Leave Us Alone (Englot GirlXG...

By ToriAnne851

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Humans are born with different skin tones, genders, races, religions, cultures, and even ideas. Some think wh... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1. The Ardelean's Heir
Chapter 2. The Beaufort in London
Chapter 3. Your Good Girl
Chapter 4. Nuu, be mine...
Chapter 5. The Deranged of All
Chapter 6. Do You Mind?
Chapter 8. Sacred Rituals, Angels, Demons, and All
Chapter 9. Blood Sacred Rituals
Chapter 10. His Ego & His Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 11. Seraphel

Chapter 7. Transylvania

1.3K 70 10
By ToriAnne851

Clarissa finds herself overwhelmed with a sense of ponder as she gazes upon the structure that stands before her. Known as Corvin Castle, this architectural marvel was constructed during the 14th century, serving as a testament to the grandeur and significance of Gothic-style secular architecture in the region of Transylvania. The castle, a grand construction of notable size, tells emphasis on its majestic appearance and glorious roof tiles embellished in various colors. Its architectural composition features an array of towers, turrets, windows, and balconies, each meticulously decorated with detailed stone carvings.

The construction of the castle, authorized by John Hunyadi, the highly regarded Voivode (Governor) of Transylvania, took place during the 1440s. The structural remnants of a keep that Charles I of England had constructed once stood in the area where it now stands. The utilization of the keep remains in the construction of the castle served the purpose of fortifying the perimeter, thus granting Corvin Castle exceptional resilience, and positioning it among the most formidable fortresses across the European continent.

"Are we going to live in here?" Clarissa is still fascinated by the magnificent castle in front of her, and she can see tourists and tour guides walking around the castle, asking herself, "I mean, can we live here?"

"While some of the castle is open to the public, others, as well as many secret passageways, are only for family use. The Romanian governance was well aware of this." Enrietta responded, her arms still wrapped intimately around Clarissa's waist.

Following the chaotic encounters with the police and Dao's mother, Enrietta also found herself discussing an important conversation with Clarissa's parents. The purpose of this discussion was to ask them to give permission for Clarissa to go along with Enrietta on her forthcoming journey. There is something intriguing about Enrietta that makes Clarissa willing to follow the older woman to the end of the world. She also makes sure to formally inform her clinic and office that she is quitting and will be unable to provide any clinical consultation or treatment for the remainder of the session of her clients, "She asked me to marry her, so I decided to move to her country and be with her."

They are aware of how Clarissa has been treating Dao over the course of the past year, which is why the rumor that Clarissa agreed so quickly to marry a new person has been spreading like wildfire. She continued to turn down the man, despite the fact that he was making a concerted effort to pursue her and ask her to marry him; instead of acknowledging him as a fiance, she was traveling throughout Thailand for the purposes of a seminar or business. She recently returned from a trip to London, England, and now she is announcing that she is leaving Thailand to travel to Romania with a stunning woman she recently met.

"Do you have any regrets about leaving Bangkok?" Enrietta asks gently.

"No, not at all. I'm thrilled and can't believe we get to live in a castle." Clarissa's eyes widened, "there's a torture chamber inside it, right?"


John Hunyadi, an influential military figure of the era, maintained a close connection with the royal family. As a result, the castle he authorized had been meticulously constructed to serve the dual purpose of a powerful fortress and an imposing prison. In the written record of history, it is recorded that Hunya, known for his position of power and influence, requested the construction of two chambers set aside for the practice of torture. These chambers were carefully situated within the depths of the castle's basement, serving as testimony to the dark tendencies of their owner. It's worth noting that these chambers were thoughtfully maintained, ensuring that they were equipped with the most advanced and modern methods of torment available during that era. The multi-level prison, in addition to serving as a place of confinement, functioned as a confined space specifically designed for the purpose of resulting in torment upon its inmates. In this particular historical context, it's important to mention that the imprisoned people within the castle were subjected to an environment of neglect and abandonment, resulting in their gradual physical and emotional deterioration, ultimately leading to their death. The Knight's Hall, in addition to its primary function, served as a venue for interrogation and witnessed numerous spectacles of torture during its historical tenure. During his living existence, Hunyadi consistently maintained the castle in a state of neatness and cleanliness. However, the tragic passing of Hunyadi in the year 1456 caused an abrupt and significant decline in the castle's condition, resulting in a state of desolation that was immediately noted. For centuries, the castle endured a period of neglect and deterioration. However, its robust architecture and remarkable design positioned it as one of the most formidable fortresses in the eastern region of Europe. During the 17th century, the descendants of Vlad III, commonly known as Vlad the Impaler, became aware of a peculiar phenomenon surrounding the castle that had long been left in a state of neglect for numerous centuries. Within the walls of the majestic fortress, the descendant of Vlad III stumbled upon a captivating scene embellishing the wall. Amongst the array of portraits, one particularly caught their attention - a depiction of their very own ancestor, Vlad III. This image was surrounded by the images of other leaders like; Matei Basarab, a fellow ruler from Wallachia, and Vasile Lupu, the supreme leader of Moldavia. The origins of the castle's history can be traced back to the initial arrival of Ardelean and Vlad III, who are regarded as prominent figures in the lineage. It is widely believed the descendants of Vlad III, in particular, were exceptionally powerful Ardelean, making their mark as one of the most powerful Ardeleans to have ever graced the earth.

Constructed during the Renaissance-Gothic era, the castle stands proudly atop a rocky terrain, replacing a previous fortification. Its grandeur is evident in its massive size and commanding presence, characterized by lofty towers, sturdy bastions, and an inner courtyard. The castle's architectural style is further enhanced by its diverse array of colored roofs, as well as the intricate stone carvings that decorate its numerous windows and balconies. The castle, notable for its architectural features, includes a dual wall structure that helped strengthen its defensive capabilities. Additionally, the presence of both rectangular and circular towers, a pioneering design element within the realm of Transylvanian architecture during that era, further distinguishes this fortress. During the historical period under examination, several towers, namely the Capistrano Tower, the Deserted Tower, and the Drummers' Tower, served a significant purpose as places of solitary confinement These structures were utilized as prisons, representing an essential component of the prevalent social customs and judicial systems of the time. The construction of the Buzdugan Tower, appropriately named after the powerful mace weapon, was undertaken with a singular focus on fortification. Its primary function was to serve as a defensive stronghold, safeguarding the surrounding area from potential threats. Notably, the tower's exterior was ornamented with intricate geometric patterns, adding an aesthetic touch to its otherwise practical design. The inclusion of wide-ranging ports within the rectangular towers was a deliberate architectural choice, intended to facilitate the installation of weapons of considerable size.

According to historical records, it was widely known to the people that the Castle served as the place of confinement for Vlad the Impaler, an eminent figure known as the Prince of Wallachia. This imprisonment was allegedly orchestrated by John Hunyadi, a military commander and regent of Hungary, who assumed the responsibility of governing during the King's period. Subsequently, Vlad III forged a political alliance with John Hunyadi, despite the fact that the latter had played a pivotal role in the execution of his father, Vlad II Dracul. Due to the presence of these connections, it's occasionally believed that the Corvin Castle may have served as a source of inspiration for the creation of Castle Dracula within Bram Stoker's horror novel, Dracula, published in the year 1897. Hunyadi actually built the Corvin Castle for its goals while acting on Vlad III's orders. The Burtons played an important part in the alteration of the castle, improving it to a level of fame as one of the most impressive and expansive structures of its time. Before Hunyadi was completely overpowered by the Ardelean's power and after she chose Vlad III as one of her mates and used him to elevate himself to a position of supremacy. Only for the Castle to be forgotten after Hunyadi's death, for centuries until one of Vlad III's descendants discovered the Castle with all of the evil and haunted creatures that were contained within the Castle.

They went to Transylvania, a region famous for its natural beauty and embellished with charming medieval towns and monasteries. Notably, nestled within this appealing landscape lies Corvin Castle, an architectural gem that attracts the senses. The vibrant urban centers, graced with magnificent baroque structures, present a captivating attraction to visitors seeking contemporary tourism amenities at a considerably more affordable cost compared to destinations such as Germany or France. In this region, one can encounter a combination of highly developed urban centers and ancient rural settlements that have preserved their traditional way of life for over a century. Situated among the mystical Carpathian mountains, Transylvania finds itself enveloped by an ethereal mist, lending an air of mystique to its surroundings. This region, renowned for its beauty, serves as a sanctuary for a wide range of extraordinary fauna, including great bears and wolves. Moreover, Transylvania boasts a remarkable array of flora, with its landscapes wrapped by the presence of beautiful orchids and an extensive variety of other botanical specimens.

The locals are kind and welcoming, and they have some incredible tales to tell. In close vicinity to the legendary Corvin Castle lies a small urban settlement, wherein the local inhabitants extend a most hospitable reception to Clarissa, "Do they know anything about you?"

"They are at Ardelean's mercy," A young man chimed in, he is one of many who pick them up at the Târgu Mureș Transilvania Airport. Alongside Clarissa's parents, there are several more people who are determined to join and witness directly the historic encounter between the Burtons and the Ardeleans. Among them is William Burton III, an influential figure in the Burton lineage, who holds a deep curiosity and is looking into the shared history with the Ardeleans. Accompanying him is his daughter, Jacqueline Burton, a spirited and inquisitive young woman, eager to explore the depths of her family's past. Furthermore, two Ardeleans, whose identities remain undisclosed, have expressed an insatiable desire to partake in this momentous occasion, their motivations shrouded in mystery. Dimitri Romanov and his eldest son, Oleg Romanov, extended a warm welcome to their guests. Accompanied by Johann Dorian and his own firstborn, a daughter named Anna-Marie Dorian, a renowned political figure throughout Europe. Enrietta Ardelean, with her destined mate in her presence, embarked on a journey to Transylvania, where the grand Corvin Castle awaited their arrival. News of this momentous occasion spread like wildfire, intriguing the attention of not only the Ardelean's Vassal family's main lineage but also their small houses coming to Romania. They wanted to witness and recognize Enrietta's life partner, as they were also committed to safeguarding the partner's well-being for countless generations, until the appearance of the new Ardelean, capable of capturing the power of the Corvin Castle.

Clarissa is no stranger to the gaze of others, who regard her as a model of goodness - a model student, a flawless daughter, and a sought trophy girlfriend. The mixture of admiration, envy, and possessiveness that comes with such perceptions is a familiar experience for her. However, to be regarded with such admiration as if she were a deity? This is a moment of nervousness, of infinite possibilities, and of the unknown. This, In the realm of control and self-assurance, Enrietta's step reigned supreme. With fierce determination, she walked the path before her, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. As she gracefully moved through the crowd, a regal presence originated from her, causing all who crossed her path to instinctively lower themselves in devotion. Her hand remained solidly intertwined with Clarissa's, never once releasing its gentle grip.

"They've been with me ever since I was a small child; they're like family to me." Enrietta gazed out from the Castle, her eyes fixed upon the row of houses that lay before her. As she stood there, lost in her thoughts, a group of tourists happened upon the scene, their curious gazes were drawn to the same sight that had captured Enrietta's attention. A profound sense of emotion welled up within her, a feeling that had become all too familiar since the moment she had been together with Clarissa. Gratitude, a sentiment that seemed to influence her very being, coursed through her veins.

In the past, Anna-Marie had hoped to be Enrietta's Ardelean mate because they had occasionally shared bedtimes. "We're glad you finally found your mate, Miss Ardelean," she remarked. However, it soon became obvious that she was not the one. As she stood there, face to face with Clarissa, the truth came upon her, revealing the reason why she could never be Ardelean's mate.

"Yes, I am as well. Let's move on." With a gentle yet firm grasp, she pulled Clarissa along, leading her into the vast area of the Castle's backyard. Swiftly, they made their way towards a small door nestled in the corner.

Though its deteriorated appearance might deceive the casual observer, the door concealed a secret of highest advanced technology. Behind its timeworn exterior lay a state-of-the-art biometric lock, which can only be opened with Enrietta's face and fingerprints. As the door swung open, a sight of incomparable modernity greeted their eyes within the ancient confines of the castle walls. Before them lies a room decorated with a captivating blend of somber tones and melancholic shades, casting an air of intrigue upon the space. The opulent contemporary furnishings, meticulously chosen, grace the room with their presence, while scattered throughout are unique specimens of modern lighting, adding a touch of brilliance to the ambiance. The interior, in all its splendor, bears an uncanny resemblance to the illicit dwellings of contemporary times. The space is adorned with exquisite feature walls, each one a masterpiece in its own right. A sophisticated mural graces one wall, its complex details and captivating imagery capturing the imagination of all who behold it. The flooring, a stunning display of nouveau designs, beckons guests to cast their gaze downwards, mesmerized by the artistry beneath their feet. Throughout the room, large examples of eye-catching wall art command attention, their vibrant colors and striking compositions adding a touch of allure to the space.


"Yeah, let's go to our room; I never take anyone back to my castle." Enrietta flashes Clarissa an endearing grin, which comes as a surprise to everyone else familiar with her. "Having you in my castle makes me feel a little euphoric."

Clarissa's lips were caught between her teeth, an obvious indication of her growing excitement and genuine happiness. There was an undeniable sparkle in her eyes, a glimmer that couldn't be faked, "Lead the way to our room," she whispered, her voice laced with eagerness.

"Exactly what are we going to do?"

"Bed me." With a sweet giggle, Clarissa inquired, "Is that how they say it in Europe, I wonder?"

I don't know if you guys already know this, but I was busy in previous months. I hope I can update you more now, and please do me a favor, maybe to treat me a coffee?

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