Nobilis Custos

By Yuki-D-Raizel

6.8K 191 29

With his powers sealed, leaving him stranded on Teyvat, Aether together with Paimon set out on a journey to f... More

Jala the Deceiver
Gears [Part 1]
Lost in Thoughts [Part 1]
Gears [Part 2]
Lost in Thoughts [Part 2]
See Who I Am [Part 2]
Vault of Heaven
Farewell [Part 1]
Farewell [Part 2]
Farewell [Part 3]
Farewell [Part 4]
Grief is the price for love [Part 1]
Grief is the price for love [Part 2]

See Who I Am [Part 1]

93 1 0
By Yuki-D-Raizel

Bennett's POV

"And you Bennett, are you comfortable with me escorting you back home?"

That question takes me unprepared. When I return to my senses everybody else is already gone, but Lady Barbatos did not move an inch, nor her kind smile faded as she waited for my answer.

How should I put this without being rude? I bite my lips and force myself to speak, she waited too long. "I appreciate your concern for me Lady Barbatos, but I must decline the offer. I shouldn't be standing near you at all, I could harm you which is unforgivable."

"Huh?" she cutely tilts her head, making a feeble ringing echo in the silence.

"I carry misfortune to myself and to whoever is close to me."

"I am aware of the weight you carry, Bennett. But I must ask, what did you call me?"

"L-Lady Barbatos." I make myself little, I fear so much the idea, even the possibility I offended the god of my hometown and my savior.

"Mh, I am mortified to break your expectations child, but I am not the God of Freedom. He is a male, remember?"

"Y-yes, well I thought that gods could shapeshift throughout eras to stay hidden."

"Good point, I give you that." she approaches me and before I could register it, she ruffles my hair in such gentle manner it almost makes me cry. "I told you my name already, child. Are you able to remember what happened when you were in Kaeya's arms?"

I fall silent and juice my brain to find the fragments of blurry memories I have from when I was rescued. I remember Mr. Jala's insane skills and speed, he could fly so fast to the point of breaking the laws of life. I don't recall how I ended up inside Captain Kaeya's arms, but... Yes, I remember now! When she stood before us and her back seemed to make even the skies bow for how mighty she looked.

Heed my words, mortals! My name is Harmonia, and I have never known defeat!

Those words ring like a scream in my mind, waking me from my remembrance zone.

"Lady... Harmonia...." I use a little of a questioning tone of voice, just because not sure if her name is pronounced that way or my hearing was still damaged by the whole exeprience.

"It is I, child. Good job." she nods proudly and extends her hand to me. "Now that we know each other better, I must ask again: are you comfortable with me escorting you back home?"

"B-but..." I hesitate. My hands carry a curse, I wish not for anything in the world to corrupt such pure soul.

"Please be at ease, little one. I am aware of the weight you carry, still I advanced the question. What your presence do to the world will never affect me, keep that in mind. I will be safe next to you, just the same as you will be safe next to me."

"A-are you saying that if a rock suddenly falls, you won't be in danger? Or if a lightnening strike you will able to avoid it? W-what if the weather gets so bad we cannot go back until I pass out?"

"Shall I prove that my presence will balance your scale?" she crouches and with a smile she adds: "If you wish so, let me have the honor to walk you home. You may choose whatever route you suit better for the testing. However I am sure nothing will happen to both of us and you have no need to pass out."

She sounds so believable.... Something about Lady Harmonia makes me feel safe, better than a home could ever offer to a person. If it's possible for me to live a single day without hiding my pain and the constant worry to be a bother, I'll take it. I take her hand and shyly smile with a nod to confirm her invitation. If I have to be punished, I'll be ready to take it, whatever will be fitting for someone like me.

"Thank you for having faith in me, child." she stands and is willing to let me lead her.

I will see this as a brand new adventure! If my bad luck will strike, I will take it nevertheless! Journeys are tough, I won't give up, I have my determination that as I go further day after day, maybe one day my bad luck will change!

3rd person's POV

-Stormterror's Liar-

The fight against Dvalin is almost over. One last time and the Knights of Favonius along with their Archon will defeat the dragon. After his mentor left, Venti returned to his mortal form, just focusing more on dealing damage by distance and keep a close eye on his friends.

After one last strike, guided by a masterful teamwork, Dvalin roars and after crushing against one of the few left platforms, he falls into the unknown. Barbatos is worried but he cannot have the time for it, for the entire dungeon now is collapsing after missing one huge chunk of it.

"It's falling apart!" Paimon exclaims looking around at the rain of ruins that now surround them all.

"Dvalin's collision must have accellerated the proc-" Diluc cannot end his own sentence that the platform they were standing on is engraved with huge cracks, ultimately breaking, leading the rescue team down as well.

They must not touch the Black Rot- Huh? Before acting, Venti notices that the corrusion that infested the place is gone. What is left of it is just a memory. Did Sensei cleanse the temple...? If yes, when? I did not see her do such complex task. He closes his eyes to remember the previous events, trying to focus on frame by frame but nothing has caught his eyes enough to leave a memory. He was intimidated by that spirit who had his mentor's image, he can barely remember anything else.

A huge shadow scoops the group and ascends, leaving the domain before it's too late. Fluffly clouds are gently pierced by its huge body, the flapping of its wings resound in the emptiness of a now sunny sky.
Despite the darkness, Venti does not need his sight to know who saved him and his knights. In fact, he moves his hand in a gentle motion to caress the creature.

"It's been a while since we flew together like this, right Dvalin?"

"Why... Why just now you did not order me to protect you?" the dragon open's his jaws and his voice travels to everyone's ears with almost a saddened tone.

"Well.... I didn't want you to follow the Abyss Order, nor I wanted to restrain you. After all, if I gave you an order it wouldn't be freedom at all."

As if he wanted to seal his words, Venti gifts some of his powers to the mighty dragon, as he pierces the clouds with brighter colors adorning his scales.
While soaring the skies, closer to Mondstadt, the quiet of resting is interrupted by the same ringing noises heard in the dungeon. Everyone's head automatically snap up to look around. Nobody is in sight, a melody escorted inside the currents of the wind.

Misori cadita mie somata osita, estora mortia seltia...

"Sensei...." Venti faces the ground, hoping to find his mentor, but when he fails instead of feeling down or worries, he chuckles and sits back down.

"Barbatos, do you know to whom this voice belongs?" Dvalin speaks with genuine interest.

"I do, friend."

"Who is it? I remember this voice erasing the darkness I was trapped in and gave me precious seconds of time where I wasn't in pain."

When he attacked the town and she lulled him to retreat. The Knights of Favonius think the same thing at the dragon's words.

"It's from my dear mentor, my friend. Her voice, just like anything else she's capable to do, can travel through dimensions." Venti blushes at the fond memories flashing in his mind. "Only her rings are able to echo so far yet with such distinct, crystalline noise every time she moves."

"I see. I own her a thank, may I be able to meet her?" the dragon looks on his back, Venti is laughing his lungs off and he does not understand why. "What's so funny about my question?"

"Sensei will gladly accept your invitation, but you need to be ready for her shadow to follow her."

"Shadow...? Every being in this world possess a shadow."

"Not the real shadow, silly. I'm talking about Izel, her right-arm; he does not go far from Sensei unless is her own order."

"Speaking of which, bard." Diluc scoops a bit closer so the wind won't have a chance to muff his voice. "Lisa does not trust Lady Y/n one bit, because apparently the very few information we have left of The Noble are quite similar. They portrait your mentor as a kind being, but traumatized the world for eons because of her insanity. First of all, I want your opinion about it."

"Mh, probably Ahl is the one able to inject terror into the veins of a world. I never saw Sensei, nor Izel in a way that could describe such thing. But hey, I'm not here to sell-"

"I will let you drink on the house for a year." Diluc puts the offer on the table and smirks when such alluring future is so tempting for even a god. "I just want your opinion on that group. Pretty nice deal, isn't it?"

"Fine, I was one of the lasts to join her so you better not take your words back if you are not satisfied Master." Venti sighs feeling a bit of shame, but he won't tell any secrets. Those are not worth even an entire world. "Izel is oldest amongst them, he knows Sensei better than anyone else and therefore is in charge of his mistress' wellbeing. He arranges the others in every way so that his lady's wish will be granted. He's a very gentle, caring, polite, mature and tidy person; and despite his hands carry such delicate touch to style and take care of Sensei's hair and clothes every single day, the same hands are capable of crushing mountains without efforts. He stays always by his mistress' side and never leaves it, for he is the last defence she has and he will not fall. Also as you saw already, he's very composed and rarely loses his cool, he flashes smiles from time to time outside interactions with his family, and every time he does, ladies faint."

That info is kinda useless. The mortals think between themselves.

"Arius is Sensei's sword. Second in command, and holds the title greatly, since Izel likes more to be a butler, Arius takes on the task of being the elite bodyguard. Whoever poses a threat to her, he's on the first lines to erase it completely without a hint of remorse, nor doubt. Despite his gaze would make demons tremble in fear, he's very knightly, corteous. The episome of perfection, yet behind his stern expressions rests his loyalty and desire to protect his dear ones, allowing him to vanquish all mercilessly. With his fair share in battles, he's not afraid to lay down his weapons and do chores that involve everything but combat such as cooking old and new dishes, reading, playing games. As long as someone is patient and willing to explain the new activity to him, he will be more than happy to try it out once and see if he enjoys it or not."

Like with that Mage at Dragonspine.... Think the Knights, but Venti avoids to contiinue and confuses them. What's wrong with him now?

"....Is this enough, Master Diluc?"

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