Fate: the New King of Camelot...

By FWZ2404

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Mordred was summoned to the fourth Holy Grail War by her interesting Master. She would meet someone whom she... More

A Look Into The Future
Ch. 1: The Summoning
Ch. 2: The Gathering
Ch. 3: Alliance
Ch.4: Assassin
Ch. 6: What Is A King
Ch. 7: What A King Is
Ch. 7.5: Red Saber
Ch. 8: Amusement Park
Ch. 9: Monster

Ch. 5: Caster

379 20 9
By FWZ2404

Mordred Point Of View

...Huh? Oh, Is it my time to shine? Finally! This story is about me, not Master! Why did it take 4 Chapters just for me to take the lead? I'm in the Kitchen, searching for anything I could drink.

"Hmm... Nothing is interesting here..." I searched the whole fridge until I finally chose the Cola. I drink half of it, liking the bubbly feeling on my tongue. I lick my lips.


I hear someone behind me calling my name. I turn around and see that Master has woken up, yawning multiple times.

"Yawn... Good morning Mordred. Why are you awake at this hour?" Anna, my Master, walks into the kitchen.

I know Servants don't need to sleep, but that doesn't mean I can't sleep.

"Just looking for a drink," I answer, shaking the cola.

"4 in the morning? And this isn't our home... You can't just take whatever you want."

"Rider Master said that I could pick anything, just not too many."

"Wait... he did? Huh, well then, do what you want." Master looks like she wants to say more. "By the way... Mordred, Ka... never mind." She shakes her head.

What did she want to say?

"If Waver allowed it, then I'm going to make coffee. I'm sure they have it." She says while walking to the kitchen countertop. "Do you want coffee too, Mordred?"

"Nah, I prefer milk." I refuse her offer, drinking the cola again.

"That's... quite to be expected."


She goes to the kitchen and makes the coffee using a coffee sachet. She uses milk and sugar to add flavor.

After making the instant coffee, she sits on the counter chair. She blows on her coffee in the mug, trying to cool it down. She takes a big sip of the coffee, and her eyes widen immediately. Is it because of the Caffeine?

Nope, it's because it's still too hot.

"AAAH! I burned my tongue!" She runs to get cold water while her tongue sticks out.

The first time I was summoned, she fell on the dirt ground, then she was spotted by Archer. She almost got attacked by Assassins, and then her house inside was destroyed. Now, she burned her tongue. What's with her luck?

She drinks a cup of water, refills it, and drinks one again. She starts licking her lips.

"Ugh... Just, why in the morning..." She says after sitting down and slumping on the countertop.

"Sucks to be you. What's with the bad luck?"

"I don't know. Since... living from the start, I've been followed by the bad luck God. But now, it's more frequent." She says, looking like she's almost crying any second now. It's that bad? "Oh yeah, I didn't see the kid in his futon. Do you know where he is?"

"He's in the bathroom. It's already been more than 14 minutes. He's probably taking a shit right now."

A voice comes out from the bathroom. "Mordred-San? Can you come here, please?" The kid asks.

We walk in front of the door of the bathroom. "What is it, kid?" I ask him from outside the door.

"Umm... Uh..."

"Are you having some trouble?" Master asks, sounding concerned.

"I... don't know how to wash my... butt yet..." He says, sounding very embarrassed.

The two of us go silent and then look at each other.


"Nope, I can't."

"You can't wash a kid's ass? You could wash your ass just fine, right?"

"I could wash mine, but for other people, it's a different matter. Why don't you be the one to wash his? Didn't he call you for that?"

"I never washed someone's ass, especially a male kid's ass! And the way they do it now is different from when we clean ours. You don't want a stick going in the kid's ass, do you?"

"Uh- A stick?!" She says, looking shocked and disgusted.

"It's a stick with a sponge, though."

"Did you always clean after pooping using that?"

"If you barely have any water, we'll use that to reduce the water usage."


"You're really asking too much from my era."

"Mordred-San...? Are you there yet?"

"Mordred, please help that kid. He's suffering right now. I'm sure his legs are getting wobbly from squatting for so long."

I sigh. "Fine... Kid! I'm coming inside!"

"Thank you, Mo-Chan!"

"When did I become that close to you?" I put my hand on his head. "Kid, learn to clean yourself. I don't want to clean your dirty ass while seeing your little pork sword ever again."

"Hehe... but I don't want to clean my own butt! Touching my butt-hole feels really dirty. I can't imagine eating after touching my poop! And what is a pork sword?"

"Touching other people's poop is more disgusting! I think I need to wash my hands with soap twice."

We walk to the dining room. There, Rider and his Master are sitting, seeming to be waiting.

"Ah, Saber, good morning." Rider calls out to me.

"Good morning to you too, Rider. You good?" I notice the white shirt he's wearing and ask, "What are you wearing?"

"This shirt is the clothes I took from the delivery! It's about an amazing game. I didn't buy one for you, so next time, I will order another one for you."

"Hey! You're using MY money. Don't just use it as you please!" Waver complains.

"Rider-san, what are you waiting for?" The kid asks Rider, curious.

"Kid, Miss Anna is about to cook breakfast for us."

"Really?! I want to eat her cooking again. She makes her food really delicious!"

"Wait, Master can cook?" I walk to the kitchen and see Master preparing the ingredients. "Master, you can cook? Why didn't I see you make food?"

"Oh, hello Mordred. I ordered you to go outside in your astral form in the morning, right? That's why you didn't get any food made by me."

"Well, I must say I'm impressed."

"It's just some simple dish, nothing to be proud of. I have to cook for myself while my parents are away." Master walks to the fridge.

"All that matters is if it tastes good."

Master just shrugs her shoulders. "Now, let's see, we have eggs, sausage, and some vegetables. I think I can make an omelette."

She begins cooking the ingredients, the sizzling sound filling the air. She looks focused, her hands moving expertly as she prepares the dish. She is humming a tune as she works, seemingly enjoying herself.

"That smells good," I comment, my mouth watering.

"Hopefully, the taste will be good too," she replies, a hint of a smile on her face.

The omelette is finished, and we all sit down to eat. As the first bite enters my mouth, I can't stop the moan from leaving me.

"This is so damn good," I groaned, savoring the flavor.

"E-eh, it's really nothing," she stutters, clearly embarrassed.

"Anna, this is very delicious. You'll be a very great cook." Rider praises.

"T-thank you," she replies, her face beet red.

We continue to eat, enjoying the meal in companionable silence.

The omelette is finished soon, and I let out a sigh, contented.

"Damn, that was great," I say.

"Are you satisfied, Mordred?" she inquires.

"Yeah," I grin, "This is enough for now."

"Good," she replies, smiling. "Do you need anything else?"

"Uh, can I drink milk?" I ask. She stands up.

"Right away," she goes to the fridge and gets a bottle. "Here you go,"

"Thanks." I grab the bottle and gulp the entire liquid in it.

After finishing my meal and drinks, we all sat in the dining chairs. The kid is watching some cartoon on the television.

"All the Masters are being called by the church, which is a really rare occurrence. I sent my familiar to find out what the church is going to talk about." Waver explains the situation.

"I didn't send any familiar, so what did the overseer say?" Master asks Waver.

"The overseer has ordered all the Masters to cease fighting and target the enemy, Caster. The first Master to defeat Caster will get an additional 1 Command Spell." Waver explains.

"So the first Master to kill Caster will get more Command Spells, huh,"

"Correct. Anyway, the church said that Caster has become a problem to society and needs to be dealt with. Therefore, they want us to eliminate him first." Waver adds.

"So, is that all the church wanted to tell us? Nothing about us, right?" Master says, gesturing to me and her with her hands.

"No, that's all they said," Waver confirms.

"Well, that's a relief." Master lets out a breath.

"Anyway, let's go, Waver," Rider says.

"Where are you going?" Master asks.

"To hunt down Caster," Rider answers.

"We have to find their location first, you know..."

"Oh, we'll figure it out," Rider says confidently.

"Hah..." Waver lets out a long sigh.

Master puts her hand on his shoulder, seemingly comforting him "Taking care of Servant is hard. It's okay."

"How are you okay taking care of Servant like her? She seems really... rebellious." Waver asked Master.

Master just gave a smile "You'll get used to it."

Wait, are they talking about me?


(Narrator POV)

It's nighttime, and Waver and Rider just came back from outside to take a sample from the riverside-

(OI! Why is it already changing to Narrator?! I still want to take the POV!)

Mordred, It's hard to write while using your POV, especially Fate/Zero where all the POVs are also changing too.

(What do you mean Fate/Zero?)

You break the fourth wall but don't even know Fate/Zero? Ah... Whatever, I don't even get paid for this. Reset.


It was nighttime, and Waver and Rider had just returned to collect a sample from the riverside. As they entered the house, they were greeted by the sight of everyone enjoying drinks, except for Anna and the child.

"Mordred, it's truly incredible to learn that you're an actual knight from England," Glen, clearly drunk, exclaimed.

"It is an honor to meet one," Martha added.

"Heh, of course. I'm the greatest knight, better than King Arthur himself!" Mordred boasted.

"Ah, Rider and Waver, welcome back," Anna greeted them.

"Aren't you going to have a drink, Anna?" Rider asked.

"Unfortunately, I'm not of legal drinking age yet," Anna replied.

"Yeah, it's the law in this country," Waver added.

"Who cares about age? As long as you don't get caught," Rider grinned mischievously, offering Anna a bottle from the table.

Anna hesitated for a moment before politely declining, "I'm fine, thank you."

"Come on, just a little taste," Rider insisted.


"Rider, it's illegal and inappropriate to pressure someone underage into drinking," Waver interjected, concerned.

"Oh, it's no big deal. No one will find out," Rider dismissed the consequences.

Anna and Waver exchanged glances, shaking their heads in disapproval.

"I'm sorry, Rider, but I will not drink," Anna firmly stated.

"Fine, suit yourself," Rider replied, taking a sip of the alcohol he had offered to Anna.

Turning the conversation away from alcohol, Anna asked, "How did the sample collection go, Waver?"

"I'll need to examine it in my room," Waver replied.

"May I join you?" Anna inquired innocently.

Waver's face reddened slightly, his voice trembling as he responded, "Uh, just the two of us?"

"Yes, if that's alright," Anna answered, oblivious to the thoughts racing through Waver's mind.

"Of course!" Waver exclaimed.

"Okay, let's go," Anna said, standing up.

"Yeah, let's go," Waver replied, his voice shaky.

The two of them made their way to Waver's room, leaving the others to continue their conversation in the living room.

Once inside Waver's room, he unpacked various scientific and alchemical equipment from his bag, along with a map marked with alphabetical symbols.

"Wow, you have a lot of equipment. What are these markings on the map?" Anna asked, curious.

"These markings indicate areas with abnormal mana flows," Waver explained.

"I see. So, what are you looking for?"

"Anything that might help us track down Caster's location," Waver replied.

"Can I assist you in any way?"

"No, thank you. I prefer to work alone. Just stand back, please," Waver politely declined, not wanting Anna to get involved.

"Alright, I'll be quiet," Anna responded, taking a seat on the bed.

"Thank you."

Waver delved into his research, using the equipment to measure the mana flow in the area. After several minutes, he made a discovery.

"It seems that the mana flow is strongest at this point. Anna, do you know if there's an irrigation channel or sewage pipe in that area?"

"Well, there's a massive sewage channel that redirects water from a distant source, flowing throughout the city," Anna revealed.

"That must be it," Waver murmured.

"Waver, you're amazing. You've located the place where Caster is hiding," Anna praised.

"No, this is just a hypothesis. We can't be certain until we investigate further," Waver corrected humbly.

"Even so, your intelligence and skills are impressive. I wish I were as smart as you," Anna complimented.

Waver felt his face grow warm, his heart rate quickening. "N-no, you're plenty intelligent yourself," he stammered.

"Thank you," Anna smiled.

"Anyway, let's go," Waver said, packing up his equipment.

"Okay." The pair returned to the living room, where the others were engaged in conversation.

"Did you find anything?" Rider asked eagerly.

"Yes, we did," Waver confirmed.

"Excellent, now let's go and eliminate Caster," Rider declared.

"Right," Waver agreed.

"Thank you, Mr. Glen and Mrs. Martha, for your hospitality. We truly appreciate it," Anna expressed her gratitude.

"It's no trouble at all, and don't address me as 'Mr.' Call me Glen, or whatever you prefer," Glen replied warmly.

"Alright, I'll remember that."

"Let's get going," Rider urged, opening the door. ==================================

Rider, Mordred, Waver, and Anna mounted Rider's Gordius Wheel, embarking on their journey to Caster's lair.

"We have arrived," Waver announced, pointing towards the massive sewage channel in the center of the town.

"Is that where Caster is hiding?" Rider inquired.

"Most likely," Waver confirmed.

"Then let's proceed." The group rode towards the sewage channel and landed at the entrance.

"This place reeks," Mordred complained, pinching her nose.

"It is a sewage channel after all," Anna reminded her.

"Let's search for Caster," Rider suggested. Slashing at a monster that's protecting this place.

The group ventured deeper into the sewage channel, determined to find their target.

As they progressed, the stench grew stronger, and the air became oppressive.

"Damn, this place is disgusting," Rider muttered, covering his nose.

"I told you so," Mordred grumbled.

"We're getting closer," Waver stated, his eyes fixed on his magical detector.

"Let's press on," Rider commanded.


The group continued their trek through the sewage channel, eventually arriving at a large open space.

"Is this some sort of water tank?" Waver questioned, puzzled by the location.

Rider and Mordred fell silent. Suddenly, Mordred slammed her hand on the chariot, causing it to shake.

"That wretched Caster... I'll kill him!" she exclaimed, her anger palpable.

"Huh?" Waver was taken aback by Mordred's sudden outburst.

Anna's expression shifted from confusion to shock, her eyes widening in fear. She averted her gaze, trying to suppress her nausea.

"So, you've realized it, Anna," Rider stated his face grave.

Anna struggled to contain her rising discomfort, her face turning pale. Mordred comforted her, patting her back gently.

"What... is that? I need to see for myself," Waver declared, stepping out of the chariot.

"Boy, I advise against it. It's better if you don't lay eyes on what awaits," Rider warned, his expression grim.

"Why? If Caster isn't here, we need to find any clues to locate him," Waver insisted, determined to uncover the truth.

"If you insist, but heed my warning. What lies ahead may be too much for you to bear," Rider cautioned.

Undeterred, Waver summoned a source of light and walked into the vast open space.

As he walked, he felt an unusual sensation beneath his feet, and something wet splashed onto his face.

He touched the liquid, realizing that it was blood. Examining the ground, Waver's vision sharpened, and he comprehended the horrifying truth. The sight before him was one of unimaginable horror.

The ground beneath his feet, he noticed it was not just blood. His vision became clearer, and he realized that he had stepped on a dead body-a human dead body. Its face was covered in blood, and he could see that the head was no longer connected to the body. Looking around, he saw more bodies in the vicinity, all sharing the same gruesome fate. Pools of blood were scattered everywhere.

To his horror, he realized that these were not adult bodies but the remains of children. They had been torn apart, with some having their chests wide open, intestines spilling out, blood flowing from their eyes, and other horrifying injuries.

Waver's stomach churned, and his chest tightened. His legs trembled, and his hands shook uncontrollably. He tried to speak, but no words came out. His throat felt dry, and his tongue felt like it had been severed. It was as if he was suffocating.

His head spun, and his vision blurred. His ears rang, and he stumbled backward, unable to move. Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself. In and out, in and out. But the overwhelming sight was too much, and he vomited.

"Why... why are there dead children's bodies, broken toys, and all these children mangled as if they have been ripped apart?" Waver managed to say between coughs and sobs, unable to comprehend why such innocent kids had met such a horrific fate.

Rider sighed and responded, "That's why I told you not to look." His voice snapped Waver out of his daze.

"Shut up!" Waver shouted in rage, his voice breaking.

Rider's eyes remained fixed on Waver, who was crying over the children's corpses. "You idiot, making a fool out of me! Damn it..." Waver's voice trembled with anger and despair.

"This is not the time for pride, muttonhead. Be not ashamed," Rider said as he stepped down from the chariot and approached Waver. "If one were to witness such a scene and remain unfazed, I would clobber them."

"What's this about clobbering, you oaf! You're standing there with a straight face, aren't you?" Waver shouted.

"Indeed. But that is because this is not the place to lose composure," Rider replied.

Mordred leaped from the chariot and deflected a dagger thrown at Rider. Rider smiled at Mordred, and she returned the gesture.

Rider pulled the dagger from the ground. "Because my Master is in mortal peril!" He threw the dagger at the culprit, revealing one of the Assassins. The Assassin was impaled and died.

"It seems the Assassin has been following us," Rider remarked. Three Assassins, one of them female, surrounded Waver and Rider. Mordred positioned herself in front of her Master, protecting her from harm.

"So, is this a trap set by the Assassin, or is it Caster's doing?" Anna asked.

"It doesn't matter. They'll be dead soon," Mordred declared, her glowing red blade gleaming and illuminating the area.

"Indeed. I'll make sure of it," Rider said, preparing his sword for battle.

But instead of fighting, the Assassins fled from the scene.

"Did they escape?" Waver asked.

"Don't let your guard down. It wouldn't be surprising if more Assassins were to come," Rider warned. "This place and situation are perfect for them. We should withdraw immediately," he suggested.

"This... should we..."

"Rider, are we just going to leave them like that?" Anna continued Waver's sentence.

"Digging around might lead to some discoveries, but... I advise against it," Rider said, sheathing his weapon. He walked back to his chariot. "For now, let us destroy what we can. That, at least, will hinder Caster in some way."

Waver returned to Rider's chariot, and Mordred followed suit. The chariot sparked with blue thunder as Rider rode it, burning all the corpses in the vicinity.

As the chariot blazed with blue thunder, the flames consumed the bodies of the innocent children, their remains turning to ash. Waver watched in silence, his heart heavy with sorrow and anger. The sight was unbearable, but he knew that destroying the evidence was the only way to hinder Caster's plans.

Rider guided the chariot through the devastated landscape, leaving behind a trail of scorched earth. The air was filled with the acrid smell of burning flesh and the crackling of flames.

as they rode away from the scene. The group fell into a heavy silence, each lost in their own thoughts and emotions. The weight of what they had witnessed hung heavily in the air, threatening to suffocate them.

Anna, still shaken by the gruesome sight, wiped away her tears and tried to regain her composure. She couldn't fathom how someone could inflict such cruelty upon innocent children. Her heart ached with a mixture of sorrow and rage, fueling her determination to stop Caster at any cost.

Mordred clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white. The sight of the slain children ignited a fire within her, intensifying her desire to seek vengeance against Caster.

Waver, his face stained with tears and streaked with soot, struggled to make sense of the horrifying scene. His mind raced with questions, trying to understand why someone would commit such atrocities. He felt a deep sense of guilt for not being able to protect the innocent lives that had been lost.

Rider, his usually jovial demeanor replaced with a somber expression, guided the chariot with a heavy heart. He understood the pain and anger his companions felt, for he shared the same emotions.

The group traveled in silence for what felt like an eternity, their thoughts consumed by the gruesome sight they had witnessed.


Thank you for reading. Please leave a vote if you like the story. If you want to have a break from the story, here's a little short Omake (Extra). Be careful, it's kinda of inappropriate for little kids. Skip it if you don't want to ruin your mind.

In the afternoon, Mordred is walking around the house, feeling really bored.

Suddenly, she heard shouting coming outside Waver's room. She immediately goes in front of the door, peeking inside.

She looks inside, only to see something big.

She saw Rider, showing his big lower sword to Waver, pointing and almost smacking it to his face.

"To town, of course! Now that I am garbed modern clothing, I shall not cause scandal to the populace!" Rider exclaimed. "I shall reveal the King of Conqueror's new commanding figure to the denizens of the city!"

Waver just seems to be really shocked to see his enormous sword.

"That's... goddamn big. Is that bigger than my head?" Mordred muttered to herself. "I wonder if it's..."

Mordred face immediately flushed red.

'Wha- No! NO NO NO. WHY DID I THINK OF THAT?!' She backed away from the door. 'I don't want shits to happen. Let's, not things happen as that one doujin with me and Astolfo... Wait, why do I even know about that?"


Mordred jumped, surprised by the sudden voice.

"Is everything alright? I just heard a scream from Waver's room-"

Mordred put both of her hands on Anna's shoulders.

"Master, don't go inside. Just turn around, and everything should just be fine."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just, don't even try to see inside. You'll regret it."

"Umm... Okay...? Then I'm going to check on the kid. Bye." She said, waving and walking away from the place.


"Wait! Don't go outside!-"

The door opens, and Mordred feels something hitting her lower back. She turned around, and-

"Oh, hello, Saber."


Image below.

Official Manga by the way.

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