The Unholy Trinity

By kurenohikari

3.6K 67 4

Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of... More

Highway to Hell
My Family
Getting to know each other
Just Like Fire
Gift of a Friend
Tick Tick Boom
Everybody Talks
Raise Hell
Sweet Sacrifice
Angel of Mine
Dream On
Wedding Bells

Take You To Hell

99 1 0
By kurenohikari

In the depths of her realm, Raven, now reigned as the Queen. She had immersed herself in the task of rebuilding the kingdom she had claimed, but that had not been easy. The demonic inhabitants of her realm posed a constant challenge, their volatile nature requiring her constant vigilance to keep them in check. It was a never-ending battle. Her days were spent studying the arcane arts, delving deep into ancient tomes, and unraveling the secrets of her realm. The pursuit of knowledge was her refuge, a sanctuary where she could find solace amidst the chaos.

Amidst the grim and somber backdrop of her existence, Raven's sarcastic wit remained a constant companion. People's antics and feeble attempts at humor often garnered a dry and biting remark from her. Her seemingly emotionless facade served as a shield, allowing her to navigate the trials of her realm without fully revealing the turmoil within. When confronted with the frivolity of others, she would offer a quip or a piercing observation, a reminder of the depths of her intellect and the sharpness of her tongue. Though she rarely showcased her emotions openly, her sarcasm became a way to assert her presence and assert her dominance in a realm teetering between darkness and order.

"Ah, yes," Raven would mutter, her voice laced with a touch of disdain. "Because nothing says, 'I'm in charge' like a sarcastic remark in the face of utter foolishness."

Right now, she was seated upon her dark and foreboding throne. Raven's thoughts wandered, burdened by the weight of her choices and the sacrifices she had made. In the depths of her introspection, her mind drifted to her beloveds, Damian, and William, who remained on Earth while she bore the mantle of her realm. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unworthiness, a gnawing belief that she was undeserving of their angelic presence in her life. Her heart ached with a bittersweet longing, a conflicted mix of love and self-doubt.

"I know that they wrong for me," she whispered quietly, her voice tinged with a touch of melancholy. "That they are gonna wish we never met on the day I leave."

The warmth of their love, the light they brought into her darkness, was both a source of solace and a reminder of her own flaws. In their presence, she felt the weight of her own inadequacies, her tendency to bring destruction to all she touched. It wasn't their fault, she acknowledged. It was her burden to bear. "And it's not your fault I ruin everything," Raven murmured, her voice barely a whisper. "And it's not your fault I can't be what you need. Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me."

The dichotomy between their angelic natures and her own darkness gnawed at her soul. She couldn't escape the nagging feeling that she would only bring them pain, that her own demons would taint their lives. Yet, her love for them remained unwavering, an unyielding force amidst her doubts. "I'm everything they said I would be," she mused, her voice laced with resignation. "A creature of darkness, a bringer of despair. How could I expect angels like you to withstand the depths of my own abyss?"

And so, Raven sat upon her throne, caught between the love she held for Damian and William and the belief that they deserved better than her. It was a struggle she faced within the recesses of her troubled soul, a battle she fought in silence. But even as she contemplated her worthiness, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She would continue to fulfill her duties, to protect her realm, and to navigate the treacherous path of her own existence. For in the end, her love for them, tainted as it may be, was a flame that refused to be extinguished.

With a heavy heart and an unwavering resolve, Raven vowed to find a balance between her own darkness and the light she held dear. For her beloveds deserved more than she believed she could give, and yet, their presence in her life was a testament to the transformative power of love. In the depths of her introspection, Raven sought solace in the knowledge that even amidst her flaws, her beloveds remained steadfast. And perhaps, just perhaps, they were the wings that would allow her to soar beyond the confines of her own self-doubt.

As Raven sat upon her throne, lost in her thoughts, a sudden presence broke through the veil of her introspection. Mazikeen, the fierce and loyal servant of Lucifer Morningstar, demanded an audience with the Queen. A proposition hung in the air—a merging of realms, with Raven becoming a Princess of Hell. It was an unexpected turn of events, one that stirred a mix of surprise and gratitude within her.

Raven's typically stoic expression softened slightly as she realized the cunning mind behind this offer. "Ah, Damian," she muttered under her breath, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of her lips. "Always finding a way to make life interesting."

The notion that Damian, with his lineage tied to Lucifer himself, had orchestrated this plan touched Raven deeply. It was a gesture born out of understanding and a desire to alleviate her burdens. To have her demons kept in check by the fear of Lucifer's wrath was a rather ingenious solution, one that allowed her to return to Earth and be reunited with her beloveds.

A wry smile played upon Raven's lips as she regarded Mazikeen. "Very well," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "I suppose I shall embrace the title of Princess of Hell. It has a certain ring to it, don't you think? And besides, who am I to turn down the opportunity to have my demons corralled under the watchful eye of the Morningstar themself?"

As she rose from her throne, the Queen of her realm and now a Princess of Hell, Raven's thoughts turned to her beloveds, Damian, and William. The hope of being reunited with them filled her heart with warmth and longing. In the depths of her enigmatic nature, she found solace in the knowledge that their connection transcended realms.

"And so, my journey continues," Raven murmured, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and anticipation. "Back to Earth, back to the ones who hold my heart. With the title of Princess of Hell, I shall navigate the realms of darkness and light, knowing that Damian's hand guides me from the shadows."


As Raven, Damian, and William stood face to face, the weight of their separation hung palpably in the air. Two years of longing, sacrifice, and battles fought in solitude were encapsulated in this moment of reunion. In Damian's case four long years. Emotions swelled within their hearts, threatening to break the stoic facades they often wore.

Raven found herself at a loss for words. The grimness that usually cloaked her countenance was momentarily replaced by a flicker of vulnerability, revealed in the depths of her eyes. In that moment, the weight of her duties and the trials she had faced melted away as she gazed upon her beloveds, a mix of relief and longing emanating from her very core.

Damian displayed a rare moment of vulnerability. The furrow between his brows softened as he looked upon Raven and William, the intensity of his gaze betraying the depth of his emotions. His usual impatience tempered by the gravity of their reunion, he found solace in the knowledge that they had weathered their time apart and emerged stronger, a testament to their unwavering bond.

And then there was William. The exuberance that often radiated from him was momentarily tempered by a sense of maturity and understanding. His eyes, wide with wonder, now reflected a depth of emotion that had been nurtured through their separation. The boyish excitement intertwined with a profound gratitude for their reunion, a testament to the growth he had undergone during their time apart.

In that moment, the burdens they carried, the battles they fought, and the distance that had separated them seemed insignificant. Their individual personalities faded into the background as the sheer force of their emotions took center stage. Raven, Damian, and William were no longer the enigmatic girl, the charismatic leader, and the wide-eyed youth—they were simply three souls reunited, bound by a love that had withstood the test of time.

Silence enveloped them, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. No polite pleasantries or scripted phrases were needed. Their eyes conveyed a thousand emotions, their unspoken gestures speaking volumes. A shared understanding passed between them, an unbreakable bond forged through sacrifice and shared experiences. In that quiet moment, the years of separation melted away, and they found solace in the warmth of each other's presence. The reunion was a reminder that their love, though tested and strained, had persevered. As their hearts beat in synchrony, a newfound sense of purpose and determination settled within them—a resolve to face the challenges ahead, knowing they were stronger together.

And so, they stood, their emotions intermingling, their souls reconnecting. The depth of their reunion transcended mere words, for their hearts had already spoken volumes. In that fleeting instant, the weight of the world was lifted, leaving only the undeniable truth that they were finally together again. As Raven, Damian, and William embraced, the walls that had guarded their emotions crumbled away, and their reunion transformed into a moment of heartfelt warmth. No longer constrained by the weight of their duties, they reveled in the joy of being together once more, allowing their love to flourish in the open.

Raven's stoic facade melted away as she wrapped her arms around Damian, her touch conveying a depth of emotion words could never capture. Her normally dry and sarcastic remarks gave way to a softness in her voice, revealing a vulnerability that only he and William could elicit. "I've missed you both," she murmured, her words a tender confession that echoed the longing that had consumed her during their time apart.

Damian, his usual air of confidence slightly softened, held Raven close, relishing the sensation of her presence in his arms. The depths of his affection were laid bare, as he was overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that flowed through him. "I've thought of you every day," he confessed, his voice laced with sincerity. "Nothing could keep me away forever."

William, caught up in the wave of emotions that surged through the reunion, embraced them both with a contagious enthusiasm. His infectious smile radiated pure joy as he reveled in their closeness once more. "You wouldn't believe the things that have happened," he exclaimed, his words spilling forth with youthful excitement. "But I knew we'd find our way back to each other. We always do."

As they settled into a comfortable conversation, their individual personalities breathed life into their interactions. Amidst their catching up, their exchanges were peppered with stolen glances, subtle touches, and the unspoken language that lovers share. Raven's sarcastic wit resurfaced in playful banter, eliciting laughter and gentle ribbing from Damian and William. Their connection was not merely one of duty or friendship—it was a deep-rooted love that had withstood the test of time.

Hours passed in their intimate reunion, and the world outside faded into insignificance as they reveled in the warmth of each other's company. They spoke of their fears, their triumphs, and the dreams they nurtured during their time apart. And as the night wore on, their embrace never faltered, their love radiating in every word, every touch.

As the conversation between Raven, Damian, and William continued to flow with love and affection, a moment of profound significance loomed on the horizon. The moment had arrived when Raven would be officially introduced to the Justice League Dark as its newest member. A sense of anticipation and purpose filled the air, reflected in the subtle transformations taking place.

William, feeling the surge of power within him, transformed into his Captain Marvel form. The room crackled with energy as his muscles rippled, his youthful features now radiating strength and confidence. Damian donned his Flamebird costume. Golden wings spread wide on his back, eyes shining blue and green. The room seemed to grow warmer as his resolve burned brightly, a testament to his commitment to justice and the protection of the innocent. Raven, too, felt the weight of her role as she reached for her crown, an emblem of her newfound position. As she placed it upon her head, an air of regality enveloped her, a fusion of darkness and power. Her demeanor became even more enigmatic, the quiet strength that always emanated from her now amplified in the presence of the crown.

Together, they stood as a formidable trio, The Unholy Trinity. This was a significant day, not only for Raven but for the entire Justice League Dark. With Flamebird, Captain Marvel, and now Raven joining their ranks, they stood as a formidable force against the darkness that threatened to engulf the world. The room was soon abuzz with excitement as the other members of the Justice League Dark gathered, welcoming Raven into their fold. The likes of Zatanna, Constantine, Black Adam, and Morgana, among others, gathered around, their expressions a mix of curiosity and acceptance. Each member brought their unique abilities and experiences, and Raven's addition added another layer of power and mystique to their collective.

This meeting was not only important because of Raven's introduction but because of her upcoming crowning in Hell, to which the whole Justice League Dark has been invited to. As the members of the Justice League Dark gathered to discuss the upcoming party in Hell, an air of both excitement and cautious anticipation filled the room. Etrigan was particularly elated by the prospect of Hell aligning with the forces of good.

"Ah, the crowning of our very own Princess of Hell! It seems Hell itself is undergoing quite the transformation. Lucifer joining the good guys? Who would have thought?" Etrigan sounded hopeful.

John couldn't resist a dry remark, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Well, I must say, Hell must be freezing over now that Lucifer's started taking others' opinions into consideration. Quite a departure from their usual fiery disposition, isn't it? Though, I suppose bloodlines do have their influence, even if it's our dear Flamebird's great-grandparent we're talking about."

"Ah, Constantine, always the one to find a way to bring up bloodlines," Flamebird, standing tall with a hint of a smirk, met John's sarcasm head-on.

Zatanna chimed in with a calm tone. "This gathering is a chance for us to solidify our relationships and establish our presence within the realm. It's crucial that we make the most of this opportunity."

"I must admit, a party in Hell does have a certain... unconventional charm," Raven interjected with a touch of dry humor. "And being crowned as a Princess of Hell? Well, I suppose it's a fitting title for someone like me."

"The balance of power in Hell has shifted, and it is imperative that we navigate these changes wisely," Morgana added her insight to the discussion.

As the discussion continued, each member of the Justice League Dark brought their unique perspectives to the table. They debated the nuances of dealing with the denizens of Hell, the potential pitfalls, and the necessity of maintaining their own moral compass amidst the darkness. Though, most members, not to say all of them, do not have a moral compass or it is as grey as it can be... with a heavy touch of dark.

As the meeting drew to a close, they left the room with a renewed sense of determination. The upcoming party in Hell would be a testament to their strength, unity, and resilience. With Raven's crowning as a Princess of Hell, they would solidify their presence within the realm and pave the way for a new era.


As Zatanna Zatara, Captain Marvel, and John Constantine made their way to the Justice League headquarters, anticipation and a sense of tension filled the air. They were about to brief the core members of the League on the recent developments in Hell and the crowning of Raven as a new member of the Justice League Dark. The meeting room was buzzing with activity as the members of the Justice League took their seats, their expressions ranging from curiosity to guarded interest.

Batman, ever vigilant and protective of his young son Damian, aka Flamebird, had a stern and focused demeanor. His piercing gaze fell upon the trio entering the room, demanding answers. "Zatanna, Captain Marvel, Constantine. You've requested this meeting, and I expect a thorough explanation for bringing my son into your ranks. What has transpired in Hell, and why is Raven now part of your team?"

"Never one to quit, are you Batsy?" John raised an eyebrow with a dry chuckle, like a dog with a bone.

"Shut up!" Zatanna hissed and began to explain the recent events and the benefit of having Raven as a powerful ally. Then proceeded to try and calm down her old friend. "Batman, we understand your concern, but Raven has proven herself to be an invaluable asset. Her control over her demonic heritage, along with her vast magical abilities, will be instrumental in our future battles against supernatural threats. She's already an integral part of our team."

"Yeah, Bats! Raven's been amazing!" Captain Marvel, with a mixture of youthful enthusiasm and a touch of nervousness, chimed in. Making sure to protect his other self's beloved. "She's got this whole other realm under control, and she's a force to be reckoned with. Plus, having her on our side means we can tap into Hell's resources for the greater good."

"Oh, come on, Bats. You're not worried about little Flamebird, are you?" John Constantine, ever the snarky Brit, couldn't resist the opportunity to add his dry humor to the situation. "He's got the skills to handle anything we throw at him. Besides, Hell's nothing compared to his own family tree. Lucifer themself is practically his great-grandparent. It's like a family reunion down there!"

The room filled with a mixture of amusement and exasperation at John's irreverent comment. Batman, however, remained stoic, his eyes fixed on the trio, his concern evident. "Keep a close eye on my son, Constantine. He's young and has much to learn. One wrong move, and I won't hesitate to step in."

John smirked, unable to resist a snappy retort. "Don't you worry, Bats. We'll take care of the little birdie. And if he causes any trouble, I'll make sure to give him a good bollocking. It's all part of the family dynamic, isn't it?"

The room erupted in restrained laughter, the tension slowly dissipating. Batman, although still cautious, realized the determination and dedication of the members before him. With a nod, he acknowledged their explanations, silently accepting the inclusion of Raven into the Justice League Dark.

As the discussion continued, the Flash, ever the optimist and peacemaker, attempted to assuage Batman's concerns. With his trademark wit and a twinkle in his eyes, he chimed in. "Come on, Bats, you know we've got it covered. If Raven ever poses a threat to Earth, we've got the big blue Boy Scout himself, Superman, to handle it. He's the ultimate safeguard, right?"

The Flash's comment earned a chuckle from some of the League members, but Captain Marvel couldn't resist bursting out in laughter. "Flash, my man, Superman may be up there, but he's not in the top three. It's Flamebird, Raven, and yours truly who take those spots. We're a force to be reckoned with and it all depends on the day at that. Sorry, Supes, you're number nine." Captain Marvel's boastful remark elicited shocked silence in the room. They had not been expecting that, for Superman to be discarded as the strongest so easily. What kind of power force does the Justice League Dark possess? "Then on fourth place is Black Adam and then on fifth Enchantress. Sixth and seventh position is also contested and depends on the day, between Circe and Morgana. Eighth goes to Cyborg, mostly because of his Mother Box. Ninth goes to Superman and tenth to the Flash. And that is not mentioning the various deities on earth, Chaos Lords, and Order Lords."

As the rankings were revealed, there was a collective gasp of surprise among the members of the Justice League. The Flash's eyes widened, unable to contain his astonishment, while Batman raised an eyebrow skeptically. The room buzzed with a mix of disbelief and amusement. "Hold on a sec! Did I hear that right? Flamebird, Raven, and Captain Marvel at the top? That's... unexpected."

"Truly, they have proven themselves formidable," Wonder Woman joined the conversation, her expression a mix of curiosity and admiration. "It seems we have some rising stars among us. Flamebird, Raven, and Captain Marvel have certainly earned their spots."

"Looks like the new blood is shaking things up," Hal Jordan chimed in, a playful smirk on his face. "I never thought I'd see the day when Supes drops down to ninth place. Gotta admit, it's refreshing to have some friendly competition."

Superman himself chuckled, taking the revelation in stride. "Well, well, I suppose it's a good thing to have such talented teammates. Ranking or not, we're all here to protect the world, and that's what truly matters."

The rankings sparked a mix of reactions, ranging from surprise to amusement, as the members of the Justice League absorbed the unexpected turn of events. It was a reminder that power and potential were not always predictable, and that each hero brought their unique strengths to the table.

"Rankings aside, I still need reassurance that my son will be safe. We can't afford any risks." Batman crossed his arms over his chest with a batglare.

Zatanna Zatara stepped forward with a reassuring smile. She understood Batman's concerns and wanted to put his mind at ease about his son's safety. "Batman, I've known Raven for a while now, and I can assure you she's a valuable addition to the team. She's strong, level-headed, and has an incredible ability to control her powers. Flamebird is in good hands with the Justice League Dark."

"I appreciate your words, Zatanna. I trust your judgment." Batman's stern expression softened slightly, his trust in Zatanna evident. "Just... keep an eye out for him."

"You know I will, Batman," Zatanna nodded, her gaze conveying her determination and loyalty. "Flamebird is like family to us. We'll watch over him, just like we watch over each other."

Batman nodded, a mix of gratitude and concern still etched on his face. The bond between Zatanna and Batman ran deep, built on years of shared experiences and mutual understanding. With Zatanna's promise, Batman felt a glimmer of relief, knowing that Flamebird would be in the capable hands of the Justice League Dark.

"Very well. Keep me informed of any developments and ensure my son's safety. Now, let us focus on the tasks ahead and about your future visit to Hell." Batman finally relented with a sigh.

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