Song Of The Forest | tk

By NimraSajjad

342K 28K 18.3K

~ "For if your love is true and pure, my child, even the most powerful dark magic in the world would taste de... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1: Eunoia
Chapter 2: Myths
Chapter 3: Willow
Chapter 4: Exquisite
Chapter 5: Tropical
Chapter 6: Pheonix
Chapter 7: Aquiver
Chapter 8: Limerence
Chapter 9: Delirium
Chapter 10: Ambivalence
Taekook in YTC 💜💫
Chapter 11: Maroon
Chapter 12: Dreamers
Chapter 13: Cerulean
Chapter 14: Anklet
Chapter 15: Zenith
Chapter 16: Felicity
Chapter 17: Diaphanous
Chapter 18: Huddled
Chapter 19: Pinch
Chapter 20: Ironical
Chapter 21: Spectacle
Chapter 22: Scratch
Chapter 23: Lake
Chapter 24: Fallen
Chapter 26: Meadowbrook
Chapter 27: Wisteria
Chapter 28: Dainty
Chapter 29: Conflate
Chapter 30: Humming
Thank You 《End》
New Book

Chapter 25: Fog

8.1K 681 349
By NimraSajjad

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

This is going to be rushed because I don't know how to write action or fight scenes! Boring. Gosh this is gonna be more funny and lame than serious fight.

Third Person POV

Holding Taehyung's hand and running in this place was like running inside a prison. No matter where you'd run, the four walls of suffocation will always be encasing you. Just like Liliath has imprisoned Taehyung and him running away is all in vain.

But they're not running to hide right now. They're running towards the cause of all this chaos. The only option they have is to destroy that source and nothing else. There's no other choice, as unfair as it may be.

The yelling, jabbering, howls and croaking is all around them because their are two sides fighting in a fierce battle. Jeongguk has told Namjoon to usher the second army as well and then wait for them before the final move.

So they have to hurry before the second army is also outnumbered. Yoongi and Jimin were tasked to rescue the students left in the academy and have been kept in the basement, taking the route towards the mountains to leave the place.

Yeonjun, Namjoon and Hoseok have joined the second army. Jeongguk doesn't know where Seokjin is after Taehyung told him they separated because of being surrounded by the vampires.

Jeongguk hates that Taehyung is the only way to summon the witch in front of them. It makes Taehyung the first and prime target of her and with every step they take towards the academy, Jeongguk's heart bleeds in pain and helplessness.

"Tae, is it necessary that you have to go to her? She won't stay hidden for long. She'll---".

"I want to get this over with. I cannot wait for more of her games. She's already done so much damage to me." Taehyung says, his determined eyes boring into Jeongguk's.

"She wants you to come to her and you're giving her just that." Jeongguk utters, cupping Taehyung's face in his hands.

"I don't care---".

"I do! I care and I can't let you walk into her plan just like this." Jeongguk exclaims.

"Then what do you expect we do? Wait and let so many people die? Have you forgotten there are people fighting out there. People fighting because of me." Taehyung cries in desperation.

"It isn't your fault! They're fighting for a good cause! And all I'm saying is that you shouldn't go there---".

"Then what?! What---".

"I'll go!" Jeongguk exclaims and Taehyung looks at him with surprise in his beautiful eyes.

"I'll go---alone. I'll lure her out and when she's out in the open and exposed to our army as well, we'll have a bigger chance to take her down." Jeongguk explains.

"No, not at all. If you think I'll let you go alone on my behalf when all she wants is to take you away from me, you're wrong." Taehyung grits his teeth.


"No! If you want to join me, you're welcome and if not, much better because I don't want you to go in front of her at all---".

But Jeongguk cuts Taehyung's rambling with a gentle kiss on his soft lips. Taehyung immediately melts in his arms, body going lax.

"I appreciate you looking after me, professor but there's no way I'm letting that bitch get away after what he's done to you." Jeongguk whispers against Taehyung's lips and the omegan-fae smiles through his tears.

"She'll pay for every pain she made you go through." Jeongguk utters and presses his palm on Taehyung's stomach. The omega nods while tears fall from his eyes at the painful memory.

A loud rumble of gruesome shrieks takes their attention and they hold hands, hold their gazes for a moment.

"Let's go." Jeongguk whispers and Taehyung nods, letting himself run on the path towards the chaos.


"For fuck's sake Jimin, let me go ahead this time." Yoongi groans, trying to free himself from the hold of the alpha who is facing every shadow and wolf guarding the hallway head on, keeping him behind himself.

"Stop being that macho alpha. It's pissing me off." Yoongi utters as they run towards the basement.

"I can kick your ass too so stop making me feel like a week omega. I'm far older than you and much more experienced in fighting. You haven't seen me---".

Yoongi's words are muffled as Jimin covers his mouth with his palm and presses him to the wall, turning the corner.

"Stop purring for a moment, will you little feline?" Jimin whispers, sees Yoongi's eyes widen.

"And before you start clawing, there's someone ahead and I think it's a vampire so we have to be careful." Jimin utters. Yoongi seems to calm down from the moment and nods. He can in fact now get the scent of the vampire.

Jimin removes his hand from Yoongi's mouth the omega hates himself for wanting it to be back on his lips, or just touching his face.

He shakes his head to stops his thoughts. Now isn't the time.

"I'll go ahead. Wait for my call." Jimin says. Yoongi wants to argue but Jimin's already gone.

Yoongi feels his heartbeat quickening. Jimin's gone to fight a vampire. It's the vampire again. This time Yoongi is right here, he's close and he can hear the thuds of the collision between his mate and the vampire.

Maybe he can do something this time.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, squeezes the elixir in his fist and rounds the corner. His steps stutter when he sees the vampire holding Jimin down against the floor.

It makes him run towards them faster. Jimin uses his knees to kick the vampire so he can have him off of him. The elixir helps counter the fast moves of the vampire so it's easy to stop the punch.

But not enough as the vampire rounds around him before he could parry and throws him against the wall, the edge of the corner hitting his head with an audible sound, his vision goes blurry for a moment.

He then hears a growl before the vampire the is throws back against the other wall. He sees Yoongi, his claws elongated and the elixir giving them a glow.

The vampire growls at him, speeding towards him and Yoongi takes the advantage, raises his arm and when the vampire collides with him, he collides with his claws digging deep in his chest.

A choking voice comes out of his mouth, coughing follows but Yoongi doesn't care, he throws the body away, his heart raging inside his chest.

He seems to calm down after a moment, his frantic eyes fall on Jimin who's already looking at him, a small smile on his lips, a proud one but Yoongi's panicking as he rushes towards him.

"Oh Luna." Yoongi utters in shock when he sees blood running down Jimin's neck. He cups Jimin's head, from the side right where the wound is and is met with a hiss and a lot more blood.

"No, no no please---". Yoongi utters in panic. He doesn't know what to do.

"Are you dizzy? Can see me properly or is it getting blurry?" Yoongi asks Jimin who can only smile at him.

"Answer me, you fucking idiot!" Yoongi exclaims.

"It's already healing." Jimin points at his head where Yoongi is still covering the wound.

"Don't lie to me just to make me feel better. Tell me if it's hurting." Yoongi says desperately and Jimin is overwhelmed by his actions, the utter worry in his eyes and he even sees a line of wetness in them.

"I swear, it's healing. Your touch is helping." Jimin says and he's not even joking. Yoongi was about to pull his hand, thinking Jimin is making fun of the situation but he doesn't when he feels no more warm blood on his hand.

"Told you." Jimin whispers because he doesn't have to be loud in the close proximity with his mate.

Yoongi seems to realize that the situation is well under control and now his features are twisting into anger. Jimin had already predicted it.

Yoongi's fist collides with Jimin's chest hard and the alpha almost stops breathing for a moment at the intensity.

"Ow fuck! What was that for?!" Jimin exclaims.

"You're an asshole." Yoongi groans and gets up.

"Oh you're just angry because you care about me so much but are a coward to admit it." Jimin says, getting up as well.

"Keep dreaming." Yoongi mumbles.

"Oh this is nothing but a reality." Jimin chuckles as they walk towards the basement.

"You were so hot while fighting with him though." Jimin whispers in Yoongi's ear and the omega shoves him away.

"That wound messed up your mind."

"Nah little feline, you did." Jimin utters
and Yoongi stays quiet because he knew he will stutter if he speaks.


Taehyung's spent his whole life in this place, going back and forth between his room and the academy as a child and as an adult too. There has been moments he grew utterly tired of this place and found it nothing but empty and gloomy.

But what he's seeing right now is completely hollow, broken and empty shell of a lively place. Not an ounce of warm light is entering and even the flickering lights are of no use.

The moonlight makes the place a den of evil filled with darkness and he never thought he'd associate moonlight to this.

He can sense Jeongguk behind him, his ragged breathing because he has just fought countless shadows and wolves on his way inside and Taehyung has helped him, giving him the strength and making him equally powerful without shifting into a wolf.

Taehyung's breath hitches when he stands by the window and looks outside. The grounds of the Academy are filled with every kind of creature, howling and fighting.

This isn't what he wanted. He never wanted this much chaos just because he's cursed.


The omegan-fae turns to look at Jeongguk who's also looking outside the window. It wasn't him who called him.

My darling, Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes widen at voice inside his head.

"Tae?" Jeongguk utters as he holds his hand. "What's wrong?"

Come to me and I'll spare everyone.

"What's happening?" Jeongguk asks, panicking at Taehyung's horrified expression.

Come to me and your mate will be spared.

Or else---

"Else what---". Taehyung whispers. Jeongguk shakes him by his shoulders.

"Taehyung, who are you talking to?!" Jeongguk exclaims.

You don't want your loved ones butchered to pieces because of you, right?

Spare yourself the pain and come to me.


Taehyung snaps out of the trance, his expression turning completely furious. "We have to go." Taehyung utters and turns away, running. Jeongguk follows him.

Taehyung stops in front of the gates of the main hall. He knows she's in there. He can feel it.

"She told me to be here alone." Taehyung utters.

"Yeah she can fucking dream of it." Jeongguk scoffs. Taehyung smiles at the normalcy and at the same time the gravity of the conversation.

"I'm not leaving you alone." Jeongguk whispers.

How beautiful. Comes a mocking voice.

Taehyung opens the door, his eyes falling right in the middle of the stage where she stands, hovering in the air but facing away.

"You made me wait for so long, my darling Taehyung." The which utters as Taehyung walks inside.

"The company wasn't welcomed and you didn't listen to me." She utters and Taehyung looks at Jeongguk. He knows how dangerous it is for Jeongguk to be here but his mate is stubborn, won't ever leave him alone.

When she turns around, both Taehyung and Jeongguk grimace. Since she acquired Sire Jang's body, the process is now taking a toll on it. The face is decaying, aging in the worst possible way.

"You sure you haven't cursed your own self? Because my Luna, that's pathetic." Jeongguk utters.

"Look at you talking. But I'll let you because you should start counting your minutes." She laughs.

"You wanted me. I'm here." Taehyung utters.

"I know, sweet boy. But let me take care of him first."

Taehyung steps in front of Jeongguk, he conjures a shield in front of them which makes the witch laugh.

Jeongguk senses a movement next to him and he reacts in time to stop the attack from whatever thing was there but it sends him falling far off on the floor.

Taehyung's eyes fall on the creature. He's hears of the shadows taking over the wolves but a shadow and a vampire is new to him and he could only imagine how powerful.

Not more than him as Taehyung flicks his hand on the air to cut the body in half before it even strikes him.

"That's what I'm talking about! That's the body I want!" The witch laughs.

Taehyung realizes her purpose now. She wants his body and exchange their souls.

"You've taken enough bodies and killed enough. You're mistaken if you think you'll succeed this time." Taehyung utters as he walks towards her.

Jeongguk fights another two vampires with the help of elixirs and he only wants to get to the witch and not let Taehyung fight her. He's scared of what will happen if she gets close to her.

"You're mistaken, Taehyung. It's my curse on you." She utters and raises her staff.

Taehyung feels the scars on his neck burn. He feels a sharp sting like countless needles pinching him and constricting his throat.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk exclaims but he's held back by the witch, thrown at the wall and being held their with an invisible force that feels like holding his limbs.

Taehyung tries to fight it but not being able to breathe is the worst feeling one can ever experience.

"You're at my mercy, Taehyung. You always have been. Your little adventure of rebelling against this has come to an end." The witch comes down and stands on the floor, walking towards a kneeling Taehyung.

"I'm sure you know you were not supposed to have everything so easily. Did you think I'll let you have a mate and the curse will break?" She mocks.

"I let you live your little happiness fantasy because I wanted it to hurt the most when I'd take it all away. This is what it was supposed to be. I would take away your happiness sad you'd be forever alone." She hisses.

Her dark, hollow eyes fall on Jeongguk and her lips curl into a  sinister smile. "You mere wolf are no match for us. Nothing but a pathetic animal in a flesh who can only fight like a mad animal. There's nothing special about you."

Jeongguk groans in pain when she levitate him in the air, all while feeling his whole body being constricted.

"My darling Taehyung is so special and you---you are nothing. You were just a pawn in this game and nothing more." She utters.

Taehyung looks up at her, his eyes boring into her with an unexplainable rage. He brings his hand towards her chest and channels his every into it, making her slam into the edge of the stage.

Taehyung cushions Jeongguk's fall by creating a field under him. It is however short lived as Taehyung is hurled back towards the witch who now holds him by his hair, and Jeongguk again by her power.

She drags Jeongguk towards the center of the hall while she recites a spell that causes Taehyung to let out an agonizing scream, the wounds on his neck bleeding.

Jeongguk's horror filled eyes remember the dream he saw where Taehyung's neck was bloodied just like this.

Taehyung watches Jeongguk trying his best to endure the pain as she lifts him up, their eyes never once leaving one another's. Jeongguk only manages to nod at his mate, making the omegan-fae cry.

"It's time to say goodbye to the fantasy of your happiness." She laughs.

Taehyung gets up, an agonizing scream leaving his lips the moment she lunges Jeongguk out of the window, the glass breaking as the body is thrown out.

Taehyung uses all the power he has in him to fly out of the window. He stops Jeongguk's body from hitting the window bars and flies down towards him, embracing him in a hug.

"I got you." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk hugs him back, levitating in the air while there's chaos all around them.

"We're still close to the academy. I thought she'll throw me away farther." Jeongguk utters and Taehyung could only hug him tight. He was already against this idea and here Jeongguk wants to be thrown far.

"It's the only way we can make her leave the academy." Jeongguk whispers.

Taehyung is about to say something when he feels their bodies being pulled up. "Oh no."

Taehyung tries to fly away but the witch, with her rage visible in her eyes, pulls them back.

"I think I'm not really fond of heights." Jeongguk utters and Taehyung is impressed by his ability to joke in the middle of all this.

"Don't let her take us, Tae. Don't let her win." Jeongguk utters as he looks at him.

"Then hold on to me." Taehyung utters and raises his hand, he projects his power field to fly further away from the academy and pulls the witch with him.

"You're not winning this, Taehyung. Just give up." She utters and with the flick of her staff, makes him lose the balance of his power.

"You've always belonged to me, Taehyung. Don't make it difficult for us." She utters.

"Oh fuck off you old hag. He belongs to me and this is just your dying power speaking." Jeongguk utters.

"Jeon Jeongguk." Taehyung growls.

The next thing they know, they're no longer in one another's arms and Jeongguk's falling towards the ground.

"Jeongguk!" Taehyung yells. He stops Jeongguk for a moment with his power but the one the witch is using is making it utterly difficult.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and then let's himself fall. When he reaches Jeongguk, he hugs him again but this time there's no power stopping them, except the one Taehyung's using to let them fall and not hold up.

"This will be a bad fall." Taehyung utters.

"Heal me later." Jeongguk whispers.

"Won't be a problem." Taehyung whispers but the moment they're about to touch the ground, they're stopped.

"I'm getting tired of your games, Taehyung." The witch utters as she holds them above the ground.

"You're not nothing to me, okay? You're everything I can ever ask for." Taehyung utters, remembering the words of the witch from before. Jeongguk smiles. His eyes are on the witch who watches them with her patience running thin.

They've managed to bring her down to the battle ground.

The two get up, looking at the witch who seems to be on the last edge of the patience. "I tried to be nice to you but you didn't listen."

"I'd never listen to you." Taehyung utters. "I've been under your control enough."

"And I'm not letting you hurt my mate." Taehyung utters. He levitate off the ground and levels the witch.

"Hurt? Sweetheart, I'm going to finish him." She laughs.

"I'd like to see you try!" Taehyung growls and uses the force to bring her close to him. He curls his hand around her throat.

Her hand curls on Taehyung's wrist and twists it away only for Taehyung to push her with the force so hard that she falls to the ground with an obvious depth.

Taehyung knows Jeongguk's no longer here and he knows it must've been so difficult for him to leave but he can't stay here. It's too dangerous.

"The more power you unleash, the more your body will benefit me." She utters.

"You're not getting anything from me except your death." Taehyung utters and the two fly towards eachother. Taehyung, having the stronger force field holds her once again.

"It's time to destroy your pathetic soul since your body is already gone." Taehyung utters and presses his finger over her head.

She screams in pain as the light swirls inside her eyes, the trapped soul fighting to be free.

Taehyung sees the effect of it on the body, the skin getting more wrinkled and pale. It is quite a difficult task that Taehyung has only read and never done.

It's making his own body weak but he has to keep going, he has to separate her soul from the body.

Her agonizing screams are heard all over the field. Taehyung sees the faint shield around the two, his fellow faes protecting anyone from attacking and stopping the process.

"You're---". Taehyung's words are cut when he feels sudden pain in his stomach. He looks down to see long nails buried deep inside his skin.

"You kids know nothing of how to use your powers." She utters.

"I see you've already lost the little one inside or else it would've been more painful." She laughs. Taehyung coughs blood.

"Don't make me damage your body, Taehyung. I need it." Her voice is weak and so is her grip on Taehyung's wrist but the nails create a deep wound.

"Taehyung!" He hears Jeongguk's voice.

"No---no please go." Taehyung weakly looks at Jeongguk and says, the pure blood looking up at them in horror.

"Let him go!" Jeongguk yells. But Taehyung keeps holding onto her. He buries his own nails in her skin but she only smirks.

"There you go." She utters and raises Taehyung to throw him to the ground but before she does that, Taehyung's claws elongate and he claws her neck, groaning when her own nails leaves his stomach and he waits for the fall.

But it comes in the form of two arms holding him gently and beautiful brown eyes looking at him with tears in their eyes.

"I'm okay." Taehyung whispers. "I'll heal in no time." He tries to smile but only coughs more.

Jeongguk wipes the blood off of Taehyung's lips and covers his belly, the already bloodied cloth now gets more of it. Taehyung covers his hand and smiles faintly.

"See, it's almost healed." Taehyung whispers. While it's true it's almost healed. Jeongguk's rage is no where even nearly gone.

Jeongguk looks back at the witch, her frail and weak body limping on the ground. He gets up and walks towards her, his claws elongated and teeth too.

Jeongguk pounces at her when she tries to get to her staff. His claws digging in stomach just like hers were to Taehyung's. She lets out a painful scream.

Jeongguk seems to lose all his sanity when the soul inside of the body makes a pathetic attempt to smirk at him. He lashes out.

Gash after gash of claws on her face, chest and stomach, he gives, growling at the sheer anger he feels.

"This is for all the pain you inflicted on Taehyung! For killing his father, for cursing him here---". Jeongguk claws at her again.

"For---for being the reason our baby couldn't survive---". Taehyung has tears in his eyes as he watches Jeongguk.

"And for cursing Taehyung! For putting that curse on my mate!" Jeongguk yells, his hands completely bloodied.

"Gukkie---". Taehyung is close to him, he doesn't even look at the body and pulls Jeongguk away.

Jeongguk pulls Taehyung away from her, his frantic steps make Taehyung hug him, holding him tightly as he sobs. "It's okay, Gukkie. It's okay."

Jeongguk's eyes are on the body he just demolished, blood on his hands as he hugs Taehyung and closes his eyes, doesn't want to look at her and only wants his mate.

"Tae---". Jeongguk's voice is quivering, the weight of his action heavy on him.

Pathetic fool, Taehyung darling. If I can't have you then he can't either.

Taehyung opens his eyes, breaking the hug and turns around. His eyes widen when he sees the distorted figure standing, the soul in the eyes burning.

They were supposed to kill the soul, not the body.

Jeongguk watches in disbelief at the distorted figure of the witch but what had his attention was the staff, the now useless piece of wood pointed at Taehyung.

"No!" Taehyung didn't get to use even a little of his power to stop the attack coming at him. He wasn't even given a choice.

For now, in front of him stood Jeongguk, having switched their place and making Taehyung go through the pain of hearing the wood penetrating his skin. Taehyung watches as Jeongguk takes stuttering breaths, all while looking in his eyes.

Then he coughs blood, then his knees buckle and Taehyung is pulled on the ground with him. Taehyung sees just the tip of the staff in front of the chest. He doesn't even want to imagine what his back looks like.

"Gukkie---". Taehyung whispers, in complete and utter disbelief.

"It's---Alright." Jeongguk coughs and then his head falls on Taehyung's shoulder.

"No, no no please no, Jeongguk---". Taehyung cups Jeongguk's face and sees him slipping out of consciousness.

He doesn't see Seokjin running towards them and uses whatever elixir he has to keep the witch under control. Nor did he see their friends coming.

"Tae, baby---I---".

"I know. Okay, I know." Taehyung says.

"But I want to say it---". But Taehyung only shakes his head.

"I'll heal you. Don't you worry." Taehyung utters in panic.

He cries when he sees the staff lodged on his mate's back but he holds it, with shaking hands he pulls at it.

Jeongguk cries and screams at the pain and when Taehyung pulls it all out, he covers it but it doesn't stop the blood.

Jeongguk falls on the ground, eyes on Taehyung who cups his face, tears streaming down.

"It'll take just a moment." Taehyung whispers and puts his hand on Jeongguk's chest.

He tries but it nothing happens. He looks at his hands in betrayal. He closes his eyes and tries again. When it is in vain, he cries.

He cries and he wails in anger, the pent up frustrated and agony and now watching his mate slipping away from him makes him scream.

There's a bright light that suddenly surrounds Taehyung and Jeongguk as if in the middle of the night, the sun had itself come down on earth.

Taehyung cannot see anything but bright light all around. He can feel the weight of Jeongguk on his lap, of the strain that's been on his mind and the weakness that's now taking over him completely.

He feels warm liquid trickle down his nose, he feels ringing in his ears and his head pounding with pain.

You need healing too, my child. My brave, brave Taehyung.

The voice is so soft and mellow, the one you'd want to listen to if you want to fall asleep. A voice of a beautiful choir, a lullaby, a song thats makes you feel like you're home.

Taehyung lets the voice lead him because he knows it'll lead him home.


Taehyung stands in front of the witch's body. Seokjin lets go of the elixir and Taehyung wastes no time in catching the frail looking body.

"It's over." Taehyung whispers. He summons the soul out of the body, the weak body now in no shape of holding the soul inside it.

Taehyung watches as the tiny white flame, the soul flickering in his palm. He looks at the source of his agony and them the white flame turns red as he conjures fire and then bursts it into ashes.

Taehyung feels himself breathe. It's like he's woken up from the deep water for the first time and is allowed to breathe in the fresh air.

"Taehyung." The gentle whisper makes him turn around.

He looks at him mate, a smile forming his lips to see him healed, to see him alive.

"Jeongguk." Taehyung takes a step forward but his body betrays him but thankfully, his mate is there to catch him like always.

"Hey." Jeongguk caresses Taehyung's face gently. "I got you."

Taehyung smiles weakly. "I know." He whispers.

Taehyung reaches for Jeongguk's face, this thumb caressing his cheekbone, index finger tracing Jeongguk's lips, his eyebrows and nose, down to his lips again.

"I love you." Taehyung whispers, his eyes filled with tears but a smile so beautiful on his lips.

Jeongguk can't seem to believe his ears at first. He chuckles at his mate.

"Baby---". Jeongguk whispers.

"You're not nothing to me. You're everything I ever wanted. I'm honored to be your mate." Taehyung utters.

Jeongguk feels heaviness in his heart as Taehyung repeats the words he said to him before too.

You need healing too, my child. My brave, brave Taehyung.

"Taehyung---let's get you well rested first." Jeongguk utters, feeling as if he's losing time. He doesn't know why.

It's not a goodbye my child, let it not be with tears but smiles.

The voice is so soft and gentle.

Jeongguk hooks his arms under Taehyung's knees and back, to pick him up but his legs give up and he can't seem to get up.

"Tae---". Jeongguk whispers, looking at his mate in surprise.

"I love you." Taehyung whispers.

Let your heart heal, my dear. You deserve it.

"What's that?" Jeongguk doesn't know who spoke those words but all around them, there's a white fog, zeroing in on them. The night, the moonlight are all getting engulfed by it.

"We need to go!" Jeongguk exclaims and picks Taehyung up with great difficulty and he finds it so odd because it was never difficult before. The fog is so thick that nothing but grayish wall feels to be lodged in front of their eyes.

Jeongguk watches everything disappear in the fog but he doesn't give up. He groans as he walks, the weight getting heavier in his arms.

And then suddenly it's gone. The weight in his arms is gone.

Jeongguk curls his arms, looks around blindly but there's nothing. And the fog clears right after a moment. Everyone is there. The army of the enemy has vanished, no body, no sign. Only their army is there.

Everyone's looking at him, his friends, his father, the few that saw the spectacle.

"Taehyung?!" Jeongguk exclaims, looking down at his arms because he was right here, right in his arms.

"Tae?" He whispers, broken-hearted.

Everyone is here. But Jeongguk's Taehyung isn't.


^The hell this Pic unleashed omg 🤧🔥

^Saw a man so beautiful I cried 😭

^He is so fucking pretty like what??!!

^excuse me while I look at the most ethereal man in the world 🥲


Hello loves. How are you all?

Hope you liked this chap and hopefully it was worth your time. Thank you for your patience.

Have a good day and peaceful night.

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"The crowds in stands went wild."
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Kai St. James - 17-years-old, gay, male pregnancy carrier - has known this his entire life, lives with his mama and step-dad and visits his dad every...
29.2K 796 41
For years, ex-NIS agent, Jeon Jungkook has been one of the globe's most wanted fugitive for a long run now until life caught up with him the criminal...
170K 18.6K 25
Kim Taehyung comes to Seoul, finally getting to pursue his dream of being a florist, taking over the small shop his grandmother used to own. In the p...