Angels of Chaos: Warriors of...

By TheAllAmericanNordic

343K 5.3K 7.2K

Archangel. that was his new name. he no longer went by what you know him as, because if you even mention that... More

chapter I: betrayal
chapter II: Chaos
Chapter II.25 Fotia
Chapter II.5: Warrior skills
Chapter IV: Return???
A/N #1
Chapter V: CHB hasnt changed
Chapter VI: Annabeth
Chapter VII: capture the flag
Chapter VIII: Brotherhood
A/N: #2
Chapter IX: Beta
Chapter X: Fate and Legends
Chapter XI: Revealed?
A/N: #3
Chapter XII: Countermeasures
Chapter XIII: Olympus
Chapter XIV: 24 hours
Chapter XV: battle begin!
A/N: #4
Chapter IIX

Chapter III: Missions

19.6K 318 287
By TheAllAmericanNordic

Hey, i know most people just like to read, not comment....but i would really appreciate it, it would make me feel like people are reading my story.

This is how the angel's swords look. yes there katanas... because katanas are cool! except they all have different colors

Archangel= Black (he has 2, ekdiki̱tí̱s [avenger] and níki̱ [victory] )

Alpha= light blue

Stargazer= navy blue

Beauty= crimson

Forge= red-ish orange

Angel= Grey

Gem= turquoise

Vin= dark purple (you had to have seen that coming)

Colors not very important... just for you information


Chapter III:

part I: mission: planet 64

Archangel's pov:

i sat in the training room with Alpha and Angel, polishing our katanas. mainly because we were bored, while Stargazer and Vin were on a mission on plant 49, and its been a while since we polished them. Fo̱tiá sat at my feet taking a nap. i don't blame her, i'm tired too. the other warriors and I have been training non-stop for months because we were at war with planet 64, while trying to defend the peaceful planet 49.

Fo̱tiá and I were getting tired of war. me and the warriors had already been in 6 in the 57 chaos years we've been here. each lasting like 5-9 years.

and i used to think 2 wars were bad.

"Hey, Arch." Alpha said. they all called me Arch instead of Archangel, complaining that it was too much of a mouthful.

"Yeah?" i replied.

"Are you okay, you were polishing your sword with a sour expression, what's up." he asked.

Angel looked at us, with an amused look in her eyes, but a serious expression on her face. "Yeah, come on Arch, open up!" she said.

"OH nothing, i'm just tired of training, Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we got a couple of years off after this war?" i asked, with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah it would." Angel said with a dreamy look on her face. "but our squad was made for this purpose, Arch," she sighed "we aren't getting a break that easily, with 239 planets to keep an eye on."

I smiled, Angel had dreams, but made sure they were realistic, so us getting a break for 7, 8, or 9 years didn't exactly fit the budget.

"Okay, okay let a man dream Angel." i said.

Alpha laughed. "but, if we did get a break, Father would have us training our butts off anyways, and Mother would be telling us, keep going you're doing great!"he said and laughed some more.

We all called Order and Chaos our mother and father now, in private, of course, because they were more parents to us then our actual parents.

"Yeah, i know, but think about it, 9 years, no war, no hardcore training, sounds like paradise" i said with a smile.

"Archangel, Angel, Alpha! we need you for a mission on planet 64, we'll explain the details in the portal room." we all heard Order say in our minds.

we all grabbed our swords and shadow traveled to the portal room (yeah, we can do that now, you got a problem with that?) Fo̱tiá close behind us. When the portal room was visible, Fo̱tiá stretched after being hastily woken up.

we all looked at Order, "what's the mission?" i asked.

"Planet 64 have kidnapped planet 49's young princess a-..." she started.

"Ohhhh, how young we talking?" Alpha asked, as i elbowed him in the ribs.

Order smiled, "She's 8, " then, she went back the subject after Alpha frowned "And we believe that she will be tortured and held for ransom."

we all flinched at the thought of an 8 year old being tortured, most of us had had our own doses, not fun.

Order nodded "You need to retrieve the Princess and bring her back alive. Okay, that's all the info i have, good luck and be careful."

we all smiled mischievous smiles, "Since when aren't we?" i asked

Alpha's pov

"Since when aren't we?" Arch asked.

I smiled as we walked through the portal to plant 64's base. archangel went first, the Fo̱tiá (she always came on missions with us), me, and finally Angel.

How can i describe plant 64? it was a desert wasteland, famous for its underground caves that ran all throughout the plant, and there was no settlements on the surface, only under the ground. pretty sick place to grow up.

Arch motioned us to follow him to the underground base where it was believed the princess (why did she have to be 8 D:) was rumored to be held. we walked through the cave and shadow traveled to the holding cells. so far, there were no guards or enemies. we gave Fo̱tiá the piece of cloth that Order had given us to help track the princess down. after she sniffed it for a a little bit, she started sniffing the air.

"Is she here?" i asked Arch. she looked at Fo̱tiá, having one of his mental conversations with her.

"Yeah, she's here, follow Fo̱tiá." he replied shortly after, as Fo̱tiá ran down a long passage.

we followed her quickly, quietly, and swiftly. after what seemed like 10 minutes Fo̱tiá stopped in front of a stair way and looked at Arch, after half a minute, Arch looked up.

"Okay, the princess is down here, but before you go rushing in, everyone from this base is down there, too" he said grimly. "so Fo̱tiá says she smells about 30-40 guys in a big room, then a smaller room just behind it. the princess is in the smaller room. so what we need to do is take out all the guys in the first room, so we can get to the smaller room. there are 4 of us so be prepare to take on 10 at a time okay?"he explained.

we all nodded "Then, let's go have some fun." i said.

Angel's pov:

i followed Arch, Alpha, and Fo̱tiá down the stairwell until we reached a door.

Alpha and I looked at Arch and he nodded. we all knew what to do. we shadow traveled into the walls and stayed there, so we could see what was going on.

i thought that it was going to be a war meeting, or they were going to planning a raid, something productive! not this! a birthday party for the commander! all the soldiers were walking around talking, there were balloons on the floor and ceiling, a banner that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY COMMANDER JOHN!". i was confused, although i couldn't see Alpha or Arch, i could tell they were confused. then the whole room went quiet. i put my hand on the hilt of my katana, ready to attack if we were found out, but no, because this was such a weird day someone just said "Guys the commanders coming... HIDE."

i just stared. are these the same soldiers that we have been fighting for 11 months? i hung my head in shame,

"Alpha, attack the commander when he comes in." i heard Arch say to Alpha telepathically.

(italics mean either in greek or telepathically speaking, hopefully you'll be able to tell which is which)

"Okay, and when i do that, let the raid begin." Alpha said.

"hold on, am i the only one confused about this scene... is this why we didn't run into any enemies, they were all down here, abandoning their posts." i said.

"it seems suspicious, be prepared to fight for you life when we start trying to get out this place." Alpha said.

"agreed." arch and I said.

After that, the door opened and their commander walked in.

"SURPRISE!" all of his soldiers yelled. the commander took a step back and started to say,

"Wow, you all remembe-..." but was interrupted when Alpha brought his sword down on his shoulder. it happened so fast that none of his soldiers could have warned him. the commander fell unconscious when Alpha collided his fist with his head, and we all emerged.

"Leave him Alpha, remember our mission, so let's get it done." Arch yelled has he charged the soldiers.

We all hacked and sliced in this mini battle for about 10 minutes. i sheathed my katana when all the soldier were either dead or unconscious on the floor. Arch went over to the cell and unlocked the door. inside was a young girl, she had a cut on her face, and few minor scratches here and there, but other than that, she looked fine, just shaken. i walked in the room and kneeled down to see her eye to eye.

she backed away muttering "pleasedonthurtmepleasedonthurtmepleasedonthurtme" really fast.

"It's okay sweety, you're okay now, we're here to take you home, are you planet linedom's princess?" i asked. she nodded. i smiled, i took out my medical kit and asked, "will you let me treat your wounds, it will make you feel better." she nodded again. i treated her wounds quickly while Fo̱tiá and Arch stood guard.

Alpha kneeled down next to me as i was about to finish wrapping the cut on her head.

"man, Gem really taught you didn't she," he said, i glared at him and tied of the bandage.

"Can you get up sweety?" she nodded. i helped her up and told Arch and Alpha it was time to go. i picked up ana (that was her name) and told her not to look when we walked through the room with the soldiers. we ran up the stair well.

everything was going to well, so naturally everything went wrong in 3 seconds. 1)a throwing knife hit Alpha in the left knee (ouch no more walking) 2) we saw the reinforcements. 3)we were down a swordsmen. don't worry, just a normal day.

Arch drew his 2 swords, i put ana down and drew mine. Arch looked at Alpha and told him

"Protect the princess."

"Got it Archangel." he said and stood up (with support from ana) and nodded.

with that Arch, Fo̱tiá, and I looked at the small battalion of about 100 men.

Arch smiled, "now this is what I call fun" before charging into battle.

Alpha's pov:

I felt useless. i felt totally useless. because of some stupid throwing knife, i had lost feeling in my left leg. so i couldn't use my sword. realization hit me, i had my bow. you could have no legs and use a bow.

i took it out, kneeling on one leg, i notched a arrow. i aimed for the enemy and let it fly.

dead center. kinda. well it killed him. kinda, maybe, just give me a break.

i notched another and kept firing. Arch was being the beast he was and taking out enemies one by one. and Angel backed him up. of course Fo̱tiá fought like a beast, mainly because she was one. in 30 minutes the"reinforcements" were gone.

Arch, Angel, and Fo̱tiá walked back toward me and ana, they helped me back up. (still don't have feeling in my left leg [stupid poison dagger]).

Arch contacted Order and had her open a portal to Alphador (still can't get over the fact that I have a planet named after me![take that Arch hahaha]) when we got the portal room ana collapsed. angel caught her.

she sighed, probably remembering her first time going through a portal. i know i sure did, we were all out for a day.

"How did it go?" Order asked.

"It went fine, but Alpha got stabbed in the knee, i'm going to get Gem, no offense, Angel, but i think you would rather accompany ana back home." Arch said.

Angel started to say something, but then nodded in agreement. "Okay, Order can you open a portal to planet 49?" she asked

"Yes, thank you Angel." Order replied as Arch left the room.

"Later, Angel," i said "tell her parents she's okay and to make sure they protect her better next time." i said.

"Yeah, okay." she said as she walked through the portal.

Right after Angel left, Stargazer and Vin walked through a portal. "S'up," i said "anything new?"

Part II: planet 1: training

Vin's pov:

i really hate hydras.

Beauty, Forge (because they did everything together), and I were in the middle of a training session. not that i hate training, i just hate fighting hydras when nobody majors in sword fighting. sure Beauty can sword fight, but she hasn't mastered it, and we were fighting a hydra with already 12 heads.

yeah, not the best session. Beauty was doing her best to get close to the body, so she could kill it. Forge was backing her up, even though he didn't major in fighting techniques, and i was shooting arrows, trying to keep the heads away from them.

Finally after 1 minute, we took it down. (you must be thinking... wow only 1 minute! that's awesome! no, just no. Alpha and Archangel can take it down in 25 seconds), i groaned, and so did Beauty and Forge. i didn't want to tell anyone these scores.

"Vin! Beauty! Forge!" i looked up to see Stargazer walking toward us. "what was that guys?" she asked. we all sighed.

"It's not our fault none of us major in swords play!" Beauty said.

"Do you guys want another go, or do you want me to go get Alpha to help you guys with Swords play?" Stargazer asked.

"Go get Alpha..." we all said, we knew our swordplay was bad, we needed to work on it. and Alpha could help us, i would have even asked Arch to come, but he was on a mission with Angel, so no luck.

after a couple of minutes, Alpha walked in carrying his katana. "Hey guys," he said. "want to start?"

for the next couple of days Alpha came in and helped us train with our katanas. this went one for about a month.

after a month of training with Alpha, i could say i was definitely better with a sword now.

"hey Alpha, can we take on a hydra again?" i asked, the others nodding.

"Yeah, sure" he said and went to get the hydra.

----line break :D----

me, Beauty, and Forge charged the hydra. i felt weird, I was so used to a bow and now i was fighting the front lines. but, the sessions with Alpha really helped.

this hydra had 15 heads. a little more then last time. Forge distracted 7, Beauty distracted 7 more, that left just one for me to get past. being an angel and stuff, i flew about and easily avoided the last head, then i stabbed it in the back multiple times before the hydra bust into the yellow dust we all love.

i looked shocked, Beauty looked shocked, and Forge looked shocked. we had defeated it in 30 seconds!

then, we heard clapping. i looked over to see Alpha, Fo̱tiá, and Arch. Alpha whispered something to Arch and he grinned.

"Yeah, you're right, it looks like we have some competition now, doesn't it Alpha."

Part III: average day: planet 1

Part I:

Beauty's pov:

"Do i really need to do this?" i asked, trying to find a way out of it.

"Yeah, your the only one who can do it, your acting just like Alpha!" said Angel.

she was right, i was. i wasn't proud of it, but i was scared to death. i didn't think i could do this.

"Come on Beauty, you're the only one who stands a chance." Gem said.

i sighed, there was no way out of this, it was me who would have to wake up Stargazer. i gulped and opened her door "Stargazer, are you awake?" no reply. i walked farther into her room to the point that i was 5 feet away from her bed, again i tried, "Stargazer, come on its already 6:30." still no reply. ok new plan, i took the piece of paper i was holding and crumpled it up, i backed up about 3 feet and through it at her. it hit her on the nose. her eyes shot open.

too bad i was a mile away before she saw me.

Part II:

Gem's pov:

"Fo̱tiá! I don't have Arch's knife! stop chasing me!" i screamed as i ran though the living room.

Angel and Vin were not helping either, they just kept saying "don't worry Fo̱tiá, we're sure she has it!"

I shot them a glare as i kept running. usually, Fo̱tiá would find someone else to search. why is she only coming after me? as i thought this, i tripped. oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. was all i was thinking as Fo̱tiá put her paws on my chest.

"Just keep looking Fo̱tiá, i think she definitely has it." said Beauty, but something was different, they way she said it... charmspeak.

"Fo̱tiá, come here." i heard Arch yell in the distance. awesome i thought, saved by arch. Fo̱tiá growled at me one more time and went to go find Arch.

i got up and looked at Beauty. "Really?!? Really!?!" i said.

Vin came up to me and said "Don't worry it was all my idea, someone has to fill in for Connor and Travis" as he pulled Arch's knife out of his pocket. "Happy April Fools!"

Authors note:

hey guys, thanks for reading this if you did. i hope you liked it! and i am going back to the main story after this so don't worry! Well, thanks and please leave a comment or Arch will send Fo̱tiá after you! anyway thanks for reading


BTW: *whispers* I stole Arch's knife!

YAY: 2951 words!!!

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