Dr. Normal and Daisy (Norman...

By 1OkayOkayOkay1

30.8K 855 104

Y/n is part of the trio of Emma, Norman, and Ray. She's quieter than the rest and spends most of her time pla... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter #24
Chapter #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter #32
Chapter #33
Chapter #34
Chapter #35
Chapter #36
Forget again (cannon ending)

Chapter #21

493 18 4
By 1OkayOkayOkay1

I heared noises around me, but I was too tired to open my eyes or move. I could barely remember what was happening, but I was with something warm, and I was so comfortble. I hugged whatever I was holding a little tighter.


"This is the ingredients to get rid of our side effects." Norman said shocked. "I'm happy I could give you guys something of use to you." The blind demon said. "But we must get going now, come on Emma." He called to his granddaughter. Norman stopped them, thanking them.

"Is Y/n still asleep?" Norman asked worried. Cislo walked over to her and nodded, smiling. She looked so peacful and calm sleeping, and with Rossi made the  scence one hurndred times cuter. "Yeah she's asleep." Cislo whipsered. "Then stop watching her you perv." Barbara said. "She'll be okay Norman, if Rossi is still asleep she's fine." Emma smiled, trying to comfort Norman. "We should get going too, Mujika." Sonju said. Mujika nodded and they left.

Norman said he and the others could stay at the church till Y/n wakes up. Emma and Ray said that it was okay. Norman sat by Y/n, looking at the old picture of them, then he looked at her and smiled softly. "I'm going to be okay, we're going to be okay." He said softly, kissing her forehead.

(AN: I have to put this in here real quick, at this point I am very confused with what comes next, so if it's wrong... it's not. Oh and Time Skip)

Cislo was carrying Y/n on his back, and Norman carried her guiatr. When they got back, Cislo rested Y/n down on the bed. Norman began to get more worried by the second. "Hey boss, you said she doesn't sleep well at night right?" Barbara asked. Norman nodded. "Maybe she's just catching up on the lost sleep." Barbara said. "I told her." Norman said, choking on his words. Barbara stared at him confused. "I told her I loved her." Barbara stared at him, grinning, while Cislo stood at Norman and Y/n's door.

That night Norman and the rest were in the living room talking. Norman looked up and his eyes widened, along with Y/n's. "You're alive." She said quietly. Her eyes wellded with water, along with Norman's. Norman stood up, and walked and hugged Y/n."You're okay." He said. Y/n pushed him back. "What the hell, you can't tell me you're going to die and when I wake up and you're perfectly fine and alive then say nothing!" Y/n yelled angry. Norman smiled and laughed lightly. "Sorry about that." He said rubbing the back of his head. Y/n sood staring a him. " I guess I could start by saying, we didn't kill the demons, and we all have a lot of work ahead of us." Norman said. He explained to Y/n what happpened and that they found a cure and they wouldn't have to deal with anymore of the pain or side effcts from Lambda.

Y/n's face dropped. "Daisy what worng? Aren't you happy?" Norman asked. "Yeah we finally don't have to suffer, and if you;re upset about the demon thing, so am I." Barbara whispered to y/n. She shook her head. "The cure to our side effcts won't work on me." Y/n said, looking down. Norman took Y/n's hands. "What do you meand Daisy?" He asked worried. "I didn't tell the full truth either." She said slowly. "The machine in my head is complete, I told you it'd die at some point and stop working. That isn't ture." Y/n said, her voice quivering. "Y/n what are you sa-" "I can't die, I never will!" Y/n yelled, starting to cry. Normans face dropped. "Is that what's been bothering you?" Norman asked. Y/n modded her head. "That dream I had." She said.

I woke up, in a forest. I could tell from the light piutline of trees in the distnace. I began walking and tripped over a twig. When I looked up a gold path led in fornt of me. The gold was illuminating from bodies. of everyone I knew. I began running. But as I ran the bodies would repaest but looked older each time. While I ran the meaning came to me, I'd out live all my friedns.

AN: I'm just gonna end that here, sorry for the bad/short chapter I'm a bit lost right now. I think the next chapter will start to where I actully know the story, so when they're are saving the kids. God I'm so sorry anywyas hope you're enjoying and continue see you in another chapter. (This was so hard and confusing to write.)

I hope these picture of Rossi and Norman make up for this! 






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