be turned on

A lump formed in Alexandra's throat as she took in the scene before her. It was a gesture that mirrored a cherished tradition from her childhood, a comforting reminder of her mother's love. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

Oh, dear, don't be discouraged

I've been exactly where you are, I'll drive, I'll drive all night, I'll call your mom

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The room was filled with the sweet aroma of the cupcake and the soft strains of the music. Alexandra's heart swelled with emotion as she looked at Charles, realizing the depth of his care and understanding.

Medicate, meditate, swear your soul to Jesus

Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason

Don't wanna drive another mile wonderin' if you're breathin'

So, won't you stay? Won't you stay? Won't you stay with me?

Finally, she managed a shaky smile and whispered, "Thank you, Charles." The simple gesture had touched her heart in a way that words couldn't fully express, providing a glimmer of hope in the midst of her challenging race weekend.

Alexandra turned off the music and sat upright, patting the space beside her for Charles to join her. He complied with a sad but comforting smile, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned into his embrace. For a brief moment, they simply held each other in silence, finding solace in the warmth of their connection.

Charles broke the silence, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I'm sorry that you're having a tough weekend," he said softly, his thumb brushing lightly against her arm. "But you know, why don't you make a wish?"

She mustered a small, melancholic smile and kissed him affectionately on the cheek before leaning over to blow out the candle on the cupcake. The small flame extinguished, and the trailer returned to a gentle, dimly lit ambiance.

Curious concern filled Charles' eyes as he sensed her lingering unease. "What's on your mind, Love?" he asked gently, his fingers tracing patterns on her back as he held her close.

With a thoughtful sigh, she replied, "I just have a bad feeling about the race, Amor."

Charles shifted to look into her eyes, his expression filled with reassurance and determination. "Hey," he said softly, "don't worry. You're an incredible racer, and you've got the talent and determination to overcome any challenges. This race will be no different. Trust in yourself, Mon Ange."

As they sat together, Charles could sense the vulnerability and tension in Lexi's body, and he held her a little tighter, offering her the reassurance and support she needed.

She looked into his eyes, her own filled with sincerity and emotion. "Leclerc," she began, her voice soft and filled with affection, "I love you. I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

Charles tightened his embrace and pressed a loving kiss to her forehead. "I love you too, Heroux. You mean the world to me."

As Charles held Alexandra close, their faces inches apart, she poured her heart out to him. "Charles," she began, her voice quivering with emotion, "I love you, and I'm so incredibly thankful to have you in my life." She took a deep breath, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I'm sorry for being so broken, for bringing all this baggage into your life. It feels like I'm drowning sometimes, and I worry that I'm pulling you down with me. You deserve so much better than this. You deserve better than me."

Charles held her chin gently, looking deeply into her eyes, his voice soft and tender as he whispered in French, "Je t'aime plus que tout au monde." He leaned in, pressing a soft and loving kiss against her lips, a silent reassurance of his feelings for her.

Charles held her face gently, his gaze unwavering. "Angel," he said earnestly, "You're not pulling me down. We all have our struggles, our demons. But it's not about being perfect; it's about being there for each other and supporting one another through the tough times. You're worth every moment, every challenge. And I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm right here."

Charles's words filled the room with a sense of warmth and longing. He gazed into Alexandra's eyes with deep affection as he continued, "If that's what you wanted, Amor, I'd give up everything right now. We could leave it all behind, the media, the pressure, and just travel the world together, and live our lives in peace. I'd do anything for you."

"I'd never ask that of you, Mon Cheri." Alexandra looked at him with a sad smile and touched his cheek gently. "You still have a promise to keep, to your father and Jules, to become World Champion with Ferrari. But maybe one day, we'll find that peace together."

As they shared this intimate moment, Charles couldn't help but smile at Alexandra's words. He admired her strength and determination to see him fulfill his promise to his father and Jules. "You're right, Lexi," he said softly, his voice filled with gratitude. "I made a promise, and I intend to keep it."

Alexandra returned his smile and leaned in to kiss him tenderly. "One day, we'll both retire and then, who knows where the future will take us?"

Charles's eyes sparkled with excitement as he painted a vivid picture of their future together. "I've thought about it quite a bit,  Amor," he said with a warm smile. "In our future, we'll both have at least two World Drivers' Championship titles to our names, and we'll have a beautiful home along the Italian coast."

He continued to describe their future dream house: "Our home will be a charming villa, perched on a hillside overlooking the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. The villa will have terracotta roofs, white stucco walls adorned with vibrant bougainvillea, and large windows that let in the warm Italian sun."

Charles's voice was filled with enthusiasm as he shared their plans: "We'll have a vineyard, where we'll produce our own wine – the best in Italy, of course. And we'll have sprawling flower fields that bloom with color throughout the year, and we'll spend countless hours lying in those fields, reading our favorite books together."

His excitement didn't wane as he described their coastal paradise: "Our home will be close enough to the coast that we can take spontaneous swims in the crystal-clear sea whenever we please. And to top it off, I'll keep my yacht at a local marina so that we can have memorable boat days whenever the mood strikes."

Alexandra's smile widened as Charles kissed her, his vision of their future captivating her completely. She couldn't believe he'd spent so much time thinking about it, thinking of what they'd both want to do after they retired from racing. 

"That sounds beautiful," she whispered. 

Charles's eyes sparkled with affection as he gazed at Alexandra. "I'm glad you like the sound of it," he said warmly. "But I'm not quite finished."

He leaned in for another sweet kiss, savoring the taste of her lips before continuing: "I imagine us having two children – a boy and a girl. We'll love them both immensely, and they'll be the joy of our lives. Secretly, I think I'll have a soft spot for our little girl because she'll look so much like you. She'll be beautiful."

With a playful grin, he added, "I mean, I'd love a big family, so I did consider four kids, but then I realized how much work that would be, and I thought maybe we should stick with two."

Charles's eyes twinkled with excitement as he shared another detail of their future: "Our children will love racing, just like their parents. We'll build a dirt track around our house, and they can have go-kart races. Of course, we'll join in too – family competitions to see who the real champion is - and it'll be me."

As he described this vision of their future, Charles couldn't help but feel warmth and happiness in his heart. The idea of sharing their love for racing with their children was a dream he held close to his heart.

Charles smiled, his eyes locked onto Alexandra's with unwavering sincerity. "I've thought deeply about it because I can't imagine any other future without you in it, Lex," he confessed, his voice soft and filled with emotion.

He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his thumb tracing her cheek gently. "You're my everything, and our future together means the world to me. I want it to be as beautiful and happy as you deserve. You've been through so much, and I want to be the one who makes all your dreams come true."

Charles leaned in and kissed her tenderly, pouring all his love and devotion into that one heartfelt gesture. Their future, filled with love, racing, and the simple joys of life, was a dream he was determined to turn into reality.

Their kiss was a moment of profound connection, a silent promise of a future filled with love and shared dreams. As their lips met, it felt like time had suspended itself, allowing them to dive into the depths of their hopes and aspirations.

In her mind's eye, Alexandra saw the vivid scenes of their life together unfold. The memory of moving into their dream home, the fresh paint on the walls echoing with their laughter, filled her with a sense of excitement. She could almost hear their voices as they debated over color choices and arranged furniture in a way that felt just right.

The image of discovering they were going to be parents for the first time brought a surge of emotion. She could feel the anticipation, the joyous expectation of welcoming a new life into their world. It was a moment of sheer happiness, of knowing that their love was about to expand to embrace a new generation.

Their children, a perfect blend of their love, were like characters from a heartwarming story. She envisioned her son with Charles' beautiful eyes, inheriting his father's talent and spirit. Her daughter, a reflection of herself in so many ways, radiated with warmth and intelligence.

As her thoughts carried her further into the future, she pictured herself and Charles, old and gray but still deeply in love. They sat in the serene Italian countryside, reading together in the golden sunlight, the sound of the waves in the distance soothing their souls. Their hands were intertwined, and their smiles held the wisdom of a lifetime spent together.

At that moment, she felt safe, protected, and truly at home. In Charles' embrace, she had found her sanctuary, a place where love and peace reigned supreme. It was a vision of the future she longed for, a future where their love story continued to flourish and evolve with each passing day.

"Charles Leclerc, you are the best thing that ever happened to me."

Charles looked deeply into Alexandra's eyes, his own filled with affection and understanding. Her words touched him profoundly, and he gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"Lexi," he whispered, his voice soft and reassuring. "I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you just how loved and cherished you are. You deserve nothing less."

He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his arms wrapped around her as if to shield her from any lingering shadows of her past. Together, they faced the future, hand in hand, with love as their guiding light.


In the quiet solitude of her trailer, Alexandra took a deep breath, her fingers hovering over her phone. She knew it was time to make a call she had been putting off for a while. With a mixture of determination and vulnerability, she pressed her father's contact and brought the phone to her ear.

It only rang once before he picked up, and his concerned voice echoed through the line. "Alexandra? Is everything okay?"

She smiled, though he couldn't see it, and reassured him, "Yeah, Dad, everything's fine. I was just thinking about you."

Jacob seemed taken aback for a moment, perhaps not expecting such a call from her. "Well, I'm glad you called. What's on your mind?"

Alexandra hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "I was thinking about Mum and you," she began, her voice steady. 

Jacob was silent, giving her the space to continue.

She continued, "I don't think you and Mum ever really stopped loving each other. I think you both loved each other deeply. But somewhere along the way, that love got twisted."

Her father's voice was gentle as he asked, "Twisted how Alex?"

Alexandra explained her thoughts with a calm clarity, "It became possessive. You both wanted to control each other's happiness, and it led to pain and suffering. Mum kept going back to you because she didn't know how to live a life without you in it. I can understand that now."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and then her father finally spoke, his voice filled with regret. "I wish I could change the past, Alex, and make things right. But I can't. All I can do is try to be a better father to you."

Alexandra's eyes glistened with tears she had held back for so long. "I know, Jacob. And I believe you can."

The hum of the racing paddock buzzed in the background as Jacob's voice crackled through the phone. "Good luck today, Alexandra," he began, his voice laced with an unusual tenderness. "I've been following your weekend, and it seems like you've had a tough time in quali."

Lexi, still in her trailer, leaned against the wall, the phone pressed to her ear. "Thanks," she replied, gratitude in her voice. "It's been a challenging weekend, but I'm ready for the race."

Jacob continued, his tone softening further. "I watched an interview of you recently," he said. "You looked tired. Have you been sleeping?"

Lexi hesitated for a moment before she admitted, "Not really. And it's gotten worse this weekend. I've been so sleep-deprived that I even thought I saw James in the paddock earlier. There was an awkward pause on the other end of the line, one that Lexi didn't notice as she continued to recount her experiences. "I was convinced he was there, just for a second. It was like a hallucination or something."

Finally, Jacob found his voice, though it was filled with a weight of guilt he could no longer bear in silence. "Alexandra," he began, his voice shaky, "I need to tell you something. When I found out about Jackson, about what he did to you... I blamed James too. But I've had time to reflect, and if anyone is to blame other than Jackson, it's me."

Lexi's heart skipped a beat at her father's confession, and she felt a lump in her throat. "Dad, I—"

Jacob interrupted her, his words rushing out in a torrent of guilt and regret. "If I had been a better father, if I had been there for James when he needed me, maybe he wouldn't have struggled with addiction. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten into that awful position, and Jackson would never have hurt you. I'm so sorry for what you've been through, Alexandra."

Tears welled up in Lexi's eyes as she listened to her father's painful admission. She had longed for these words for years, and now that they had come, they were a bittersweet salve on her wounded heart.

Jacob's voice softened further as he continued, "You're the strongest person I've ever met, Alexandra. The media and the fans, they don't know that. They've never seen the fighter within you. But I have. I want you to go out onto that track today and show them. Show them who you really are."

Lexi's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions—gratitude, forgiveness, and a newfound understanding of her father. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "Thank you," she whispered. "I needed to hear that. I'll make you proud."

As the call ended, Lexi felt a renewed sense of purpose. Her father's words had given her strength and resolve to prove herself not just as a racer but as a survivor. She knew that the demons of the past would always haunt her, but she was determined to drive them into the past, where they belonged.

From his home in Brexton, Jacob Jenkins stared at the black phone screen. 

"You always make me proud, Ally." 

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