Side By Side

By Sagittarius_books

40.5K 2.8K 489

Marrying a straight person isn't good at all. But falling in love with a straight person is it wrong? Having... More

Author's note:
~Announcement 📢~


383 29 4
By Sagittarius_books

Two days, this continued. Win being rude to Bright, Bright was stressed, he can feel the unusual things in Win, but he can't pin point it out. He can't tell anyone about it as they'll not believe him. So he made a plan. A plan of saving Win.

The office period ended. All the employees went back home except Bright and Win. Bright came out of his cabin and knocked on his secretary's cabin door.

Win opened the door "What do you want?" Bright smirked "You" Win gritted his teeth "Stop wasting my time" He was about to shut the door, but Bright pushed it open. "Uh huh.. Not so fast baby doll" He casually said and sat on the couch with crossed legs.

"Who told you to enter inside?" Win asked furiously. Bright puckered his lips "Can't I come to my lover's cabin? You see no one's there.. " He licked his lower lip tilting his head. He secretly rolled the ring which Win gave him. Inside he was shaking but he needed to save his Win.

"Stop spouting nonsense and get out" Win said in a monotonous tone. Bright chuckled, he stood up walking towards Win slowly.

"I thought of having something hot tonight" Bright said. Win was flaring up, Bright notices the demeanor of Win, he confirmed it that Win wasn't in himself. Whenever he flirts, he always shys away but this time it was anger.

"Stop it Chivaree"

"Why so angry barbie doll? Come on let's do it here" Bright winked at him. Win started panting hard, fisting his palms tightly, the red veins was slowly appearing. Bright scanned his neck, he saw it. He smirked, he triggered Win more

"You look so beautiful now, glaring at me. I know you want me Win, I also want you. " Bright tilted his head to left "No one can separate Us"

That's when Win broke down. His eyes became dark, Bright got his answers. He was possessed by a bad soul as Win mentioned before to him. He slowly backed away making an attempt to run away

"What happened Win? Let's have sex.. Come to me babe, you love me so much, I love you so much, no one can do anything to us. No... One."

That's the last hit, Win threw the flower vase towards Bright, Bright ducked down the glass smashed on the wall, pieces fell down.

"NO ONE CAN TAKE MY MASTER AWAY FROM ME...I'LL KILL YOU" Win shouted but it was someone else's voice. Bright smirked "Come then" He ran away, Win chased behind him. The lights shut off, Bright hid here and there tricking Win.

Win was raging and panting hard. He looked for Bright everywhere.

"Come out.. "

Bright was scared, he kept silent, he peeked out from the cupboard, to see Win all messed up holding a rod. Win thumped the rod on the floor

"URGHHH.. COME OUT.. No one can save you little lover.. Your death and soul is written on my hand" Win laughed, then thumped the rod on the cupboard. Bright flinched, he saw a ball on one employee's table, he took it and threw it away. Win turned around and slowly wobbled towards the noise.

Bright saw Win moving away, he ran to other side. Win heard the foot steps, he ran following the noise. "COME OUT NOW.. BRIGHT FUCKING CHIVAREE"

Win was smacking the rod at places, the whole office was shaking badly, Bright covered his ears, running straight, the things started falling one by one on his way.

"DON'T THINK OF RUNNING AWAY FROM ME.. IT'S OF NO USE" Win laughed, banging the rod. Bright hid again, Win stopped, turned his body to see someone's shadow under the flickering tube light.

He smirked, swayed his body while walking. Bright can feel him coming, he was getting nervous. Win started humming , sometimes chuckling, Bright was sweating.

"I see you" Bright shivered as the voice whispered near his ear pinna. Bright turned his head, too see Win's aligned to his looking straight, he was shaking looking at Win's side profile.

"Where will you run Chivaree? You'll only find your death wherever you run away." Win grinned and looked at his side, smiling creepily. Bright flinched, Win choked his neck. The grip was tight, Bright have a hard time breathing. Win was tilting his head right to left gritting his teeth, glaring at Bright

"Only mine... Ajin is just mine" Win said. Bright winced at the pain on his neck he struggled to say "Win is mine.. I-I love him" The grip was getting tighter, Bright swing his leg up to kick Win's stomach. Win stumbled back, Bright panted heavily scurried away.

Win giggled, he swayed his body and stood up, his head tilted at the right glaring towards the door where Bright ran "I'll end your life.. So that Ajin and I can.. Stay.. Forever" Win chuckled, he took the rod and walked towards the door.

It was a pool area, Win wobbled looking around in search of Bright. "Do you want to play hide and seek?" Win chuckled, he dragged the rod on the floor which made a screeching sound. Win was walking here and there, there was no sign of Bright.

Suddenly he heard "Hoi... I'm here" Win looked up at the starting block, there stood Bright with full confidence. It was at a medium height, Win smirked. Bright chuckled "Come up to catch me"

Win laughed "Want to die in water?" Bright snickered, he put his hands on his waist "No... To make love with you Bella" Win gritted his teeth those words triggered the soul. He started to climb up to the starting block. They stood in front of each other.

Both glared at each other, Win walked to him slowly, cracking his neck tilting it sideways. Bright stepped back a bit. Win lifted his hand, kept it on Bright's neck. "Giving up so easily?" Win chuckled, Bright smirked. He punched Win's face, Win stumbled back, glared up at him. He marched towards him, Bright blocked the wrists and rolled it at the sides glaring at Win.

"Don't worry, I'm a born fighter" Bright said, he pulled Win by his wrists and thumped his face on his nose. Win's head jerked back, Bright felt sad but he have to do it for the sake of saving Win.

Win's head glided up at the front, the blood was oozing out of his nose, it rolled up again to his nose. Win chuckled "Not so easy boy" Win yanked away his hands and punched Bright.

Bright gripped the railing, Win choked him bending him, gripping the neck tightly. Bright was struggling, he choked Win back. Win smiled creepily at him. Bright hissed "If it's not easy for me, then I'll make it easy for you, thank you for teaching me" The grip loosened up a bit, Bright pushed Win's chest and kicked his stomach. Win fell backwards, his body sinked down in the water.

Bright panted then pulled out his phone, he shouted "DEW NANI NOW" Dew and Nani dragged the speakers outside. Bright connected the Bluetooth, then played the mantra, he sat on his left knee, he clasped his palms together.

Dew and Nani copied his action, three of them closed their eyes. The mantra blasted in maximum volume. Win thrashed up in the water "URGHHHHHH"

The mantra boomed the entire room, Win splashed the water, shouting for help, wincing in pain. The mantra was so powerful, his body can't control itself.

He was shaking vigorously. Black smokes evaporating up from his thrashing body. Win sinked down, he swam up, his body slowly rising up from the pool, water dripping from his whole body, his arms was at his side, curling his fingers to stop the mantra but his powers was nothing in front of this chanting.

As if the volume was rising up and up, shaking the entire room, the three of them stayed still in their position. Win fell down in the pool again, he cried and shouted, thrashing furiously

"NOO STOPPPP URGHH" Win screamed at the top of his lungs. The soul was leaving his body, his orbs became normal, the red veins were disappearing from his face, the mantra was also coming to an end. Win's body was becoming numb, the soul left his upper portion. The mantra was pulling the bad soul out of his body.

Win shouted for the last time, his eyes rolled back, his lower limbs gave up, he fell backwards. The black soul floated in the water, it vanished in thin air after saying

"I'll come back.... I'll come back ahhh~"

Win's body sinked down, unconscious. The mantra ended. Three of them opened their eyes, Bright jumped into the pool, swam deep down, hugged Win's body. Dew and Nani waited for them, there they saw Bright came up at the water surface with Win in his arms in bridal style unconscious.


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