sacrifice | Haerin x Male Rea...

By sweatygenes

23.5K 564 117

"You know, I was ready to sacrifice anything for you, even if it meant going against the entire world. Now le... More

1. greetings
2. farewell
3. danger
4. meet & greet
5. closer
6. i'm here
7. closure
8. feelings
9. i'm sorry
10. past
11. love
12. i loved you
13. leave
14. resentment
15. maturity
16. manager
18. reconcile
19. frustration
20. regret
21. together
22. thankful
23. epilogue

17. we meet again

743 20 0
By sweatygenes

Haerin POV:

We finally moved into one dorm just the other day, we'll be meeting our manager later today.

"Haerin!!!" Danielle comes barging into my room that I share with Hyein.

"Hi Dani" She gives me a hug

"We should get ready, we're attending the meeting in half an hour, afterwards we'll be going over Attention and Hype Boy."

"Okayyy, thank you!" I give her one last hug as she leaves my room.

Over the past couple months, I've gotten closer to Danielle.

I'd usually bother all the members, but I couldn't seem to bother Danielle, she's way too nice to do so.

I think that's why I love this group so much, everyone is different and special to me.

Minji and Hanni are barely older than me, yet I like to refer to them as boomers. They get pissed when I do so and it's funny.

Danielle is our source of happiness. Our dorm would be kinda gloomy without her.

Lastly Hyein, she's such a child! I always have to remind her to clean after herself.

"Haerin! Let's go?" Minji yells out

"Okay" We all leave the dorm and head to the meeting room.

As we take a seat, I get a little bit nervous. I don't know why, I thought I was excited to meet my new manager.

Just then, we hear a knock on the door.

"Yes come in!" The CEO yells out.

Just as the door opens, my eyes widen.

"Y/N?" everyone mutters.

"Girls?" He says back.

Just then, Hyein walks up to him and gives him a brutal kick to the side.

"OW" He yelps, the other members chuckling, I just continue to stare.

"Where the fuck where you.." Hyein begins to cry as she engulfs him into a tight hug. All he could do was smile.

"I'm sorry Hyein-ah, I won't leave again okay?" She nods

"So I assume you guys know each other? What a coincidence" The CEO chuckles.

"Y-Yeah, we go back a bit" Hanni says

Y/N takes a seat across from us. 

No words have come out since the moment I saw him, I didn't even know how to feel. No smile, frown, nothing.

"Okay! From now on, Y/N will be your manager. He went under training for new managers that are relatively new to the scene so there's no need to worry." He explains. 

"I need to leave the room for a bit, so feel free to catch up on anything. Be right back!" The CEO leaves.

The second he left, the girls went dashing to Y/N, giving him a hug.

"Y/N, we missed you kid." Minji says

"I missed you all too" He says as he smiles widely

"How have you been? Accepted yourself yet?" Hanni asks

"Sure have, I feel a lot better now than before." Just as he says that, for some reason all eyes were turned to me.

"hm?" that was the first thing I let out since he stepped foot into this room.

"I think we should give you guys some time alone" Hanni says smirking. Everyone leaves, leaving the two of us alone. Just then, Y/N comes and takes a seat beside me.



"I'm sorry" I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

"for?" I reply coldly

"For abandoning you even though I promised to not do so." All I can do was let a tear fall after he said that.

"I fucking hate you Y/N" I begin hitting his chest

"I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU" I repeatedly mutter, hitting him in the process.

"I..." I breakdown. I didn't know how to feel. The love of my life that left so abruptly is sitting right in front of me. How was I supposed to feel?

"I'm s-sorry" I let out

"Haerin..? There's nothing to apologize for, I was in the wrong-"

"No. You aren't. I didn't let you talk to me properly, and because of that it led us to an unhealthy relationship." Just from seeing him made me realize, I can't blame him forever. I was also at fault.

"Haerin" He grabs my chin, I look deeply in his eyes.

"That reaction was only natural, it's not your fault." All I could do is smile

"I'm really sorry Haerin, let's restart yeah?" He grabs my hands and rubs them, oh have I missed that feeling.

"Yeah.. Let's do that" I smile even wider. All of a sudden, he stands up and offers his hand.

"Hello Haerin-ssi. I'm Y/N, your new manager."

"pfttt shut up dumby" I wipe my tears. I grab his hand and pull him into a hug. 

"If I hear the words 'Haerin-ssi' coming from your mouth, I'll beat you up" I threaten Y/N.


"You testing me? Hyein taught me a couple things" we both chuckle

"I'm happy to see you again Haerin" He gives me that same smile that I've been longing for these past few months.

"Me too" Just then, the members come barging in. We immediately let go of each other.

"Did we interrupt something?" Hyein says in a teasing manner.

"Nope, we were just waiting for everyone to come back that's all" Y/N says

"mhmm" Hanni hums out.

"Okay guys I'm back, let's proceed with the meeting shall we?" The CEO walks back in.

"Anyways, Y/N will be living in the dorm beside you guys. He'll also be handling everything regarding your finances, schedules, etc. If ever there's any questions, feel free to let me or Y/N know and we'll gladly answer them. Good luck with everything guys! This meeting is concluded." He sends us off.

Just as we all leave and head to our practice room, I grab Y/N to say one last thing.


"Yes Haerin?"

"Where will you be?"

"I'll probably in my dorm getting everything moved in, how come?"

"Nothing, we'll be in the practice room if you need us, bye bye." I give him a wave, he does the same.

I don't really know why I asked that question, was I scared of being separated again? 

Let's not think negatively Haerin! He's back and that's all that matters, let's not mess up anything.

I head to the practice room and we begin to go over everything.

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