Away ⥃ Nishimura Riki

By nowonelf

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Kim Seulhyun was a maidservant working in the Southern Kingdom who dedicated her whole life to the kingdom. O... More



546 37 3
By nowonelf

ONCE NIGHT DAWNED, everyone went into their assigned position, camping at their spots as they waited for the perfect timing to begin their plan. Seulhyun was standing beside Sunoo, facing as they talked together. In the middle of their conversation, Sunoo paused and sent her the look, indicating the start of their plan.

Seulhyun saw Niki leading the Ollyn knights away their king and she tapped Sunoo's arm, slowly approaching the king. Sunoo was on her tail when he heard Jungwon's voice resounded his head, "Stop! A group of vampires are coming."

Immediately, Sunoo harshly pulled Seulhyun's arm and hid behind a bush. The brunette yelped, falling down on her butt. "That hurts!" She scolded in a hushed tone.

Jake entered the scene and spoke with the group of knights, trying to get them away from their, but it looked like he was going through some difficulties as he kept glancing towards where Jungwon and Sunghoon were.

Seulhyun heard Sunoo sighed as he sat down on the dirt, which earned a grimace from her. He was wearing a light-colored pants, so the mud will be stamped on his pants—specifically his bottoms. Tapping his shoulder, Sunoo turned to look at her. "You're wearing white pants."
Sunoo froze. "Oh, shit."

"At least you won't be too striking..?" Seulhyun tried to be optimistic. The sun had already set so there was no shaft of sunlight anymore. His pants would look just fine in the dark setting.

Her words didn't seem to ease him as he stood up abruptly, exposing himself for everyone to see. Seulhyun panicked and out of reflex, she harshly tugged him to the ground, resulting him to crouch on his feet again.

"If we stand up, you're going to get caught!"
"But I need to change my pants!"
"You can do that later!"
Their debate was spoken in very quiet voices, and Sunoo frowned, trying to rationalize the situation. He is on a mission to ensure nothing happens to both Seulhyun and King Aspian, however if he leaves the mud soaking in his pants for any longer, the chances for it to stain is bigger.

But, of course, Seulhyun's security was more significant to him. "Fine." Sunoo swallowed.

"Sunoo, you can go now." Jungwon spoke to him, "You need to be swift—make sure Aspian is subconscious then pour the antidote. After you're done, call for Niki and Jake so they can bring Aspian to our tent."

The prince merely nodded before signaling Seulhyun to follow him. The two of them rushed to the King. In a quick manner, Sunoo covered the king's eyes with a black cloth, and handed Seulhyun the sleeping antidote he had just brewed.

King Aspian began to wriggle his body, trying to reach for Sunoo with his chained hands. This caused Sunoo to struggle. The king kept moving and although he was older than them, his strength was still very prominent. "Goodness, can you be still!" Sunoo sighed exasperatedly.

Seulhyun hovered the vial above the king's mouth, but his moving head had almost knocked it out of her grip. The girl huffed, annoyance swimming in her blood. She knew they were running out of time, so she did something she knew she would regret.

Taking a thick piece of stick, she aimed for his head and hit him hard enough to knock him out of his conscious state.

His body collapsed onto Sunoo's and Seulhyun hastily took the opportunity to pour a drop of the sleeping potion into his mouth. "Have you gone mad?!" Sunoo exclaimed.

"Did I just see her knocking him out?" Sunghoon's laughter entered his mind.
"Wait, really?"
"She gets more surprising every day." Jake shook his head, even though he was busy laughing with Niki as well.

Sunoo grunted as he liftS the king up, "Somebody better help me, or I will go on a killing rampage." He said verbally and through the mind link, which caught Seulhyun off guard.
"Woah, that's a bit aggressive, don't you think?" Seulhyun uttered.

"You have no right on telling me what's aggressive or not, after hitting your king until he passed out." Sunoo pointed, earning a pink hue on her face as a reaction.

They were greeted with laughter from two particular princes as they walked towards them. Seulhyun's face deepened in color, realizing everyone must have seen what she had done. Great. She wished she could dig a hole for herself to hide in.

"Stop laughing and help me!!" Sunoo snapped, and the two boys shut their lips, helping their younger brother. Niki put the king on top of his right shoulder, carrying him by himself and Jake shrugged.
"Less work for me."
Niki glared at him, but Jake only giggled.

"Quick. I see a lot of vampires nearing you all." Jungwon informed.

The four vampires ran to their tent and was joined with the others there. Niki sighed in relief as the weight on his shoulders left him. "He is heavier than I thought." He massaged his shoulders.

Seulhyun smiled at him, "Jake could have helped you."
"But he didn't."
"You didn't tell me." Jake countered.

Niki rolled his eyes, still massaging his muscles. Touching his shoulder, Seulhyun helped him massage it. Niki tried to pry her hand off of him, afraid she will be more tired than she already was, however the girl was stubborn. She had shooed him away and continued massaging him.

Everyone except for Sunoo was sitting on the ground with the carpet separating them from the dirty ground below them. Jungwon looked at his older brother and questioned him, "Why aren't you sitting?"

"I got my pants dirty." Sunoo answered, "You can start the meeting first, I'll join later."
Jungwon nodded and Sunoo left for his tent. "Seulhyun." Jungwon called the girl who was kneeling behind Niki as she was busy kneading his shoulder.

Haeyul's eyes shimmered when she saw the prince and the brunette together. She never noticed how cute they looked. Their proximity with each other didn't go unnoticed by her as she saw how comfortable they seem together. It made her curious. Were they together as lovers? Or were they really just platonic? And if they are lovers, are they hiding their relationship?

While Haeyul was occupied by her own questions, Seulhyun had stopped massaging Niki and moved next to King Aspian. She took her vial out of her pocket and removed the lid from it.

She opened the king's mouth slightly and poured all of the antidote in his mouth. Her smile was full of content as she raised up to her feet.
"We will have to wait for a few minutes."

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